Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1299: Epiphysis III

There are many ways to use consciousness walking, but it is not what kind of effect you want to have. ∷Four ∷Five∷ 中 ∷Text △, the power of "mystery" is also the same, although it can be used, but I don't understand why it can be used, why it is such an effect, what principles follow, even sometimes, When mysterious experts use the "mystery" that they thought they were already extremely familiar with, they will produce phenomena that have never been seen, effects that have never been imagined, and are accidental because they cannot understand the principles. My quick sweep superpower and chain judgment will also change slightly according to the actual situation. In my memory, the speed sweep and chain judgment used in the past are indeed different from the current effect. And the power now displayed cannot make me sure that it is the ultimate look. Compared with the past rapid sweep and chain judgment, should we use "growth" and "evolution" compared with the past rapid sweep and chain judgment? Or it can be described in terms of "variation" and so on, and it feels very subtle.

Although it is blunt to understand the changes in the ability phenomenon and define its source, there is a "progressiveness" in the past and present power display. However, also at some times, from the perspective of feeling, the power used in the past and the present is basically two different things, and there is no such close relationship as I think.

But in any case, since "mystery" means "there is absolutely no way to parse its principles," then it can only be understood from the perspective of phenomena. Whether it is a quick sweep in the past or a quick sweep in the present, it will show an invisible high-speed channel in my perception; the past chain judgment and the current chain judgment are all to determine the nature of the movement of matter within a certain range; Although there are too many unstable factors in the ability to walk consciously after recovery, it cannot make itself a true walker of consciousness, but no matter what effect it exhibits, it is still the power of ideology. And, I never fall off the chain when I need it.

The consciousness walking effect I used for the prisoners this time cannot be guaranteed to be used next time, but I still believe that even if it is not such an effect. When he has the same consciousness and determination as at this moment, it will certainly realize my ideas with other effects.

I do n’t know what attitude other walkers of consciousness hold towards “opening their own minds”, but psychologically, people are more willing to interfere with the consciousness of others than to open their own minds. In terms of ideological initiative, although human beings live in groups, they have a strong personal consciousness, which is for most people. "Interfering with the consciousness of others" is relatively easier to do than "opening one's mind".

However, as far as my personal experience is concerned, it is better to open your own heart and interfere with the consciousness of others. Although it will cause interference to the consciousness of others, the former is sometimes more influential than the latter. When the two methods are used together, the effect will become a little scary.

I let these prisoners draw power from my heart. To overcome the viciousness in their hearts, use their own firmness and expectation. To open up their inner despair, in the process, although they can't say that they understand the changes on the level of consciousness, they can also feel vaguely.

These people are like being infected in the process, the impression on me in consciousness. It is intensifying and producing a certain degree of distortion, and this change has not stopped after the consciousness walk is over. I looked at them, talked to them, their gaze and tone. All made me deeply feel something different from the normal relationship between people.

If it is said to be described as "believers", of course it is inappropriate. I have not felt fanaticism and blind obedience. However, I do have such a feeling that in the face of the same thing, if we have differences between them, then they Willing to believe my judgments and decisions, and more willing to bear the consequences of this trust. The priority of this trust continues to deepen after the consciousness walk ends.

They are not without their own thinking ability. If they are mentally ill, then this morbidity still exists, and they will also be afraid, and they have not forgotten the torture they have suffered, and their own performance of despair. It's just that even with these memories and emotions, when I put forward my opinion, they still won't take such memory, emotion and thinking as the first choice, but will unconditionally agree with my opinion and be under my thoughts For further thinking and judgment.

They do not believe in anything, and they still have an independent personality. However, it is like a part of my heart, residing in their hearts and becoming a part of their hearts.

Therefore, this effect of consciousness walking is what I call "spiritual attachment."

This is a force that makes me feel somewhat resistant. It's just that at this time, apart from such power, I have no other way to pull them out of that deep viciousness.

The prisoners wept with joy and excitement, even if they didn't know me before, they are now as close as old friends. I know why. In their hearts, in their memories of the past, I was the one who supported them and finally let them pass the desperate illusion. Now, hallucinations stand in front of themselves in a real way. Although in fact we have just met, I am afraid that at the corner of my memory, I will also use the image of "something vague but intimate" to integrate into their memories of past life.

I hug them one by one and feel the power of their hug. Their strength will support them and survive the next trip. I do n’t know how far I ’m going to the sanctuary. I do n’t know how many weird things will be encountered along the way, or that some people with other intentions will attack. If they lack the physical strength and will to walk, even if they break away from despair , It is difficult to survive on the road.

Therefore, even if most of their bodies cannot be cleaned because they are imprisoned, I have no hesitation and frowns. Their miserable appearance is not what they want, and I will not discriminate against them just because of their appearance, **** and smell.

"We must leave." I said after hugging them one by one.

"Thank you, you saved us, Mr. Gao Chuan." They just said that, but their eyes were more hollow than in the past. I am also pleased.

"Mr. Gao Chuan, I know them ..." The voice of the third-level Mageweaver young came from outside the door. When I turned around, I saw him standing at the door staring at us with a certain stunned face. After a while, he said: "You succeeded? It is incredible. Are you also a conscious walker? Mr. Gao Chuan."

"No, I just have this ability. But it's not a real conscious walker." I replied calmly.

"How strong is the talker guy, I can't know more. I don't think that the general conscious walker can break the cage he made." The third-level Mageweaver teenager said.

"I'm a little bit at the bottom of the box." I said, shifting the subject in this regard, and asked: "Have you found any clues?"

"Ah, yes." The third-level Mageweave messenger recovered and talked about his gains. "I probably know what the interlocutors want to do. Here is their communication with the Nazis. They are not acting independently. Instead of surrendering to Doomsday Truth, he chose to trade with the Nazis. The specific target of the transaction is unknown, but their next actions must be linked to the Nazis. "

"Where did you find it?" I couldn't help asking. Although the doomsday tendencies of the "talkers" did allow them to do behaviors equivalent to betrayal, but they even colluded with the Nazis, but they were also a blind spot in cognition. Because this team is here to attack the Las Vegas repeater. So, I never thought about it. As a member of the interlocutor, after twisting, he would have further contact with the Nazis.

"They left a record." The third-level Mageweaver Messenger said here, hesitantly: "I suspect that they did it on purpose and let us know. For the talker, anything that can be noticed by others The information received was all chess pieces. Once they thought it was a mistake that caused their omission. Instead, they would bump into the trap.

"But we have no other way, don't we?" I said to him calmly: "Until there are more sources of intelligence and manpower, we can only act according to the information he left behind, and the joint people and Anna are in them. In hand. "

"They only took the connector and Anna, which is good news." The third-level Mageweaver young nodded. Say: "This proves that their plan needs to link people and Anna. Although I don't know how they want to use them, they should not be in danger of life before the operation ends. But if we hurry up, I am afraid they I ca n’t support it for a long time. These guys are all perverted, and their hearts have been completely distorted. I ca n’t believe that there will be something that can distort the hearts of a group of mysterious experts. This is not how they used to be. ”

"Before the talkers attacked, they couldn't feel their anomalies at all." A female prisoner next to her spoke. Judging from his statement, it was obviously a member of the team that had previously acted in the nightmare, "but before the interlocutor entered the tower, he said he was inspired. In fact, at that time, we should Guard against him. As we know, everyone who enters the tower and enters the last room will be mad. After the talker comes out, they will not feel this madness until they launch it. Because of this, they let We have gradually lost our vigilance. His conscious walker identity has also become his best cover. "

"Do you think it is the conscious walker of the talker, so that he avoids the mad end?" Asked the third-level Mageweaver young boy.

"It's always been like this, hasn't it? Conscious walkers have stronger resistance to the erosion of consciousness than ordinary people." The female prisoner said: "The interlocutor I have been in contact with, in a sense, the strongest Conscious walker. He himself has a more stable and peaceful mentality than other conscious walkers. This mentality has always been the basis of the conversation he believes in. All his strength is based on this extraordinary stable mentality. "

"He told you, did he see anything in the tower?" I asked.

"No, he just said that he received revelation, a vague intuition, conscious communication ... which is very in line with the experience of the name" talker "." The female prisoner smiled bitterly, "According to his request, we also monitored He has been there for a while, but after the time has passed, he will no longer guard against it, and we cannot always doubt a companion. "

"According to the rules of the online ball, if someone is exposed to this kind of situation that will invade consciousness, the contact must undergo a strict consciousness review and cleansing." The three-level magic pattern messenger boy said: "I believe. No matter the talker Which organization does he belong to? As a conscious walker, he must understand this better. It ’s just surveillance, it ’s not effective. Do you have no precautions? You said that almost everyone who touched the tower Crazy, this is obviously not an accident. It is what it is now. You are paying for your haste. "

The third-level Mageweaver young boy's speech is very polite, which makes the atmosphere a little embarrassing, but there is not much disgust in the eyes of these prisoners. Obviously, this encounter hit them a little bit, and even if they were said such heavy things, they couldn't raise the idea of ​​justification.

"You're right, our own mistake." Another prisoner said: "But, I still won't let the interlocutor go. It's impossible because it's my own mistake. Just smooth out these deaths and pain."

"Then, the first thing to do is to find the talker." The Level 3 Mageweaver Junior slowed his tone and said.

"The talker was killed by me once." After I said that, the eyes of the others fell on me. I continued to say: "But he is a conscious walker, and here is a nightmare, so he may exist in a more abnormal form. I talked to him. He told me that he was from 'it' Get inspired. Pay attention to the word 'it.' Absolutely not human. "

"Did you deal with monsters?" The female prisoner thought, "When is the tower? The tower has a way to contact the monsters? However, this makes sense, why all the people who climb to the top of the tower are crazy There is this deepest night ... The tower has the secret of the deepest night, it turns out to be really not gossip. "

"You mean, that monster. It's the origin of the deepest night? Climbing to the tower, you can communicate with the monster and understand the secret of the deepest night?" The man standing next to the female prisoner asked, obviously It is also an informed mysterious expert.

Their guess, and I personally climbed the tower. After entering that room, everything I saw was a little different. However, from a certain perspective, this perception may not be considered wrong. After all, I actually do n’t know whether what others see in the tower is exactly the same as what I see.

"Just said, there is such a possibility. The deepest night has a terrible malignancy, but the deepest night is only a phenomenon, and the phenomenon must have a source. If it is said that such a monster that can distort the powerful conscious walker is the deepest The source of the night is easy to understand. "The female prisoner said this and asked another question:" But, where is this monster? It certainly can't be directly manifested in this nightmare, So it is necessary to climb the tower to communicate. And it needs the communicator, which proves that it cannot directly shoot, but must rely on the actions of the interlocutor to achieve its purpose. "

These people analyze with care, but many judgments are inconsistent with my knowledge and judgments. I can't say that I am right, but I don't think I should deny their conjecture and judgment.

"Regardless of the truth, we all need to go back to the shelter." I looked at the few boring mental patients and said, "The interlocutor has started to act, and you were defeated from the beginning. No matter what plan you had originally , Should be carried out after ensuring their own safety. This wooden house area is not a safe place. "

"We are not enemies, are we? Mr. Gao Chuan." The female prisoner who has been actively communicating to me said to me.

"Not an enemy, but not a friend." I said, "I only do what I should do."

"Really? That's enough." The female prisoner smiled. "Your kindness, we remember it, we will repay you, I believe it will be soon." She seemed to have any ideas before she said Say this. But I have no intention to understand that I have my own plan and I have my own ideas. I did these things not for charity or for them to repay.

"Bring the patient ... you know, they are different from you?" I asked. After these prisoners are free from despair, the identity of mysterious experts and ordinary patients can be easily judged from their mental state and tone of action.

"Of course ~ ~ However, don't think that we want to do anything that is detrimental to them. We just took them in." The female prisoner clarified, "You can't leave them in the deep night , Isn't it? "

I can't verify her statement. Who knows what the team wants to do in a nightmare, and how do you plan to make it? However, since there is a cyber ball involved, I would like to believe that the cyber ball will supervise these actions.

I can't verify her statement. Who knows what the team wants to do in a nightmare, and how do you plan to make it? However, since there is a cyber ball involved, I would like to believe that the cyber ball will supervise these actions.

Based on existing information, it is difficult to infer the specific actions of a mysterious organization, but in my opinion, their goals are still very clear. As long as there is this goal, no matter what action they take, the final result will not be much different. Perhaps the biggest difference is how many people will die in the progress of this event.

I turned and walked outside.

"Come on, let's leave this ghost place." I said to them this way: "At least, now we are sitting on the same boat." (To be continued ...)

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