Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1296: Hero dream

Hidden deep in the dungeon beneath the wooden house is full of unpleasant things. Although the men and women imprisoned here did not leave too many scars on their bodies, their spirits were already riddled with holes. If they were compared with the remains of the corpses in the outside room, they would simply not physically die. I know very well that mental torture is more painful than torture on the *, and these tortured people appear in front of me, no matter which organization is the culprit, or network ball, no matter What is the purpose of them, to save more people, or just to have fun, or mental abnormality, which leads to abnormal behavior, I do n’t think I can treat them as usual See it so calmly.

A violent, magma-like emotion rolled deep inside me. That is not pure hatred and anger, nor is it a consciousness of confrontation that is beyond your acceptance, but it also includes these negative emotions. Originally, I still viewed the attackers headed by the "talkers" from a neutral point of view. I never thought that they would do such a thing, but the situation in front of me made me think that the next time When they meet, they will never kill them in such a neutral, calm and equal position.

I have always known that many things in the mystery circle are not good, or that, because of the strange and mysterious "mystery", there are countless conspiracies promoted by "sacrifice", even if "sacrifice" is not used "There will also be other ways to hurt others to the greatest extent to gain strength. But even if this kind of thing is common in the mystery circle, I never think that this is the correct behavior.

Abnormal mental. From the root cause, abnormal behavior may be a helpless and inevitable result. And people who are distorted because of "mystery" peep at the innocent passers-by with coveted eyes. It is also inevitable. Even so, I do n’t think that such helplessness and inevitability are correct.

When was the last time I saw such a miserable scene? When was this emotion rolling inside? It seems far away, but in fact, in my memory, it is not far away at all. It happens all the time, everything in front of it is just to tear open the wound that has not healed. Tell me again, how sad and distorted the world is in the end of the illusion.

The reason why I subconsciously believe that there is no "mysterious" world is the real world, and I will always regard "mysterious" as a vicious manifestation, and will never reflect the "mysterious" hospital reality in that deep memory. , And even the world of repeaters before the mysterious spread is regarded as extremely important. even. In a trance, I think they should be "real". Probably because, in the world I saw. Although there is also darkness and misery in a world without "mystery", it makes me think that it is still better than a world full of "mystery".

Yes, even in a world without "mystery", this terrible sight will definitely appear. And I can't deny that if there is an absolutely real world, there will certainly be darkness and anger that will make people feel angry and uneven, enough to destroy common sense and moral concepts. However, I still look forward to it. The real world without "mystery" is a world full of "mystery". Let more people live a happy life, even if there are setbacks. It is only a setback, and not too many people will suffer this kind of dark pain for reasons unrelated to themselves.

I hope everyone can be happy, but if it does n’t work, I hope that most people, at least the ones I love, can live in a happy and beautiful world.

Instead of being filled with this miserable situation in front of you, the end of the day will not end, I do n’t know when, I will be torn, tortured, sacrificed, and killed by people who have nothing to do with me.

The illusion of doomsday is a world with the theme of doomsday. Every time it is born, it is just for the coming of the doomsday. Even if all existence is inevitably ushering in the end, but I still think that the birth, development and existence only for the "end" must be wrong.

Even if this world is not a "illusion" in the full sense, I don't think that this world is correct. Living in such a world, even if it seems happy for the time being, there will inevitably be a terrible fate. Facts have proved that any strong man in the mind and the mind has never escaped such a fate. When they recognized the inevitability of the end, they had already fallen into the process of the end. Fighting against fate and fighting back may be the choice of the strong, but a world is not all strong, and it is not wrong to be a strong.

People should have more choices.

A correct world should also give more choices. Whether it is right or wrong for the guy who made the choice, it is strong or cowardly.

Even if you become a strong man, you can't unravel the fate of the end.

Unable to accommodate the weak, there is only weak meat and strong food in behavior, but no world of ideological pity.

Each time is just to repeat the last tragedy, or even more serious tragedy.

These are all wrong.

"I will try to save everything." I said so to the people in this dungeon. They did n’t respond. I ’m not surprised. They may not know what I ’m talking about or want to express. Or, their hearts are so full of holes that they have been unable to produce more help for trying to reach out. idea. They may be desperate about everything, so their eyes are so empty. They do n’t believe me, they do n’t listen to what I say, but this should n’t be the reason for trying to save someone, giving up or being angry.

I want to help these tortured people in front of me, not for repayment, nor for a momentary impulsive impulse. From the beginning, I did not expect anything from them, even hypocritical spiritual comfort.

I did this only because, I think it was the wrong result, and I must practice my own right.

"Connector, Anna, boy!" I shouted a few times, and really did not respond. If they are still intact, they should react when I come in. The people in the cage suffered terrible torture. From the appearance, it is difficult to recognize the difference between everyone, because they have become the same miserable look.

In the dungeon. Only my voice echoed. Someone is watching me, but. This kind of gaze does not have any glamour, and hardly feels the sight focused on them. They are like looking at the space where I am, not me.

it's OK.

I pulled out my long knife and cut it on the cage. The iron rod with thick fist seemingly supported by the black iron splashed sparks, but there was no sign of shaking at all. The unprecedented reaction force directly flicked the long knife away. really. The people detained in this cage are probably not ordinary patients. Perhaps some of them are members of a mysterious organization, and in order to trap them, this cage must be special.

The quick sweep started, and in an instant, I chopped out a hundred times, each time at the same position of the same iron bar, however, the same did not have the desired effect. Although it is a bit surprising, but. When you think of those people who have such strong conscious walkers as "talkers", you can do so in this nightmare of ideology. Nor is it an incredible thing.

However, no matter how strong it is, I can detain mysterious experts and stop the "mysterious" erosion. I must destroy it. Not to find a way to destroy it, but to destroy it. Otherwise, to rescue these suffering victims is just a fantasy.

If the blade cannot be cut off, then wake up its power. Just like it has been done in the past. Even if this is an uncontrolled force, it often loses its sense of existence in its mind. Even if it has been used many times, it is often impossible to remember again later. How did you do it, and when should you use it? I even doubted why such power is given to myself. I have been thinking, and I am puzzled by the conclusions I think. Thinking is an instinct, but I often cannot fully believe everything I think, and repeatedly overturn some of my previous conclusions.

Such me, not a conscious walker, has gained the power of conscious walking. And such a force cannot be used as easily as a real conscious walker, is it not for granted?

I grabbed the iron bar with the big fist in both hands, and felt the firmness of the immobile. I looked around at the people, they had no expression and brilliance, or even looked at their faces at all, there was no power, no power to help me, help themselves, and even gave up self-help. A voice in my heart said to me that they are now a group of useless weak people. However, just because I was watching them, the scorching and rolling emotion in my heart seemed to be like in the blood, so that the body would burn up.

The world should not be like this.

People's faces should not be such expressionless.

There was a voice that urged me to give up, and another voice, from the quiet, began to make the first voice, and then roared.

come out! Come out for me!

The air seemed to be ignited, the hot air was surging, and the source of the change seemed to come from my body. No, it comes from the heart!

The scene in front of me was distorted, I didn't know what I saw, and I seemed to be falling, into the deep, terrible darkness. I saw the light spot under the abyss, it was like a starry sky, and it seemed like countless eyes, and I felt that below those light spots, an indescribable existence wriggles in an indescribable way. It's like a rollover in hibernation, like the haze before waking up, like a grin unconsciously, like a sound of grinding teeth.

I ca n’t think, but I know I have to wake up. So, suddenly, I recovered.

The one in front of me was still a cage. I tore it, and the sturdy cage was making a creaking noise. The people inside have a little movement, and this tiny movement can't talk of hope, but I hope they can watch my strength, and in this kind of watching, find their own strength.

I feel that I am burning, not only *, but also the emotion, but also the burning of the heart. Burning filled my arms with strength, and the crunching sound of the cage was like wailing.

Conscious walk! There seemed to be a flash of lightning running in my nerves and in my mind.

"Twist." I said so.

Then the cage began to twist. First, the iron bar in the hand was stretched out, and then the iron bar that was not held by the hand also deformed under invisible force. While this force twisted the cage, it seemed to be eating the cage. Its foundation deep in the ground began to loosen, and then I pulled it up from the ground.

It is not a separate cell, but the whole cage that is bound together. It is twisted, lifted, and then torn!

I groaned, violent, vulgar, without any skills. However, if it weren't for such a tear, it wouldn't calm my heart.

I yelled out, the greater power made my arm almost unconscious, and then, I heard a crisp sound, as if the porcelain fell to the ground.

The cage that was torn open by me and lifted high shattered in an instant, turning into countless star dust, bursting around, and quickly melting into the air.

My brain ~ ~ My nerves are paralyzed at this moment. I watched, and began to look up at the stardust, and their empty eyes seemed to have changed.

"Now, you are free." I said.

Some people's eyes were dimmed again, and they seemed to be captured by the despair in their hearts, and returned to that sad and miserable state. But a small number of people stood up slowly, and their eyes fluctuated. I do n’t know what emotions they are, but it ’s better than no emotion at all. At the same time, I felt abnormal fluctuations. In the observation of the chain judgment, from the dirty and dark corners, a large number of small substances were moving. It looks like dust blown by the wind, but this activity has obvious regularity and sense of synchronization, which is definitely not a natural phenomenon.

The wind is not blown in from the outside, but is an air current that is activated by the collective activity of these fine dust-like materials. At first it was a little soothing, but after a breath, it turned into a raging wind. Everyone could not help raising their hands to block this trend. Although the situation was abnormal, my instincts did not return danger.

The dust gathered together and turned into ashes, and the ashes gathered together and accumulated into a human form.

I know that I have found the right place. (To be continued)

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