Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1287: Headless reflection

The space was wrinkled, as if something was torn from the outside, and several huge openings were cracked. The gel-like substance squeezed through the gap and fell to the ground again and again. These gel-like substances are translucent, and the surface seems to be constantly volatile, with a thin mist floating, and the mercury-like liquid inside the gel is rolling. But at the first sight of them, they can deeply feel that they are alive.

This is weird. After these weirdness hit the ground, the overall outline began to bulge upwards. The speed is not fast, but when we climbed up, the height of the bulge was more than two meters, and the contour of the bulge was also tending to be humanoid.

"This is the ghost you said?" The old man was a little surprised, because they were actually observable and seemingly touchable entities. We all know that if the two of the torchlight did not lie, then these weirdnesses are the result of their mystery under the mysterious effect of "deviation"-it seems to be volatilizing into gas at any time, but the main part However, it appears as a translucent gel, and the inside of the largest volume is a silver-white liquid.

"It seems that ordinary physical attacks are not effective for them." When the connector said, although his eyes remained on the gel monster, he didn't let go of his hands, as if he had forgotten.

Her judgment has been recognized by everyone, or in the mysterious event, all the weirdness that does not appear in a solid way will have the ability to not be directly hit by physical attacks to a certain extent. To put it more simply, it is impossible to destroy water and gas with ordinary bullets or even shells. Even, if the characterization of fluid and gas changes at the same time, then flame evaporation is considered. Can't solve the other party. The gel monster in front of you gives the impression that the most commonly used methods such as bullets, high temperature, low temperature, cutting and shaking will probably have no effect.

This is experience and intuition. If only one person has such an intuition, then the real result can be doubted. However, if all mysterious experts present at the same time get such intuitive answers at the same time, then the actual situation will definitely not be too far apart.

"Now they are at least ten times stronger than they were before." Turner reminded again.

These gel monsters did not attack us for the first time. They looked a little dull and turned into humanoid parts. From the outline, there is a difference between a female body and a male body. But there are no details such as facial features, skin, hair, and texture, but its swinging motion gives people a feeling of being imprisoned and extremely painful. Their lower body is a whole piece of gel. There are already five gel monsters here, and their actions seem to condense the five individuals into a whole.

The human-shaped gel creeps on the ground, and the surface evaporates faster and faster. The scattered mist quickly filled the entire ward, making our breathing a little uncomfortable. Several people have already prepared. Take out the mask you do n’t know where to turn it and put it on. The connector also left me a mask.

"So, what are you waiting for?" I asked.

"Go up and attack right away? Don't joke, we don't have any good attack ability at all now." Turner said: "Or, Mr. Gao Chuan, would you try it? Use a knife or pistol?"

"Enough, take care of your mouth, Turner. I know you're scared now." The third-level Mageweaver messenger stood up, looking at his expression, a bit scalded to get himself, "I'll come. If I do n’t succeed, run quickly. At least they do n’t seem to run fast now. "

Turner shrugged. When she wanted to say something, Anna slapped it on the back of the head and interrupted what she wanted to say. This pale-faced young man did not give such an impression when he was just in contact. Compared with his previous emotions, his emotions are obviously not normal. I think everyone here can feel them. But whether it is really excited because of fear, or the previous shyness is just a disguise, it is unknown.

I am not surprised. The work these guys do must inevitably reflect their character and style of behavior. These characteristics of thinking and behavior permeate their every move and the rotation of every thought. Unless they die, they will never give up their plans because of any accidents, or in their minds, they will constantly adapt to the local conditions and generate various plans according to the times, and these plans are all around multiple tasks. Because of the goals, these plans will change in time with changes in the external environment, but the mission goals have never changed.

I think that one of their goals is to contact Dr. Ruan Li through me and to trust Dr. Ruan Li. Perhaps the secret order of this seminar is somewhat beyond their expectations, but it does not prevent them from using this accident to complete the initial The goals. I even guessed that not every one of the five of them felt that the abnormality at this time was really an accident.

After all, they are all organized people. Even if they exclude the highly personalized factors of behavior style, personality and the idea of ​​handling tasks, their will and ability are all members trusted by the organization. They will of course get support in the first place, and if they do not get support, they can guess whether this is part of their plan.

Therefore, no matter how different their performance is before and after, how strange the relationship between them has changed, and what attitude they will adopt to deal with the current troubles, I will not be too surprised.

The gel blame ignores our existence and seems to climb to the companion wholeheartedly, trying to merge with the companion. The third-level Mageweaver Messenger reached out his hand, and in the blink of an eye, the entire arm turned into a sparkling spark, full of hot ashes. With the gust of wind blowing from the window, the ashes turned into a tornado and flew towards the gel monster. After a breath, the place where the gel monster was located was completely covered with ash, and the line of sight could not penetrate at all.

Everyone held their breath and waited for the result over there.

Suddenly, the face of the third-level Mageweaver Junior changed, and he suddenly made a pumping action. An ash was drawn from the gray space covered with the gel monster and returned to the teenager ’s arm. The amount of ashes is far less than the original. And this restored arm. Cracks began to appear, which seemed to collapse at any time.

"Damn!" The third-level Mageweaver young cursed.

"What's going on?" The old man asked quickly.

"These things can absorb energy." The third-level Mageweaver young boy said: "No, it can't be said to be energy, anyway, it is absorbed by it."

"Vitality? Vitality?" The jointer quickly came up with his own idea, because the arm of the third-level Mageweaver youth did lose the normal ruddy flesh. It's like the earth losing water. It became dry and cracked.

"Maybe." Said the third-level Mageweaver young boy: "I think the things they absorb are not limited to a certain kind. Whether it is energy, vitality, vitality and energy, it seems that they can be absorbed, but also Not only that. You see! "Following his gaze, the large ashes still surrounding the gel monster were gradually becoming dead, Mars was significantly reduced, and it was getting better. The heat has also been significantly reduced.

"The ashes are dying." The third-level Mageweaver Junior described in a very emotional tone, "They are losing their activity."

It's quite the second form, but it is irrefutable.

The old man walked over to the third-level Mageweave messenger boy and slapped him on the shoulder. The arm that would collapse at any time healed at a rate visible to the naked eye. According to the old man, this is "elimination of the negative in the youth". Before the Gel Monster actively launched the attack, the old man said to us: "I will initiate a cleansing to remove all the negatives in this ward. However, I will become very weak."

"I will do my utmost to protect you." The third-level Mageweaver young boy replied cheerfully.

"I'm the person of the network ball." The connector answered.

So the old man looked at Turner and Anna. I know. He is seeking a promise. Once you lose your strength, the situation will become dangerous, and this team obviously has not tacitly agreed to honestly return others' contributions. Although at the beginning, the old man was injured and brought by everyone. But until now, he obviously did not trust others completely.

"Who carried you over?" Turner gave examples of how he and Anna had helped him escape to this place. "You can't believe everyone here, but you must believe us."

"So, get ready to jump off the building." The old man said to us seriously, turned suddenly, and spread his palms to the group of gel monsters covered in ashes. There is no sound. In silence, the air seemed to be undergoing some kind of violent chemical reaction. At the same time, the jointer hugged me and rushed to the window with the three-level Mageweaver Junior, Turner and Anna.

The window is not big, and the first one who jumped out was holding my connector. We seemed to hit something, and a large glass shattered in our ears. However, I remember that the window we chose had not been closed since it was opened. Countless pieces of glass, big and small, scattered in front of my eyes, and the time seemed to be stretched. I could see all kinds of reflections in this large piece of glass, but none of them had a head. Behind them, the three-level Mageweaver Junior, Turner and Anna also jumped out one after another, slowly floating in mid-air, each time they came out, it was like breaking a glass. The scene of layers of glass flying away is like a lot of blooming petals.

The old man was the last one to jump out. Of course, there was a phenomenon of "shattering glass" around his body. When I clearly saw his eyes turn to these "glasses", he expressed such consternation.

My body's instincts have made me unwind and hug the joint person, and along the invisible high-speed passage, I suddenly moved away from these glasses and landed on the ground, while the others still stayed in midair with a very unnatural slow speed. in.

The faces of the old man, Turner, Anna, and the third-level Mageweaver were all in amazement, and then slowly turned into anger. At the next moment, it seemed like the flow of time suddenly returned to normal. The four quickly fell.

In mid-air, the third-level Mageweaver young turned into a large ashes; Turner and Anna's fall trajectory was obviously different from before, and it was like a knife was cut, blood was flying on the body; the old man's head has been detached When he fell to the ground, his body was like a broken puppet. He rolled over several times, and his head fell a few meters away from his body. He was stunned and frightened.

The connector was stunned. I checked her and found no wounds. I didn't feel hurt either, but my instinct told myself that if I had not used instinct before, I would probably have been hurt. The harbingers and signs of this mysterious attack are precisely the phenomenon of "shattering the glass" and the reflection of the fragments of glass, without the head.

The old man really had his head cut off, and others just saved their lives by virtue of their "mystery". The ashes rolled down to the ground and turned back into the third-level Mageweaver young boy. He looked at the old man's body with some surprise. Turner and Anna were caught by me with a quick glance, and when they were set aside, their faces were still in shock. Turner's wound is in the waist, and Anna's wound is in the back. The bones are deeply visible, as if scraped by a huge and sharp object, and almost cut off the spine. Such a wound looks serious, but the two of them did something subconsciously, so they can still stand now, just because the amount of bleeding is too large, and their faces look paler.

"What the **** was that?" Turner murmured to ask ~ ~ No one can answer, even my chain decision did not observe the actual attack at the moment they were attacked. That's how they were hit, and the old man even lost his head. I checked the old man's body and confirmed that he was really dead, even if his ability to deal with "negatives" could not save his "death". Recalling that a few seconds ago, everyone also promised to protect him as much as possible, but unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he died under a more strange mysterious attack.

I ca n’t see it, I ca n’t solve it, even if it ’s evasion, it ’s very difficult. The most important thing is that even if it is reacted at that time, it is absolutely impossible to escape without the mysterious power of corresponding characteristics. In terms of feeling after the engagement, the attack at that time gave a very strong suddenness, so fast that people could not feel the process.

"When I saw my reflection in the glass, it was too late." Others described it as such. But this is not true, because I did see the headless reflection, and used swift sweep to completely avoid the attack. This proves that the entire attack process still takes time, and this time is not short, just too Suddenly, for those who are unprepared, the aura is too small, so that when responding, it is already "a step late".


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