Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1284: Unconfirmed deviation

Turner's keen instincts will give guidance to solve the current problem, but this guidance will lead to the next trouble. If people continue to follow the guidance action, then a series of troubles will form some kind of "deviation". Lala, if you have read this chapter, please move to Biquge () to read the latest chapter, or you can directly search for "biquge" or "" in Baidu, please remember our new website pen-fun-ge + ◆ 顶 + ◆ 点 + ◆ 小 + ◆ Say, maybe there will be some difficulties in understanding, it seems that the changes brought about by not following this guiding action are "normal changes". For light people, that ’s all it takes to understand Turner ’s mysterious power.

"That is to say, what must happen in this place." The old man sat up from the hospital bed. At this moment, the wound on his leg was almost cured, but this recovery ability is not his mystery, and, from It seems to him that if he keeps acting, he can't recover quickly. However, no one else in this team was surprised.

"I've transformed my ability into an electronic demon messenger." The old man said to us: "Although I haven't shown any combat power before, my electronic demon is not good at fighting. But it can make the negatives end. . "

"Let the negatives end?" Others showed expressions that they didn't understand, and it seemed quite unexpected to me. Perhaps it is because the time for acting together is too short, and the incident is too sudden, so the members of this team do not know enough about each other as I imagined. However, when I think about it, this is not surprising. It is possible that before today, these people independently performed their respective tasks until the seminar suddenly issued a secret order to capture "disqualified patients", and the force used made them have to be exposed. Without knowing how the insider has changed, they can no longer keep silent, and can't stand still, they can only give up their independent actions and connect with each other. To enhance their self-protection ability.

To put it another way, since they do not know each other's personality traits, identity or purpose, and there are some unspeakable secrets, they must still unite. It is even more obvious how much pressure they are facing this time. It also proved the strength of the seminar mobilization. I do n’t know if Dr. Ruan Li knows the secret order, and in her eyes, how the secret order is recognized in a “normal” way, but in the eyes of our mysterious experts, the secret order, and The resulting waves are, of course, conspiratorial and mysterious. In the development of the entire event, the core of cognition must also be generated around "mystery"-the peep of the electronic demon messenger, the production of paradise drugs, part of the mysterious organization in the seminar, and even the doomsday truth , The Nazis and more mysterious organizations are going to move.

Because there are too many secrets, conspiracies, ideas, and phases that each party wants to achieve are not the same, but they are extremely confidential and cannot be confirmed immediately. Therefore, it is impossible to pull the silk and peel the cocoon, and make a clear judgment of the actions of all parties. Naturally, it is even more difficult to predict the direction of the overall event. What kind of weird phenomena and unexpected emergencies will happen in the end.

The purpose of the mess, and the fact that it is impossible to confirm which mysterious forces are involved, makes the situation on the peninsula extremely complicated and dangerous. The people who are meeting here today, although under the secret of the seminar, were in the hospital as "disqualified patients". But they are not sure who their enemy is.

After all, the so-called seminar was not a pure group from the beginning. It itself has the identity of the doomsday truth in this world, but as the doomsday truth. The internal thinking is also not unified, and at the same time it is infiltrated by various mysterious organizations that cannot be confirmed concretely. It is an extremely complex consortium that has the identity of a funder alone, and this consortium is now showing signs of division. If you want to treat the entire seminar as an enemy, then you must first realize that the enemy you will face will be at least an external doomsday doctrine, a spontaneous doomsday doctrine born in this world, a wave of world mystery The emerging group of electronic demon messengers in China, various mysterious organizations, 51 districts and even the Nazis who are the masters of repeaters.

It can almost be said that if the seminar itself is regarded as an enemy just because of the secret hunting order issued by the seminar, the entire world must be faced. For a group of five people, such an enemy is desperate. Therefore, from the beginning, the whole seminar cannot be regarded as an enemy, but this complicated thing must be further deconstructed, and the factors that really want to be detrimental to oneself must be clearly identified and eliminated.

This idea is correct and sensible, but the problem is that the seminar is really too complicated, and the "deviation" of the torch light has already worked, which means that it is impossible to follow the already generated As a result, in turn, to find the source of the problem. Because the clues connecting the cause and the result are no longer as simple as the interlacing of the silk thread and the silk thread when they are tangled into a mess, and it is more likely that the silk thread itself has been broken and then connected to other silk threads, and the person who observes It is simply impossible to distinguish whether the thread in front of you is the original one or a new one after breaking and reconnecting with other threads-these clues are no longer the original clues.

The "deviation" of the torch light is terrible. In the explanation of the two existing members of the torch light, everyone feels a headache. Even the torchlight's own people cannot guarantee that they will not be affected after the mysterious deviation. On the contrary, it is the most common situation that even oneself is in trouble, and they cannot judge the difference before and after the "deviation".

Perhaps some of the people in the torchlight can observe the difference before and after the "deviation", and then confirm the existence of the "deviation" itself, but such a person does not exist in the team that attacks the Las Vegas repeater. At this time, the pale-faced young man Turner standing in front of us and Anna, another female in addition to the connector, are not the kind of people who can confirm the "deviation", but only the person who makes the "deviation".

At this time, ordinary people often ask such a question: Since it is impossible to confirm the "deviation", how do you know that it is your own ability that caused the "deviation"?

But in front of the actual situation, this problem is of no use at all. Because, although "deviation" cannot be confirmed. But there is also no evidence to prove that there is no deviation. Furthermore, those who believe in the torch light take action based on the fact that "deviation" has occurred, and those who do not believe in the torch light take action based on the criterion that "deviation" has not occurred. They also need to take great risks. For the mysterious expert who is under pressure, he tends to believe that the torch light has caused a "deviation" but is a lower risk judgment.

Because "deviation", as the characteristic of the torchlight, is equivalent to the importance of "credibility" to the network ball, and it is a word of mouth accumulated over many years of performance.

Whether I or anyone else, I decided to believe that these two members of Torchlight described the consequences of the "deviation" caused by myself. Yes, they have no evidence to prove that what they said is correct, and they will never prove it. But the situation faced by mystery experts is often the case. Sometimes, you have to trust your intuition, your own experience, your own judgment, and even take great risks to believe a certain one without any evidence. Some people.

You can always rely on prudent thinking and various reminders in times of crisis. Collect evidence and clues in advance, and then make judgments and decisions with high accuracy and accuracy. It is a fairy tale that only exists in "detective stories". The mysterious events faced by the mystery experts, because of the existence of the "mystery" factor, it is impossible for such a fairy-tale situation. It is not subjectively unwilling and limited in the ability of the participants themselves, but the "mysterious event" itself does not have much to observe and think about, even if there is such a thing. There are also cases where it is impossible to observe these things and make inferences in the current time period and the remaining time.

If you want to describe it, it's like. There is an extraordinary power that hides some important clues in a "detective event", causing the reasoner to fall into a dead end or seek a dead end. When they thought it was a detective story, they didn't expect it to be a supernatural story.

Everyone gathered in this sick building now has enough adventure experience, even the Mageweaver teenager, because of his own, has already experienced the sharpness of many high-intensity mysterious events in a short time. Raise the magic pattern to the third level. No one here will make a judgment that does not conform to the experience of the mysterious expert. Even this "judgment that conforms to the experience of the mysterious expert" itself, in some cases, will become a trap for mysterious events.

Everyone knows what kind of chaotic situation they are facing, and what dangers are coming to them, so they give up everything at hand in the first time, and do not understand each other. Form a team. This is basically a team assembled by mysterious experts driven by their own survival abilities.

"So, rule out the possibility of finding the black hand behind the scenes. What should we do next?" The connector said in a deep voice: "The seminar's hunting secret order cannot be cancelled. The identity of the disqualified patient has also been determined. I I feel that it is not possible to get rid of the identity of the disqualified patient. Therefore, it is best to first determine the treatment method for the disqualified patient in the seminar and then actively accept a better treatment method. "

"Our escape has alarmed the seminar. I don't think we need to bother about whether our identity has been exposed. Similarly, we can't expose our mission goals, and thus, we can't confirm the idea of ​​each other's organization." The old man smiled. Although there was still some tension left in his face, there was also a little excitement. "We cannot confirm the confusion inside the seminar, nor can we confirm what kind of confusion will occur afterwards, but it is undeniable. , A large part of these confusions is the result of our respective tasks. So, we are at a balance point-no one will deliberately ignore us, but because the attention received is too complicated, I want to When we do something with us, we are bound to be subject to games and containment. "He glanced at me and said carefully:" What we need is the protection of a neutral knowledge ". This person must be an insider of the seminar, She must also have high-level status and a detached position towards all parties. For the time being, she may in the future Dangerous, and yet must be temporarily parties to protect and support. "

We all know who he is talking about.

"Mr. Gao Chuan, only Dr. Ruan Li can help us now." The connector said: "Although it is earlier than expected, and we have not prepared for good faith. But we can guarantee that we will repay Dr. Ruan Li."

The conclusion they finally came to did not surprise me. Although I didn't expect it at first, from my analysis, I turned to Dr. Ruan Li. Accepting her asylum and taking rest and watching as her patient is also a very reasonable decision. If you can't resist the entire seminar, or resolve the hostile part of the seminar, and eliminate it, your own "disqualified patient" has been identified and received the attention of all parties. Then, I was "recommended". To be the exclusive patient of Dr. Ruan Li, in my opinion, it is indeed a better choice.

"It's not something I can decide." Although I think it's okay, there are certainly concerns. Although they do n’t feel that they will hurt Dr. Ruan Li, they have a complicated identity. It is destined that when thinking rationally, it is impossible to rule out the negative effects that their existence may bring. If Dr. Ruan Li accepts these people. Well, perhaps while acquiring the five bodyguards, the mysterious crisis it faces will also increase to a degree.

However, Dr. Ruan Li is an active and strong woman, and she has observed the world. Even her position on herself reflects a very strong personality. I don't think that your own suggestions can play a decisive role in it. In the end, what kind of judgment will Dr. Ruan Li make if he accepts these five "disqualified patients". What kind of treatment it will take, I can't speculate in advance at all. According to their thoughts, Dr. Ruan Li will treat me with these patients with a "generous and gentle" attitude, but in my understanding, Dr. Ruan Li's ongoing research, part of It is for my illness, and partly for the end of the world crisis brought about by "White Claudia". In terms of Dr. Ruan Li ’s research attitude and importance, I do n’t think Dr. Ruan Li ’s attitude will be as they thought.

Conversely, as "disqualified patients", even if they were recommended by me, they became Dr. Ruan Li's treatment for me, studying the "white Claudia" white mice, but it is a very likely situation.

They thought that Dr. Ruan Li was relatively safe, but I actually disagree with this view. On the contrary, from my observation point of view, whether Dr. Ruan Li's existence, whether it is a "mapping" identity of the hospital's reality, or her living in this world of repeaters, may make her more special than the seminar Any one of the researchers is more dangerous. The first thing you need to face when staying with Dr. Ruan Li is the danger brought by her particularity.

"Have you really decided to do this?" In their gaze, I slowly reminded: "With my knowledge of Dr. Ruan Li, she is unlikely to reject you, but will also be born because of your initiative. Some dangerous interest. "

"Interest? Not an idea?" The jointer frowned, and she seemed to care a little about the word.

"Yes, interest." I said: "Dr. Ruan Li has her own views on the issues in the seminar. She is not a fool, but she is more interested in the ongoing research. What she needs is not to be disturbed. , And further support. "

"As far as I know, Dr. Ruan Li's research philosophy and research direction have many opponents in the seminar, and the number of opponents is still increasing." The connector said: "But Dr. Ruan Li was also It ’s good, so if we can go to Dr. Ruan Li ’s side, we should be able to give her some help. The complexity of the seminar itself makes the seminar have to pay attention to the voice of the sponsor, is n’t it? ”

I looked at others, and everyone accepted the attitude of the connector. I still feel that their ideas are somewhat biased toward the ideal ~ ~ But from their perspective, I really can't make any better suggestions. What's more, I am only based on the friendship and temporary cooperation position of John Bull and the Netball to provide them with a certain degree of help, not their leaders. Now that they have made up their minds, I have no reason to continue to object.

"I see." I picked up my phone and sent a text message to Dr. Ruan Li.

"No phone?" The old man asked.

"Weather has a great influence on the signal. This mobile phone uses an independent base station on the island, but it is not as good as the outside." I explained: "Sending text messages has been very reluctant, and it is almost impossible to hear what the other party is saying , Or even halfway through. "

With that said, there was a sudden thunder outside the window. Immediately afterwards, the lights in the room trembled violently, and they were extinguished before everyone responded. The hallway was also dimly lit, with occasional bright light coming in, and huge and gritty shadows, which made some people uneasy. I stared at the darkness outside the ward and felt the shock feedback of the arrival of information.

"Somewhat wrong." The connector said loudly.

Indeed, the atmosphere is a bit off. (To be continued ...)

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