Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1286: Unfinished impact

The anomaly has already occurred, and in a way that cannot be observed by the chain judgment, something is trying to break through the line of defense we have built. ¤ Their body is unknown and their abilities are unclear, just in terms of feeling, it is just as weird as the mysterious phenomena in occultism that can not be observed, but will cause actual harm. At this moment, the most effective way to defend against their attacks is the "deviation" of the two members of Torchlight. This mysterious nature of deviation also does not have an observed entity, but can only be judged by the "result" whether it works. Without the confirmation of the third-level Mageweave Junior, we ca n’t even be sure whether Turner and Anna were really warning when they issued a warning, or it was just a lie.

The presence and attack of the enemy, as well as the defense and perception of the two, can only be felt by each other. For other people who can only wait and know from the other side, the atmosphere of lack of interaction but extremely intense is also extreme. Adverse situation.

Can only confirm how dangerous he is from the mouth of others, and it is also lacking in reality. And this lack of realism will further disintegrate people's hearts. In my opinion, if everyone is attacked by a certain ideological force at this time, it may be doubled and hurt. However, some people are skeptical about the current battle situation: the enemy is really an unobservable existence, a real thing, or is it just an illusion of power on the level of consciousness that brings to everyone?

"Isn't it really conscious walking?" The jointer suddenly looked at the old man.

"No, it's definitely not conscious walking. My ability can be reversed as long as it's negative, even if it's ideological." Although the old man was questioned, he didn't have a bit of annoyed expression, but just answered very positively: "All negative states. Whether it ’s hallucinations or real damage, as long as I ’m prepared enough, I can be immune. In this immunization process, I can distinguish more than anyone. This What is the source of this negative state. You have to believe me. The little girl of the online ball. We are now on a boat. Although you feel that you are good at managing your psychology and emotions, I can still feel your negative. ,this is not good."

"Negative?" I listened to their conversation in silence. The old man's "mystery" seems to be complicated. Although the core word is "negative", he often adds some nouns after "negative" to narrow the scope of the description, such as "negative state", but it is not limited to "Negative state". What he wanted to express. It seems to be just "negative" itself. There are different kinds of sayings about "negative" treatment, including "immunization", "elimination", "absorption" and "transformation".

Do not actively expose your own mystery under any circumstances is a principle that every mystery expert must abide by. Even under special circumstances, in order to reach cooperation, you have to reveal your mystery, and you will use some "art of language." Disguise or modify its most essential effect. But there is also a situation. When mysterious experts describe their mysteries, they cannot express them clearly from the beginning.

Maybe. The mystery of this old man is such a situation: his "mystery" is described in words, it is a broad concept, but when the formation of power acts on things, it must be compressed to form specific skills. For example, if the old man's "mystery" is "negative". Well, he may not be able to directly manipulate the concept of "negative", but can only narrow the scope of the concept to a more narrow concept similar to "negative state" and "negative emotion", and then give "immunity", " Eliminate "," absorb "and" transform "and so on. The completion of these operations also has certain restrictions. It is not that you can "eliminate" yourself if you want to "eliminate".

Because it is impossible to directly control the "negative", it must be transformed through multiple procedures and meet certain conditions in order to control the negative concept after transformation. Therefore, when he uses the mysterious power, the efficiency is extremely low, in high intensity In the battle, it is not only difficult to cooperate with others, but also difficult to actively cooperate with others.

From this point of view, I can understand why this old man who looks strong is the only casualty when the five gather. But in the battle at this time, he took the initiative to demand a "last resort" position. It is likely that he is not concealing anything, but his ability to bear this last resort is the best.

"I know, you absolutely have a prejudice against you in my heart, but you don't need to be too vigilant." The jointer seems to admit that the old man has revealed her psychological state, "What I think and what I will actually do , Can be very different. This is the manifestation of my ability. "

"You mean, even if I feel that you want to kill me very much, you wouldn't actually do this?" The old man said so, of course the expression on his face was totally unbelievable.

"Yes. Rather, even if you feel that I will kill you in the next second, please believe that I will never do that." Instead, the connector smiled, making the old man's face slightly change and look It's hard to endure, and the woman will be attacked at any time. But in the end, in the gaze with the connector, it was only a distance from her.

"What are you doing? What time is it!" The third-level Mageweaver messenger boy just relieved himself from the injury and saw how the old man confronted the jointer. He didn't hide his emotions, his face was full of dissatisfaction and surprises about the current situation. It seems that he has always felt that everyone in this team can understand the general situation, face the same crisis, and work together to solve problems, instead of breaking out, and trying to attack each other.

"It's okay." The connector said in a gesture of comforting the teenager, saying: "Our goals have not changed, but we have misunderstood because we don't understand each other's abilities. This is also a very common situation in the network ball, but as long as there is Sincere, willing to understand the hearts of others, any misunderstanding can be resolved. "

"Is anyone in the internet ball talking like this?" Turner said a little hard, although there was no specific fighting behavior, but his tight face looked very difficult, and it seemed to prove the difficulty of the enemy on the side Tangle, but. For others who cannot even perceive the presence of an enemy, it is difficult to empathize with such a performance. Of course, no one wants it. This kind of unperceptible, unobservable, and enemies who do n’t know the means of attack are also unable to perceive when they break through. After the “deviation” defense, which cannot be observed and cannot be constructed concretely, give yourself a hard note.

"How has it been transformed?" The third-level Mageweaver young asked quickly.

"Unclear, but it feels that there is indeed a deviation in the direction of manifestation. Of course, as I said before, they are becoming stronger when this deviation occurs." Turner replied.

"Become stronger? How did it become stronger?" I asked.

"Assuming that their original comprehensive intensity is one. Then, after being fully manifested, the overall intensity will probably be ten." Anna replied, she also seemed a little difficult.

"Unknown form, unknown attack, unobservable ... together with these characteristics, the intensity of which is comprehensively judged as one?" The old man could not help confirming.

"Yes, after the effects of deviation. They are removed some features, but at the same time they will produce new features. Let their overall strength be greatly improved." Turner said: "So, I have never felt that this is a good idea. . "

"No, you can't think of it this way, Turner." The connector said calmly: "The ability to survive and win does not depend on the enemy's overall strength. It depends on what the other party's characteristics are. Our mystery, through Some techniques can expand the range of coping, but in the face of some characteristics, it still has no effect anyway. You do n’t need to pay attention to how strong the enemy will become. And first of all, make sure the characteristics that their mystery brings to them, It is our ability to cope with it. If we cannot solve the problem that we cannot observe or even attack these enemies, then even if these enemies are weak, they will bring us disaster. Instead, as long as we really They can be observed, they can be hurt, even if they are ten times stronger than the original ones, we still have the hope of victory. "

"I thought about it as well. But the problem is that when these things change their characteristics due to deviations, their powerful speed also increases the speed at which they advance. The line of defense that I and Anna set together may not be enough to complete them. When they are transformed, they will be broken through. "Turner smiled bitterly." The speed at which they are increased by deviation has exceeded my judgment. Maybe when they are only observable, they will break through the defense line and continue to remain untouched. Attacked characteristics. "

"It is also possible that it will be between the observable and the unobservable, forming a mystery that can be transformed between the two at any time." Anna said, "Deviation makes everything possible from the past. In experience, our deviations tend to cause more trouble, not less trouble. "

"Simply put, is bad luck?" I said briefly.

"You must say that. That's what happened." Anna sighed.

"But it's not the first time you have used this ability." The Mageweaver Messenger said: "You can always survive, don't you? Even if it seems to make the situation worse, but as long as you can survive, it proves that in fact It ’s not that bad. And, since it ’s not the result of one or two times, it proves that this looks bad, but it ’s actually not that bad, and it ’s not an accident. ”

"Optimistic thoughts. But if you insist on thinking that way, you can really think so." Turner changed his worries before, but it was not forced to cheer up, making people think that the previous lament was just acting.

Is really a mystery expert. I watched the scenes that were staged in the ward-disguise and disguise, temptation and display-while understanding others, and gradually letting others accept a more authentic self. The conflict between language and behavior will not only cause confrontation, but also gradually bring this team together.

Turner and Anna are certainly not stupid. Using "deviation" to remove part of the enemy's characteristics, and knowing what kind of results they will cause, since they still follow suit, naturally they have also made their own considerations about this decision. What others say is what happens, it can never exist in this team. But in the same way, there will not be a team with only one voice integration.

What happened in the hospital, these clashes of words have already explained what kind of team these people will form together, or, for each of them, what kind of team they want.

I watched all this coldly and wanted to add their thoughts. Admittedly, while trying to influence each other, they are also suggesting that we are already a grasshopper on the line, but similarly, I have not had such an idea since the beginning, and will not be disturbed by such hint.

No matter how they behave at this time, I have always reminded myself that they have their own mission goals, and the process of their mission is like an agent, independent and secret. The specific behavioral characteristics show the inner world, even if it is not 100% correct, it must not be completely wrong. With this kind of independence and secrecy, as their main mode of activity, their hearts are of course full of cover-up. Whatever they say, no matter how sincere, how rigorous, and no matter how clear, full, or superficial the emotions are, it ’s best not to Believe, that is the most true as well.

Although I do n’t think that the news they brought me clearly implies that my situation is all wrong, but I never think that everything is correct. There must be considerable discrepancies between their performance and the situation they actually face.

I only gave them a helping hand out of my friendship with the online ball and my temporary cooperation attitude. No matter what they express at this time, at the beginning, they expressed "hope to get the protection of Dr. Ruan Li". For me, this level of help is enough. And I just need to try to keep them alive and meet Dr. Ruan Li ~ ~ Other things, don't need to bother about it.

"Mr. Gao Chuan." They were calling me.

I raised my head and looked at them, only to see Turner and Anna make a gesture, and began to count down: "There are five seconds left."

"Mr. Gao Chuan, be prepared to withstand the impact!" The connector shouted to me.

Old men and third-level Mageweave messenger teenagers have begun to fix themselves.

"Three seconds!" Turner and Anna shouted at the same time.

The connector rushed at me. I didn't move, she was pressed against the bed.

"One second!" Turner and Anna turned and flew to the center of the room.

The jointer held me tightly in his arms, as if to protect me, and pressed on me. At the next moment, a strange force erupted from the wall of the ward, and the lightning flashed out of the window. I saw that the space inside the ward was twisted like a wrinkle. (To be continued ...)

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