Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1297: Epiphytes

The dust gathers into ashes, which ignites Mars, emits the light and heat of the embers, and finally condenses into a human form. [ads: This site has a new website, shorthand method :,] Limbs, skin, hair, and facial features have been sketched out and become a teenager. The third-level Mageweaver Junior returned to his original appearance in front of my eyes. He seemed to be awakened before he was fully asleep, with a trace of tiredness on his face, but his appearance was not bad, it did not seem to be suffering too much. . From the place where these dusts appear, you can imagine what happened to him, and in order to avoid the worse situation, he maintained himself in that state. Or, in this dungeon, there are certain mysteries that forced him to maintain the dust form scattered in the corners.

This dungeon is specially made, and the sturdiness of the cage itself is very unusual. If there is no power to walk consciously, I will probably be helpless about this cage. I guess it was the "talker" that gave the cage unusual power. After all, the "talker" once had a conversation with an "it", even if his ability was not shown in this aspect, the anomaly of the "it" would also Let him have such power. Now, the strength of the "talker" is not limited to the conversation. I think that the illusory way and the cage in front of me when I talked to him before are likely to extend from the "talk". Make sure The ability to "talk".

Whether talking in an illusive way, or imprisoning others in a prison and then talking, is a way of talking. These imprisoned people are crushed mentally. If it is not the power of conscious walking, it is difficult to imagine that there are other ways to do this. For ordinary people, the torture in common sense is very effective. However, among the prisoners here, not only ordinary people, but also mysterious experts, although these people are mentally insane, they are unable to show their special characteristics. Then determine which of them are mysterious experts, but. The existence of the third-level Mageweaver youth proves that there can be no ordinary people among them.

What's more, being able to enter and leave this nightmare, even if it only exists in this nightmare. Probably no real person in the true sense.

It is not easy to torture these people. However, it is theoretically possible to use the power of conscious walking to directly attack their spirits.

but. In my memory, before this, I really haven't seen any conscious walker who would do such a thing. It is precisely because conscious walkers often walk in consciousness, directly contacting the spirit of others, and can penetrate into the world of ideology. Therefore, it will become clearer that the malignancy in consciousness will increase as the negative state of consciousness increases. Whether it is fear, pain, cowardice and resentment, all negative emotions. Even the negative state of the body will multiply the malignancy in the ideology until it exceeds the tolerance of the conscious walker.

The increase in malignancy may be mild and persistent, but it may also be explosive. Most of the deaths of conscious walkers are caused by explosive malignancy. In order to avoid a sudden outbreak of viciousness as much as possible, the means of directly torturing others in a direct way of the spirit has always been prohibited in the self-conduct code of the conscious walker.

And these tortured people in front of them. If it is really a direct attack on their spirit, then the conscious walker who does this kind of thing must face extraordinary vicious pressure in the process. A conscious walker who can resist this vicious pressure. Its ability is also terrible. Being able to make this cage is nothing surprising.

Difficulties are never about what to do, but whether you have the ability to do it. "Talker" may not have been so powerful before, but after talking to "It", I had to try to assume that he had become strong enough. And all judgments are based on his very strong foundation.

"Mr. Gao Chuan ..." The third-level Mageweave messenger teenager completed the reconstruction of his body, and looked up at me.

"It seems that your companion is no longer with you." I said. They are members of the team, and since they have done things that even ambush themselves, it also means that the two sides have completely parted ways. However, for me, since "talker" has come into contact with "it", it is not too difficult to imagine such a judgment.

"I don't understand what happened. They weren't like this." A little bit of pain appeared in the eyes of the third-level Mageweaver youngster. It made me think that he seemed to care about the people who did this kind of thing. He had a good relationship with them, but because of this, he stepped into a trap and could not detect it in the first place, and eventually fell to such a field.

I think that even if he was told that the "talker" had talked with "it", so such a change happened, he would probably have a hard time understanding what that "it" is. Once observed and talked about, it will cause the observer and the talker to produce monsters that are abnormal, which is extremely rare in the illusion of doom. What's more, as a conscious walker in the team, the "talker" must have been affirmed for a long time, and the "monster" that can distort the conscious walker is hard to imagine for others who have not seen it with his own eyes. Right.

Of course, there are many monsters in this world, but such knowledge does not mean that they can have a deep and direct knowledge and experience of the monster ’s horror before personally contacting them.

"The deepest night has the power to change a person's heart." I confused the intelligence and said to him in a more understandable way: "Do you know? There is a tower in this nightmare, all arrived at the tower The mysterious experts at the top are inevitably crazy. Even the deepest night or the tower, there are many examples to prove that this nightmare is full of viciousness. Your people here are inevitably affected by this kind of activity Vicious erosion. "

"I do know some things, but I never imagined that it has actually become so bad." The third-level Mageweave messenger's complexion looked somber and gloomy, "The jointer and Anna were taken away by them, and they had them on them. The strength needed for the next move. However, the capabilities of Turner and I are not what they need. "

"Turner has been killed." I did not elaborate on the torture suffered by Turner, and the situation in the outside room must have hit the third-level Mageweaver Junior even harder.

"Sure enough." The third-level Mageweave messenger's tone was complex and sad. "If I can't turn it into ashes, it won't be much better in the end."

"However, even if you turned it into ashes, you could not escape this dungeon." I said.

"This is not an ordinary cage." The third-level Mageweaver Juvenile looked at me with some weird eyes. "Instead, Mr. Gao Chuan, you were able to break this cage, which surprised me. Mr. Gao Chuan. You are also conscious Walker? Can Level 4 Mageweave already involve the level of consciousness? "

"Four-level Mageweave probably won't allow every Mageweave messenger to gain the power of conscious walking. You should know that the ability of Mageweave messenger has its own characteristics. In theory. Different people will get different abilities, This is determined by the characteristics and individuals of the Mageweaver himself relative to other people. Consciousness walking is also a kind of ability, but not everyone can get it. "I pressed my left eye with some convulsions and said," My walking of consciousness is only obtained from other sources, and it is only half-hanging. "

"Can half hanger's conscious walking destroy this cage?" The third-level Mageweaver teenager shook his head. I don't believe it at all. However, I don't need to prove anything.

After the cage was broken, only a small part of the prisoners responded, but more people were still huddled in place, as if in their hearts, there was an unbreakable cage that imprisoned their survival hope. For the time being, I don't see the desire to really leave here, even because of the previous big movements. Those who did not stand up consciously did not make me feel that they had the joy of survival and liberation.

These people were too tortured and became very numb. Even if they are urged to leave, it must be very strenuous, but breaking the cage will not save them. The deepest night of this nightmare has already begun, a vicious breeding, and weird births everywhere, and even if we are not attacked by weirdness, it is just the state of these people in front of us, maybe when. It will be distorted by the vicious erosion of the deep night.

"I think there must be a place to house them." I said to the third-level Mageweaver young boy: "Not all of them are patients?"

"The talker betrayed the team. It seems that you have already talked to him." The third-level Mageweaver young boy said so. There was a hint of caution in looking at me, "You have to be careful, the conversation of the interlocutor is very strange."

"He can't control me exactly as he thought." I said: "Don't worry about this kind of thing. If I go against you, it must be because I have to do it, not like a lunatic. With this Compare things. Think about the others here. "

"Mr. Gao Chuan, do you want to bring these people on the road?" The third-level Mageweaver Junior seemed to perceive something, and advised me: "This is a deserving act. There are too many weirdness outside. It might be better to leave them behind. "

"I want to take them back to the shelter." I have made a decision.

"I don't know how far it is from the sanctuary here, and I don't know which direction. Are you determined to take them away, do you think you can save all of them? And ..." The third-level Mageweaver youth looked around these people, "The interlocutor has tortured them too much. I don't think they have the power to protect themselves. We don't have the power to protect them all the way. Killing them here is the best relief for them."

"No, I will take them away. Protect them to reach the refuge." I still insist: "If they are eroded by the deep night, it is impossible. But, I can guarantee that weirdness can't hurt. they."

The third-level Mageweaver messenger frowned and said, "It's not that I don't trust your ability, Mr. Gao Chuan, but if something goes wrong, I hope you might try to reduce the burden."

"They may really be a burden to me in the past, but to me now, it is just something within my power." I replied calmly.

The Level 3 Mageweaver Boy looked at me seriously with unexpected eyes. Finally nodded slowly.

"I listened to their conversation, and their next goal is doomsday truth. If they survive and complete their plan, then the end point will inevitably be near the sanctuary. They intend to use sacrifice methods to do something Twisted. "The third-level Mageweaver young said so, a look of horror appeared on his face." While Anna and Turner were still alive, they made new guidelines, but it was obvious that although I saved me, I met it next time. , It must be a worse situation. "

"The vicious trend of deviation." I nodded.

"If I can, I don't want to be involved at all. There are so many people in this nightmare, and now it's all finished." The third-level Mageweaver young boy sighed and took the lead out of the door.

I do n’t know exactly where the doomsday clerics in this nightmare are, but since the "talker" has acted, it must have seen the opportunity. However, according to the information of the third-level Mageweaver youth, I would like to believe that their end point will be on the hill altar near the sanctuary. Which altar ~ ~ feels weird and unknown from the beginning.

I watched the third-level Mageweave Messenger boy walk out of the door. Although he did not make it clear, I felt that he must want to retrieve the connector and Anna.

Then I looked at the other prisoners and said, "Maybe you don't know me or believe me, but I still hope you can leave with me."

A few people responded to this sentence, but more people still did not move. It's just language, they can't communicate with them, their hearts are closed. However, it doesn't matter. I also have the power to walk consciously. The hope they lost, the despair they faced, the pain they experienced personally, and the fear that eroded their hearts, let me share it. I do n’t know how the "talker" and other people tortured them. I could n’t reverse the time and stop it in advance. However, entering their painful memories, letting those who did n’t lend a helping hand at that time became their memories. Companions, to inspire them, share their pain, let them share the beauty I have experienced, the strength I have seen, and the hope that I have insisted on, even if they can't really change anything, they can definitely rejuvenate them.

With such a prayer, I forced them to stare at me, and from the eyes they gazed at, I pushed open the door to the hearts of everyone. (To be continued.) Xh118

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