Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1277: injection

Dr. Ande opened the drawer and took out a stack of documents about the "Human Completion Plan". His research on "viruses" was the biggest effort of this project. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙ △ ¢, after Dr. Hawke's plan was rejected because the prospects were not optimistic, his plan became the core of the entire "hospital" research. However, although the essence of this plan is based on the study of "viruses", it is not a study of "viruses". It has been criticized by many people in the complex and insider group of "hospitals". His status at this time, his leadership and positive resource acquisition are not all because of his ability to convince the crowd, but more because he persuaded the sponsors of the "hospital". However, even to this day, he is still not sure who these sponsors are and who support the establishment of "hospitals". The energy of these sponsors can only make him associate with the border.

However, it does not matter who the sponsor is for the research itself. What is still important is what you can achieve as the highest research authority on the bright side, and even the entire "hospital". Presumably with the results, whether the research atmosphere inside the "hospital" is clear and transparent or turbid and dark is irrelevant.

After sitting in this position, Dr. Ande knew better than anyone. There is a huge secret hidden in this "hospital". Although his own party is the largest and most supported research team on the bright side, he cannot see it in his own way. Localities, various plans, and various studies are also underway. For example, after Dr. Hawk was denied research leadership, he still received funding in a latent manner from unknown sources. This situation did not only happen to Dr. Hawk.

Dr. Ande is very clear that he has no ability to dig out all the secrets. Therefore, the game with those secret researchers becomes inevitable. On this island, the "hospital" is the only subject, although it is called the "hospital", and it houses the "patient". But it is not only medical and biological research. The researched object, the so-called "virus", is definitely not a "virus" in the normal sense, which belongs to the meaning of biological virology.

The failure of Dr. Hawk was due to the essence of this "virus", and Dr. Ander also saw the incredible interdisciplinary significance of this "virus" before giving up. The "research virus" plan, in turn, formulates a plan to "use the results of research virus to perfect other plans." Such an idea. He was able to get in touch with the "Human Completion Plan" which just had a concept, and with the support of many parties, began to improve this plan.

Yes, it is. The concept of "Human Completion Plan" and even the most basic planning were not originally thought by Dr. Ender, but the first one was proposed by Dr. Ender, so it was completed. In this sense, Dr. Ander was able to complete the "Human Completion Plan". According to the rules of the scientific community, write your name on the first line of the paper.

After establishing this research plan, Dr. Ander not only received the support of resources, but also the support of basic theory and technology. These researches on "viruses" have established the results. The essence of "virus" is not determined, but conceptually, an original definition of "virus" is proposed. It is precisely because these results are in front of him that Dr. Ander was extremely convinced. There is such a team that delves into the secrets of "viruses" in a more theoretical way in places they don't know. Compared with Dr. Hawke, and today's self, those talents are at the forefront of researching "viruses".

Just like the same theoretical mathematics and theoretical physics, compared with other disciplines, it is naturally located at the most basic, top, and most obscure and formidable position.

The research I did was just a practical study based on the results of these theoretical studies, and Dr. Hawke ’s research was not essentially different from my research. This is an increasingly clear idea in Dr. Ander's heart.

As a result, Dr. Ande focused on the "Human Completion Plan". Apart from supporting the secret team with those invisible and impossible to dig, he did not pay much attention to the back of the entire "hospital" , How many secrets are there. And this is why he thinks he can sit in this position for so long.

Dr. Ande stands at this height and observes the activities of the experts who can see in the entire "hospital", and can also vaguely detect which experts are privately, have other identities, or have exclusive rights. Research, and even, maybe even your own research team is not so pure, not everyone is working hard just for "human completion of the plan." If you want to dig deeper, you can certainly find a lot of "traitor" evidence. However, there is no point in doing that.

After seeing these situations, Dr. Ande felt that his attitude must be kept to a certain degree of ambiguity. Opening one eye and closing one eye, it is rare that he is sitting in this position, the biggest cost. Precisely because the "hospitals" are behind the scenes, the people who build and support the specific research activities of the "hospitals" must not want such a person to filter out the muddy water.

Dr. Ande thought that he was just a researcher with good political attributes. No matter in politics or research ability, it is by no means the top genius, but it is precisely because of this that it allows itself to reach this level. This result is itself the result of the game.

Although he can find many reasons why he will not step down, Dr. Ander still sees clearly the difficulties and crises facing the "hospital" at this time. Dr. Hawke's death is nothing but a more terrible sign of destruction. Through the research progress of the "Human Completion Plan" and the confirmation of the increase or decrease of the support received, Dr. Ande only felt that there was a suffocating shadow that was covering the entire "hospital".

However, this shadow of destruction was not directed against the "hospital". If you want to describe it, it is that in front of the end of the world, a "hospital" built by gathering human power on an island in nowhere has no place to escape.

Moreover, Dr. Ander had a faint feeling that this disaster was born from within the "hospital". According to your familiarity with the scientific community. He was almost certain that there must have been some progress in the study of "viruses", and at the same time, there have been some problems. But inside the "hospital" does not have the ability to contain this mistake, and even, in the "hospital", there are many internal disputes. Even the ability to respond to this kind of research crisis has been weakened.

Secrets are secrets because they cannot tell others, and therefore they cannot get help from others. This is the viciousness that secret research cannot cross. In the past, Dr. Ande has not participated in such secret research, and has encountered terrible virus leaks such as secret research, resulting in the death of almost all the members of the entire institute. Only a few people escaped because of luck. Let the virus spread to the outside world. The plots of these seemingly novel stories. It is commonplace for tens of millions of studies in the scientific community day and night. Whether it is formal or informal research, it is inevitable to encounter some security problems. It sounds like a wicked destiny, and has been staring at people who are trying to uncover the essence of the world, but such a fact does exist.

The current situation has changed, giving Dr. Ander the fear. This is where it comes from-whether it is intentionally or unintentionally, it is the guide of destiny. Either it was an accidental collection, in short, it caught people off guard, or, aberrations that were not capable of being solved at the moment are occurring inside the “hospital”. And it is not clear. Even if there are many secrets in this "hospital", it is impossible to find the source of this change, even if you want to give help, or even just negotiate, you can't do it at all.

Dr. Ande, who is the core research team on the bright side. There was nothing to do with this unknown taste. If it is a disaster based on "virus", then it must be the end of the world. Dr. Ander thought so, not thinking about it in his report.

Although terrible and extremely worrying, what Dr. Ander can do at the moment is still only the "Human Completion Plan". According to the characteristics of human social division of labor, in the event of a disaster, your own research contribution and status is the greatest guarantee that you may be rescued. Therefore, we must ensure our position and position even during this crisis. In this sense, the "Human Completion Plan" is not only a ladder for honor and power, but also an amulet.

At least, before the crisis that can already smell the unknown taste really shows up before the entire "hospital" is finally abandoned, the "Human Completion Plan" must not be stopped, or even lost, the current status of the research subject. Therefore, it is the most important thing to produce a report that encourages people's hearts so that supporters can continue to look forward to it.

The chain reaction of Dr. Hawke's death will have a huge impact on the "Human Completion Plan." In order to eliminate this influence, it is necessary to do everything possible to reduce the turbulence, and that place seems to be a step higher than the past results. This idea may become a bubble, but during this time, supporters must feel that they have a great chance of realization.

The current "Human Completion Plan" only stays on the goal of making "complete people", and it has been confirmed that it will take longer. However, under the crisis that has emerged slightly now, the time that could have been available is constantly decreasing. As the most politically gifted research expert on the bright side of the current "hospital", Dr. Ande is very keen on the changes in these ambiguous areas, and he has made a decision after deep thinking.

So, he settled down and wrote the names of "virus", "color center", "Dr. Ruan Li" and even more research experts on the paper, and added many symbols and blackened it. Finally, these names are linked with a line, and a giant net that seems to be enveloped inside the "hospital" is presented on this paper.

Dr. Ande wrote his thoughts behind this giant net, but then crossed out, and repeated it until the paper was full, crumpled and thrown into the trash basket, and then pulled out on the new paper to continue . After writing a total of thirteen sheets, he finally wrote a handwriting like "aggregating ahead of time".

It was too late, and Dr. Ande's face was tired. He sighed a little. "Human Completion Plan" is already the upper limit of his ability. This must be clear to others who support him. Therefore, it is almost impossible to try to draw a big pie to let those people realize their importance. The "Human Completion Plan" is already the culmination of this research, and it is more practical to extend it based on the final results of this research. Even greater results are impossible. If it is just to accelerate the plan and intend to obtain lower-level results, it is easy to be criticized and attacked as a weakness, and eventually lose its position.

instead. The moment I learned about Dr. Hawke's death, the ideas that came up suddenly were more reliable than the various plans that I had thought about now. As if that was his strongest flash of light.

"Sure enough ... Dr. Hawke is really a pity." Dr. Ander leaned back on the chair and rubbed his temples with his fingers: "From the most likely source of the crisis, the inhibitor may be incomplete, perhaps more It may be wrong, but it is currently the only option. "I hope Dr. Ruan Li can bring good news.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but cough. The throat is a little sweet, and the internal organs suddenly feel a fever. He couldn't help but pick up the glass and spit out the sweet and viscous liquid in his throat. When he saw the bright red color spreading in the water, his pupils suddenly widened. This is ... he thought, impossible, it shouldn't be ...

Dr. Ander's mind was suddenly confused. The heat of the internal organs seemed to spread all over the body. Like a cold, the throat is dry and the forehead is heavy. However, after staying in this "hospital" for such a long time, the first thing he thought of was not a cold but a more terrible condition-doomsday syndrome.

Have you started to get infected? No, the infection has already been completed. Now is the first stage of the disease? In the mind of Dr. Ande, such thoughts uncontrollably emerged. Immediately, he pulled open the drawer and used a disposable needle to draw blood. He quickly walked to the medicine cabinet. Open the door and take out the portable refrigerated medicine box placed in the deepest place.

Now, Dr. Ande feels that he no longer needs to consider general illnesses. In this "hospital", once something goes wrong, it will not be a simple situation. Instead, the more serious the consideration, the more reliable it is. Earlier, experts studying "viruses" suddenly became infected and became patients with doomsday syndrome. It is no secret among the senior staff of "hospitals". Such a situation is also a sign of the crisis. The spread of the disease may occur at any time, and the supporters of the "hospital" will consider the most thorough "disinfection" of the "hospital".

But before that, it is of course the best to obtain serum, no matter how bad it is, we must also ensure the inhibitor. Dr. Ander assumed that he was those people, so he came to this conclusion, but if he himself becomes a patient with doomsday syndrome, he must face a terrible possibility. Can he insist on evacuating from the "hospital"?

Part of the best batch of inhibitors made by Dr. Hawke is kept in this refrigerated medicine box. At the same time, this part of the inhibitor is also the best life-saving thing before the "hospital" obtains further results. When Dr. Ande opened the box, in the cold air, he felt more and more right that he resisted the jealous selfishness and consideration of the game, and hardly pushed Dr. Hawke's research into Dr. Ruan Li's arms s Choice.

Dr. Ruan Li's talent is recognized, and the person who recognizes her most may not even know her, it is Dr. Ande himself.

If it is Dr. Ruan Li, he can certainly digest Dr. Hawke ’s legacy and make further achievements under his best efforts. At this moment, Dr. Ande hopes that the situation will develop as he thinks, and he also expects that Dr. Ruan Li has more talent and ability than he envied.

If this is not the case, it will be difficult to imagine how bad it will be in the end.

Dr. Ende gritted his teeth, took out the medicine bottle with the injection port, and forced it into his heart. At the next moment, the cold medicine spreads in the blood vessels and nerves as if it would freeze the body. Dr. Ander was confused, heard the opening of the office door, and then someone came in. Dr. Ande couldn't think anymore. He just watched the figure approaching himself, observed it quietly for a few seconds, and then raised the collar and said a few words. What did you say? Who is it? What do you want to do? Before these questions flooded his mind, his eyes were dark, and then, he only felt that the soul fell into the dark and cold abyss below.

The last trace of consciousness made him understandable. This is not death, but only the reaction that must be experienced after injection of inhibitors. Of course, it also contains side effects.

Dr. Ruan Li suddenly felt that his breathing was a little difficult, and then he was inexplicably relieved. She finally supported the instrument and stood on her heels. While looking around, she found that other colleagues were busy with her work and did not notice the changes here. Dr. Ruan Li suddenly realized that his strange situation bodes well. Before that, she had some premonitions about her condition. However, it was not strong at the time, and the work pressure was so great that she could not consider her situation in depth. However, the onset at this time was already so obvious that she could not ignore her.

To be precise, when did it start? Dr. Ruan Li thought so, to regain his vitality, but still on the line of work.

In this "hospital", once sick, the worst may be the "doom syndrome", but this worst possibility, but also the most likely situation. Dr. Ruan Li believes that he has ignored his own changes in the past, and it is for granted. The worst possible resistance to this is the psychological situation that all the staff in the "hospital" have. Even those who have been in the position of psychologists also have this kind of psychological commonality.

If you think about it this way, you can no longer ignore it at this time, precisely because the condition is serious enough to reach the next stage, and give yourself a warning from the aspects of physical instinct and subconsciousness. Continue to pretend that you do n’t know, it ’s useless. Dr. Ruan Li thought so, and arranged his next job in an orderly manner, and waited for a colleague to print out the report before making an excuse to leave.

Even Dr. Hawk was inevitably infected with the Doomsday Syndrome, and even the top inhibitor currently in the “hospital” that he had researched did not delay his life. Therefore, Dr. Ruan Li's heart calmed down because, regardless of whether she had an illness, what she had to do was not much different from that of Dr. Hawke. If you can't research a better inhibitor, the best case is the same method of death as Dr. Hawke. Such awakening, on the contrary, made Dr. Ruan Li feel a bit of blood boiling.

Perhaps the feeling of blood boiling is actually just a function of the onset of the disease. Thinking about this, Dr. Ruan Li speeded up and returned to his room, taking out the medicine that had been retained from Dr. Hawke's legacy.

Some of these drugs were taken by Dr. Ander, and some were left in the research room for reverse analysis. There are only three pieces left by Dr. Ruan Li ~ ~ She thinks this seems to be a kind of The deceased person's spur, she completed the further research of inhibitors within the time limit of three inhibitors, otherwise, disasters will happen, not only for herself, but for the entire "hospital" and the entire human world. Among.

In order to complete the task within this time limit, Dr. Ruan Li feels that it is no longer time to consider his position and conceal the situation. All the forces that he can use and can use must be integrated. While trying to get the support of Dr. Ande as much as possible, we must also find ways to win the support of the latent. Although, in his own report, it has been confirmed that Dr. Hawke ’s research direction is wrong and it is impossible to reach the end point, but since he chose to inherit Dr. Hawke ’s will, he also believes that it is necessary to do so, then he must Let these people realize again. Maybe Dr. Hawke's route is wrong, but for now, it needs research in this area, giving research on "viruses" a buffer time.

Dr. Ruan Li believes that the possibility of persuasion is very high. After all, if no one really supports this view, without such preparation, after Dr. Hawk is abandoned, it is impossible to rise again as an individual researcher. His research room and his research results have revealed many secrets of this "hospital".

"Now, it's time to fight." Dr. Ruan Li said to herself, inserting the needle of the inhibitor into her neck and neck. (To be continued ...)

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