Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1280: Dismantling

There is a problem with the information leaked from the prosthetic body Takakawa. If you have read this chapter, please move to "Biquge" to read the latest chapter. You can also search for "biquge" or "" directly on Baidu. Dorothy had to think so. In her field of vision, everyone except the Omi River appeared extremely unnatural. The operation of the equipment is also very abnormal, but it is more because the person controlling the equipment is abnormal. People affected by the data ca n’t get rid of this influence by themselves, and turn off the data display. After the only unaffected Jin Jiang finally shut down the data display, the crowd seemed to wake up from the nightmare. Even so, they were still unresponsive and unable to make a qualified judgment on the current state.

They looked at each other, after a while, with a strange expression, they suddenly hit a spirit. However, when Dorothy and they looked at each other, Dorothy still felt the confusion deep in their eyes, as if their thinking could not escape the influence of a "ghost". Dorothy didn't know how they were affected, but it was very clear that they could no longer work at this moment.

The atmosphere at the scene was full of weird smell. No one can be sure what happened, but it is certain that what must have happened, and that the culprit is the information flowing from the body of Takagawa.

"Subconscious attack ..." An expert suddenly said: "We were attacked? But, it doesn't make sense, but here inside the repeater, all information will be filtered at the same time it is generated."

In their cognition, the repeater is what has been found so far. Humans are the strongest weapon and collective bastion of the collective subconscious. In theory, the changes that can be generated from the collective subconscious level in the record are currently available Can be isolated by repeaters. When people hide inside the repeater. It is almost impossible for anything to launch an effective attack from outside the repeater.

However, this security seems to be announced on this day. The information erupted through the brain of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, even after being converted into data, is not so simple, but possesses some mysterious power.

"What do you see?" Dorothy asked.

But those who answered were vomiting. Just because it is not sure: "It was not something I saw ... but some crazy ideas, ideas that I have never had in the past. It was like an inspiration, but it was like ... a curse." He After pondering the use of words, I ended up using a vocabulary full of occultism.

"Do you remember what you thought of?" Dorothy asked further.

However, with the exception of Omi and Dorothy, everyone else just shook their heads, helpless and frightened. In their minds, what remains when they fall into that kind of thinking. Because of the feeling of fear brought by thinking, there is nothing more specific than this feeling. They are not sure now, what they thought of themselves at that time, but that must not be a good idea. Although they really wanted to know what they thought of, they hesitated because of the strong sense of fear at that time.

"The truth." An expert smiled. In other people's eyes, this smile is very strange. But he did not seem to be aware of it. He suddenly withdrew this smile again, grabbed his hair in pain, and said, "I have clearly grasped the truth, but now I have forgotten. Why do I forget?"

"The truth?" Dorothy chewed the word, and she recalled her previous thoughts. Unlike others, she still remembered what she thought of. And the whole thinking process at that time, and the conclusions drawn. However, when thinking so at that time, she was very sensitive that this was definitely not a normal thinking process.

The feeling of flashing aura. What is brought is not a way to break through the predicament, but deeper despair and fear, making your heart like a fragile glass. Dorothy subconsciously refused that kind of thinking. She didn't think that was the "truth." Instead, she felt that the impact of these data was the impact of the further activity of the "virus". This kind of cognition has been speculated after she detected the outbreak of information in the body of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. And when she observed the data later, the various anomalies produced made her more convinced of this.

However, it is a hassle to explain the "jiang" and "virus". It is difficult for people who survive and act only in the illusion of doomsday to have a deep understanding of the "virus" observed by "reality in hospitals". For them, it is the interpretation of Omi that is better understood-the enemy launched the attack on the prosthetic body Gaochuan through the collective subconsciousness, and he and others just suffered from the pond fish. The information that broke out from the prosthetic body Gao Chuan was forcibly shunted into the device, and he observed it unpreparedly, so it would be affected.

"I'm sorry, Dorothy, although I really want to conduct another inspection for Mr. Gao Chuan. Something like this might have an invisible and bad effect on Mr. Gao Chuan's situation, but ..." An expert smiled bitterly. , Said: "Now my state is probably not suitable for continuing work."

Other experts have also realized their powerlessness, and their mental state has become extremely sensitive, fragile, and negative, but they can still recognize their own state, rather than continue to fall into the confusion of thinking. Everyone feels that what they urgently need is rest, not to continue working. Without a good mental state, any mental activity will do more with less. Moreover, the confusion and dullness of thinking can also be felt clearly.

"Understood, let's go here today." Dorothy glanced at Omi, and when he saw that the other party had nothing to say, he was fiddling with the data on the terminal, and he ordered: "Tell the fire here, and I think you need to make a consciousness check. "

The consciousness check is a very characteristic feature of the online ball. As the name suggests, it is used to diagnose and repair problems on the spiritual level. In the past, it was often used to target those conscious walkers who are best at invading at the mental level. The number of consciousness checks has dropped significantly.

Everyone has always thought that the repeater is the strongest bastion in the world, but at this moment, the myth is broken, and people are more chilled by the means of potential enemies. No one knows what kind of powerful and terrible thing they are facing, but they are enough to catch the clues. To speculate on the strength and terrible of the enemy. As for the abnormal situation this time, did it come from the attack of the old opponent Doomsday Truth? In fact, in the minds of most people, they all hold a positive attitude. Because it is almost impossible to think of any other people or organizations. Such a thing can be done.

In addition, Dorothy also observed that some of the experts who left had doubts about the situation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. This sudden eruption affected the entire laboratory and flowed out of the body of Takagawa. This not only means that it is necessary to consider why the prosthetic body Gaochuan will be attacked, but also how the prosthetic body Gaochuan can withstand this impact. Dorothy also felt. Part of the origin of this suspicion is precisely because they checked the data, so they were affected by the data, which caused a strange turn in their thinking direction.

As the previous expert said, exposure to these data made him feel that he was approaching the "truth", even if the "truth" in the fog was cruel. But the desire to find the truth has been implemented in every cell of him. In every nerve. He couldn't stop to see more data, and he couldn't stop to continue thinking along the way, like the flash of aura. After suddenly waking up, there was also a kind of surprise that made him also self-compulsive, forcing himself to do this-but on the other hand. He also understood that he was not like this in the past, and he did not think that this was beneficial to himself, and he could judge rationally. This idea may be wrong. The so-called "truth" is just an illusion.

However, it is imperceptible to think and do that. "It's like being addicted." He described it this way, "All the cravings and all the thoughts explode, and no one can feel any signs. When I come back to God, it is over."

Obviously, in the research report of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, he also had a similar situation. This made Dorothy more and more certain that the abnormality that occurred at this time must be related to "Jiang" and "Virus".

The experts were physically and mentally exhausted, and their faces were pale. After saying goodbye to Dorothy, they walked out of the laboratory one after another. Dorothy monitored the return of these experts in batches through monitors in the laboratory. Dorothy found that these people were on the road, unconsciously falling into that state of thinking, and, like something terrifying, they appeared from time to time with a look of despair and fear, and then suddenly woke up , Shocked, puzzled, puzzled and worried about his previous state. Almost everyone has clearly realized how different his state is now compared to peace.

It is because I do n’t know what specific changes happened to me, and to what extent, so I feel even more disturbed.

It is possible that none of these people can use or trust. Dorothy thought silently, turning her eyes back to Jin Jiang. Because almost everyone is affected, the only river that has not changed is that it stands out from the crowd, and it also makes people feel that she is different from others. This particularity has nothing to do with how many research talents she has shown in the past, but is closely related to her own existence-obviously every place on the whole body has no difference in species from humans, but it still makes people deep. Deeply felt that she is a kind of alien with nothing to do with humans.

"Did you find anything?" Dorothy asked. Other experts are subconsciously repelling Jinjiang. This woman is like a monster in human skin, which makes people feel terrified, but Dorothy does not feel this way. There are not many people who can talk to Omi in the internet.

"It's too fragmented. However, as I thought, this is a subconscious attack that can cause fluctuations in thinking, and it is a trending guide." Jin Jiang said unhurriedly, she controlled the console , Seems to be somewhat happy with the analysis of these data.

Before confirming her mental state, Dorothy can only express his fears for these data. That terrible contagion made Dorothy feel extremely difficult, and had to hand over all the analysis work to Omi himself. But even so, she can feel that there are some gaps between the past way of thinking and the current way of thinking, and this gap breeds some distrust of herself and others, especially in her attitude towards Jinjiang. .

Dorothy realized that she always subconsciously doubted Jin Jiang and then doubted everything she did. Moreover, this suspicion is not in any goodwill, but is full of malicious negative psychology, so that he can not always maintain a logical reason.

Of course she is clear about her past. How different is the attitude and thinking towards the same thing as the present self.

Will it be affected only by observing the data? Dorothy suddenly felt a little panicked.

At this time, Omi's voice pulled her back from her unnatural thoughts: "Doris, I think you'd better do a consciousness check." Dorothy was a little dazed. She saw Jin Jiang Zhao turn around herself, but her figure was a little blurry. Dorothy couldn't help but hold her forehead, and only heard Omi's voice also a little misty: "Adjustment for Achuan needs tacit understanding and trust, and I feel that your current situation, like those who left, is no longer It ’s trustworthy. If you do n’t take the initiative to apply for consciousness testing, I will personally talk about the fire. In addition, if you are judged to have a problem. Then, the Dorothy plan will need to return to the original point ... "

"Return to the original point?" Dorothy felt that this kind of wording was not right, and she clearly felt that her state at this time was definitely not a sequelae of the previous data. What did Omi do to himself?

"Simply put, it is to rebuild the furnace." Omi's voice was distant and calm. "I will use the most thorough way to reshape a Dorothy."

"You ... betrayed ..." Dorothy only felt his knees soft. Can not help but kneel to the ground. Her consciousness is a little vague, but her thinking is still turning. But she couldn't figure out how she, who possessed the "final weapon" template, was being manipulated by Jin Jiang. Theoretically, there is no weakness in Doomsday Illusion. In the past doomsday illusion, I also used it as a product of copying the "final weapon" of the netball and constantly adjusted it. It was only in this doomsday illusion that a body sufficient to contend against any "final weapon" was completed. She is confident that even in the face of past doomsday illusions, the human figures "Jiang" that once appeared will never fall into the disadvantage.

Ironically. After facing the sudden impact of information, he unknowingly took the approach of "Jinjiang".

"There is no betrayal." She heard Omi said: "From the beginning, the Dorothy plan was deliberately designed like this, in order to be able to adjust and even reshape you in case. An absolute perfection The work is also fragile, and once it collapses, it cannot be stopped. So, in order to have greater potential and better insurance, you are not perfect from the beginning. "

"How, how could ... the design of the script ... not this way ..." Dorothy shook her head hard, but she knew she was about to faint.

"Script? What script? From the beginning, there was no script." Omi said: "The ones you think are just data that you entered in advance."

Before coma, Dorothy finally thought: Sure enough, any situation in the hospital's reality, including the script, in the doomsday illusion, has another explanation based on itself? For himself, the birth of Omi is a part of the script, a foreshadowing of himself and his color, but for Omi, his own thinking is only part of Dorothy ’s plan. In his own perception, Jinjiang is the Jinjiang trap, but in his view, he is only a "final weapon" based on mystery.

Jin Jiang watched as Dorothy fell to the ground, and confirmed that she was in a coma, then she stood up from her position. At the same time, a holographic image of a fire emerging in the air in the laboratory, he was also looking at Dorothy, and after a while said: "We did not find the source of the information explosion, the repeater did not capture the activities of other repeaters, It is impossible to have no clue at all for this kind of fine targeted attack. Unless, it originally broke out from within us. I think that Mr. Gao Chuan has a problem. I had questions about his situation long ago, but, Mr. Gao Chuan does n’t seem to understand it himself, so he ’s always trying to make it mysterious. ”

"Achuan's situation does not need to worry." Omi said: "He is not an enemy, and he has never been."

"I don't doubt Mr. Gao Chuan's position. It's just that he has a secret that may not even be clear to him, and this secret may hurt other people. I don't think Mr. Gao Chuan himself wants such a thing. For example, the current situation. "So saying," Masuo "appeared beside the fire.

Marceau stepped forward and hugged Dorothy.

"I will solve Achuan's problem." Omi said, "The plan does not need to be changed."

After being silent for a moment, the fire escaped and said, "I'll leave it to you. I hope you can really solve it. By the way, although it may be unconscious, if it is finally proved. It is Mr. Gao Chuan's own problem that has affected other people ... … "

"Relax, Achuan will take responsibility himself." With that said, Omi showed a meaningful smile, "As long as you don't regret it."

Fire escape gave Jin Jiang a deep look and disappeared into the air with Marceau holding Dorothy.

After a while. Omi put his hand back on the console again. The data above shows that the prosthetic body Gaochuan has fallen back into a deep sleep.

"Then let me see, the secret hidden by Achuan you in the deepest ... the monster deep in the subconscious. Let me see, what is that in the end, and what is Achuan you?" Jin Jiang Licking the face of Gao Chuan on the screen.

The surrounding equipment disappeared piece by piece, and piece by piece emerged. In no time, the pattern in the laboratory has been reorganized. The new equipment components, no matter in shape or use, are very different from the old ones. When these devices were put into operation, the liquid in which the prosthetic body Gaochuan was soaked in the adjustment chamber began to become viscous and gradually became bloody. At the same time, the body of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan began to disintegrate. Each part is submerged in these thick **** liquids. It can no longer be seen directly with the naked eye.

"The source of the attack really did not come from any subconscious coordinates outside of this repeater." Omi said as if to himself, "but it was not released by Achuan himself, although it seems to have originated from Achuan's brain. However, there are some strange data ... Let me trace it, where is the real source. "

In front of Omi, the data stream is constantly scrolling on the screen. She only uses these data, rather than more intuitive patterns, to understand the deep changes in the consciousness of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. Although it has the distribution of brain hardware, prosthetics and more devices, even part of the data is distributed. It can bring anomalous reactions, and the prosthetic body Gaochuan, which directly withstands the outbreak of information, even if it does not appear to have any problems, must inevitably have some changes in its interior. Omi pursued the clues of this change, relying on unscientific equipment and interpreting certain secrets in an unscientific way.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan is special. This kind of unique throbbing from the heart when Omi first saw this man made her intuitively confirm this. However, even without the preparation, even Omi can't explore this particularity. After this period of preparation, including the adjustment of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, additional private secret adjustments, and the collection of various data, let her confirm that the time has come.

This sudden outbreak of information is not entirely beyond the expectations of Omi, because, during her observation and detection, there will be a change, which is completely certain. It is just impossible to estimate that this kind of aberration will appear in the way of the information explosion at the moment. However, there is no problem. For her ~ ~ This is just a shot of the starting gun. No matter what the sound is, it does not matter. What is important is that the sound is made.

Omi knew that his time was short, and the prosperity Gaochuan needed to participate in the honours the day after tomorrow, and then returned to Asia, and he would lose him during this time. Therefore, no matter what you want to do, you must complete it within two days.

Looking at the data flow on the screen, Omi gradually showed a surprised expression, and then thoughtfully, gradually became more playful, like seeing something that was surprising but interesting.

"Hospital reality, viruses, scripts, Omi trap, Super Gaochuan ..." Omi interpreted these words, "Originally, have I been observed in this way? And, is this ... the truth?" Omi frowned, she I am only hesitant about this so-called "truth" that appears in the depths of the consciousness of the prosthetic body Gaochuan in the form of information explosion. It is precisely this part of the "truth" that makes her feel that the sudden burst of information in the consciousness of Gao Tiechuan's consciousness began to become weird even she didn't understand.

"Wait, the information here is not complete!" Omi suddenly sensed something and began to adjust the equipment. "That would be the case. Has the subconscious connection been always open? The other part, in another Achuan ... No, Achuan It is complete with another A Chuan, is that what it means? "(To be continued ...)

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