Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1298: Epiphytes II

It is difficult to describe in detail what the tormented people look like in their spiritual world. Through their eyes, walking into their hearts, and pushing open the door, each independent spiritual world is presented in the perception in a combined posture. This is a world observed with the "heart". It can only be recognized by feeling, and everything that comes out of the observed form can be understood by itself. I always think that if we use the scientific concept to explain the spiritual world, then the "spirit" must be high-dimensional. Under normal circumstances, the dimension of the spirit is higher than the dimension of the body, and people cannot observe it completely. Once the observation is made, it is bound to cause the spirit to "dimension" because of the low-dimensional nature of the body's cognition. Way to show it.

Even the conscious walker can use the power of conscious walking to more intuitively contact the ideological world, but the limitations of his own cognition and observation ability still cannot make the conscious walker see the truest appearance of the ideological world. Only then can we observe the "weirdness" in the ideological world that is unexplainable and indescribable.

I don't quite understand, in the scientific explanation, what are the principles of these "weirds"? I can't use scientific knowledge to analyze these "weirds" themselves. However, if these "weirds" are also theoretical and can be explained scientifically, then it must also be presented to the conscious walker in a "dimensionality reduction" way from the high-dimensional world because of the observation behavior.

No one can explain "mystery", "mystery" is not fixed somewhere in the unknown, but an unknown relative to "known". If there is a premise that the saying "science can explain everything" is that "the unknown is limited", and sooner or later the progress of science can resolve this limited unknown, but if the unknown is infinite, then "science can explain everything "The argument is not true at all. Then, the premise of the existence of "mystery" is that "unknown" is infinite, no matter how expanded the scope of "known". The end of the unknown is still infinite, and there must be a "mystery" with an infinite range relative to the "known".

When the power of "mystery" acts on things that actually exist and can be felt and recognized, it will manifest itself as a phenomenon similar to one's own cognition. Such as flame, frost, curse, space and time, etc., but its essence. The principle and method of action are unsolvable. Because it is impossible to investigate its root cause, even if it is manifested by the phenomena of "making flames", "increasing speed", and "controlling air pressure", it is still "unknown".

On such a "mystery" concept, there is never a possibility that "with the advancement of science, the mystery will gradually be recognized and then die out."

The contradiction between science and mystery, in my understanding, lies in its prerequisites. Is it "unknown is finite" or "unknown is infinite". For me, with regard to what I can observe, I expect it to be in the "limited unknown" and be understood by myself, but I also hope that "unknown is infinite" and fill the heart with many kinds of The expectation of diverse possibilities, especially in the face of despair, is more inclined to the latter.

As long as the unknown is infinite, there is no absolute necessity, and every seemingly desperate result. There must be the possibility of change.

Therefore, if "mystery" is just "mystery", I like science and look forward to "mystery". however. The connection between the Doomsday Illusion and the reality of the hospital makes it impossible for me to simply treat the "mystery" in the Doomsday Illusion as such a pure mysterious concept, and I have to connect it with a "virus".

The mystery of "virus" has become the root of all "mystery" in the illusion of doomsday in my observation. All the "mysteries" in the illusion of doomsday, their characteristics and concepts. It is all determined by the mystery of "virus". As a result, the "mystery" in the Doomsday Illusion is full of malignancy, or in other words, the Doomsday Illusion that exists only because of the "virus" is irrefutably malignant, and what is scary is that this malignancy is not the destruction of the Doomsday Illusion What can be eradicated, or that is, because "virus" is the root cause, so as long as the "virus" exists, the end of the illusion can not be truly destroyed, which means that malignancy cannot be truly eradicated.

People who exist in this doomsday illusion because of "viruses" must also be victims of such viciousness.

Even if there is a moment of happiness in the experiences of these victims, tragedy is an inevitable end. Victims in the dungeon who are suffering from collapse and have collapsed, although it is undeniable that the perpetrators of the "talker" are the culprits, but from the viciousness of the entire doomsday illusion, these victims experience All this can also be regarded as an inevitable. If it were not for them, someone else would experience all this, and even if someone else experienced it all for them, they themselves would experience torture of the same degree or more terrible at some point in the future, and the perpetrators themselves must also Will become a victim at some point.

I have no intention to excuse the perpetrators, and I am pretty sure that both the victim and the perpetrator will have the same tragic ending.

Because the illusion of doomsday is such a vicious world, and all the people who exist here have long been in hell. In such a world, no matter what kind of belief is alive, what kind of behavior is taken Alive, its end will be no different. The ideological world has a very close relationship with the material world. And people's consciousness is also closely related to the environment in which they live. In such a vicious world, even the spiritual world of "normal people", there must be more vicious manifestations than people in the normal world.

Therefore, the malignancy that conscious walkers face when they are walking in consciousness, and the malignancy they elicit from the power of conscious walking, are more serious than the malignancy of people in the normal world.

Perhaps because of the existence of such an idea, when I opened the door of the souls of these tortured people, what I felt was that the viciousness that came out of the face was so rich that it was simply unimaginable before contact.

Like a dark swamp full of poison, it is impossible to recognize what is malignant, sticky and disgusting. There is no body formed by memory, there is no specific image of things, and there is no time and space. It was muddled chaos, and being in it seemed as if everything had melted in this stickiness and gagging. I saw for the first time that the viciousness in people's hearts reached this level. I can fully understand why these people's eyes are so empty and desperate.

but. It doesn't matter.

"I don't know how to save you, but I am willing to try." I said to myself in a calm voice. Without any hesitation, he went deeper and deeper into this dark swamp, sinking into the cover, or, in other words, the great viciousness that melted all things of the soul. I feel it. These malignancies penetrated into my body at a terrible speed, and invaded my heart. I did not refuse, opened my heart, recalled the goodness and consciousness of the past, and pondered the way of the future.

Thinking at a terrible speed, stirring these sticky and malignant, and gradually becoming dull in that stickiness. However, thinking does not stop, feeling does not stop. Although it is slow, it is still stirring, spinning, moving in an unspeakable way.

I tasted those desperate and painful things. I felt the terrible encounters that had happened to them, and used the call to implant myself into their memories and walked into the feelings they experienced when they were tortured. I imagined that I would return to their past in a dim form, when they were tortured. It became the hallucination they had at the time, and the hallucination of whispering to them. Encourage them to make them the only light in their hearts when they are isolated. Become their last pillar, when they don't actually get any help, become their straw-like belief in their hearts.

I opened my heart and suffered with them, and then let them know. To what extent can a person be strong. I appeared in front of their eyes in a hallucinatory way, told my story in a hallucinatory way, and became their illusory partner.

I can't prove that I am the strongest person, but I never doubt that everything they have encountered cannot defeat me. And as long as they can't crush me, they can't crush them. Realistic time is difficult to reverse, but in the mind, time does not have an absolute meaning.

I hope they can find the motivation to stand up again from my heart. I have died and recovered again. I have witnessed that the "truth", which is more desperate than their experience, has also faced the most terrifying monsters. Perhaps what the "talker" recognized from the "it" was what caused him to distort madness, and he spread those things to these people, which is the truth of the torture of the spirit. However, compared to my experience, that's no big deal. Because I am so painful, feeling the misery and despair of the world, so--

I standing up again must be stronger than everyone else.

I walked into their hearts and became their souls. In the dark days of the past, they have always shared their pains with them and inspired the illusion.

I was born in their hearts and walked into the desperate time period in their hearts. This is a practice I have never tried in the past consciousness walk.

Even so, I never doubt that I can do it.

This is a reminder to me of the way the "talker" exists.

Yes ... I murmured, maybe I am not a hero, and I cannot make up for the past, and cannot change the torture you suffered, but, in your mind, I return to your past, and I am by your side. Has my voice reached your hearts?

I don't know how long it has passed, my thinking has been extremely delayed, almost stopped, and suddenly opened a heavy ambition and started to accelerate. I felt like I was waking up from a nightmare. After spending the dim timelessness, I woke up completely.

I realized that I didn't fall asleep, nor did I close my eyes, just that I walked through a very long and indescribable consciousness. And such conscious walking, even if it is done intentionally, is difficult to determine whether it can be done.

I watched the prisoners who were also awakened from the walk of consciousness, and I hope to see the revival in their eyes again.

"I'm Gao Chuan. I'm here to save you." I said to them aloud.

The pair of eyes staring at me seemed to start to shine, and they stood up one after another, even if they were trembling, but they seemed to hear my voice. Originally full of despair, there was only despair, or the empty eyes that did not even exist in despair, a trace of emotion appeared, and I felt their astonishment. Their mentality is abnormal, but this does not mean that they cannot think and have no cognition. As soon as they begin to think and begin to recognize, they will surely reaccept the fact that they are now saved.

They must act on their own, otherwise, only me and the “three-level” Mageweaver deceased boy cannot save all of them in the next journey.

"It's me, Gao Chuan." I said my name aloud to them again.

"Gao Chuan ... it's Mr. Gao Chuan ..." Someone made a hesitant voice weakly.

"Open your eyes and see clearly! You are saved! I destroyed the cage!" I said to them, "I am here, really, not an illusion."

"It's Mr. Gao Chuan! It's Mr. Gao Chuan!" Finally someone yelled ~ ~ Then, many people cried and shivered excitedly. Covering their faces and mouths, they made a complex emotional voice, "We are saved! Mr. Gao Chuan is really here, he is here to save us!"

Even if it is obviously a patient in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, I can recognize it, and the excitement is no different from the others around me.

Their bodies and spirits were very weak, and soon someone could not bear the excitement, making a coughing violently, and no one had the strength to stand and their legs fell to the ground softly.

I walked up, helped them one by one, and handed them to the people next to me. I hugged them one by one, like an old friend who met again. Although they and I were just strangers before this nightmare, we are already companions in the world of the soul. I cannot change their past or guarantee their future, but at least they can save their present.

There are six males and five females, the youngest being in their twenties, and the largest not exceeding forty. After a little recovery of their spirits, they can finally understand their current situation. I have no intention of reminding them of the past, and there is no time for them to lick the wound, because, we have to leave here. (To be continued.) 88 Reading

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