Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1292: Talker

The black car is driving along the road, the special coated glass makes it impossible to see the inside of the car, the female driver sits upright like a puppet, the tight and tight uniform outlines the figure that a normal woman cannot have, her hat is pressed It ’s so low that you can hardly see your eyes. Only from the texture and arc that is different from the texture of ordinary people can you tell that this woman is not like a human. The sheriff sitting in the same car as Ms. Cat has fallen silent. Their eyes are blank. It seems that they have lost their muscle strength and just supported themselves on the seat with the skeleton. Strictly speaking, at this time, the only person in this car who still has self-awareness is Ms. Cat.

However, such scenes have long been accustomed to Ms. Cat.

"Have you found anything?" She said to the person on the other side of the phone, her voice very calm.

"The first coordinate has been set, but if you want to lock the guy, you need at least two more coordinates. The consciousness channel has been destroyed by two thirds, and the rest may be a bit troublesome."

"Can you judge the identity of those people?"

"Of the five conscious walkers found so far, only two can be confirmed, and one of the remaining three is very strong. The technique is rude and unfamiliar. The associate with this guy is not a conscious walker, but there are some Where people care. I think the method being used may not be able to dig out these two people. "

"Two have been confirmed, one cannot be confirmed, the remaining two, the current method is effective?"

"Yes, it only takes time. However, it is certainly feasible to find the other party's location. The problem is that the other party is not good. Once they realize that they are locked, they will change their address in a short time. The time they spend is likely to be better than Our people take less time to take action. They can be captured theoretically. But the actual feasibility is less than 50%. "

"Such a powerful conscious walker suddenly jumped out of three, why haven't I heard of it before?"

"I haven't heard of the other party's strong proof that a qualified conscious walker has at least three ways to erase the perception of others. I have fifty."

"I see, do as you can. You are an expert." Ms. Mao hung up after five minutes of communication, but at this time, a new call was made to her mobile phone.

"Catwoman, it's me." The man said at the other end of the phone, the voice sounded like a male voice, very low, like the voice of a sander.

"How's the situation?" Catwoman asked directly without a condom.

"It has been confirmed that it was not the Doomsday people who entered the Marshall's room last night. It was the whisperers' dignitaries. However, their source of information could not be found."

"They also have prophets, knowing that the situation is nothing surprising. But Marceau is a very important person, absolutely not tolerant, and not to be leaked." Ms. Shen said, "Send her a place immediately, If you can, as you did last time, arrange more clues to confuse your eyes. All must be real clues. Got it? "

"What to do, I know better than you. Don't forget. I'm an expert." The person at the end of the conversation paused and said, "The adjustment test of the repeater voltage regulator and shunt has been completed, last night The situation came really timely. The person thought that it was possible to proceed to the next step, but once it entered the final link, it could not be stopped. Without interference. The time required would only take up to one week. However, the power diversion will be further weakened during the period. Confirm it over there. "

"There is no need to confirm. We have prepared long enough to finish what we can do. The rest is to pray for destiny. Go and do it." Ms. Cat said here and asked again: "This matter has been told to the Prophet ?"

"Yes, the prophet has no predictions about this, but she feels that there are a lot of terrible things that have come to this city." Hearing, when the man spoke here, the tone was a bit hesitant, so Ms. Cat could vaguely perceive it what.

"How terrible?" Ms. Cat's voice remained calm.

"Red alert, under normal one-on-one situation, it is absolutely impossible to beat." Men said here, the voice has become heavy, but the heavier is still behind, "However, this is only the second level of red alert, Because the highest level of red alert has been triggered last night, it is the one you are responsible for. "

"Red alert? Can't confirm the entity and quantity?" Ms. Cat's voice finally became a little restless, her face gloomy like a foggy day in London. "Why is there such a guy? The highest level of red alert is not theory What is it? And, is still in my charge? What a joke? I do n’t have the red alert level on my side. The other party is a conscious walker? "

"The specific situation, my side is also confused." The man didn't mean gloating, he belonged to the same organization, he understood that once something went wrong with this catwoman companion, he would also be implicated. This time it was a big action with a whole body in motion. No one can stay out of the matter, no matter whether it has been done or not. If you want to survive, you have to pray, and then try your best to do your own work, so that the plan you are executing is successfully concluded.

"No clues !?" Catwoman growled in a low voice. "Have your head filled with water? When do we need clues in particular? Just make as many copies of the kind of things that are shown to the incompetent guy. You feel, I What you want is your feeling! Is there no possibility? "

"Yes!" The man was not angry and paused, replied: "However, I can't tell."

"What? What's the situation?" Catwoman heard the words and couldn't help laughing, "What else can't you say? Wait, are you unable to say it, or dare you say it?"

"..." There was a silence for a while. Catwoman didn't urge it. Although the people on the other side concealed this topic, they had partnered for a long time and had enough trust in each other's actions. When his answer became ambiguous, Catwoman noticed something abnormal. In the mysterious world, there are some unspeakable anomalies that will make people feel extremely headache. She returned the option to the other party again, and confirmed the anomaly they would face at this time through the other party's response. Exactly what type and intensity.

"Apocalyptic and Nazi ..." The man's voice finally came, as if every word was filled with lead. He didn't say a few words. Catwoman heard his violent inhalation on the side. Judging from this voice alone, it can be determined that his physical condition is deteriorating. Even so. Catwoman still has n’t stopped it because, as someone who has personally been in contact with the mysterious situation of “unspeakable anomaly”, he tried to speak out under pressure, at least to prove that the damage caused by it is still within his tolerance. Inside.

This is like a tensile test, when you know where the tensile limit of the material is, then, before reaching the limit point. Even if the material properties are changed, you can continue to stretch without worrying that it will suddenly break.

Catwoman understands that the person opposite the microphone is using his own body to test the pressure limit of this mysterious power, and he will definitely stop when he is about to reach the limit. Since I still intend to continue. This proves that he feels that he can continue.

Catwoman trusts his judgment. And at the same time estimate the situation of the other party in the heart, so as to measure the intensity of the mysterious power to face.

Only listening to the grunting sound of the man, as if there was water in his mouth, said vaguely: "666 ... artificial demon ..." Then, something fell and the phone was disconnected.

"Apocalyptic, Nazi, 666, artificial demon?" Catwoman chewed these names. It is naturally very important for your companions to work hard to say these words. Just hearing the name, there is a strong ominous feeling, as if there is a mysterious force across time and space. Pressing her nerves from the bottom. Although she was a little worried about the companions who spoke these words, she also trusted her companions' ability, will and judgment, and believed that he would not cause big problems.

Although the Doomsday Truth and the Nazis are temporary behemoths that are difficult to surmount, their organizations have been entangled with each other for half a century, and they understand some of the details of each other. The names of these two organizations cannot give her such a strange and powerful oppressive force, because the power of "mystery" comes from cognition. It is a power with less cognition and a higher degree. And these two terrible and huge organizations are quite familiar to her. Direct confrontation, indirect confrontation, cooperation, temptation, interference and other actions have never been interrupted since the establishment of the organization.

This world is peaceful, but it is also not peaceful. It is difficult for people staying in one corner to understand how great war is going on in another corner. For Catwoman, since she joined the organization, she has never seen the war of doomsday truth for a moment, and there is a moment to stop even a second.

Because it is the most direct and most respected enemy, the Doomsday Truth Church, apart from the Doomsday Truth Church, or the Nazis that have been hidden for half a century, are already on the verge of "mystery", as if they took a step forward, they would Uncover the veil that wraps them completely.

In this way, it is no longer clear where this sense of oppression came from across time and space.

"666, artificial demon ..." Catwoman murmured and pinched her thumb hard. "The meaning of artificial demon is very clear, but 666?" The number 666 is extremely rich in mysticology and extremely unknown. If the vocabulary in mysticology is divided into a grade based on its comprehensive meaning level, 666 is undoubtedly in the first column, which can almost be equated with "spirit" and "mystery".

Taboos that are absolutely impossible to face directly, dangers that are absolutely impossible to survive, and various possibilities in the absolute sense are gathered in this number. Although the meaning is very broad, if you list these meanings, you will find that they point to a common essence-they cannot be described in the existing language of human beings, but they can deeply feel that it is everything The collection of fear, the culmination of all fear.

If it is in the ideological world, this most direct and essential cognition of fear may create terrible monsters out of thin air. Therefore, this kind of cognition is the most dangerous taboo in occultism. Do n’t think about it, do n’t delve into it, and treat it as a joke, the chance of problems will be greatly reduced, but ... Catwoman realizes what is the "unusable anomaly" that her companion faces danger.

She suddenly looked at her phone, and the calendar clearly showed the number "2012", when her eyes shifted to the numbers of the month, date, and clock. Suddenly dazzled, the figures were blurred, as if jumping back and forth, not from 1 to 11, nor the other way around, but jumped out of order. Catwoman felt something was hitting her brain. It seems to split yourself in half from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot.

However, this momentary pain gradually disappeared after the vision shook again. She suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the hands of the clock, like it was fast, or it was slow, but. The memory used for reference seems to be lost, giving her a deep illusion of losing time.

If, if possible, she did not want to delve into this anomaly at all.

"2012, 666, the world's demise?" Catwoman bit her lower lip, and her cold features twisted. "It's a cold and funny joke!" Even so, she couldn't really treat it as a cold joke. Because, she and others gathered under the same banner precisely because they believed in the prophet's prophecy about the end of the world.

The predicted things will be the result of destiny, however. This result may have a one-sided description. Based on this one-sidedness, many things can still be done. For example, when it is predicted. What you will lose, then, maybe you lose something passively, or actively discard something. Although the result is the same, the different nature of the process will also produce other meanings and possibilities.

Netball is an organization that acts based on this theory. It is too vague to say that saving the world, but there must be something that can continue after the world is destroyed. They are observing, preparing, waiting, witnessing how the world has changed from chaos to chaos, and how these chaos have gone from darkness to sunlight, enough for everyone to realize that the world is falling into the abyss, but, Even so, Catwoman never had a moment, as if standing at a distance from the end of the world, so deeply sensed its existence.

Believe that man felt it too, the sign of the end, Catwoman was thinking in her heart.

"Damn, it's now, this kind of critical time." She thought nervously, trying to find out all the weaknesses in the plan that could be broken, but she just confirmed once again that everything that could be done has been done. After that, the rest is just a matter of adaptability.

The enemy is very powerful, there is no doubt about it, but in Catwoman ’s perception, the negative effect they produce is not the destructive power of the network ball, but the end of the extended in this planned conflict possibility. This is almost the same as saying "because the cyber ball has done these things and executed this action, so let the end come."

"It seems that I have to go to the Prophet." Catwoman murmured to herself and picked up her phone again to dial another call. "Chubby? It's me. Yeah, how are you prepared?" How much combat power is invested? Sorry, the situation has changed, and, I also think that it ’s time for you to show your value. How many people? Are you kidding? Of course, how much is the enemy, do n’t you? Is that clear? There are only so many people in this world who are capable of becoming enemies. I can tell you that they are all here ... is it? I know, listen to your good news. "

After the call ended, she took out her tablet computer, constantly changing the position of lines of text, numbers and code formulas, adding or deleting them from time to time. These texts, numbers, codes and formulas themselves did not make sense because, It seems normal that they are just a series of encrypted blocks, encrypted and hidden in the power, with a macro that even she does not know the substance of, and interferes with the world through channels she does not understand . It ’s not consciousness, it ’s not matter, or it ’s both consciousness and matter. ~ ~ It ’s contradictory to describe it, it ’s like it does n’t belong to this world, but it is connected to it. The mysterious power she possesses has nothing to do with her name "Catwoman" and "Mrs. Cat". Only the prophet and the powerful conscious walker can sense the interference of this power in this world and confirm this power. The existence of is thus named by others as the "high-dimensional hand", and its meaning is to fiddle with the hand of this world in a higher dimension.

In a sense, this is one of the most powerful essential forces in human cognition, but it is too advanced to perform effective operations. All Catwoman can do is to input her own thoughts and then let the mysterious force react on its own. This reaction may or may not occur. Even if there is, it may produce deviations, full of uncertainty, but unexpected The ground is somewhat similar to the description of quantum mechanics.

Catwoman is also known as "a person who can talk to the world" because of the way of using power in this way. In the eyes of people who know its existence, it is one of the strongest people at the top of the personal power of the mysterious world. The platform she used to exert her power, a tablet-style object, also has a name called "Super Department". To be continued. .

ps: In other words, today is the real Christmas, so I wish you all a happy new year.

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