Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1285: Stealth offensive

The atmosphere is a bit wrong, as long as the mysterious experts who have experienced many mysterious events can produce such a familiar feeling when the anomaly occurs. This feeling is difficult to describe, but as long as you believe your instincts, you can realize the dangerous approaching in the first place. It may be a ripple caused by a small change in taste, or a slight deformation of a seemingly nothing shadow, or a lot of movements that cannot be observed with the naked eye, after many obstacles, in the form of trace residues, Into the retina, eardrum and nose, and even every breath, there will be a difference in normal breathing. This is an instinct derived from life and fermented with long-term experience of the mysterious crisis, resulting in a chemical reaction.

Ordinary people will subconsciously ignore this kind of feedback and harbingers, covered by common sense, and think it is their own illusion or illusion. However, for mysterious experts, this is proof that some kind of abnormal change is happening around him. Moreover, when you feel this way, it proves that you have fallen into a dangerous situation, and it is unlikely that you will make up for it.

The only thing I can do now is face.

"In short, before you get a reply, you must save your life." I glanced at the mobile phone that lost the signal again and told five people.

"It's not you, it's us." The connector ∧ said, "I don't think that because you are a registered routine patient, you will not be hurt. Of course, the routine patient may be really special ... you feel yourself Is your life gambling on this particularity? "

"I dare." I answered without hesitation. Others couldn't help but rolled their eyes. Anna, who belongs to the torchlight, said with a lip: "Come on, four of the patients in the routine diagnosis are dead. Of the remaining three, you are the only one who is lively and jumpy. You think Is this just an accident? "

I know, they think I am mad. In the hard support, just talk about it with your mouth. But I am quite sure that comparing these five people, my particularity puts me in a relatively safe state. This is not just the particularity of the "routine patient" status, but the "routine patient" is just one of the results of my particularity. As Anna said. But it needs to be looked at the other way round. When other routine patients and ordinary patients taking the new medicine in the seminar all have problems like this, only I am still alive and can maintain my consciousness to some extent Being able to act, does this just prove my personal particularity?

The special one may always trouble your upper body. It may also bear a greater disaster, but it also means that before a certain degree of trouble and disaster arrives, you can be sure that it can be turned into danger.

Whether it is the past or the present, my experience is very special, these special experiences. Mark the upper limit of the pressure that I can carry, that is, the "final weapon". In front of the enemy with the final weapon class. I do n’t necessarily have the possibility of survival, but the enemies below this level, whether they are humanoid or nonhumanoid, whether they are specific strikes, or they are a mysterious phenomenon. I must have a greater probability of survival than others.

Of course, this kind of thing is unbelievable to others, and it will never be admitted from the subjective consciousness.

What I said was neither exaggerated nor brave. It's not about grooming and hard talking, but just describing a fact.

"Maybe after this period of time, the organizers will fish you out." I said so. In fact, after having trouble with them, it was not the first time to find an organization, and it seemed that they did not receive the support of the organization. It still made me a little bit suspicious. After all, although it was the action of the seminar that brought them danger, the organizations to which they belonged were not speechless at the seminar, and their identity, if it would be abandoned by the organization, might be found elsewhere Probably, but in the mission of this Raiders Repeater, in the mysterious events included in this Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, it is absolutely impossible.

Even when these people appeared in front of me, they looked so embarrassed. I never thought they were abandoned. Even if it seems to be an abandoned child, I also focus on considering their "abandoned child" identity as a disguise. But in any case, they have certain difficulties that must be overcome at this time, but it is certain.

Only through this difficulty will they have more choices. What is the reason why they have to do so? I cannot guess because there are so many possibilities. It is not necessarily a conspiracy, but it may be that some kind of "deviation" has occurred, making everyone caught by surprise, and then these mysterious experts active in the secret front have unexpectedly lost their early prepared backhand.

My chain judgement has been opened during the conversation, there is no movement outside the door, all the lights have been extinguished, only the lightning flash can occasionally illuminate, but the unknown smell, but endlessly drilling from the door crack Into the room. Because there is no specific anomaly that can be observed, and the position, identity and shape of the enemy cannot be determined. No one can be determined outside the seemingly empty room. What kind of life-threatening changes will suddenly appear, so for a time, everyone was deadlocked No more reaction can be done in the room.

Generally speaking, if you stay in a room, you can wait for this already existing but unobservable "anomaly", which naturally disappears with time, and you have no reason to take risks. Of course, we people are more willing to stay in the room. in. Although this feeling of being imprisoned is not very good, in the face of the mystery that everything can happen in the face of unpredictability, it is often the life-saving way to avoid danger. The more I do, I think that I have solved many problems, but in fact, I have made too many mistakes and let myself fall into a mortal situation unconsciously, which is a common occurrence in mysterious events.

There was only a sound of breathing in the ward for a while, and no one had extra movement and extra sound. Just like I use chain judgment, I think they also monitor the environment in a way that is unique to them and not easily noticed by others. I think they also think about their companions who are quiet around them.

These five people are like secret agents, performing secret tasks. I know what personal abilities are needed for these tasks. Perhaps their ability to attack head-on is not strong, but at least, in terms of perception, eyesight, and ability to obtain intelligence and analyze intelligence. Are top notch.

One minute later, we started to communicate with each other. The results were disappointing. No one found an anomaly that could be observed. The increasingly clear anomaly still only stayed in the sense.

"If you don't go out, it's best to block the entire room." The connector suggested. Others have no opinions. But I can only guess the meaning of her sentence: the key lies in "blockade" and "", obviously, refers to the use of mysterious power to complete.

"I don't have the ability in this respect, but I can carry out a comprehensive negative dispersal." The old man said: "It is possible to clean up all abnormalities in this ward at once and return to the most normal form, and of course your layout Failure, but it is impossible to eradicate anomalies after the eradication. "

"Your purification will be left for later." The connector said so, taking out the multi-faced slap lens from his arms. Shake his hand and shoot, sticking in the doors, windows and corners. Then, she stomped on the ground, and a large number of light-like circuit patterns spread from where she stood. When she touched the lens, she immediately showed a visible ripple, covering every surface of the ward in one breath.

Followed by young men and women of the torch light. The two did not take any special actions, and they did not see any mysterious phenomenon. It was just after the same breath, nodded to us that they had completed their fortifications.

"Any force trying to attack here must undergo the judgment of deviation. If it cannot pass the judgment, it will be hurt because of the deviation. If the judgment fails. It will also get the unexpected result because of the deviation. There is a limit to power, ”Turner, the pale young man, explained.“ It does n’t need to be for us. What exactly is the upper limit, because we do n’t know for ourselves. If this deviation collapses, we can feel it. ”

"You haven't tested the highest intensity before?" The third-level Mageweaver Junior asked, while pulling out some kind of fruit from his arms. I have never seen this kind of fruit, but the appearance gives me the feeling. It is said that it is indeed the fruit, of course, because it must be mysterious, and its internal structure may not be the fruit of common sense at all.

"The deviation cannot be detected in advance." Anna explained: "Because every time it is used, there will be a deviation compared to the previous one."

"I really don't understand why you need this uncontrollable power." The third-level Mageweaver sighed very old and threw the fruit directly to the door. In the eyes of all eyes, the fruit suddenly cracked, something suddenly entered the door crack, and it looked like it was going to the corridor.

"What is this?" The old man asked.

"What happened by chance in a mysterious event." The teenager didn't know whether it was intentionally concealed, or really didn't understand too much of what he had in his hand, but explained so vaguely: "The hatched thing is immune to any physical attack, It can move freely within a range of three hundred meters, but it is not under my control. I can perceive what they observe and use it as an eyeliner. "

Others looked relieved. We do need such a thing to avoid understanding the changes outside while imprisoning ourselves. Judging from the mysterious events that have been experienced in the past, staying in the room and waiting for the anomaly to disappear by itself is not impossible, but it is still extremely dangerous to stay in the room without understanding the changes in the outside world. If you think you can be safe by putting yourself in an iron cage, then there are too many mysteries that will give a profound lesson. The simplest example is that Doomsday Truth can use a wide area magic array to "sacrifice" the entire sick building.

It is very necessary to maintain a certain level of alertness to the outside world while sticking.

I think that the monster hatched by this fruit is the "enchanter" of this three-level Mageweaver. At this time, I missed quark a little. I know that the quark is everywhere I am, but the quark does not necessarily appear in front of my eyes in a physical way. The abnormality of quark is not in its shadow power, but in its mode of existence.

I am not sure when it will suddenly appear and when it will suddenly disappear. Many times, I am unconscious. From the reality level of the hospital, the quark is based on the illusion presented by the shadow in my heart. It becomes more intuitive in the illusion of doomsday, and can be contacted, observed, and even interacted. But it is never a real thing.

After using their respective methods. They looked at me and seemed to expect me to show their hands, but I didn't have so much preparation for them. Therefore, I just shrugged to them, expressing powerlessness.

"Okay. It seems that this will be the case for the time being." The connector said, there were no surprises or disappointments on other people's faces.

The ward has a mystery. As the connector said before, the space of this ward is blocked as much as possible and isolated from the entire ward. Although it still seems to be one in terms of physical structure, from the perspective of occultism, today's wards and wards have been separated by some kind of force. This preparation made everyone feel at ease.

"How do you feel?" I asked. Is this approach really effective? In fact, they only need to ask themselves and feel it carefully. Throbbing from intuition can understand. If they really feel a lot safer, then this will probably be the case.

"Well ... It's okay, but still feels unsafe." The connector was a little hesitant, and she knew what this feeling meant-the preparation at the moment was not enough for them to survive this danger.

"However, it is enough to ensure that we will not be unknowingly killed before confirming the specific situation." Anna replied.

"You are also patients, have you taken medicine?" I turned to the topic. Asked.

"We are not real patients." The connector responded calmly: "Because it is not a patient, there is no need to take medicine."

But. I took out the box containing the pink potion, opened it and took five bottles, and threw them into their hands one by one: "No matter how much you know, but still hold these medicines just in case. If the situation is really bad, then, It ’s better than nothing. ”

"What kind of medicine is this? The seminar medicine you took in the past? I heard. Although the seminar acknowledged the effect of this batch of medicines, it has been abandoned because of certain problems. The medicines they are studying now are not the same as those in the past. Same. "The old man asked.

"Dr. Ruan Li said the same, but these drugs. It is not the medicine of the seminar, but the drug made by Dr. Ruan Li in the near future." I explained.

"What's the effect? ​​It doesn't sound like the medicine for us normal people." The third-level Mageweaver teenager frowned and asked with a suspicious tone.

"Secret." I just answered that. I do n’t know how these drugs will be changed for these “normal people”. But my consideration is that, in the worst case, they can be given the chance of being a dead horse doctor. Because so far, it is impossible to determine what kind of abnormalities will occur after a long time, so even if it is just a nightmare, consciousness goes to the deep night, it is theoretically useful.

The five people were not clear about my considerations, but they did not question or hesitate to put the medicine bottle in their pockets. They did not refuse, did not leave my expectations, but instead, this was the judgment that met the standards of the mysterious experts.

Mageweaver Messenger began to close his eyes and feel the monster he released, but it was not him who first felt the more exact sign, but Turner and Anna of Torchlight. The faces of the men and women changed at the same time. The two lowered their voices, but everyone in the room could hear: "The deviation has taken effect and the first attack has begun."

"The first wave?" The connector couldn't help but repeat.

"Indescribable, but many, many." Turner explained: "I can only feel so much."

"What about the body of the enemy?" The old man asked eagerly, but I think he actually understood what Turner meant.

"The body is unknown!" Anna stretched her face and replied nervously: "The mode of existence is unknown, the method of attack is unknown, the number is unknown, it can only be determined to be plural, and it has high mystery. The deviation we made for this room is being interfered. ... They are correcting deviations. Once the deviations are corrected, their course and attack can directly act on this room. "

"How is your side?" The jointer turned to the third-level Mageweave boy, but he could not help but scolded, "What the hell!"

Only saw the teenager's facial features twisted painfully, as if he fell to the ground with a sudden effort, and there were bleeding lines in his nose and corners of his eyes. He struggled to get up, obviously a three-level Mageweave messenger, but as weak as ordinary people, I took him a hand. He wiped his nosebleed, did not open his eyes, and said to everyone hoarsely, "It's hell!"

"Aren't your stuff immune to physical attacks?" The old man asked.

"Don't you understand? Those things are the same as the ghosts in the spirit film!" Said the third-level Mageweaver young boy: "Unable to resolve, unable to observe, unable to judge, unable to defend, only realize that he was attacked when he was injured. Now. "

"Unobservable? Can only confirm their existence from the attacked itself?" I asked.

"Yes. This is the first time I have seen such a tricky thing." The third-level Mageweaver youth is still a little shocked. "Is this really the workshop? They prepared it intentionally? They used it to capture it." Disqualified patients? Can they control these things? Impossible! These things will only kill everyone! "

"Calm down!" The jointer reached out and pressed the head of the third-level Mageweaver messenger boy. "We have discussed before. Now the seminar is complicated. Maybe these things are the unexpected result of deviations in this kind of confusion. . And we are only the first to meet them. If others do not act, they will suffer. "

"You mean, the deviations we made, we created such things that we don't know what they are? It's our fault?" The two of Torchlight looked a little unhappy, but they There is no rebuttal at all: "Yes, that's probably the truth. When inviting us, I think you should be prepared."

"Sorry, I am not blaming anyone." The connector said calmly: "I just want everyone to calm down. Because this is one of the situations that we already knew we had to face."

"It is true." The old man looked at Anna of the Torchlight and asked: "How long is it expected that these ... for the time being, what is called a ghost, can break through your defense?"

"Up to ten minutes." Anna said: "They are interfering, eliminating, or adapting to deviations. Each of the methods they take is different, or I don't feel the same between them. "

"All are very personal things?" I asked: "Are there any cooperation?"

"No, there is no cooperation." Anna replied: "Although there are a lot of numbers and the goals are the same, but it feels that there are different ways and different ways."

"It's a bit like a human being." I said my feelings directly: "It has a strong personality, but it also has a certain degree of commonality. Although it has commonality, it is not entirely based on commonality. If these formal things are unknown, you can Humans are connected, so they have some of the characteristics of human consciousness and can be viewed as people with special abilities. "

"It's true ~ ~ If you look at it this way, the problem becomes simple." The connector agrees with me: "Take them as a newcomer with some mysterious power. They have just gained strength and spirit. Extremely excited, there is no rule in action, they just instinctively use the power they suddenly got to show their speciality-such a guy, I think everyone here has met a lot? "

The third-level Mageweaver messenger has calmed down, his eyes seem to have recovered, and he is gradually able to open: "It is indeed not too difficult to deal with if you think so. First, they must be made visible."

"Is it possible to adjust the tendency of deviation?" The connector asked Turner and Anna.

"Did you tend to make them manifest deviations?" Turner and Anna glanced at each other without giving any guarantees, just saying: "I try as much as possible. Our deviations are biased towards malignancy, so it may be obvious After sex, they will become stronger. "

"It's okay." The jointer said firmly, "As long as you can observe, you can attack, you will have a chance to win. On the contrary, if you can't observe and you can't attack, you can only passively withstand the attack. Failure is in sight." Continued ...)


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