What kind of attack is this? Although the conditions that triggered the attack can be guessed somewhat after recalling the previous encounter, there are still more unknown factors. △ ¢ 四 △ ¢ 五 △ ¢ 中 △ ¢ 文 ︽, there should be no closed windows, but when breaking in, it broke the glass, and the headless reflection in the glass looked like a harbinger. But it is not the body that caused the injury. Other than that ... I looked up at the sick building, at the ward we were in, and it was unclear whether the gel monster inside had been cleaned up by the old man. The old man voluntarily cut off, but no matter what force he used and what effect he achieved, no one seemed to observe. Although he introduced his abilities, it is still unclear how to use it.

Although there are too many confusing situations, this is one of the most common situations in mysterious events, so it does not make people feel that there is a problem. Because it is a "mysterious" battle and a danger brought by the "mysterious", so although I hope to be able to understand the truth, but if there is no truth, or, because of various reasons, it is impossible to understand the truth, it is understandable, acceptable.

In the strange attack, the old man died and everyone was injured. This result is not good. Facing the unclear enemies and the current situation of a cloud of mist, it also caused extreme anxiety. Even if the team is not very harmonious, the death of a team member is often reminiscent of his own death, which in turn brings a strong sense of fear. However, this kind of anxiety and fear is just commonplace for a mysterious expert who has been walking in mysterious events all year round and has gone through many battles.

Suppressing all your negative emotions, facing the incomprehensible, seemingly luck-filled events, was originally the life of a mysterious expert. If this were not the case, the probability of death for newcomers who entered the "mystery" would not be so great. And the mysterious experts I have seen will not like the game of testing luck with coins.

Unpredictable, weird, dead ... these things are like black smoke, wrapped around us. Even so, there are still reasons to move forward. Although everyone's reasons may be different. However, everyone should have a reason to stand in this place to face this pressure. I have seen many people who are exposed to "mystery", either killed by "mystery", or committed suicide because they can't bear the pressure, but these people around me are not so "nice" guys, and will never be because of the previous Nine deaths and frightened his legs.

"Survival." Anna took out a coin and threw it away. She glanced at the result and smiled happily, "Sure enough, my luck is still there."

"That's the deviation force is strong enough." Turner said angrily.

"Come on, Turner. You and I all know that the power of deviation is the most full of luck." Anna shrugged and ripped off her ragged shirt. The previous attack almost cut off her spine. Of course, the clothing was also cut out hugely, and the strap behind the underwear was cut off. She didn't care about her face, even pulling off her bra, rubbing her clothes together and throwing them on the ground.

Turner listened to her and only sighed deeply, without refuting. He also took a special look at his companion's bold attitude. But the third-level Mageweaver messenger's face was a bit stiff and ashamed, his eyes flashing, and he couldn't look directly at this half-naked mature female companion. The jointer squatted to inspect the glass fragments on the ground, and ignored what happened here.

Although Anna might not really care, I took off the patient suit and handed it to Anna. Anna has a good figure. However, this is not the reason why she should be naked. Of course, I do n’t quite understand why she had to take off her clothes. Although the clothes were damaged, they did not reach the level that they could not cover the body, but hindered the activities. Probably just my personal preference, I can only think so.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Gao Chuan." Anna seemed to come over suddenly and took over her clothes, but the tone of thanks did not have much gratitude, just like a social speech just spoken out of politeness.

Turner seemed to see through my mind and said to me: "Anna is Celestial."

I can't understand what is called "celestialism".

"Advocating nature and freeing inner restraint ... Probably such a thought." Turner shrugged and said, "Actually, I don't quite understand, because I never thought about why people wear clothes, people wear clothes and There is no difference in not wearing clothes. For most people, people wear clothes for granted. But there are a group of people like Anna, who will think about the reasons and then make no more clothes than wearing clothes. Good conclusion. "

"So, Anna doesn't actually like to wear clothes?" I said.

"Yes, dressing is just for social purposes." Anna interjected, she did not have any special emotions about the two of our big men, even though it was her own situation. She said to me: "I know that there are many people, men and women, who always think of sexual convenience when facing naked women, but this is not the whole meaning of it-I am also determined to make people understand more meaning , And the inspiration for one ’s own humanity, but it will not be embarrassing and annoying because the other party thinks of **** in the first place, because it will only appear narrow and negate the objective existence meaning as a symbol of sex. Of course, if Gao Chuan My husband saw me and wanted to delve into the topic of sex, and practice it personally, which is also very personally welcome to me. "So, she looked at her companion Turner again, and the third level of dodge The Mageweave messenger boy glanced at him and said, "The other two men are just fine, not in line with my hobby."

"Don't take your sexuality for granted, you poisoner." Turner said with a **** look. I think Anna's words reminded him of some unbearable past.

"Before discussing going to bed, I think you should take a look at this." The connector said with no emotion on the side, when we turned to look at it, she was picking up a piece of glass. However, the shimmering fragments instantly turned into powder in her hands and scattered in the air. In order to get rid of embarrassment, the third-level Mageweaver teenager seemed to leave Anna quickly, squatted on the ground and picked up a piece of glass. After it turned into powder, he dipped the powder with his finger and sent it into his mouth.

"It's salt." He said with some surprise.

"Yes. Salt." The connector said: "Salt is a sacred substance in occultism, which can drive away evil, but at certain times it will also change its mind and become a symbol of fear."

"Unflavored water, after being blended with salt. Although the color has not changed, but the taste has changed. People see it as an essential change, it looks the same appearance, but the inside is already completely different. Just like in the body of a person, boarding Something opposite to human beings, anomalous foreign objects. "Anna nodded and said," But what does this meaning have to do with our current situation? You should be clear that mystery is not occult. Although the two seem similar, But, if you look at the mystery completely according to the explanation of occultism, you will only get wrong results. "

"Yes, the mystery cannot be viewed exactly as explained by the mysticism. Mysticism can not really explain the mystery. But the reason why these people study the mysticism, such behavior, whether it is instinctive actuation. Or the direction of thinking, There must be a reason. Mystery experts will study occultism. And subconsciously, in mysterious events, we associate occultism. There are more than one or two such cases. It is enough to prove that although occultism ca n’t really explain the mystery, it can at least bring Come to inspire. "The connector said.

"Are you spreading basic knowledge to anyone? No one here is a newcomer baby who has just come into contact with mystery." Turner was also unhappy. "what do you want to say in the end?"

Everyone is waiting, whether the connector has made some inferences based on current clues. However, the connector was silent for a long while, but said: "Ah. No, I just thought of it for a while, just talk about it. I didn't find anything." Such an answer is so blunt, contradicting her previous performance, everyone on the scene did not One is to believe her.

"So, do you want to remind us that the enemy has something to do with salt?" Said the third-level Mageweaver young boy: "Only like this?"

"No, she is trying to make us think about the problem in the direction of salt." Anna suddenly said: "Dome guy, although I don't understand why you want to do this, but if it makes me feel malicious, I will be the first Time to kill you. "

These words were full of anger, but the connector people just smiled and said, "Okay, always waiting."

Just after getting out of a crisis, the atmosphere began to become a bit more sinister.

Although the topic of "salt" triggered by glass seems to help the analysis of the current situation if there is no place, but I am concerned about other situations-no rain, no lightning and thunder, and, The environment seems to be a little too bright, unlike the gloomy weather before the storm. We jumped out of the window of the ward without mentioning the abnormal phenomenon of "shattering the glass". Obviously, when we looked out from the ward, the outside was swayed by wind and rain, but when we came out, there was no sign of getting wet.

When I realized this, the scene now seemed suddenly changed. The surrounding area should have been a manicured flat lawn, with a long driveway extending into the forest and leading to other places. But such a scene suddenly turned into a lush vegetation and rugged mountain scene. The sick building is still there, but it seems to have been moved to another place with us.

This kind of mountain scenery, for me, is full of familiarity. When I raised my head, the sky was no longer raining, but Mars and ashes fell like blizzards. The sphere hanging in the air was supposed to be the moon. At this time, it felt intuitively that it was something else. It is in a huge, heavy, unsettling, huge posture, suspended in the mid-air in the distance, red all over, as if being cut out of a mouth, it is bleeding continuously.

"I think we are in trouble." I couldn't help saying. Because this is the nightmare of the deepest night, not the "reality" of Peninsula Mental Hospital. The moment we jumped out of the window, something changed at the level of consciousness. So, what kind of power drags us into a nightmare? Is it your own drug attack, or who else is acting as a carduelis? When we are in this nightmare, are we safe in Peninsula Mental Hospital?

These problems cannot be determined without leaving the nightmare. Or, the moment that can be confirmed in this nightmare is the moment of death.

Others also noticed that something was wrong and looked around. The third-level Mageweaver messenger seemed to understand something, and said in amazement: "We were attacked by the conscious walker?"

The transformed scene in front of them is obviously out of step with their cognition of the "real environment", and they also remember what they and others have experienced before. This kind of transformation can be accepted if it is explained by the mystery of consciousness. If it was the whole person, even with the sick building, they were sent out of the peninsula together and came to the mountain forest somehow, which made people feel incredible.

"This is the deepest night." I said. Compared with the nightmare Las Vegas and the ghost nightmare, this nightmare produced on the peninsula has never had a clear name, but if it is referred to as "the deepest night", it is also quite appropriate in my opinion. Moreover, since the remaining four people all have intelligence sources behind them, naturally I do n’t need to worry about whether they know what “The Deepest Night” is.

Sure enough ~ www.readwn.com ~ I heard the words "the deepest night", there were some slight changes in everyone's expression.

"I can finally understand what a disqualified patient is." Suddenly said, "The disqualified patient actually refers to those patients who cannot enter the deep night. Before today, I really could not enter the deep night. Nightmare. How about you? "She looked at others.

"Me too." Turner nodded. Soon, everyone admitted that they did possess such characteristics. Although, among the people here, some people did take the new drugs, or they deliberately took the new drugs, none of them responded like other patients. So much so that they once thought that the new medicine at the seminar was completely ineffective for themselves.

"Now it seems that it is not all useless." The connector said as if to himself, although her voice was small, but I still heard it. This sound, like the shock wave, has specific fluctuations and sources in the chain judgment.

"Are you sure?" Others were not as sure as she was, and asked suspiciously: "The disqualified patient is the patient who can't enter the deep night?" This question is related to how much the seminar knows about the deep night? How do you think about the deepest night? Because, in the view of our mysterious experts, the deepest night is definitely not a "good phenomenon". (To be continued ...)

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