Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1282: Confluence

209 Confluence

There are many vehicles parked on the road in front of the apartment, including Engels cars and the SUVs. There is only one off-road vehicle, it is expected that Jung did not bring all the members. Probably because of the late arrival, the big iron door was locked tightly, and no guard was seen.

Before entering the apartment, I handed the knife-shaped critical weapon to Dorothy, who is also the third-level Mageweave messenger, and she has the authority to use this knife.

Dorothy chopped the knife from side to side, and the posture looked a little rusty. Speaking of it, I hadn't seen her use other weapons except the strange bear puppet. However, this knife is not a cold weapon. As long as it can be activated, anyone can obtain a strong oscillating force.

"Sakuya, don't leave me too far." I told Sakuya. I only worry about Misaki at the moment. She only undergoes short shooting training. Her physique is not much different from that of ordinary people. Her talents are not suitable for fighting. Enemies like wolves have no power to fight back. However, I believe that my quick sweep can protect her at the most critical time.

"It's okay, Achuan. I'm not here to play the game." Sakuya said, popping a palm-sized pistol from the cuff, which lit up in front of me. "Two rounds of reloading, using a special burst bomb Condensation bombs are not a joke when they are shot. "

"If you can hit it," Dorothy said ecstatically.

"Do you want to try?" Miyaki stared at her, "although your chest is much smaller than the target I usually hit."

I think I have a headache again. Since Dorothy's appearance, Sakuya's temperament ran to the fork as if he had lost the brakes. I really don't understand why they looked at each other wrong.

I pressed my hands on top of the two people's heads, inserted my body between them, and cut off my eyes as if they could spark.

"My stomach is already very hungry." I said, holding Saki Ye like a princess. She screamed in a low voice and her ears were all red.

I also felt a little embarrassed. I pretended not to hear her cry, ran a few steps forward, and then jumped hard. After bending my calf in the air, I just jumped over the iron gate up to four meters high. There was a petite figure beside me that fell to the ground at the same time. It was Dorothy. Although she had no other burdens, looking at the relaxed look, her athletic ability was probably much better than mine.

Sakuya almost buried her head in my arms. When I put her down, there was a while. Her eyes dodged and she didn't touch me at all, just pulled my sleeve tightly.

No one greeted us at the door, the main door was not locked, just pushed the door open, and the melodious music and vocals suddenly poured out of the door crack. The lobby is deliberately decorated with magnificent, antique furnishings, red carpets, suspended ceilings and bright candlelight on the walls to sharpen the figure. The interlaced light and shadow, bright but heavy and deep colors, people in dresses walked back and forth on the long dining table and talked calmly. The magnificent and noisy scenery in front of them was full of an unreal feeling.

In the initial notice of Little Sint, he planned to hold a family feast to catch the wind and dust in Marseille only for a few guests. But now Marseille is impossible to come over. He seems to have set up this evening as a large party for everyone. If it is just to connect with the guests and have no other thoughts, anyone who knows what kind of guy he is will take it. Make a joke.

We lightened the movement when we entered, and most of the guests' attention was not here. A few guests near the door passed the sight, but they did not show too much surprise. Look away. There was a man with a friendly and kind smile, raised a goblet in his hand to us, and drank into the crowd after drinking the red wine.

There are nearly a hundred people including men, women and children. I never thought that there would be so many guests in this apartment. No, maybe not all the people living in the apartment, because there was an epidemic in the town, maybe someone ran up, just in time for the dinner. In addition, it is likely to be mixed with a lot of Mar Jones people. There are many children as old as Dorothy, and it seems that several complete families have come. Our dress and age are not awkward. Although Dorothy only wore huge gloves in her right hand and also carried a knife, in the eyes of mature adults, it was just the child's innocence, quirks and instincts.

We walked into the crowd and looked at everyone passing by with our eyes, and scooped the food into the silver tray on the dining table. I am really hungry, and the appearance and flavor of the dishes are mouth-watering. I filled a large plate without paying attention. Fortunately, I am not alone.

Misaki and Dorothy seemed to be different, and they did not face each other coldly when facing each other, always keeping a reserved smile. They are all very familiar with Western-style table manners, and their movements seem to have been tried and tested. This makes me a sigh of buns. I can't help but think, if Fu Jiang is here, would he converge that wanton attitude? But I couldn't imagine how Fujiang would look like a lady who was gentle and reserved. If you copy the softly spoken words of Saki Ye and Dorothy to Fujiang, you can't help raising goose bumps.

However, if the imaginary object is changed to Zuo Jiang, there is no such feeling of incompatibility. If it ’s Zhen Jiang ... that kind of maverick attitude and the nervous murmur that spit out from time to time, will definitely make people retreat.

Several enthusiastic men came over and tried to talk with Saki Ye and Dorothy, but they were politely rejected. They will find Misaki. I was not surprised. Misaki could n’t hide her female identity after changing into a menswear. Instead, she looked more mature. At least no one would treat her as a high school girl. It turned out that Dorothy was looking for boys of the same age as her, which made Miyake amused a few words, and the smile on Dorothy's mouth became very stiff for a while.

In addition, what is worth reading is that although my food is not very elegant, I was also choked by eating too fast, and I had to drink a large sip of red wine. The wine overflowed from the mouth and wet the clothes. It's awkward to say. However, it is this appearance of loss of grace that is still favored by several young, beautiful and mature women.

"Excuse me, are you a doctor?" One asked after exchanging names.

"No. Do I look like a doctor?" I tried not to pay attention to the smooth skin on her chest, and said politely and sincerely, "In fact, I am a wandering poet, writer, and adventurer, studying the local customs. And characteristic legends. I am brewing a series of serials, telling everyone what is not known to the public but has a unique charm, such as this beautiful town and you passionate girls. "

Of course I did not lie, and one day I will write down my adventures. But the women didn't seem to believe it, and laughed like a canary.

In this fresh environment, I would like to have an in-depth exchange with them, try out the feeling of the public lover, and develop my own communication skills. It is a pity that the insertion of Saya and Dorothy interrupted this idea. I don't know how they did it. After a few ordinary greetings, the women dispersed themselves.

"You look quite comfortable," Dorothy said.

"You also need to communicate with strange teachers and classmates in the student union." I am very satisfied with my previous performance. "Although the conversations are different, the things to pay attention to are similar."

"I forgot, Achuan is very popular in school." Miyaki seems to have a headache. "Different from me, Achuan often receives love letters? I have heard that there are high school students who secretly love him. rumor."

"It's so sloppy." Although my mouth said so, I was very proud. "No matter where you are, the word" excellent "will open the door to anything. This is the name of the top student. The meaning of it. "

"Have you never received a love letter?" Dorothy looked at Miyaki with a surprised look.

Misaki smiled bitterly on his face.

"Am I ... the former me and the present me, but completely different." She said in a tone of memory.

"Okay, the gossip is here, and your stomach is full. Have you seen Jung them?" I asked, placing the empty wine glasses in the tray of the waiter passing by.

"With Engels, but I didn't see Little Sent." Dorothy turned her head in one direction.

Looking along her eyes, two familiar figures were revealed in the crisscrossing of people. Jung and Engels were talking in the corner of the lobby. Dorothy said that they had just come out from the back entrance. Obviously, before the owner arrived, they went inside the apartment again. However, they can't see any discovery from their expressions, and probably still get nothing like before.

Engels promised three times and five times to take us to the altar hidden somewhere in the apartment, but either the subject was cleverly staggered or the timing was wrong. To this day, we still don't know the number and whereabouts of those who have been sacrificed by him. It also made me wonder whether Engels really cooperated with us.

Erin ’s Nightmare World, or the temporary data hedging space in the Peak District, alone allows the access of the human spirit and does not accept the physical body. However, this has caused me a question-in that space, do Irene, Sauron, Marceau, etc. really belong to the independent thinking style and do not rely on existence? If they only enter mentally, is it still stored somewhere? Is it still active? Without mentioning the situation of Irene and Sauron, Marceau's consciousness is sober and sound, which is far from the concept of "thinking body". Moreover, I cannot imagine how to save the human spirit after losing it.

Indeed, what we know of the Tianmen Project is "the study of the soul, which once created an independent body of thought", but the statement is not the same as reality. I think there must be something wrong, even though doomsday technology can quantify matter and non-matter, but the quantification is just a value. Before and after the change, to affect reality, you must have a medium that reflects this quantitative change. .

The temporary hedging space in the tomb area also did not exclude the material existence related to reality.

The complete appearance of the Tianmen Project is still hidden in the thick mist. However, I began to firmly believe that somewhere in this hilltop apartment, Marceau ’s was still alive.

Seemingly sensing my gaze, Jung turned his head. I know he saw me, but his face is still that kind of stereotyped unsurprised and joyless, as if there would be no moving expression even if the sky is sinking. Although I once refuted his decision and ran away with Sakuya, he did not show any look of surprise and reproach either at that time or now.

As if nothing had happened, it was unclear what he was thinking. I used to appreciate and admire this leadership style, and think this is the behavior of professionals, but now I feel that "professional" is not always a commendatory term.

I took Saya and Dorothy to that corner and greeted the two of them. Only then did I know that the other team members remained in the center of the town. In addition to the fishing operation, they also had to keep the night safe with the police.

"This is?" Engels' eyes fell on Dorothy, his face a little strange. When he first saw me and Misaki, he questioned our identity because of our age. His expression now seemed like he didn't want to hear that the little girl about ten years old was also a member of the National Intelligence Agency.

Jung's eyes also stayed on my face. Although he still had no expression, it made me undoubtedly express my opinion.

"Doris, a companion in the advent of the circuit, maybe you have seen it before." I vaguely understood Doris' identity.

However, I am not sure whether Jung knew Dorothy. There are not many members of the Security Bureau, and most of them are on duty outside the country. If it is not necessary for action, there are not many opportunities to meet. Moreover, her current appearance is quite different from the past. After the end of the adventurous circuit operation, except for Fu Jiang and me, no other members survived. Although I once hinted to Prophet Mayn that Dorothy did not die completely, but Dorothy's special status cannot exclude the possibility of marking death.

"I've heard of you, the youngest genius in the bureau." Jung said vaguely, holding out his hand and holding Dorothy, "I'm glad you can come and support us."

"This ... Ms. Dorothy." Engels didn't seem to know what to call Dorothy. His eyes cast a deep doubt. "She's yours? I don't know when the Intelligence Bureau has the right to hire Child labor? Mr. Crow is okay to say, but this child ... is it too young? "

Before we could find a way to explain it, Dorothy had reached out to Engels.

"Hold it?" She sternly smiled.

"Ah? Oh, okay. Nice to meet you, beautiful girl." Engels recovered, but when he grabbed Dorothy's hand, his expression immediately became difficult to look at. Although he still smiled politely, he seemed to endure huge pain.

I seemed to hear the fracture sound from Engels' palm. He took a hard breath and finally couldn't hold on, earning it from Dorothy's hands and slamming his palms desperately. His bones of course were not crushed, but there were obvious red and swollen fingerprints.

"Is it good to look down on people? Mr. Sergeant." Dorothy's tone and smile still maintain the ladylike style, but her approach is really not gentle.

Now, Sheriff Engels looked at her completely changed, and there was no restlessness before.

"Despite her young age, Dorothy is highly regarded." Jung said sideways without changing his face.

"Is that true? Well, um, you can see it." Engels couldn't tell the marginal polite words, didn't he see it before?

Jung didn't plan to accompany him to talk about these non-nutritive topics, saying a "mismatch" and pulling me aside.

"What the **** is going on? I haven't received reports of reinforcements arriving," he said, staring at me.

"It's a long story, and I shouldn't tell you. I think it's better to ask the Prophet Mayn in person after returning to the Security Bureau. Dorothy's situation is very special, just like you said before, deep It ’s important, ”I hint vaguely. It seems that Jung really does n’t know the character Dorothy, let alone her true situation.

He and I stared at each other for a while, and finally let go of the topic. After losing Fujiang, replacing with a new three-pole Mageweave messenger is also good news for the current situation.

"You came late, did you encounter anything?" Jung glanced at Sakuya and others and asked keenly.

"Yes, I think you will be interested in my experience."

So, after leaving the police station, I went to the dock with Marseilles. There was a fight in the dock. Desire deprived the enemy of the memory. After returning, I advised the old woman in the ready-to-wear store and my plan. Tell it again.

"That is to say, ~ ~ You are more optimistic about the benefits that the Tianmen project might get after the success?" Jung asked for a while.

"The Tianmen Project is impossible to stop." I said.

"We are not trying to stop the Tianmen Project, but to obtain their research materials." Jung said quietly, "I'm not going to take the risk of your plan first. I'm not going to take risks with my team members. Crow, you seem to I have forgotten that we are the security bureau. This method of achieving success through sacrifice is prohibited at all times. "

"The sacrifice will not die."

"But you will lose something more important than life." Jung patted my shoulder and said, "In this team, no one will volunteer to be a sacrifice, maybe there will be in the security bureau, but now they are not here. How about you? Will you be a sacrifice? "

I can't say anything.

"That's it, you are still young, this is not a mistake." Jung took my shoulders for the first time. "In this world, there are always things that have to be given up. I know you are a child with ideas, But do n’t always think too much, that will kill you sooner or later. "

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