The "talker" is a very strange conscious walker. I never thought that I would encounter such a person in a doomsday illusion and told me that he could talk to it. ∷ 四 ∷ 五 ∷ 中 ∷ 文 ¥ f, but out of my understanding of "virus" and "Jiang", I still know whether the "it" that I talked to "talker" is "virus" and "Jiang" "I'm not sure. In my understanding, there is no thoughtful person, or even any life other than people, which can communicate and communicate with things outside of thought. The so-called "talk" must be limited. What did the "talker" talk to and what kind of information did he get from the conversation? Although it is impossible to understand at this time, this kind of "conversation" may have brought spirituality and thinking to the "talker" The huge damage, and this damage will be more manifested as an erosion, madness and distortion.

The "talker" that appeared in front of my eyes may not be confused with the "talker" before talking to "it". Now this "talker" has not revealed exactly what he wants to do, but he must also interfere with the mysterious events in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital and even the end of the relay. He has a saying, I very much agree that people will act according to the information they have. The conversation between him and me will make me have many associations, and lead to my actions, and "do not talk to him." The situation is different, but the same, of course, with himself who has talked to some kind of terrible existence temporarily called "it", of course, there will be a change in behavior because of that conversation.

He interfered with my ability to walk with his consciousness, but didn't he interfere with that "it"? Since "it" interfered with him, and he interfered with me, then, can it be regarded as directly. "It" interferes with me?

If "it" is "virus", or a reflection of "virus" in this world, a mapping, then, can it be considered that "virus" is trying to influence me through a roundabout route?

however. What is "it" and what is trying to interfere with my behavior? The possibility of "it" being "Jiang" is less than 10% in my judgment. "Jiang" is in my body, my soul, and my spirit. When the "talker" talks to me, the information revealed is suggesting me. He did feel the presence of "Jiang" in my body, but on the other hand, the obvious tendency to "stop the end is just in vain" in the conversation, so I can also think that he confuses "Jiang" with "virus" .

He talked to "it", what he learned was about "it" and the illusion of the end. Even the various cognitions of what has happened are very close to those of the color system and Dorothy. Then. His behavior and purpose are also close to the color scheme and Dorothy's plan.

Are you going to erode me? I think so.

The wooden house in front of me has been completely destroyed, but it has not affected the other wooden houses around. In the chain judgment, I can't feel the other people who are still alive. I am not sure that all the people here are dead. The “mystery” of the mystery experts is diverse and weird. Even if it is cut into pieces, it does not mean that it is seriously damaged. Ordinary physical attacks are not as effective for many mysterious experts as imagined, and the so-called mortal weakness of the human body. Under the power of "mystery", it will become unreliable.

What's more, this is not a "reality" but only a "nightmare". For mystery experts, even if they are not conscious walkers, they will have enough experience and methods to deal with their "death" in this "nightmare", so that the harm they receive is reduced as much as possible, and it is difficult to threaten themselves s life.

I had to treat these attackers as "alive", and no longer sensed their activities at this time, only that they had "leaved".

There were indeed corpses crushed under the rubble. The first thing I determined was the remains of the "Talker" corpse. His blood and most of the bones and bones were lost in the explosion, but the head was still intact. The attacker who had tried to take away this head had been beheaded in a quick raid. However, even if it is not a "nightmare", assuming that the body of the "talker" is completely smashed, it probably does not have much impact on the "talker".

As a walker of consciousness, the "talker" has shown his terrible ability in the previous illusionary dialogue. In a way that I do n’t understand, he has some direct connection with my consciousness. He appeared in front of my eyes in a hallucinatory way, and it was a proof that I thought he was trying to erode my consciousness.

I ca n’t understand it, so I ca n’t get rid of it by myself. This kind of power of interference consciousness must have a variety of prerequisites for the success of the Level 4 Mageweave messenger like me. From this perspective, from the moment of encountering him, all kinds of things encountered are probably to fulfill these prerequisites.

Even if I have been from the beginning, I do n’t think I can stop the "talker" because I do n’t know anything about his mystery.

However, since he thinks that "Jiang" is a "virus", that is, the "it" that he talks to, then this cognitive deviation will definitely make all actions based on this cognitive failure.

Because, I believe, "Jiang" and "Virus" are different. No matter what "Jiang" is, it will certainly guard me and watch me until the final day comes. Even if my plan fails, all the good, ugly, right, wrong, dreamy and resisted will disappear in the end of the end.

Compared with the worst, the end of the end, what is the erosion of a "talker"?

I did not hesitate, nor did I have any fears, I would not be annoyed by the enemy ’s strangeness, nor would I be discouraged by the enemy ’s power—the voice from my heart, so I spoke in my ear. The lake in front of the pier was rippling with light, and the waves left on the broad lake by the aftermath of the war had also subsided, just like in my heart.

I walked to the rest of the cabin.

Although these people have identities, I am afraid that they have begun to deteriorate under the interference of such an unusual person as "Talker", and they can no longer apply their understanding of the past to them. In this way, they are regarded as an independent party. It should be more appropriate.

The skin they wore, but the ideas, behaviors, and goals should be different from the goals of the members of the various organizations that make up the team. This also means that when they are their own people, the joint person who stepped into this trap, the third-level Mageweaver young boy and the torchlight two. I'm afraid I haven't been very stable, or even killed.

I want to confirm their situation, this is not objectively necessary, but only because we have been traveling this time, even if this time is really short, and everyone covers themselves as if to take a Layer after layer of masks.

Even so, I do n’t think so. You can turn around and leave, regardless of their end. Maybe they are still alive, maybe they are still lingering in the wooden house, if I leave here, they may be really helpless. It doesn't matter if they have bad thoughts or if they want to use me to achieve some purpose that will hurt me, and the truth under the cover. What is it, I do not think. I can just rely on this malicious suspicion to refuse to try to rescue them.

I do not deny that they may become my enemies in the future, but at least at this time, we are companions.

Heroes do not leave companions.

I am not a hero. I ca n’t be a hero, but I ’m sure I still hold this unrealistic dream, and. Even if it is hit by cruel reality, there will be no regrets.

When I decided to go to other wooden houses and look for them, I was even more sure of my thoughts.

I will never regret it, at this time try to find them to help their ideas and decisions.

Before opening the door, I used chain judgment to sense the situation inside, there is no particularly obvious life activity, and it is difficult to judge any traps. Even so, I still opened the door and thoroughly searched around the cabin.

In addition to the destroyed wooden house, I have been to the third wooden house, and found the clue. Although the appearance looks no different from other wooden houses, just standing outside the door, no special places can be observed by chain judgment, but when you walk in and feel the layout of this room at a closer distance, you can notice the fireplace abnormal.

The power of Mageweave is contained by the seal of the hunter in this nightmare, but the instinct of the mysterious expert can still work well, and because it is a world of ideology, it is in a nightmare, so sometimes I feel that It's even easier to use.

Nothing can be noticed just by observing the fireplace, but combined with the structure and layout of the entire wooden house, even if it is not like the big detectives in the novel who are good at finding details, you can find out the hidden switches, and you can directly feel if there is If there is no sense of violation. I pulled out my long knife, and under the power of rapid sweep, I destroyed the fireplace and surrounding objects.

Under the chopped fireplace, the floor collapsed downward. In a boom, a long ladder appeared in front of me.

The part of the stairs near the entrance and exit, the candles used for lighting were extinguished by the strong wind, and the road behind was still bright, but the smell of suffocation and rancidity made people not want to go deeper. I smelled the **** smell, the rancid smell, and the smell of antiseptic. Whether it is the smell or the layout, people really feel that this is not a place of goodwill.

The ladder is straight and only allows two people to walk side by side. The vertical distance between the end and the ground is about 20 meters. Blocked by a heavy iron door, weird graffiti on the door, even if you do n’t understand what you drew, you can feel that it expresses some gloomy and crazy negative emotions. Not normal people can draw.

I pulled out a long knife and cut open the iron door.

As the cracked door slipped, I saw many corpses-some were male and female, some were incomplete, some were incomplete, some seemed to have just died, and some were rotten, but they were still recognizable Judging from the bodies of the age, they are all in the age group of 20 to 40 years old. These dead people also have different identities from the perspective of the remaining clothing. The most is wearing a patient uniform, while the other few wear military uniforms, ordinary people's clothes, and also some strange and strange clothes.

I found my acquaintance, Turner of the Torchlight, this pale young man, and even his skin was stripped in half at this time, just like the victim who was tortured by the perverted murderers in the movie. It is not just being tortured, but someone is having fun through this kind of torture. If it were not for a long time, I am afraid I need more time to recognize the identity of this body. He was noticed because he was fixed on an x-shaped wooden frame, his hands and feet were nailed through huge rusty nails, and was also prominent in many corpses.

Turner's end makes me worry about others. Among the remaining people, Jointer and Anna are both women, and the third-level Mageweaver youth is not yet an adult. In my mind, when facing the same danger, women and children are always more special than adult men.

There is a door behind this hellish room, which is not locked. I pushed the door in and the air inside became muddy again. However, in addition to the rancid and **** smell of the corpse, the smell of feces is more intense, but it makes people feel more angry. When I walked in, there was obviously a noise. In front of me is a row of prison cages, with thick fists and iron rods together, it looks very strong, but for mysterious experts, it is not a desperate place of detention Here, then, it is definitely not these naked cages that prevent them from leaving.

I walked in front of the cage and looked at the people inside-they were still alive, there are also men and women, some are one person, some are several people, but when they see me, they will react Few people. The people who responded did not have emotions at all. They would not shake the cage as hard as in the movie. Their eyes were completely empty, making people feel very uncomfortable. They could not help thinking of some terrible torture and subconsciously resisted Imagine these tortures.

Their will seems completely destroyed. The living condition in the cage is extremely poor. Their curled bodies, although still alive, are like living pieces of meat. Some women have been stripped of their clothes, their bodies seem to be cleaned, there are not too many scars, and they do not appear weak and thin, but their expressions are also blank, and they seem to have completely lost their hope of survival. Nor can they see any desire to leave from their eyes.

I do n’t know what happened to these people, but I felt that I had to do something. At the same time, I also hope that it is only a little time after the separation, so as not to let the connector people suffer from this kind of tragedy, but there is a lesson from Turner, which makes people feel uneasy. (To be continued ...)

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