Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1293: Talker II

Rapper, this is the title of the man in front of me. The name is not important. The title "rapper" has described most of his situation well. The man who claims to be a "talker" is also a conscious walker. As for what aspect of his conscious walk tends to be, and what kind of phenomenon will the use of consciousness present, it is still a mystery. However, he has been able to influence the consciousness of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger, which has been proved by facts. I was able to wake up, but this does not mean that his ability did not work. He described his ability to walk consciously. Although the specific situation uses vague rhetoric, there are probably two characteristics: one is conscious interference that cannot be controlled by oneself, and the other is "talk".

However, the existence of the second characteristic also means that it is extremely dangerous to engage in "talk" with him. This danger is not directly related to what he said. It is just a combination of "talk" and "no self-control interference" that will make the other party of the conversation be affected by what he said, and this effect seems to me. Although it is not strong, it has been working subtly.

That is to say, even if the content he informs others involves his own mystery, he cannot simply be regarded as a kind of "leak" which is not beneficial to him.

I began to feel that a large part of my previous out-of-control thinking was due to my own mental deterioration, but there are also a small number of incentives that come from the ability of this "talker". From the moment I saw him and talked with him, both me and the jointer were inevitably affected by him, and then evolved into the current situation-even now, I still ca n’t be sure. The current What is the situation in the end, but combined with Anna's "deviation" effect, it should not be a good situation.

After the breakout, arrived at this wooden house area. And what happened during the time period in the log cabin area, although after I was awake, it came to my mind in a "memory" way. But these "memory" are not clear, nor are they all exhaustive. It is a kind of "memory" corresponding to time, personal encounter and thinking activity tendency, and the corresponding "memory" in this part, but the other "memory" is more Most of them are presented in a way that “knows you know these things clearly, but subconsciously does not recall them”.

Moreover, even if there is speculation about the "talker" at this time, the vigilance is once again improved, and the situation of earnestly recalling, I still cannot make those "memory" clear and distinct. The active recall of the consciousness cannot avoid the subconscious to avoid the recall. I am not a conscious walker. Although I can perform conscious walk, it relies on the power of "Jiang". Compared with a real conscious walker, I have a huge defect in conscious ability. This is something I knew long ago. The interlocutor in front of him made this kind of cognition deeper.

Neither the four-level magic pattern nor the one-sided consciousness abilities given by "Jiang" can completely prevent the "talker" from walking consciously.

His mystery has been working for us from the moment of meeting and talking.

Although in terms of relationship, compared with the relationship with me, the connector is closer to them, however, in view of the series of things that happened before. I am not sure that these people who act in this nightmare will look at us as pedestrians with "companion" eyes. The interlocutor in front of him, came to us with malicious intent. Or, just assist the connector to complete a bitter plan to achieve other goals.

All guesses must be based on a trustworthy basic condition. If I trust the talker in front of me, or trust them, then. Based on their words and deeds, they will guess, judge and capture more clues one by one. However, in the purpose of these people, their behavior, and even their words and deeds, I believe the most. Instead, they are the descriptions of their "deviation" ability of the torchlight-their "deviation" will more often Let things develop more viciously. Even if it seems for a moment, an acceptable result will be obtained, but from a long-term perspective, it will only make the situation more and more dangerous and more dangerous.

Of course, the content revealed by these people ’s words and deeds cannot be all lies. However, in the half-truth and half-false content, this description of "deviation" is what I believe is the most worthy of trust.

Since every use of "deviation" will make the situation worse, and "contacting the talker" is relying on the guidance of the "deviation" ability to break through the "circumstance development" after the weird encirclement, then consider "contacting the talker" as Isn't the deterioration of the situation a simple and clear logic?

"Talker" is dangerous, but when contacting and talking with "Talker", this danger is already inevitable.

"Talker" did not show a clear malicious intention, even, in terms of the contradiction between me and him, his attitude seemed to be gentle and gentle. And I believe that this is a vicious influence in itself. As he said, when he speaks and I listen, the content of the speech itself has become a force to interfere with consciousness. Any content he says has practical meaning under his ability to walk consciously. This meaning is not simply the content of the speech, but the impact of the content on the listener.

"Any known information will cause people to act in response to the information. When you know something, it will definitely take corresponding action." He told me nothing, after I talked to him, He will definitely respond as he expected, because, "This is my ability."

"Do you know? I can send you to see God when you blink." I said.

"Yes, I have no doubt. I'm proud of my ability, but I have only this ability. I'm not a person who is good at fighting." The interlocutor smiled and stopped his spine slightly, yes I said, "If you really kill me here, it also means that this is what I want. What do you think?"

"You are gambling." I replied calmly, "There are many people who want to use words to deal with me, but their ending is not very good. In fact, you are not sure, your conscious walking ability has to me What an impact. "

"Maybe." The interlocutor said, "Can you be sure that your current thoughts are not the result of conscious intervention? Can you be sure that my death is not the result I want? Or. Can you be sure, me and What exactly do you want to achieve in your conversation? "

"I can't be sure," I said frankly, "but. I have something to believe, no, I should say, something that must be believed, and only believed."

When you can't believe your own thinking. I can also believe in "Jiang".

The rapid sweep unfolded, and the invisible high-speed passage bypassed the body of the "talker". The moment I leaned over, all the movement around me fell into the quagmire, slow and procrastinating. Only myself sprinting in this invisible high-speed channel is the "normal" speed. I know that in the eyes of others, it is my speed that suddenly increases to an unresponsive level, but for me. It's more like when my speed stays normal, their speed becomes slower, which causes this "unreactable" speed difference.

Speed ​​requires the existence of reference objects, and processes and results that are affected by the concept of speed are meaningful. The speed is originally relatively fast. Just like the same, it is meaningless to just say "fast speed", and it is meaningful to "compared with what is fast."

Compared with the talker, my speed is very fast.

So fast that he couldn't respond at all. Nor can I say the next sentence, neither subconscious thinking nor instinctive response can be expressed through action.

It was such a quick moment. Even without blinking time, I passed him and drew my sword and decapitated, then backed away.

The quick sweep stopped and everything returned to normal, but the interlocutor's expression froze. He seemed to want to touch his neck. He seemed to realize that he had been beheaded. However, he could not finish the action, and his head fell to the ground. The blood at the broken neck rose into the sky, but it was splashing. In a moment, it suddenly returned.

I saw something stuck on his back neck, revealing half of his head, looking like a tiny creature. I realized the first time, that is the source of abnormal blood spray. And what the other party wants to do is nothing more than let the interlocutor return to its original state. Indeed, beheading was too fast, and in such a short time, even with normal scientific knowledge, the interlocutor did not die in the true sense. I have no doubt that the power to return blood is enough to restore the talker.

At the same time, someone outside the house rushed in. They waited there and were observed by the chain judgment. I know that they are not as apparent as they are, and they are not at all concerned about the aloneness of me and the interlocutor.

As a conscious walker, the interlocutor's ability and effect are very special. I have never been aware of it in the past, and his identity in the team must also be special. It is of course impossible to let him be in danger. But on the other hand, this special team formed specifically for Raiders of Las Vegas repeaters, of course, there are such characters.

When I was a member of the team, I only dealt with a few people such as John Bull, but I never thought about it. The others were wine bags and insignificant. It is true that people with higher leadership status in the team should be strong, but it does not mean that only they are strong. Instead, they are only those who are more suitable for entering the leadership in comprehensive consideration when forming a team. , More biased towards the "thought" aspect rather than the "ability" aspect.

In theory, each of the mysterious experts who can participate in this team is strong and has its own characteristics. The team's initial unsatisfactory is just a matter of running in. Although the current team has shown a tendency to split because of the complexity of the organizational composition, in general, they can survive to the present.

I don't want them to be able to complete cooperation in the first place. Because it would be very dangerous. Even with the power of Level 4 Mageweave, which has an absolute advantage in speed, it is difficult to guarantee that in the mysterious "mystery", you will not be restrained and placed in a deadly danger. These people have studied my information and understand me very well. What happened in the Victoria Heavy Industry Materialization Zone, the contradiction between me and them is no longer just the difference between "thought" and "goal". The difference has been contaminated with a lot of blood, making it impossible for people to look at each other with a "good faith" priority.

Their understanding of me, their research, my negotiations, and even everything around me, I tend to use "malicious" to speculate.

Killing the "talker" is not only because of his danger, but also because I judge him to be in a hostile position.

The unclear situation, the possibility of maliciousness, the difference in positions of each other, the vicious tendency of "deviation"-all these make the words of "talker" have no value to prevent me from starting. I do n’t expect anything from him, and I do n’t worry about what he will bring to me. I have n’t been entangled. Which one is more valuable, whether he is alive or dead. Because, his death itself is a valuable result.

The speed sweep started again, and at the same time, the human figure appeared in the air, just like the reflection on the water surface. This reflection bent over to pick up the head of the "talker" ~ ~ The invisible high-speed channel has been observed in all Between the enemies.

I jumped up and sprinted again.

The electric light began to flash, and it was not inferior to my speed in an instant, rushing at me from the void, but in the next instant, it became a slow reference. All changing phenomena, moving substances, have become more dull. In the flickering of the blade, the interlocutor's head was shredded, smashed, and pieces scattered, and then the interlocutor's body was divided sixteen times. And at the moment, the little thing lying on his neck and letting his blood flow back was confirmed to be an electronic demon. Although it is impossible to judge who is its user, it does not prevent me from slashing this electronic demon together.

After that, I continued to run in the invisible high-speed passage, walking between all mysterious experts trying to rush in. Nothing has encountered anything that can be blocked, the fastest attack is just electro-optical, there is no invalidation of the meaning of "speed", and there is no counterattack of "process".

Whatever it is, as long as it is running and contains the concept of "speed", it is difficult to bring me a real danger. Unless, it is relatively faster than me, or it can make me relatively slower. Just like the "final weapon" does. (To be continued.) 88 Reading

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