Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1290: Break through

I can't determine where we are now. There are no very clear coordinates in this nightmare. Although it should be in the shape of a peninsula or island, I have never heard of anyone who has reached the edge. ∷ 四 ∷ 五 ∷ 中 ∷ 文 + ◆, if it is close to the striking building, such as around the tower, or on a higher hill, you may find a reference, but where we are at this time A forest belt at the foot of the hill. Looking around, although the trees are not dense, but they are surrounded by towering rocks, they can't be seen from afar.

Our only option is to choose a direction according to the terrain and our own experience of survival in the wild, and then go all the way. However, the wild in the deep night is more dangerous than the wild ecosystem in the normal environment. People need to face not beasts but weirdness.

The third-level Mageweaver teenager, the jointer, Turner and Anna of Torchlight spontaneously turned around to form a back-to-back formation, watching the movements around them cautiously. I jumped on a large rock a mile away beside the team and drew a knife to kill the weird dog hidden underneath.

In the bushes, weird figures emerge from behind the trees and from the shadows of the mountains and rocks. They are not all entities, some are like smoke, some are like running water, and even there is only a shadow, even, Some weirdness only exists in the induction of chain judgment, and cannot be directly observed with the naked eye. I'm also not sure if I still have weirdness that can't be sensed by chain judgment. Because the weird forms and ways of existence are very different, so the weird quantity that is only seen by the naked eye and sensed by our own ability is far from the weird quantity that exists here.

The huge amount of weird quantity that cannot be determined is invisible and gives a strong pressure. I am not afraid of these weirdness. In my observation, there is not much fear in other people's eyes. However, such a strange nightmare, the pressure also exists objectively, can not be ignored. I do n’t know how much they know about conscious walking, though. As long as there is a certain understanding, this understanding will increase their psychological burden. The weirdness in the nightmare, the inexplicable dangers in the ideological world, are actually similar things. Even conscious walkers have the initiative and adaptability that others do not have when they walk consciously in an ideological world, but they still dare not have the slightest point in the face of the weird ideology that is endless and difficult to explain Slack.

Nightmares are also a kind of ideological world. The weirdness that appears here is absolutely impossible to eradicate. If the composition of this ideological world cannot be confirmed, even the origin of these weirdness is difficult to imagine. Ignoring what weird abilities are, and its endless number is a great threat.

What's more, in the deepest night, everything is developing in a vicious manner. Gloomy sky. It's like a **** sphere like the moon. It seems that a huge wound was cut, and there are Mars and ash scattered like flying snow. The scene like **** is a symbol full of viciousness. No matter who it is, just see it with your own eyes. There is no doubt about this, and it is absolutely conceivable that these ugly faces are so dangerous that there is no such weird face.

In the shadows farther away. Around obstacles that are vaguely visible but not clearly visible, there are things like ghost fire dancing, and some lights are flashing, which makes people think of the beast peeping prey. Eye-like patterns appear on inorganic stones, as if even the stones have become a kind of vivid and extremely active observers.

The eyes that peeped at us did not disappear after we arrived here, but instead became more agitated. Although we were not attacked in the first place, there was another feeling that once we started, we would directly enter the fierce fighting. I do n’t know what other people have the ability to save lives, but, if only by myself, it is indeed possible to break away in the shortest time by virtue of quick swept.

Whether it is fighting or running away, it is not difficult for me. However, if other people do not have the ability to withdraw, in such a wild countryside, surrounded by a large number of strangeness of unknown distance, it is almost impossible to survive.

The weirdness cannot be killed, and the killing of the weirdness is not the purpose, and it is meaningless to defeat and kill these things. Perhaps, in the ideological world, certain "key things" will appear in weird ways, but such weirdness is absolutely rare and special, and keen people can basically perceive it. Generally speaking, most weirdness is just weirdness, and it does not have the core peculiarity that can relieve the crisis after defeat.

In the end, all the killings will serve self-preservation and departure. This is the law of existence that every conscious walker must understand when walking in the ideological world.

"Mr. Gao Chuan, what's the clear way?" Turner said in a playful tone, but it sounded more like he couldn't help but release the pressure in this way.

"Don't fight for war." I remind them.

"The direction of the breakout ... go over there." Anna pointed us in a direction, but because of the lack of reference, it was impossible to determine the southeast and northwest. In a normal environment, the growth of trees, annual rings and even the stars in the sky can all point in the direction, but in this nightmare, these "normal" things do not exist. Even if it looks "normal" on the outside, it is definitely not normal on the inside.

"I remember that your deviations are biased towards malignancy." The third-level Mageweaver Junior said.

"Yes, in that direction, you can avoid the troubles at the moment, but you will also encounter bigger hemp." Anna said without shyness: "But, if you don't go in that direction, there is no guarantee that you can solve the current situation. The problem."

The atmosphere became silent again, but it only lasted for less than a second. In the shadows of the joints, a large glass bead-like object sprayed in all directions, brushing over everyone's body, falling into no longer cover up themselves In the weird group. I was determined at the moment she shot, she is the electronic demon messenger, these glass bead-like things, even if it is not the electronic demon, it must be the ability of the electronic demon.

"Let's go!" Before the voice of the connector fell, I started to swoop. The invisible high-speed passage bypassed everyone's side and extended in the direction that Anna pointed out. I have fallen from the top of the rock, and while others are slowing down and responding slowly, I have hugged the jointer and galloped along the invisible high-speed passage.

Behind me. As if something broke, there was no actual sound, but the feeling of breaking the shackles was very clear. I didn't look back, I could feel a huge momentum, just like a group of wild beasts, rushing towards us. A huge number is galloping, as if to come first, engulfing us all. But at this time, explosions from all directions continued to sound. I heard in the gallop, this sound is dull and thick, but it makes people subconsciously want to stay away.

I know that this feeling is probably the electronic demon that connects people, obstructing the weird army. At the same time, a signal of fighting was sent to the weirdness.

The explosion is violent, but it can only affect a small part of the weirdness. There are too many weird numbers. The range of distribution is also almost every nightmare in the wilderness and wilderness. There are many weirdness outside the explosion range, even if it is affected by the explosion, or it is directly hit without being fatally affected.

And once the attack unfolds. There is no escape.

I took the connector and swept all the way in the direction that Anna pointed out. Most of the weirdness could not be reflected at this speed, but there are still some weirdness that are good at speed or have special skills. Behind me. Just trying to outflank from the side. In my observations, this group of weird people who can respond, like a small piece of sand separated from the sand pile, interspersed and intertwined in the complex terrain and the weird weirdness, trying to intercept me .

My speed is very fast, but it is still not the ultimate. Or, I have never confirmed what my extreme speed is, and I have always used "relatively fast" to explain. In this deep night, under the influence of the old Hawk's seal, the power of the magic pattern cannot always be used in the smoothest and most thorough way. There is no specific data record and comparison, but only a feeling. . It seems that I can do better, but it is difficult to play.

Therefore, I was not surprised at all when there was an existence whose speed could not be completely rid of. I'm still relatively faster than any reference object, but this "fast" can't get rid of them soon. The speed difference between me and the enemy is very small in most cases in this nightmare. When there are many reference objects, according to the movement of the selected reference object itself and the transformation of the reference object, the adjustment of its own speed will also become less smooth.

It's like an old machine. During operation, the internal components will stumbling from time to time, and may even stop suddenly, unable to achieve the normal operating efficiency.

Even so, I am still very fast. In the staggered attack on the front line, I never doubted that the final winner was myself.

The weirdness suddenly appeared in front of the sky, the weirdness of the selected reference suddenly stopped, and the weirdness immediately followed by the chain judgement suddenly changed into a spiral thin line, accelerated to pounce, or a large amount of liquid or flame was sprayed , Dust, sharp solids, and the temperature of the air suddenly dropped. Too late to think, the fighting instinct has made the body jump, and then less than a second later, centered on the position where the foot was originally dropped, a layer of thorny frost spread to a 20-meter square in the blink of an eye. Immediately afterwards, the sharp thorns rose into the air.

Some dull sense of speed became lubricated again. The rapid swept super energy has been working, and the chain judgment has no dead ends. After a new reference object was determined within the chain judgment range, the speed sweep accelerated again, and the new invisible high-speed channel was re-established in the offensive that suddenly became complicated. I twisted my body, and the ice thorns passed by, and I drilled through the gap, pulled out the crossbow with my left hand, shot arrows, and shot through a few strange beast-like bodies.

After speeding down to the ground, the long knife cuts out at a faster speed.

Not all weirdness can maintain high speed while attacking, and there are very few weirdness that can increase your speed again. Even if it is a weird one that can move instantaneously, there is a certain time interval between the appearance of the attack and the target attack. This time difference is very short in the eyes of others, so in the eyes of others, at this moment, the weird offensive is like a torrential flood. Unstoppable.

However, for experts who are really good at high-speed combat, as long as there is a gap between attacks and actions, it is impossible to maintain a certain degree of continuity for everyone ’s actions, even if they seem to be organized on the surface. It is also full of flaws, you can use the scalpel to break it down and break them one by one.

I interspersed between these weird attack intervals and action intervals, their actions have no continuity, no coordination, and no rhythm. In the chain judgment, their location, as well as their attack, the density is very obvious. Although it opened a giant net, it was like a giant net. The invisible high-speed channel runs through this giant net, and constantly adjusts the direction and curve according to the area, change range and position of the mesh-and this is my counterattack route.

Even holding a person, only one hand can be freed to use the weapon, but the speed and rhythm advantage can only maintain a few breaths. It's enough for me to kill the prey locked by the chain decision.

I'm in Mercedes, everything becomes slow. Their actions are so awkward.

The long sword waved, I think, if weird people have eyes, then, we must see only one flash.

Everything that has been swept by the blade, whether it is tangible or intangible. Whether it is physical or non-physical, whether it is visible to the naked eye or invisible to the naked eye, it is all cut off. The gap that cannot be closed. Continue to expand to separate the upper, lower, left and right.

When the cut scene subsided, I had reached the top of another mountain more than ten meters high. And this place is of course in the direction that Anna pointed out. Anna is not a prophet. Her power is a deviation. The specific principle is not clear, but it is probably to use the power of deviation to interfere with the development of things. At the same time, she can also observe the development of things to a certain extent. Observation and intervention are carried out simultaneously, so she can point out a "temporarily correct" direction. However, because deviations tend to develop in a malignant manner, temporary correctness is more of a mistake in the longer term.

However, in many cases, if there is not even a temporary correctness, I am afraid that even the wrong future will not be seen. No one can be sure that if he does not choose this "temporary correctness", he will surely survive, so even if he knows that this is only "temporary correctness", no one can resist.

At least, everyone here has chosen this "temporary correctness".

I was condescending and used my crossbow to siege the weirdness of others. Although there is no speed for me, however, the two levels of the Mageweave Messenger and the Torchlight cooperated in a tacit way to tear the encirclement of the weird people in a brutal way. A tornado-like ashes, enveloping the two and rushing forward, and when they are at a high level, they can only feel the kind of chaos that is occurring in a weird way in a global way-like they ca n’t devote themselves to the battle , There are some unseen circumstances that have dragged their hands and feet and prevented them from spreading normally.

I think this is the "deviation" power of Turner and Anna, but as far as the vicious bias is concerned, even if it seems to be "beneficial" for us, it should still be "unfavorable" for us in the longer term. For example, making these grotesques abnormal at this time will eventually make these grotesques stronger.

The Ashes Tornado took the two to fall next to me and the connector, and then condensed back to the body of the Level 3 Mageweaver Junior.

"Need a break?" I asked.

"It's okay." The third-level Mageweave messenger boy glanced at the Mageweave on his right wrist. "Mr. Gao Chuan, these weird ... can be absorbed by Mageweave?"

"Yes, but you have to be careful." I advised him in good faith: "The absorption of these things may make you crazy."

"Maybe?" The third-level Mageweaver youngster was a little suspicious ~ ~ I just got this information, but I didn't confirm it specifically, but personally, it's right. Especially in the deepest night. "

The third-level Mageweaver young boy thoughtfully glanced at the sky, as if it were the moon, but it was extraordinarily huge and extremely heavy, as if it had cracked a mouth, and the blood was flowing. The shadow on the surface of the crater on the moon looks like a nightmare in Las Vegas when observing from the tower. I do n’t know if he can see it with the naked eye, but at this moment, I ca n’t see it. from.

Whether the nightmare scene in Las Vegas is clear should be determined by many factors. At this time, on the tower, if you observe this sphere, is that cracked opening a nightmare to Las Vegas? The passage to this nightmare can't help but make people think about it. The plan of Fang Mysterious Organization has just entered into a new stage.

When the changes that the nightmare brings to this nightmare are more in-depth, the monsters deep in the nightmare Las Vegas will be "liberated" from that mouth into this nightmare. Before and after that point of time, this nightmare should have some kind of coincidence with the Peninsula Mental Hospital, and then become a special temporary data hedge space. That is the battlefield filled with traps by mysterious organizations of all parties. (To be continued ...)

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