Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1281: Super-sensible

I walked in a deserted building. The rain falls outside the window, the lightning flashes and thunder. The indoor lights seem to be disturbed and flicker from time to time. With the twisting and swaying shadows, the sick building adds a weird and strange atmosphere. I once thought there should be more patients here, and I was just placed in a separate ward. However, after leaving the ward, I finally confirmed that it seemed that I was the only person in this ward. It is because of this that it seems extremely abnormal. What is the reason why I was placed in such a place?

When Dr. Ruan Li came to visit me, all the feelings were still normal. It seems that all the anomalies started after she left.

I didn't encounter any danger. All seemingly strange feelings are still illusions so far. I looked out from above and there was no scenery that I was familiar with. This strangeness meant that the place where I was at this time was quite a distance away from where I had stayed. At the same time, it also made me lose the coordinates to infer my position. But I can still be sure that it is still in the Peninsula Mental Hospital.

After several generations of expansion of this mental hospital, especially in the hands of the current owner Dallas, the scope is really too large. Its area not only includes a part of the peninsula, but also extends inland. However, I think that the place where I am located is still the area on the peninsula. I once guessed that the area in the nightmare is actually the alienation of the ideological impression of the land of this peninsula, but the presence of the tower has proved that although there are many places that can be connected to the scene of this peninsula, But it is not as simple as the impression of this peninsula. It is in an inexplicable way. Together with the reality of the hospital, even its overall shape and internal structure. It is more like a combination of this island and the island where the "hospital" is located in the reality of the hospital.

And whether it is this peninsula mental hospital. The "hospital" in the real hospital is still a nightmare that combines the two areas. Simply speaking in terms of "area", there is a contradictory feeling-from the concepts of "island" and "hospital" It seems to be very small, but when it is active, there are too many unknown places and unsolved mysteries. You can always find places you are not familiar with, which makes you feel that it is too broad.

The island where the "hospital" in the hospital is actually, there is no record on paper, but once I was in a towering experience, let me have a very intuitive and intuitive view of the "island where the hospital is located" Strong cognition. Although the peninsula where it is located now has records of area data, the impression of this data is directly related to activities on this peninsula. The intuitive impressions produced are very different.

This peninsula, no. The mental hospital that only occupies a part of the peninsula is, in terms of feeling, much larger than the area imagined. This is a very weird feeling, obviously I am trying to take root in a certain place, using it as the center, expanding the search area outwards, to gradually understand the whole picture of this mental hospital, but when there are some problems, I am suddenly From a familiar location. Airborne to another extremely strange location, but unable to judge. What is the relative position between the two?

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when I look at the strange scenery outside the window. There is always a feeling that one cannot return to the original sick building anyway.

I walked all over the building, but I couldn't find the door to go out. It seems that there is no normal route to the outside except for jumping out of the corridor and windows. In addition to this, there is neither a second patient nor a doctor or nurse who is supposed to exist. There are too many unreasonable places, but it is difficult to explain them one by one, and then it makes people start to feel a little numb about these unusual situations. Why is this sick building like this? Why would I be placed here? Too many questions, but people do not know where to pursue, and no one can give an answer.

I'm not even sure whether it was this way before Dr. Ruan Li arrived, or after Dr. Ruan Li left, for some reason, it became the way it is now. Dr. Ruan Li himself is of course the best answerer, but when I pulled out my phone, I found that I could not reach anyone at all.

In short, I was completely isolated in this strange sick building. There are too many unusual places in the sick building. For ordinary people, it should be a place that is scary, helpless, and overwhelmed. But I still accepted this fact calmly, and I didn't feel any violation of my peace. In the past, I have encountered many similar and extremely strange environments. Compared with the current situation, those encounters are even full of lethal aggression. The current sickness building, although there are too many abnormal places, but it becomes It's a strange place, but it's not like that at all.

There are no monsters, no supernatural power, no mysterious breath, and no feeling of being completely trapped. Although there was no door to go out, when I came up with the idea of ​​jumping out of windows and corridors, I didn't think it would be possible.

Yes, I am sure that you can leave this strange sick building directly by jumping out of windows and corridors, but what is the use of this? Where can I go if I leave here? There was a lot of rain outside, and I couldn't determine my position. What's more, I didn't particularly want to go. If there is no definite direction, just want to leave the sick building, and what is the advantage of walking around outside?

Although this sick building is weird, it is the only residence today.

I came to a place like a restaurant. Although it was also empty, the hot food was prepared, just like a buffet, it was placed on a long table, as if to say "take it casually." So, when and by whom are these meals prepared? Judging only from the residual temperature of the meals, these meals have just been released soon, but it also seems to prove that the cooks seem to have just left, so how did they avoid my search and leave without knowing it? of?

Questions such as these are numerous, and I begin to feel that it is better to wait for an insider to take the initiative to visit instead of searching for the answer by myself. I believe. I will not be thrown here all the time, since even the meals are ready in time, then. Of course someone is paying attention to my every move. Taking a ten thousand steps back, I believe Dr. Ruan Li. So I also believe that she let me stay in this place, even if it didn't explain why, it must be out of goodwill.

Moreover, because the situation here is too weird, so I am more convinced that there must be someone. Or some kind of change will happen further, so that the situation that I have to face seems to change as if the situation of being banned and isolated.

I don't need to be unusual, just a little patience is enough. On the contrary, if there is a forcible search, there will be some erroneous situations, and the possibility of wasting more time and energy also exists.

The reason why I have been placed in this place is by no means arbitrary from any point of view-with such an idea. After filling my stomach, I returned to my ward. The sudden outbreak of consciousness information made me a little tired so far. Although this fatigue is no longer incapable of moving even the body, and all the abilities of the Mageweave messenger can be used, it still makes people unconsciously want to rest.

In my mind, those thoughts involving the "truth" are tumbling for a while. It seems to completely exclude other "truths" that I have conceived and guessed, and make myself unique. To say whether I am vigilant about this, is it really willing to accept it? Not exactly, but I also did not make more exclusions. After all, this "truth" is among the "truths" I have so far. Nature and I have a kind of fit-it may not be ultimately correct, but when I assume it is finally correct, I don't feel surprised and excluded.

In other words, this "truth" is the most adaptable so far for me, compared to the "hospital reality", although it is also a very bad possibility.

On the other hand, I am also guessing that since this "truth" was spliced ​​by myself from the memory information that suddenly burst out, does it also imply that it actually reflects some of my subconscious aspects ?

However, regardless of my perception of this "truth", whether it is ultimately correct or not is not useful for my current situation. There are neither good effects nor bad effects for the time being. No, if it is because of the appearance of this "truth" that I have to be in a weak state and be isolated in this isolated sick building, that would be a bad influence.

I don't want to continue thinking about this "truth". Once I start thinking, thinking will unconsciously be taken to the direction represented by this "truth". From the moment this "truth" appeared, I realized that it was difficult for me to get rid of its influence.

I lay in bed and tried not to think about anything, but I didn't know why, and my left eye suddenly started to twitch. The convulsions themselves, and the pain they cause, are so strong that people can't wait to dig out their eyes, but for me, they are so familiar. In the past, such changes have always originated from the "Jiang" activity. Because of familiarity, because of habits, so, not too surprised. I just covered my left eye and felt its twitching and beating, looking for the existence of "Jiang" from the pain like that wave. It seems that at this time, I can feel its existence more clearly than usual, and feel that it is in my body, in my soul, as if I can just touch it if I "think".

However, so far, this feeling has remained at the level of illusion, but not actually reflected.

In this familiar and painful convulsion, I closed my eyes, and gradually, there was a strange feeling, which emerged from the bottom of my heart. Falling in the dark is not a novel feeling. When I dream, coma, or even weird again and again, when I show it on the ideological level, I often feel this way. There is no "bottom" feeling. Often during the fall, I suddenly wake up for various reasons, and this feeling of falling is often only left in my memory in a simple "nightmare".

However, this time is different. It seems that the past falls have continued directly. After so many long "falls", I finally feel an end.

Yes, I am falling in the dark, unable to think too deeply, or not completely unconscious, but everything is hazy, even so. I still dimly feel the end point below. It seems inappropriate to say "end point", I just think. Your "fall" will stop at that position, as to whether it will continue to fall afterwards. But it is completely impossible to judge.

However, although it seems that it can be reached in tens of seconds, how long did it actually take? Unable to judge at all, the hazy perception, the dark vision, and the concepts of distance and time are like paste. Sticky and fuzzy. I'm still falling. The end point that feels close to me is like a curve that is infinitely close to the horizontal axis. It is obviously infinitely close, but it can't really be reached.

I suddenly felt that my body was breathing, but there was a strange feeling that I was breathing, not my familiar body.

I feel my body. It was like being thrown into a centrifuge and crushed in a huge agitation without feeling pain. Nor is there any other negative feelings because of this stirring. Not only the physical aspect, there are not too many feelings, even the consciousness aspect, there is no sign of soberness at all.

After that, I felt a familiar breath, as if I heard someone talking, it was also a very familiar voice. But this familiarity is not complete, as if I saw a seemingly familiar. But strangers who have never met before. It also seems to have a sense of sight, feel this scene. It seems to have happened at a certain time in the past.

My consciousness is not sober, I just feel vaguely. The speed of "falling" is slowing down, and it seems that there is some power to support himself from below. In the darkness, I seem to see a darker outline. It is not humanoid, but it makes me feel strongly that it exists. It flows like ink, and it flows down. In terms of feeling, it is huge enough, and the overall volume is like filling the bottom.

When it touched the bottom, I was still falling and suddenly felt loose. The "end point" that lifted me suddenly disappeared, and my fall back to normal. In the sense of rapid fall, my consciousness once again restored clarity in a flash. I sat up reflexively, only to realize that I was sweating all over, and what happened before was again transformed into a "nightmare" memory.

My left eye is no longer twitching, however, the strange experience brought by the whole process is deeply in my mind.

What the **** is that?

I asked myself, but in any case, the answer is not related to Jiang.

Obviously, this experience is not the same as any mysterious experience from the "jiang" in the past. It seems that it has reached a stage of "fall" and penetrated this stage of "fall", which seems to be suggesting something. There is also a feeling of illusion and full of immediate vision, which has not faded until waking up at this time.

Without any warning, from my mind, I suddenly jumped out of the doomsday illusion of London's prosthetic body Takagawa, and when I was just recovering, at the network ball base, the familiar and dangerous feeling. I unconsciously connected my previous dream experience with this unmistakable memory. All this is not conscious. When I realized why I had to do this, I had already done so.

And, directly to the previous experience, gave an answer: Omi.

The specific situation, such as the detailed information of Omi, as well as the relationship between the end and the previous experience, are unclear and illogical. But it was such an answer, such a name.

The name "Jinjiang" has a huge amount of information for me, but the information is also vague and cannot be processed logically. Everything about the name is just an impression, and all kinds of guesses that arise from the combination of this impression as the name suggests. However, from the perspective of mysterious experts, even if there is no direct evidence, but these are intuitive, as if suggestive, sudden associations and vague answers, but it is worth believing and must be valued.

To put it simply, all seemingly whim, flashes of light, or inexplicable thoughts, no matter how unreliable in logical thinking, and how many flaws and unverifiable places, but as long as they occur, it must make sense of. There must be something in the place where I do n’t understand, I do n’t understand, I do n’t know, I ca n’t observe, and I have these ideas. Even, for a longer period of time in the future, they will be involved with themselves.

The name "Jin Jiang" is not exactly how strange it is to say. But to be very familiar, but it makes me feel not so sure. The name itself, and the impression surrounding it, are naturally easy to associate with "Jiang". But it seems that they are different from Fujiang and Zhenjiang. This difference is not completely strange, and it has a certain similarity to the difference between alienating Youjiang and other humanoid rivers, but it is also not completely the same.

The only certainty is that "Jianjiang" and "Jiang" are related. Even if they exist in the form of human beings, they must never be viewed from a human perspective. Moreover, as the name "Jin Jiang" gradually became deeper in my mind, I seemed to remember more things. Some of these things have specific content, while others are at most just a noun.

The Omi trap, the ultimate weapon Dorothy, the London repeater, the three-pillar ceremony, etc ... all seem to be the situation in London. So I couldn't help but wonder whether the previous nightmare was related to the situation of the prostitute Gao Chuan. No, it should be said that when I came up with this idea, it was already determined, and it must be related to the situation of the London-style prostitute Gao Chuan.

On the other side of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, there is also a near river similar to the alienated Youjiang, and something happened around the two.

On the other hand, when I confirmed this idea, another idea came up: When I couldn't observe "Jiang", the observation of Jinjiang by the prosthetic body Gaochuan can also be regarded as "Gaochuan". "Jiang" observation? It is precisely because observations still exist, so on the side where Fujiang has been away for so long, there has not been a more direct encounter with the "virus", such as the final weapon attack.

In any case, the previous nightmare seems to imply that even if there is a separation of repeaters, I, "Jiang", Jinjiang and Takakawa, the only prosthetic body that should exist in this doomsday illusion, have always maintained a deep Level of connection.

I am not surprised by my association with another Gao Chuan. From the beginning, I did not think that we were two separate individuals, and in turn, I also thought that another Gao Chuan maintained the same idea as me. The commonality of being "Gaochuan" is stronger than the "personality" of personality differences, and it is closer to the essence. If you want to describe it, it is like different branches growing from a tree trunk, maybe the branches will be cut off, but they will also be born, maybe the direction and shape are different ~ ~ but they are all from the same tree One part, and only when viewed from a holistic perspective, is a living tree, not just inanimate branches.

The information of the "Gaochuan" in the past inherited by the prosperity Gaochuan has become the soil for my recovery, and my recovery must also carry his information.

The deep correlation between us is the basis for us to finally become one, and finally there is only one "Gaochuan". However, the relationship between Jinjiang and Jiang does not seem to be so simple. In terms of the dim feeling at this time, there are three kinds of connections between Fujiang, Zhenjiang, Zuojiang and other human-shaped rivers and "jiang", alienation between Youjiang and "jiang", and near river and "jiang". Different situations. The difference between the alienation of Youjiang gives people the feeling that it is caused by a "virus"; while the feeling of Omi seems not to be a "virus", but it directly reminds me of Super Dorothy and the color center from the center. The possibility of doing things.

Omi? Omi trap? The existence of man-made proximity to "Jiang" is set as a trap against "Jiang"? However, even if it is the Super Dorothy and the color center, and has been planning for a long time, is it really possible to "create an existence close to" Jiang ""?

I think that if Jin Jiang was indeed born under such an idea, then Dorothy and the color will definitely be in big trouble. (To be continued)

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