Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1289: Tropism

We all know that everyone here has their own sources of information, and the information they have will never be shared with others. The online ball joint judge judged that the "disqualified patient" specified in the seminar was "the patient who could not enter into the deep night", but the basis for her judgment is, at least for now, not the control of others. But on the other hand, the connector will not contribute the information on which he bases his judgment.

Although it is doubtful, it cannot be confirmed, and one must believe or not believe the other party's judgment according to one's own experience. This is also the problem that must be faced when working with other mysterious experts, and the qualities that one must possess. Once an error occurs here, even if it does not fall into death, it will also be infected with many unnecessary troubles.

However, at this moment, everyone here seems to decide to believe in the judgment of the joint person, and based on this judgment, to consider the changes in the situation in the Peninsula Mental Hospital.

In my opinion, the description of "patients who cannot enter into the deep night" is not rigorous. Whether the patient can enter into the deep night, from many perspectives, has a very strict judgment, the majority of patients who do not meet the conditions. As a result, are there too many so-called "disqualified patients"? In addition, when these five people just arrived at the sick building and explained the situation that they and others faced, they also mentioned some details of "disqualified patients are different from ordinary patients", and these details all imply such a situation: the disqualified patient itself It is special, abnormal, and even possesses "mystery". Whether it is an electronic demon messenger that conforms to the mystery trend of this world, or a further abnormal specific electronic demon messenger, or a mysterious expert from various mysterious organizations in the illusion of doomsday, because of its own sake. Those who are judged to be "disqualified patients" are enough to prove that "disqualified patients" will behave specially in certain places. And this speciality is more presented in the form of "mysterious power".

From this perspective, the hunting secrets issued by the seminar. In order to capture the mysterious patient in order to capture this part, and then think of the internal situation of the doomsday truth religion that the seminar itself belongs to, it is not difficult to draw such a conclusion: the seminar itself has begun to recognize "mystery", Recognizing the existence of "mystery", they gradually gave up the "scientific" perspective and turned to a mysterious world. And such changes are taken for granted. The seminar belongs to the doomsday truth, although there are many other mysterious organizations in the seminar. But its essence is still a subordinate institution of the doomsday truth that naturally emerged in this repeater world. It is quite normal for Doomsday Truth Church to turn to "mystery" and pursue "mystery". Even before such a change occurred, it was a joint scientific organization set up against the end of the white Claudia. However, once such a change occurs, I do n’t think it can be stopped. .

Furthermore, all the "components" within the organization that hinder this transformation will go through various methods and channels. From the outside and inside, clean up and clean up in a sudden and mandatory situation. And this transformation. This spontaneous clean-up and purification has transformed the entire organization into a mysterious organization, and even the purpose of its behavior has changed. It is probably what Dr. Ruan Li said "from the erosion of white Claudia."

In order to prepare for the end, the white Claudia had to study and use, a scientific joint organization with a positive goal, eventually under the erosion of white Claudia, became a group of mental patients to conduct destructive activities Groups, and these people claim to have discovered the mysterious power. And trying to transform the entire organization into a so-called mysterious organization. The behavior and decision of the seminar is just a microcosm of this huge change-I am afraid in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li. The most desperate truth is happening in this world. This is how it looks.

Dr. Ruan Li may continue to insist on a perspective that is not mysterious, to see the world undergoing dramatic changes, but she is not sure how many people can still insist on her. Because this is not a question of "belief" or "idea", but a question of "infection". The so-called mysterious experts are a group of mental patients. The so-called mysterious organizations are terrorist groups composed of a group of mental patients. The root cause of these mental patients is the erosion of white Claudia. Because it is impossible to curb white Claudia, it is impossible to prevent the birth of these mental patients, and hence the birth of so-called mysterious experts and mysterious organizations, and it is impossible to interrupt the "mysterization" or "psychosis" of this world .

In my understanding of Dr. Ruan Li, she has always been strong, but in the face of the problem of white Claudia, she has always been deeply pessimistic. She tried hard to fight, but she did not have much hope for the effectiveness of this fight. She has always said to me that there is hope, and she also believes that there is still hope, but, in her rational thinking, this hope, although not zero, exists at a very low probability-one hundred 20/20? Ten percent? Or less?

All the struggles and efforts are to magnify this low probability as much as possible, and to make the world move towards this low probability. However, I know very well how much pain and helplessness such efforts will bring to me.

I know, I understand, because, I have been experiencing it for myself. In my diary, what was recorded in Dr. Ruan Li's view was just a fantasy story of a mental patient, which must have touched her deeply. Because, the emotion described therein must be what she felt at this time.

Dr. Ruan Li is observing the world "awakely", but this "wakefulness" is making her lose friends and aid, and she is gradually becoming alone. From the perspective of the world she recognizes, it is impossible to solve the erosion of human spirit by white Claudia, and the situation cannot be substantially changed.

She is being ruled out by the seminar of "Longing for Mystery", although she can still play a huge role in the research, and the development of the situation is destined to be ruled out. Everything she did, in my opinion, was just delaying time. Although there is hope, it actually only delays time. This feeling must make her feel pain.

However, no matter how painful and helpless Dr. Ruan Li is. She will never give up, and will not reach a certain extreme before the situation. She ran away with her tail on the contrary. Instead, she should cherish the time, study and understand. The whole seminar is the best observation object in close proximity. All I know is Dr. Ruan Li in this world. Such a person. And I am totally unable to persuade her, let alone persuade her. Because, in my life, isn't she doing the same thing as her?

I can understand that it must also be respected and must bear all this. Not for "face" and "stubbornness", but, besides that, there is no second better path. If you run away, you can do it at any time. Speed ​​swept has a speed beyond everyone's imagination, can let us reach any place in this world, but. Even if you go to other places, the problems you still face still exist. This is because the process of doomsday is carried out within the scope of "the world" and even more within the scope of "every world you can see."

In the end, everyone has nowhere to escape.

Even in the reality of the hospital, the "virus" and "doom syndrome" have been activated like a bomb that cannot be disassembled. Although I was a patient. Can only be active in the hospital, and can only contact the patient in the hospital. However, there must be more patients with doomsday syndrome around the world. Of course, "viruses" are not only present in hospitals. Because we were not born in a hospital, but because we were sick, we were transferred to patients in this hospital.

Regardless of the speed of progress, every world I have observed, every "real side" I have experienced is entering the end. Well, no matter what "reality" is, it must have entered the end. In other words, the reality in the hospital, the illusion of doomsday, the world of repeaters, and the nightmare are all in the doomsday process, because the "reality" that I can't see is going to the end.

If the development of the world of repeaters is like the distortion and concentration of the development of the illusion of doomsday, then the changes in the seminar are a symbol, a symptom, and a microcosm of this concentration process.

The changes in the seminar seemed very absurd, it made people feel ridiculous, it seemed that there was no reason, it happened suddenly, and it seemed that there were too many insiders to make people wonder how many conspiracies were in it, but the nature of the change No change from the beginning.

If you think about it from this angle, what is the "disqualified patient" pursued by the seminar, and what kind of plan is it for doing this kind of thing, is actually not important. What is important is that they will certainly use "disqualified patients" to do certain things, and these things will inevitably make the end of the world a big step forward.

This is certainly not a good thing. Since it is not a good thing, then what will eventually be done using the "disqualified patient" must be corrupt, evil, bad, and frightening, but it must be in line with the wave of mystery, and it must be in line with the truth of the end. Teach style.

The mystery that satisfies these elements can be satisfied. I think there is no other than "sacrificial offering".

The deepest night is a kind of "sacrifice". In this nightmare, the mysterious organization is eager to try to use this sacrifice to complete its own purposeful sacrifice. Outside of this nightmare, the seminar is also in Attempt to complete a sacrifice with a "disqualified patient" as a sacrifice.

I can understand that the current situation is: sacrifices are everywhere. All anomalies and all events are prepared for the sacrifice ceremony. They opened up sacrifice places, set the sacrifice process, decided to sacrifice sacrifices, and intended to achieve a certain purpose. However, no one can be sure whether these sacrifices will go as they think, before the final result comes out.

My thoughts turned, and I returned to my normal state in the blink of an eye. I felt like I was in a trance for a long time, but actually, it was only a few seconds. No one noticed the situation on my side, because at this moment, everyone is thinking and making their own judgment through thinking.

Arriving at this nightmare does not mean ending. On the contrary, if you cannot escape from this nightmare, you will not know how you have become in reality.

"It's not all bad news." The connector suddenly said: "Since we have all entered into the deep night, it means at least that we are not disqualified patients."

"However, are you sure the people at the seminar will know?" Turner asked.

"They must know." The connector answered very positively.

"What do you mean, as long as we wake up, we will not be attacked again?" Said the Level 3 Mageweaver Junior.

"It can only be said that it is very possible. The sudden incident is the reason for our unity, but this does not mean that we do not have any support. Do n’t forget that the mysterious organization has been operating in the seminar and has enough The time and sufficient reason, the attitude of the seminar will change. "The connector said.

The seminar will of course change. I don't refute the view of the connector. The change of the seminar has become inevitable, and the sacrifice seems impossible to prevent. The sacrifice in the psychiatric hospital, as well as the sacrifice of the deepest night, have a certain coincidence in time. If this coincidence is regarded as inevitable, then this is a deliberate synchronization.

From the perspective of occultism, synchronization is to resonate, to turn two unconnected ones into two with deep connection, or to make two already connected with each other into closer connection. The two of them even become one.

Plus my past guesses ~ ~ Then ...

The people who are currently promoting sacrifices, what they do, cause a series of seemingly extremely complicated, sudden and mysterious situations. Isn't that the nightmare of the deepest night and the amalgamation of the Peninsula Mental Hospital?

"Go, no matter what, we have to wake up first, and until then, you do n’t want to know, what is going on in the deepest night?" I said to them, "Welcome to the weird country."

"... Speaking of it, Mr. Gao Chuan, you have been in this nightmare many times." The third-level Mageweaver Junior asked: "So, what should we do now?"

"I know a shelter. However, I hope I can meet the same kind." I said, of course, there have always been people in the mysterious organization who have been present in this nightmare, but have not exposed their tracks.

"Before that, we have to solve the problem first." Turner looked around, and was ready to fight while speaking.

I know without looking at it, weirdness has surrounded us. In the deepest night, these weird quantities and qualities will change dramatically. (To be continued)

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