Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1278: Subconscious shock

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "To make a decisive battle, we must first understand what our enemies are. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙" such voices echoed in the ears of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, more voices are confused, like mud. The prosthetic body Gaochuan was floating, he felt like he was thinking about something, but he was not sure. He only knows that he is not awake at this moment, his soul seems to be rising from the deep ocean, and the water surface has begun to shine.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp vaguely, there is a kind of agitation in my mind, like a heartbeat, but the prosthetic body Gaochuan knows that this place is not, and he is floating in this dark and deep ocean in a pure ideological state, as if The soul has been freed and comes to a mysterious place whose name is unknown. The next moment, a huge, incomprehensible information appeared in his mind, because the amount was so huge and so violent that he felt like he was about to be ignited.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The prosthetic body Gao Chuan suddenly opened his eyes and found himself in a container, soaked with an oily liquid. He remembered that he was accepting adjustments from Dorothy and Omi. This prosthetic body usually does not need maintenance, but adjustments can make some operations of the prosthesis more suitable for the objects to be used in the plan. Theoretically, the material of the ruling structure is currently the strongest material in the world. It is not a metal, but processed from gray fog, so it also has a very high mystery. However, if it is only limited to the structure, The same cannot be made stronger.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The body of the body of the ruling body of the ruling body is made of structural materials. In terms of physical strength, compared with the partially prosthetic Gaochuan of 60%, it is theoretically stronger and stronger. Even so, they are still It is impossible to guarantee a complete win rate in battle. In addition to weapons that can damage the structure. In combat, will, experience, and the ability to use weapons can all eliminate the gap in mere physical strength.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And this is one of the reasons why the prosthetic body Gaochuan needs to constantly adjust. Prostitute Gao Chuan is very clear. Your own fighting ability and mysterious attachment. Depends on which aspects, and what are the best ways to improve your combat effectiveness in a short period of time. The prosthetic version is the super Dorothy and the color script. In order to create one, in her cognition and theory, at least a trap that can cause harm to Jiang In the eyes of silk. Have a very clear process.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The existence of Omi, of course, is more than just treating her as a trap. It is also the use of a concept of genius in the illusion of doomsday. With Omi, Dorothy can make the next adjustment to the prosthetic body Gaochuan as he thought. In this doomsday illusion, there is no Omi's technology, even Dorothy, nor the ability to make further adjustments to the current prosthesis.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The prosthetic body Gao Chuan is not sure whether the existence of Omi is accidental, but it can be felt. Although Jinjiang is also called "Jinjiang Trap" by Dorothy, and its name "Jinjiang" itself has the meaning of "near Jiang", but she is not a role like a doll. And Omi ’s own talents and talents, which are mysterious, are definitely not something that Dorothy and ties can confer. The birth of Omi, in the view of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, is still a mystery. Even, he feels that even Dorothy and the color system are not very clear about the original reason. From the basis of the existence of the entire doomsday illusion, the prostitute Gao Chuan still doubts. Omi may be the result of careful planning by Dorothy and the color, but its birth. But it has quite a chance, and this kind of chance. It is also deeply involved in the changes of "virus" and "jiang".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, even from the perspective of Dorothy and the color, Jinjiang is a "Jiangjiang trap", but in the eyes of the prostitute Gaochuan, the close relationship between Jinjiang and "Jiang" still exists beyond this "targeting Jiang" The meaning of "Omi trap".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Dorothy now has the identity and concept of the "final weapon" of the network ball, but in the observation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, Omi still occupies the dominant position in the modulation and research of the prosthetic body. As a result, in the research and experiments on the mystery of the network ball, the role of Omi still far exceeds Dorothy. It is absolutely wrong to treat such a river as a puppet under Dorothy's control. Prostitute Gao Chuan sometimes thinks that although Dorothy and Seise think that they created Jinjiang by themselves, and the purpose of creating Jinjiang is to target "Jiang", is there any possibility that they think and act like this? , And the birth of Omi, is it itself a "virus" or "Jiang" drive?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This is a terrible idea that will destroy almost all the preparations available today. Therefore, the prostitute Gao Chuan never mentioned it, and even, he did not even express such a hint in his attitude.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In any case, Omi is still on the side of the network ball and has a good cooperative relationship with Dorothy. A crowd's resistance to the end can also be regarded as a resistance to "virus". Prostitute Gao Chuan thinks this way. If the battle between "virus" and "patient" is manifested in physical and spiritual alienation, then mapping into this illusion of apocalypse should be the global situation right now.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Oki's technology is used to resist the destruction of the end of the process, so her existence and her actions are naturally a form of "antibody".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The prosthesis floating in the adjustment fluid, Takakawa, gradually became sober. When he realized, his thinking had turned many times. However, the operation of the brain hardware, displayed on the retina screen, is still a messy red warning. Garbled characters are constantly appearing in the data frame, and the resource consumption of brain hardware is also rapidly rising. Although the native brain is not so serious, it also has a sense of anxiety.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This is a sudden piece of information. During the self-examination, the brain hardware of the prosthesis Gaochuan could not find out where it was input from, or what existing data was derived from it. It seems to have no roots and no sources, and it suddenly appears in the brain and brain hardware. Because of the sharing of memory and calculation in the brain hardware, it will not let your thinking be washed down.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The prosthetic body Gao Chuan moved his neck, and he clearly felt the existence of the external data cable. Using the neck and neck socket, an external computer has already intervened in the brain hardware, and through the adjustment fluid that is constantly rising, you can vaguely see the data passing quickly on the computer screen outside the adjustment warehouse. These external calculators further share the inexplicable information flow. Even so, things that cannot be parsed are like garbage. Continuously blocking transmission channels and computing resources. The device that forcibly operated to approach the limit began to emit a harsh alarm. At the next moment, the main power supply of the entire laboratory was cut off, leaving only the dark red light to cover the equipment and the experts staring at the display.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What is this? What the **** is this?" Someone broke the silence and shook his voice: "Why do these data appear? We should be completely isolated here."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Others are still working on equipment with backup power, and after a while, they said to everyone: "The data came from the prosthetic side."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Impossible!" Another person retorted angrily, "The connection between the device and the prosthesis is one-way. The control valve is at Dr. Omi, and no one can understand it at all. Not to mention cracked. Here It should have been the least likely to be hacked from inside and outside. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Is it possible ... Dr. Omi ..." Someone said hesitantly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "No, I asked, Dr. Omi did not do anything, and Dorothy did not." Someone soon completed the confirmation. "These unreadable information are indeed naturally generated from within the prosthesis."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Why does the prosthetic body suddenly generate these? Is it a matter of adjustment?" Someone immediately asked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I don't know, I'm not sure. After all, the structure of the prosthesis is similar to the material of the structure, but it is not exactly the same as all the structures we have seen." Another said: "I heard that Mr. Gao Chuan was in the ruling bureau. The transformation completed in the ruins is not artificial, but the heritage of the ruling bureau's technology, so it is also expected that problems will occur. From this perspective, the information that the prosthetic body is activated may hide the prosthetic body. secret."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Don't worry about this first, is the split data saved?" someone said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Automatically saved, but how much can be saved, it is difficult to determine, and, judging from the accident just now, these data are in the computer's calculation sequence. It is in the highest priority state and is forcibly operated." Responsible for this aspect The person replied: "It looks like this. Our adjustment of the equipment is correct, at least in terms of operation sequence."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Is it possible. These data are a kind of virus, forcibly breaking through the sequence structure, ranking itself as the highest priority, and launching attacks by occupying computing resources and overloading?" Another said: "Perhaps, this is just a prose. A security strategy, our research is too deep, and then triggered this strategy. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "You mean, the firewall of the prostitute?" Someone thought deeply.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "No, I mean, the firewall of the brain hardware." The man replied: "Although in monitoring, these data flow out from the prosthetic body, but our monitoring regards the prosthetic body and the brain hardware as one Overall, but in fact, Mr. Gao Chuan ’s brain hardware and prosthesis are distinguished, and not a matching component. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So, you mean, there is actually a problem with the brain hardware, which further stimulates the problem of the prosthetic body?" The expert chewed, but only sighed: "In any case, we do not have the authority to study Mr. Gao Chuan's The internal structure of the brain hardware ca n’t be confirmed at all. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The prosthetic body Gaochuan listened to their words. Although floating in this adjustment chamber, it is easy to reminiscent of the white mouse on the experimental table and waiting for the dissected experimental body. However, the prosthetic body Gaochuan is very clear. The actual situation is not It feels like this. Although from some perspectives, he is indeed in the position of being studied, but such research has always been maintained at the "adjustment" level. For more in-depth operations, only Dorothy and Omi himself can proceed, and as far as knowledge and abilities are concerned, these experts can only touch the surface of the prosthetic body. Reaching this point is completely dependent on the past network balls. The development of the ruins of the ruling bureau and the accumulation of research on the materials of the structure.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So far, there is only one person who can penetrate the underlying structure of the prosthesis and brain hardware and make in-depth and subtle adjustments. And Jiang has never released this part of the technology enough to observe and modify the prosthesis and brain hardware, even if it is released, it is not understandable by these experts. Because, although these studies seem to be "scientific research" areas, they are actually "mysterious" areas.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Omi's technology, concepts, and perspectives on things, and even the way to deal with problems, seem to be "scientific", but in fact "mysterious". The mystery of Omi is reflected here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp are just like these experts now, we can only observe the prosthetic situation through the existing equipment. The observed results, those data and tables, and even the structure of the equations used for calculations. They are all incomprehensible. Even, at this time, most of the symbols, numbers and text displayed on the screen are combined. It is also completely different from the existing mathematical foundation. It is not simply a substitute for symbols and numbers, but a complete difference in meaning.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There are no Roman numerals such as "1, 2, 3, 4", nor a sequence equation for advanced mathematics. Even the sign of the variable is different from the regular and general mathematics. If a single symbol can still be understood through derivation, then the meaning of the plural symbols connected in series. Apart from Omi himself, no one can understand. And what has been criticized by many experts is that Jin Jiang does not intend to let go of this part of what looks very "basic."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp was disturbed in the laboratory, and everyone was thinking wildly, but the information was still presented in a garbled way, and no one could crack it. Everyone had to turn to Omi himself, but before getting a response, the prostitute Gao Chuan knew that all these people's guesses were wrong. because. He can feel that the source of this information is not brain hardware. It is the native brain. Unrooted and passive information suddenly burst out in the native brain, because the native brain cannot bear such shocks and pressures, the information is forcibly shunted into the brain hardware, and through the connection between the prosthesis and the brain hardware, through the prosthesis Further diversion. The part of the information received in the laboratory is not only obtained from the interface directly connected to the brain and hardware from the back of the neck, but also from all over the body and all the detection lines connected to the prosthesis.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp should have been an instrument to monitor the response and physiological state of the prosthesis. Shocked by the information shunted from the prosthetic body, in the blink of an eye, a third of the instrument's operating program has been fatally hit. Completely scrapped. The experts responsible for managing and supervising this part of the instrument are dealing with the aftermath with frustration and depression. They do not need to compensate for this unexpected situation. However, for them, the extremely important monitoring data, together with the instrument itself, was reimbursed, which was the result of their heavy blows.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The impact of the information shock on the prosthetic Gaochuan has passed the initial high peak and rapidly decreased. The brain hardware and brain of the prosthetic Gaochuan finally have time to sort out the information. However, even the same mysterious brain hardware cannot analyze this information. As the source of the original brain, once the idea of ​​analyzing and touching this information is generated, it will be extremely dizzy and headache. Once you continue to force your thoughts, the brain hardware that should have an impact on hallucinations and spirits, which has extremely strong resistance, will also fall into hallucinations.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As now, when the prosthetic body Gaochuan observes the situation outside through the adjustment fluid, the experts who have been talking about it all begin to deform. There is an inhuman change in its form, and its voice becomes a tone that is completely incomprehensible. In the end, we can only use "weirdness" to describe the experts in these illusions. If you are caught off guard, killing them as monsters is not an unimaginable situation. This illusion reminded the prosthetic body Gao Chuan of the infected people of the "Saya virus".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But it is clear that my situation is not infected with the SAY virus. And this sudden information, in the alertness of brain hardware, does not have the strong infection and erosion ability of the Sayya virus to ordinary people. But in any case, the existence of this information is a potential bomb for its own reason.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Fortunately, as long as you do not forcibly touch and analyze these sudden information, you can temporarily guarantee normal thinking.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe characteristics of these information are so strong that the prosthetic body Gao Chuan immediately guessed a possibility.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is "jiang" information?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, if this is really the case, then why did the information of "Jiang" suddenly burst out in this way at this moment? Prostitute Gao Chuan couldn't help but think of another Gao Chuan, the teenager Gao Chuan who "revived". He is very sure that if he has experienced such a situation, then the other party will already have a corresponding situation, because he and he are both "Gaochuan". Since the information of "Jiang" broke out, it must have been created for "Gaochuan", not just for a certain "Gaochuan". Although "Gaochuan" appears as multiple in the illusion of doomsday, in fact, its essence is still one.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Perhaps, something happened to the teenager Gao Chuan. Prostitute Gao Chuan couldn't help but give birth to this idea, and immediately, because of a wonderful feeling, he believed in such an idea. At the same time, based on this idea, the prostitute Gao Chuan has deep worries about the state of the young Gao Chuan. In his view, without brain hardware and prosthetics, and even the sharing of huge external computing resources, it is almost impossible to accept this burst of information without being greatly affected. The young Gaochuan is certainly very special, but the prostitute Gaochuan still believes that his particularity is not enough to allow him to produce no changes in this kind of information explosion.

On the contrary, because Juvenile Gaochuan is based on the recognition of the existence of "Jiang", once the current situation is that the information of "Jiang" erupts, then 100% of Juvenile Gaochuan will be eroded and alienated by this information. Similarly, because of the special nature of the teenager Gao Chuan, there is no need to consider that he will die in this outbreak of information. Prostitute Gao Chuan thinks that when he sees the young Gao Chuan again, it is possible that the other party already exists completely differently from the past, and the alienation produced by the other party may also have an impact on the "super Gaochuan" in the final Gaochuan unity.

Although we can think of these problems, the specific judgment and response are still dominated by Dorothy and Omi. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Prostitute Gao Chuan has always confirmed himself, and more activities are performed as "executors" rather than as "decision-makers."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Although they are worried about the situation on the younger Gaochuan's side and the situation on the Omi River side, it is difficult to really understand, but the prosthetic Gaochuan is still willing to believe many people. He has always known that he is not the smartest or the most genius, so it is impossible to fight monsters by his own strength. What he has achieved today is powerful, but in fact reveals the wisdom of many people, including Dorothy, Tie Se, and Omi.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp owns only the will to move forward and never despair, only this will, he believes that he will not lose to anyone. Therefore, since it is not what you are good at, trust people who are good at it. Prostitute Gao Chuan thought so, when the outsiders did not notice that he woke up, he closed his eyes again and entered the silent silence.

After a while, & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp opened the door of the laboratory, and Omi and Dorothy walked in side by side. Many experts put down their disputes and the things at hand, and focused their attention on the two, hoping that the two could give a clear answer and draw a rest for the previous disputes and speculations. They know what they are studying, that is not science, but mystery. Although they are using scientific methods to study mystery, which has always been the case in the past, the appearance of Omi, officially proclaiming their efforts, is more effective. Since that time, Omi has gradually become the core of all research on "mystery" in the cybersphere.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspMaybe they cannot understand Jin Jiang's explanations, examples and empirical reports, but Jin Jiang uses facts to make them believe that the conclusions she has made are always extremely close to the truth.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The source of information is not brain hardware and prosthesis, but Achuan's brain." Omi said to them: "It can be seen as an attack against individuals released from the depth of the collective subconscious mind."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "... You mean ~ ~ Someone used a repeater to attack Mr. Gaochuan's personal subconscious from the depth of the collective subconscious?" After the experts looked at each other, someone tried to ask: "Is this ridiculous?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These experts certainly know what a repeater is, but considering the situation of the repeater, combined with the current impact of information, it is a bit of an unnecessary sense of artillery against mosquitoes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I didn't say it was a repeater." Omi said calmly: "But the attack route should be correct."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It's not a repeater ... it is indeed possible to attack individuals from the collective subconscious--" Some people questioned: "But what is it for? Why is the target Mr. Gao Chuan?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "This is a fire problem, not mine." Omi answered this. (To be continued)

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