Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1283: problem

Some things are happening in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital. Although it is impossible to confirm all the details, in general, such and other things happen, leading to various dangerous abnormal situations, which is completely expected by everyone. △ ¢ 四 △ ¢ 五 △ ¢ 中 △ ¢ 文 ∈↗, who really do n’t understand why this kind of thing happens, or do n’t understand in what direction things will go, only those who simply look at the world with normal eyes Ordinary people now. On this peninsula, there are more than seminars and mysterious organizations. Whether it is a patient or an expert, or people who come to this peninsula with other purposes, there is no shortage of people who are still living as ordinary people in the wave of mystery.

However, in terms of the scope of activities, I have little intersection with these ordinary people. Throughout my life, I have been exposed to the life after the "mystery". The things I experienced and the people I interacted with are completely different from those before the "mystery". With the passage of time, I do not miss the life of ordinary people, but for dealing with "mystery", in the face of those people who are incredible and unimaginable to ordinary people, I feel that it should not be such a sudden situation. I no longer feel fresh. , Stimulation and longing. After all the rapids have receded, all that remains is peace, in peace, to think, to experience darkness and helplessness, to feel the desperate things like destiny, the psychology begins to become abnormal, the spirit is tortured, and the soul is tempered It has become strangely shaped, but still has to look for hope in such a transformation.

I still haven't given up my dream. Even if that dream is too ideal, innocent and incomparably distant, there are countless voices telling him that it cannot be done, and the facts also prove that he always fails. Even so. Still did not give up, in my heart, still exists, yearning for that dream.

In countless times of pain, torture, confusion and failure, I also said to myself countless times that I want to be a hero.

Obviously the same countless times. Say to yourself that you can no longer be a hero. If you can save someone, you can only save the person you love. Even so, in the silent thinking, the voice from the heart still said to himself: I want to be a hero.

Want, not available. Although not available, it has never given up such an idea-from the perspective of occultism. This is the root of suffering, the beginning of self-torture, and the sign of falling into hell.



I never regret it.

Although it was painful, I did not feel that I should change my attitude and have a better way. See and solve problems. Perhaps, in the eyes of others. My choice was never the best, even, it was not good or correct, but now I finally understand why I did n’t do that at the time. Just because it was my choice, not the choice of others, it was my own thinking to judge whether it was good or bad. Instead of others thinking, to judge good and bad. Therefore, the results of other people's thinking and judgment are meaningless to me. They think and judge whether they are good or bad and correct. They are all theirs. They harvest theirs and bear their own. Their victory and success, their failure and pain, have nothing to do with me.

What I have to bear, and the only thing I have to bear, is only the results of my own thinking and judgment.

In these days, my thinking is telling me that although people inevitably have commonalities, and these commonality are needed to maintain their survival and development, at the same time, as an individual Personality and independence are so strong. In the complex and interwoven social nature, there is a kind of "loneliness", which may be regarded as shameful by some people, but it does exist. It exists through "thinking", extremely intensely, in the fear of the unknown.

"Jiang" is here, in "thinking", in the fear of the unknown, in the unsolvable confusion, in the loneliness of isolation as an individual, I am in my own thinking, cognition, judgment , Fear, confusion and loneliness, feel and determine its existence.

In philosophical terms-it really is like a ghost of philosophy.

This is true of "Jiang" and of course of "Virus".

In the world of matter and energy, things that cannot be observed are placed in a world composed only of philosophies, but become clear.

If science is only narrowly focused on what is "physical existence" in the conventional sense, then it must be "jiang" and "virus" that cannot be grasped.

I thought so, and suddenly felt that someone patted the shoulder. I woke up suddenly, knowing that I was involuntarily thinking again. I suddenly had an idea: Is this kind of involuntary thinking really a kind of morbidity, or is "Jiang" talking to me?

"I'm sorry, I just lost my mind." I said to the forced thinking that the divergent thought was suppressed, and told the teenager who didn't know when to walk beside him.

This teenager is a mysterious expert who can really exert the power of three levels of magic patterns in the world of repeaters. His appearance age is older than his actual age. This age reminds me of my past. However, I certainly know that he and he are still different. The previous self-introduction let me know that this young boy was awakened by the super-powerful "genius" when he was in the second level of Mageweave.

Among the Mageweave messengers I dealt with, like me, I was forced to develop "superpower" mediocrity by Mageweave when I was promoted to level 3 Mageweave, but there were very few, perhaps because of mediocre me Under normal circumstances, your ability is not enough to face those high-intensity mysterious events. Therefore, they have to solve easier incidents and handle simpler tasks. Those who stand on the front line and face super powerful enemies must of course be "geniuses" and "masters" who have reached the same level.

The reason why I participated in it is only because the "swivel" superpower that I forcibly developed by Mageweave is a bit out of specification in terms of mystery and performance. And I can roughly give reasons for why such an over-spec capability emerged.

The superpowers forcibly developed by Mageweave, or the superpowers forcibly endowed, have nothing to do with the characteristics of users. What I symbolized and represented by my "quick sweep" is certainly not the characteristic of my Gaochuan. So, is it because of the existence of "Jiang" that the real reason for me to gain this superpower is in me?

Because of the power of "Jiang", I have faced many complicated situations. Can make different performances.

And the three-level Mageweave Messenger boy in front of him, the ability of Mageweave Superpower, makes him different from other people, can continue to use the original ability in this world of repeaters, and does not need to be transformed into an electronic demon messenger. the reason.

The five people who sought my help did not conceal their abilities. This young man's ability is called: burn out. This ability can "fire" mysteries of various properties and manifestations. Whether this "burning" is physical or conceptual is actually not known to me. but. As long as the ability is activated, any mysterious power in contact with him will become a form of expression similar to "ash" and be used by him.

It sounds powerful, but in fact, of course there are limitations. However, of course, the restrictions will not be revealed here. If it wasn't because the situation was tumbling at this time. The future is uncertain, and we need to cooperate wholeheartedly. Otherwise, a mystery expert will not tell others about his mystery so easily. Even in battle and long-term contact, people will gradually understand their mysteries, and then spread through various channels, and eventually be parsed and archived by others, but they will not personally secret their secrets. Tell anyone else.

Maintaining mystery is not the basis for the continued existence of the mysterious power, but it is the natural result of the influence of the mysterious power itself.

Just like people who recognize science, they will involuntarily look at problems from a scientific perspective. People with mysterious power maintain a mysterious posture. It is also natural.

In exchanges with these five people, in order to show sincerity, I released some of my secrets, but this does not mean that this secret will be fully exposed.

The young man ’s Mageweave is capable of "burning out". Even in my feeling, it is not the "real name" he belongs to. From a mystic point of view, it also means "burning out" is not This supernatural "real name", to think about and judge the characteristics of its ability from this name, will only produce deviations step by step, and ultimately lead to a wrong result.

However, just from his simple description of this superpower, it has made people feel promising. The reason why he can still use the power as a third-level Mageweave messenger in this repeater is precisely because of the "electronic demon messenger". "And" Nightmare "are the mystery of the form of expression," burnt "by this ability in an incomprehensible and unobservable way, and finally turned into the" ash "of the manifestation of the super power of the magic pattern.

The "ash" of the third-level Mageweaver young boy is similar to the "ash" of another Mageweave messenger I have encountered. Although the appearance is similar, the essential power is different. This young man's "ash" is not the wreckage of an ordinary physical object burned to death.

Because his age is similar to mine, I have some interest in his origins and abilities. However, despite the shy look of the teenager, he never leaks water in the conversation, giving a very sophisticated feeling.

"It's been ten minutes. I didn't expect that I could really escape the chase when I came here." Suddenly, the old man with a broken leg said with a surprised tone.

He seemed to be saying that, in fact, they did not simply seek help. I couldn't help but look at the connector, she shrugged and said, "Keen instinct."

She specifically refers to the young man in the team who is paler than everyone else, as if she is sick. His power, when introduced, looked like a "talent" that would only be developed by a second-level Mageweave messenger, just like my chain judgment, he described it as "super sharp intuition". The instincts of the mysterious experts are extremely sharp and often correct, but the intuition of this young man seems to be many times stronger. However, it is difficult to describe with quantitative values ​​such as "how many percents" or "how many times" how sharp and correct.

"What do you think is the reason why the seminar people did not catch up?" I asked the young man: "Do you think they know, are you here?"

The young man's face was paler, but he quickly replied: "Ah, um. That's right ... Permission is required to enter and exit here. Those who pursue them are seminar people, and of course they must follow the rules. So, I I think they are going to apply for permission. "

However, such an answer seems to be somewhat unacceptable to everyone except me.

"It's ridiculous. Obviously in their own backyard, they don't have permission? Even if they don't have permission, I don't think those people are good at talking. If they can't enter, they don't enter." Another woman said in a complex tone To.

"I don't understand. However, I feel that way." The pale young man scratched his head embarrassedly, saying so.

"Isn't it because of the deviation?" The connector asked. There are two people in this team who are members of the Torchlight, that is, the collaborators of the network ball, trying to use their deviating power to interfere with all the things that are happening here.

"No, maybe the deviation has some effect, but not all." The young man seemed to be the person of the torchlight. He shook his head and denied this.

"So, there must be something weird here? Why, so high permission is required to enter and exit here. If you know someone you want to catch, UU reading just enters so hard, but they still need to apply for permission first. In order to move further? "The old man looked at me:" Mr. Gao Chuan, have you found anything? "

"There are a lot of questions." I said quietly that there was nothing to hide, and told them about the situation observed in this sick building, 1510. "The biggest problem in my opinion is two points, one is not formal. The main entrance to the outside is that there is no one other than me here, but now there are five more outsiders. "

There is no "main entrance" in the occult science, which has a deep suggestive meaning. Similarly, "only one person" and "more outsiders" also have some unknown factors. If something strange happens next, these suggestive situations are all factors that must be included in the reference. As an experienced mysterious messenger, I think they must understand what I want to say.

"It sounds terrible." The old man laughed, and he seemed to feel that the situation is a bit bad now, "However, Turner's intuition should not be wrong."

"No, my instinct can only solve the targeted problems, but not the problems that have spread out." Turner, a pale-faced young man, said with some embarrassment: "I can avoid hunting after coming here, but, not It means that no more situations will be triggered. Do n’t forget, my ability is also a kind of deviation. "(To be continued ...)

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