Experts have misjudged the source of the information explosion of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, which is an inevitable in itself. Although Omi ’s explanation cannot convince everyone, and the questions raised are also trying to approach the truth of this information explosion, but The prestige accumulated by Omi over the years, and the display of his own mysterious talents, let everyone acquiesce in Omi's explanation when he could not find the correct answer. (Starting) On the other hand, the one who dismissed Jin Jiang the most was the Dorothy herself.

What kind of person is Omi, how does it exist, what are its possibilities, and what are its limitations. From Dorothy's perspective, there is an answer unique to her.

After the outbreak of information, the laboratory was re-energized to maintain the equipment that received the impact. Not all information that arrives at the device can be converted into storable data, and not all data can be saved intact. After preliminary inspection, about one-fifth of the equipment completely lost the possibility of complete repair. Among the equipment that can still work normally, the sudden data exists in the form of fragments, which greatly reduces the operation efficiency of the equipment. In other words, all the equipment in this laboratory now needs to be replaced before it can be resumed.

However, before calling the control center "Masuo" of the repeater, Dorothy checked the information that broke out from the body of Takagawa in his own way. The method she uses is of course very different from that of Omi, because she does not use this doomsday illusion as the observation center, but uses the "self" in the hospital as the terminal. In the end, the answer she got was naturally very different from the explanation given by Omi.

This is another "Jiang" action, at the impact of Gaochuan's personality level-Dorothy thought so, there was a sense of urgency in her heart, she felt that "Jiang" or "virus" was accelerating the erosion of the disease body , Its erosion ability is also deeper. In the past, patients with doomsday syndrome at the mental level were more likely to be caused by pathological changes at the physical level. However, the current "Gaochuan" has lost its flesh, and after it is transformed into, it will also be regarded as a container that can preserve the personality. Well, this container is extremely stable, and to a great extent, it has extremely inert influence on personality.

In the past, patients with doomsday syndrome have been described as such: the patients who have become. The body merges into a sea, and the personality is the fish swimming in the sea. These personalities still maintain their independence, but they have enhanced commonality compared to their existence in the form of physical individuals, and they are constantly splitting themselves. Because of the loss of physical differences, the split personality can be regarded as an independent person to a large extent.

Compared with other patients with doomsday syndrome who produce this change. The performance of "Gao Chuan" is still special. Because, in the observation of Dorothy and the color system, the personality division of "Gao Chuan" is extremely incomplete. In the past, "Gao Chuan" produced new "Gao Chuan" personality only after the death of the old personality, but now The situation, although at the same time, in the doomsday illusion, showed the two characters of "Prostitute Gaochuan" and "Youth Gaochuan", the commonality between these two personalities. It is more intense and obvious than any one patient with Doomsday Syndrome. The personality of other patients with Doomsday Syndrome after splitting and becoming independent of each other is the personality of Juvenile Gao Chuan. It's like a tumor attached to Gaochuan's personality.

The information of the prosthetic body Gaochuan itself actually contains all the information of the "Gaochuan" that existed in the past. It is because it is too large and complicated. Although there is an inevitable connection between each "Gaochuan" information, in Dorothy And the eyes of the color. But it still needs so-called "formatting" to rearrange the information in order to maximize the effectiveness of this information collection. Otherwise, the information will only be piled up together in a "natural and chaotic" way, and you can only use " "Bloated and inefficient" to describe.

The reason why the deceased juvenile Gaochuan recovered is precisely because of this "bloated and inefficient" malpractice. Within the prostitute Gaochuan, the part of the information that belongs to the juvenile Gaochuan is produced under the viciousness of the "jiang". A vicious expansion. Just like cancer cells, there is a sign of "infecting and eroding other Gaochuan information".

To describe it simply, it is like a cancerous tumor. In the eyes of doctors, its generation and spread are never "beneficial changes."

Juvenile Gao Chuan's recovery, in Dorothy's eyes, was a vicious outbreak of information. Now, the outbreak of information once again from the body of the prosthetic body Gaochuan is the second vicious one. Of course, the culprit is "Jiang". Since "Jiang" and "Virus" are essentially the same, or that "Jiang" is a disguise of "Virus", then this information outbreak certainly means that "Virus" is more active Up a level.

Dorothy thought carefully: From now on, the "virus" may no longer cause the alienation of the patient's spirit through the alienation of the disease, but can directly affect the patient's mental personality. This ability first acts on Gao Chuan, and then spreads to all patients. The "Gaochuan" mutation is also a vane that will lead to a larger range of mutations.

When the erosive ability of "virus" can directly affect the human spiritual level without passing through the flesh, any consequences that may occur may be terrible and unpreparable. In the past, it is still possible to speculate on the alienation of personality and mental state by analyzing and summarizing the data of physical alienation to a certain extent, but now, all observations based on the physical body of the patient and themselves will become less important.

In this way, the biology department developed based on the physical body of the patient will no longer have a guiding significance, and all research work can only rely on the theoretical discipline that can quantify and explain the personality spirit. What is disturbing is that a large part of the theories of these disciplines are based on various mathematical and physical conjectures. The "conjecture" itself, as the name implies, is not absolutely correct.

The various theoretical assumptions made for "viruses" are based on sand piles that can be pushed down at any time. The existence of the enemy overrides human cognition, but there is not enough time for people to learn. What's more, it is impossible to be sure that even if humans can increase the speed of cognition, the speed value of this speed of cognition acceleration. Is it possible to match the speed with which the "virus" is advancing deep into the unknown. That's what makes Dorothy and tie colors desperate today.

Dorothy was able to enter and exit hospital realities and doomsday illusions. Of course, she could fully recognize the so-called "mystery" relative to the concept of "science". Even in her eyes. The "mystery" in the illusion of apocalypse is just a manifestation of lesions. However, people in the doomsday illusion have a completely different perception of "mystery".

The scientific assumption is that there is a limit to the unknown. And science can push the known to this limit, and then reach omniscience and insight into the truth and essence of all changes.

The mystery assumes that the unknown has no bounds, no matter how the known circle spreads, and how large the range is. Compared with the infinite unknown, it is still extremely limited. The "mystery" is outside the known circle. If the "mystery" stays in its original position, when the known circle expands, it will be included sooner or later. However, in the concept of doomsday illusion, "mystery" is not in situ, but on the contrary, it moves toward the infinite unknown depth at a faster speed relative to the known diffusion speed of the circle. In this way, no matter how the known circle accelerates, there is an irreparable gap between the known science and the unknown mystery. And have been extending the distance.

Facing the infinite unknown, science will never shorten the distance between mystery and mystery. Instead, this distance will pass over time. The increase in cognition is constantly and unrestrictedly elongated. Therefore, the answer to the question "whether science will one day explain all the mysteries and the mysteries at this time. Will it become scientific and reasonable one day?" Is also obvious to mystery experts:

Because "mystery" is such a concept in the infinite unknown, which constantly accelerates the movement relative to the known range, so no matter when and how it develops, science cannot explain "mystery", and the power of science cannot prevent " With the invasion of "mystery", science cannot really make people recognize "mystery".

The absoluteness of "mystery" based on relativity has always been unimaginable in "hospital reality" in the past, because such a concept has never been expressed in a practical and influential way. . But now, because of the existence of "viruses", in Dorothy's eyes, the real world "hospital reality" that she has confirmed is also mysterious. Or, the "virus" itself is mysterious. From the very beginning, it can be explained by various scientific conjectures and even the high-end existence that has not yet been formed and verified by the unified theory. It gradually becomes "science". Explanation of "mystery".

If the "virus" is only because of the existence of high latitudes, which makes it difficult for people at low latitudes to understand, the growth of knowledge and the verification of the theory may make people touch the truth of high latitudes. However, if the "virus" becomes an unknown concept relative to the known, and it is still deepening this way of existence at a faster rate than human cognition, then human beings cannot overcome it anyway. "Virus".

Dorothy shuddered a bit, but at the same time felt extremely ridiculous about her thoughts: how could there really be such a thing in the world? However, if "existence is truth" is regarded as a creed, the existence of such a thing cannot be denied. And I am also watching and watching, experiencing this kind of thing, from no concept to such a concept of existence, from a meaningless concept to an influential concept, from a theoretical possibility. For the actual existence.

Dorothy felt that an inexplicable and immense force was eroding her own soul, bringing unspeakable frustration, fear and despair. Just when she was about to be smashed, her body fell suddenly. Suddenly, Dorothy recovered and she froze for a long while before she realized that she was examining the data remaining in the device. These data can't be understood at all, but it seems to be leaking some vague information to her, making her feel that "as long as you spend a little more time, you will be able to parse it out and find the truth."

However, the terrible chill that came from instinct, just when Dorothy had such an idea, made her turn her head to stop looking at the data.

There is nothing wrong, this is "virus", this is "Jiang", it is being further activated. When she could finally think, she made the most certain judgment.

She was in a trance. While making this judgment, there was one who had never thought of it, or rather. The unwillingness to think like this has become clearer in my heart: Why do all the calls that reflect the activation of "viruses" take "Gaochuan" as the core? Why is "Gaochuan" always the most special one?

The answer starts from the beginning. He was right by Gaochuan-"Jiang", or "virus", right in his body. However, all those who have heard this sentence are abnormal. I have never thought about the deeper meaning of this sentence.

What did the original "Gaochuan" think, say this sentence, and take action firmly in believing it? All along, the "Gaochuan" movement has an extremely obvious, or "stubborn" foundation. With such doubts, Dorothy recalled that she had spent time with different "Gaochuan" all these years.

Even if it has not yet appeared in Jiang, or rather. Its existence is not as obvious as it is today, and it even makes people think that it is a joke. "Gaochuan" has always acted with the phrase "Jiang in his body" as the core action. Perhaps, long ago, this "jiang" was also a concept that had not yet been recognized by Gaochuan, but in his subconscious mind, the seeds had already been planted.

And when does this seed exist? For what reason?

The answer is-

"Achuan eats Zhenjiang." When Dorothy's mind appeared with this thought, it seemed that all the clues had become unprecedentedly clear.

Long ago. At the beginning of everything, it is still a secret whether Gaochuan really ate Zhenjiang. Perhaps the so-called "eat" is just a metaphysical description. However, it is an indisputable fact for Gaochuan himself to eat Zhenjiang himself. In order to save others, Zhenjiang was eaten. Because of the fact that Zhenjiang was eaten, all people were able to save others.

There is Jiang in Gaochuan's body. Jiang is a virus variant whose information has been distorted by Zhenjiang Information. The reason why it exists in Gaochuan is because Gaochuan ate Zhenjiang infected with the virus at that time. The reason why Jiang will exist is because Zhen Jiang wants to save everyone. The reason why Gaochuan eats Zhenjiang is because he loves Zhenjiang, inherits Zhenjiang's wishes, and combines them with his own wishes. So-Gao Chuan must save everyone. Gao Chuan has the ability to save everyone. Serum can only be produced if he eats Zhenjiang and contains Jiang's body. This is the most basic thing that determines all actions after Gaochuan, and it is also the most basic coordinate for Gaochuan to observe his own existence.

The so-called "eat" is actually a real cannibalism in the physical sense, or it is just an image and conceptual description, which is no longer important to Gao Chuan. At that time, he had already become the person he decided to become, that kind of existence. Therefore, relative to the "virus", Gao Chuan has also become a special kind of existence.

"Achuan is the container, the container where the" virus "comes in a more practical way of existence!" Dorothy could not help screaming. At the next moment, her back was sweating with sweat, because she came back again and realized that she was looking at the data again, and every expert around him was also looking at the data, a trance-like expression, and to herself Excessive performance is unconscious. Almost everyone's work stopped. They just looked pale and sweated staring at the screen, and on the screen, there was only a pile of garbled, unintelligible data streams.

"Don't look! Don't look at these things!" Dorothy yelled, but no one heard it. Sometimes someone turned her eyes and made Dorothy feel terrified when she met her eyes. In the godless eyes As if something is brewing, there is some kind of indescribable great fear that reveals a corner in the abyss of the soul.

Dorothy gasped hard, but felt as if the oxygen content in the air had dropped to a limit. Immediately after that, she couldn't help but think of a "more visual, more scientific and reasonable" interpretation of "the relationship between Gaochuan and the virus": if in theory, "virus" is a high-dimensional life, then "virus" The impact is that it is macroscopic and cannot be recognized and perceived by people in low dimensionality. Therefore, the existence of "viruses" has no specific meaning to humans. However, for a variety of reasons, "Virus" uses the "Gaochuan" container for dimension reduction, reaching a dimension higher than human cognitive dimensions, but sufficient for humans to feel its influence ...

Just like the person who composes the story, while writing, he substitutes himself into a certain role ...

"No, stop thinking." Dorothy hugged her head, and she felt that her soul was going to be eaten by a terrible monster. Opening her eyes in pain, she saw Jin Jiang thoughtfully staring at the data, and then turned her eyes. When Dorothy met his gaze, the crazy, involuntary, immersive thoughts disconnected, making Dorothy feel awake.

"Omi." Dorothy was a little tired. "Shield these data."

"As you wish." Omi shrugged indispensably.

Jin Jiang ’s performance was incompatible with anyone in the research room, and even Dorothy felt that she was abnormal, but when she saw Jin Jiang, she felt that she had not been affected at all. However, this absolute normality, in another sense, made Dorothy feel that this is the biggest abnormality.

Jinjiang is special. The meaning of the name "Jinjiang", the way it exists, and the trajectory of life so far have not been separated from Dorothy and the foreshadowing buried in the "script". In the reality of the hospital, the "script" that determines the development of the end of the illusion is not in the hands of a person. The creation of the "script" is like Dorothy becoming a super Dorothy, and the color becomes the center of the color, and even Doomsday illusion has the same composition, with a certain degree of "naturalness".

In other words, the "script" is not completely "manufactured". "Virus" led to the natural formation of "Doom", the initial serum failure of "Gaochuan" led to the formation of the color center and Super Dorothy, and the formation of "Doom" and the intervention of "hospital", " The intervention of the "color center", and the influence of Super Dorothy's "hacker", and even more corners and corners, eventually led to the formation of a "script".

It is not so simple to leave a foreshadowing to serve your own ideas in the "script". The formation of "Omi" in the script, from the perspective of the color center and Super Dorothy, although it is the result of their own two, but both are not sure whether it is a completely artificial creation. At this moment, Dorothy confirmed that "Jiangjiang" is definitely not simply a creation of the two of them.

She, or rather it, is not so much a creation of the two of them as a foreshadowing of serving the two of them ~ ~ It is more like an inevitable product of the illusion of the end, by the hands of the two of them And was born. Even if the two of you didn't do that at first, you didn't create such a "Jianjiang", the "Jianjiang" will still exist, and it will be shaped in other ways. Simply put, the existence of "Jianjiang" is inevitable in the "script".

Such a "Jiangjiang" ...

Dorothy banged her head hard, preventing herself from continuing to think like this.

At this time, the equipment heard the sound of gradually stopping operation. On the other side, Omi ignored the thoughts on this side, and naturally pulled the switches one by one, trying to delete the data on the screen on the console. It seems that it is not possible to delete these data in accordance with common practice. With the disappearance of the data stream, the experts who gazed at the screen also recovered one by one. They seemed to have had a nightmare, and their expression was still a bit dull.

I don't know who it is, but with an "ah" sound, other people just rely on the device softly. They looked at each other as if they were asking each other: What happened? But then he thought deeply, with a very unnatural and extremely strange expression on his face. Immediately afterwards, as if he had suddenly recovered, he struck a spirit. (To be continued.) Xh118


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