Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1291: Malignant guidelines

The danger of the late night has just begun. We broke through a strange encirclement, but it does not mean that this is the end. Looking down from the top of the towering rock, you can feel that weirdness is born in the ashes where it cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye, and it must be so in places where it cannot be seen with the naked eye. On this deep night, no one can kill all the weirdness, and even, the speed of killing the weirdness in a range is not as fast as the speed of the birth of the weirdness in a place where you cannot see it. It is impossible to count how many weirdnesses were born in this nightmare, but if weirdness will actively attack people, then the terrible number is enough to kill everyone. In this nightmare, people's fear of the deepest night is not without reason. Although the nightmare may not be long, people's cognition of the deepest night is shown in a "long history".

I am not the first person to enter this nightmare, nor the one who has always been in this nightmare. Some of the people I met were not the "Aborigines" in this nightmare, but they considered themselves to be the "Aborigines" here. They recognize this nightmare as "the world they live in" and regard us as "outsiders." At the same time, they will pass on the "history" they have known to us, so that in a very short time, we have a general understanding of "the deepest night".

If there is not enough information, even "outsiders" cannot verify the birth time of this nightmare, and it is difficult to confirm whether this is a real world or just a nightmare. This is dangerous and addictive, just as the world discovers the new continent, but the most terrible thing is that there seem to be many resources here, it seems that people can gain power, have a variety of novel knowledge, as if they can expand Vision. But what is gained in this nightmare is all vicious, and the whole nightmare is also developing in a vicious direction.

In other words, it is because it is vicious. So it is called a "nightmare", not a "dream." This viciousness cannot be reversed, and the real reason for its inability to be reversed cannot be found in this nightmare. All the clues in this nightmare are fragmented, fragmented, full of cover-up, and do not point to the real reason. Therefore, even if the hunters continue to pursue the deep night in this world, they cannot find out the truth and get rewards. On the contrary, they will only let them fall into despair.

Even if we are "outsiders". Observing the world from the perspective of "outside the nightmare", there is no way to find out the origin of this nightmare, and it cannot stop the development of the deep night. Beyond the nightmare, is the world of repeaters. The world of repeaters also has doomsday illusions, and there are hospital realities outside the doomsday illusions. In the tower of the nightmare, you can directly receive information about the reality of the hospital. This is a terrible information loop, and even people are not sure whether the reality of the hospital is the end. And no matter which world. The answers you get when you look inside and out of this world are different from those that look outside and inside.

These are huge and complicated. The plausible information cannot be understood with the current human cognition. I think this is one of the reasons why people become crazy after searching for answers. In other words, it is on the road to the truth. The inevitable doom. Even more terrifying is that the cause of all this is inherently vicious, and it is manifested in the form of a "doom process".

If a person who keeps understanding the world, a person who keeps thinking and working hard, can continue to grow and theoretically conquer all things, then there is one point that cannot be ignored in this statement, that is time . People need time to think, work hard, learn, and recognize. Therefore, no time is the deepest despair, which is more frightening than confronting any viciousness.

Yes, I know very well that we have no time.

There is no time to think about the answer, no time to understand the world, no time to figure out the direction of the effort, and no time to grow.

I think that when I face "Virus" and "Jiang", what I feel is that the extraordinary, beyond everything, as if growing from the instinct of life, is actually the lack of time. The instinct of instinct, and the resulting sense of fear, is not the weak meat on the food chain in common sense.

After recognizing the "mystery" and peeping into the "process of the end" from their own experiences, the kind of irreversible pressure felt is not that the "end of the world" is invincible and destined, but does not have enough time To reverse it, defeat it, and then feel a sense of powerlessness. Although, judging only from the results, it is the "doomsday" that is about to destroy everything, and people cannot resist. But the process and origin are different. It is not that we have no ability to overcome all this, but that we have no time to overcome all this. For any life, growth requires time. Without time, the potential for growth is not stifled, but only the possibility of growth is stifled.

This is the deepest fear, more terrifying than simply "eaten by something above the food chain."

Things beyond thought, things that stifle growing time, these concepts, cognitions, and guesses are continually growing from my mind. These things are things that I have never thought of before, and even, I did not imagine and guess from this direction at one time, but it suddenly popped out and recognized the past in a "truth" way The intelligence gathered, the clues collected are concatenated. It's like a so-called "blink of aura", but this "blink of aura" makes me wonder why this is the time, why this is the idea, and why it appears in my mind.

If everything is not accidental, and all seemingly accidental beginnings mean an inevitable result, then such thoughts, cognitions, concepts, and guesses appear in my mind, of course, to promote a certain inevitable result ——It makes people feel a strong purpose.

I can't judge whether these thoughts of my own emerged "to overcome difficulties and reach goodness" or "to promote the end or some kind of birth". There is no way to judge whether these "truths" about things outside of mind, and things that stifle growth time, are vicious or well-meaning for the not-distant future. It is also unclear whether such a change originates from the result of hard thinking. If it is the result of your own hard thinking. So, is it a right behavior or a wrong behavior to "think hard"?

Thinking itself. Brought me unprecedented pressure. I like to think, but right now, I can't judge whether to think about this behavior.

Even so, I can't stop myself from thinking. Unable to stop, these thoughts that seem to be "a flash of spiritual light" can't stop their own thinking, and follow the answer obtained by this "blink of spiritual light" to pursue that terrible "truth."

I feel that my thinking is like in the movie plot, in order to let the train go to "some place to achieve a certain purpose", such as robbery. On the way, someone was deliberately switched to another track, but the people on the train could only continue along this track. Because I believe in my intuition, even if this kind of thinking is so "justified", as if giving back to the past thinking, the "sparkling light" produced seems to be "guiding the truth". I still can't believe it completely.

After a long study, scientists will achieve great achievements in the "flashing light". However, I think. Your own "blink of aura" is very different from the "sparkle of aura" in these inspiring stories. In these stories, the scientists' "blink of aura" allows them to achieve results that benefit the world. But my "Aura of Light". Will the end result be the same?

For this question, my intuition told me. My "Flash of Spiritual Light" is like a science fiction movie where scientists find a way to cure diseases and benefit mankind, but in "Flash of Spiritual Light", they complete a "virus" that will destroy the world.

This is a vicious "sparkling light". An erroneous result obtained after hard work.

I have thought about giving up and preventing myself from continuing to think in this direction, but, as I said before, now even the act of "thinking" itself can no longer be stopped. Even if there is doubt, the concepts of "probability" and "probability" in the past inherent cognition still make me unable to completely abandon the "probability" of this kind of perfect result trend of thinking "possibly exists".

Yes, the possibility, the probability, the external pressure, the concept of "outside the mind" and other concepts, the explanation of "no time", and all the past guesses and cognitions of "jiang" and "virus". Decided that his dashing train could not leave the current track at all, and could only rush towards the misty front with the expectation of possibility.

My thoughts, contradictions and self-conflicts, my spirit, began to become chaotic. Then, the next moment, I suddenly woke up. Did not wake up from the nightmare, but just recovered from his own thoughts.

When I realized it, my place was no longer the original environment. Although it was still full of the smell of wild nature, there was always something weird looking in the shadows that could not be seen clearly. However, the scenery here is somewhat familiar to me. I seem to have been here, but I ’m not sure, maybe it ’s the damp path, or the big lake not far away, or the humble pier, canoe, or even a few wooden houses behind the pier. Gave me this impression of deja vu.

"Chalet area?" I am not sure, because this kind of scene, in turn, reminds me of more places: the realistic pier of the hospital; the outer periphery of the 51st area; in the illusion of the past doomsday, where the Mary Jones family Towns ... not only these places, but the scene here and what I know, all the places close to the lake have an unspeakable similarity. It seems that my impressions of those places are brought together in a strange and complicated way to form such a seemingly simple area.

This is a nightmare, a world of ideology. When I gave such an answer in my mind, I was a little surprised at first and calmed down again.

Yes, since it is an ideological world, there will always be things that make you feel "likely acquainted". After all, deja vu itself is the result of consciousness activities.

When did we start to walk this way? Why are we here? When the thoughts in my head were uncontrollably complicated, I didn't seem to notice the situation. However, it is not completely without feeling. When these doubts appear in the mind, more memories emerge, giving specific answers.

Clips from the past period of time, like a movie playback, are presented in my mind.

The person walking in front of the team is strange, we were met by him, or found, and then brought here by him. As for who he is, the answer is simple, yes. The log cabin area by the lake that we arrived at was the member organization and the people and horses of the 51st area, hiding in this deep night.

Seriously ~ ~ They didn't hide it deliberately, they set up strongholds here for their own reasons. This place is a remote and hidden place relative to the shelter I used to be in and the tower I visited. They neither hide nor hide, but it is just that I failed to find them, nothing more.

Half an hour ago, we broke through the weird encirclement circle under the guidance of Anna. Although her guidance is the result of a "deviation" that tends to be vicious, we did not encounter the greater trouble of "should exist" in the first place. Specifically, it did not encounter a more powerful weirdness, or encountered a tighter weird encirclement. Instead, he met this person who was active in a nightmare as an identity.

Obviously, this person is a member of "mysterious organizations that are planned in nightmares."

Let ’s just say that if Anna ’s guidance relieves us of “surrounded by weirdness”, it will also cause us to be in a more troublesome situation than “surrounded by weirdness”. Yes, such a troublesome start. He took us to this lakeside huts area, although it was the temporary station of the 51 night zone in this nightmare. However, it is not safe here, they are also under the pressure of the deepest night. They found us, not so much as looking at the relationship of their companions, but rather that they themselves were in trouble and had to not replenish new blood. (To be continued.) 88 Reading

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