Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1300: shortcut

I ca n’t sit back and watch the tragic things that happen in front of me, but I do n’t take it lightly that these people have not done ugly behavior in the past, or that they will not be enemies with themselves in the future, or that they will become evil people they hate. ∷ 四 ∷ 五 ∷ 中 ∷ 文 △ However, just because I don't know these people, it will not negate their current possibility because of their past actions and possible actions in the future. Similarly, just because they have more possibilities from now on, so even if they have the influence of the epiphysis, they will not be completely sure that they will develop in the direction I hope in the future. .

Before reaching out to them, in my eyes, they are the weak and the tragic, and after reaching out and finishing the rescue, I will no longer consider them as weak.

As long as you survive and have hope in your heart, you can face the future firmly. How can such a person be weak? I will be alert to them because of the instability of fate, but I will not deny them and hurt them because of the future that has not yet become a reality. If we have to become an enemy one day, I will not hesitate when the reality of being an enemy comes true.

After all, I am not a hero, even if I am dressed as a hero, or I always act as a hero within the range that I can watch. But the salvation that can be made is only limited to the temporary situation. Faced with these prisoners, from the moment I tore the cage and awakened their survival, I no longer placed myself in a position like a hero or a benefactor. On the contrary, it is possible for them to stand on the opposite side of me on a certain day in the future, even if there is an influence of spiritual epiphytes.

Admittedly, the effects of epiphyses are very special, but. It is also just an application of consciousness walking. The "mystery" is unpredictable, and every mysterious organization does not lack resistance to conscious walking. As the third-level Mageweaver youth said, the online ball has a series of strict procedures for conscious walkers to check and clean up consciousness.

However, it does not matter, I do not care about this kind of thing.

Can save these people. At least at this moment, it is happy. It is right for me not to let the tortured people ignore them and to restore their desperate souls. Even if this kind of happy and correct, only at this moment.

Something boiling in my heart finally returned to calm.

"Your attitude has become cold." The third-level Mageweaver messenger caught up with me and said, "Mr. Gao Chuan. Although you can break that consciousness cage, it is surprising. But the most surprising Why do you have such a contrasting attitude before and after doing such a thing? "

"It's just a matter of the three personal views and thinking patterns." I admit: "Although I look straightforward, I am actually a very awkward and contradictory person."

"It's like a child?" The third-level Mageweaver teenager asked, making him feel weird relative to his age. Because he is just a child.

"Why is it a child? Can't adults be awkward and contradictory?" I couldn't help but refute. Although my appearance is about the same age as him. Moreover, even if the time of the past doomsday illusion and the reality of the hospital is counted, it does indeed add up to the age of adulthood. According to the algorithm of a normal person, am I probably eighteen or nineteen? But after all, in those times, too many things have gone through. I have also experienced death and resurrection, and the extremely complicated life seems to occupy the heaviest weight of my life, sometimes making me feel that my life. In fact, it only started from the moment of exposure to the mystery, and compressed a long time to two or three years.

I admit that I am young, but in the face of teenagers of the same age, I can't help but feel that I am not that young. It was really weird to be said by a teenager that he was like a child.

"When adults are troubled, they are often said to be like children." The third-level Mageweaver young boy said with care: "However, no matter how Mr. Gao Chuan sees, what he does is like a child. Moreover, the appearance looks like How far is it from me. Mr. Gao Chuan, how old are you? "He said a respectful speech like" Mr. Gao Chuan ", but the inquiry and suspicion in his eyes existed from the time he first came into contact with the sick building. However, I don't believe that he didn't know me at all before he contacted me. His work is no different from the work of the splicer. They are independent incubation operations, similar to the agents in the movie. Intelligence support is essential.

"I am eighteen years young forever." I glanced at him and responded with such words.

He laughed like a child of this age. The shadows caused by the series of blows he had encountered seemed to melt in this smile. However, I am not sure whether there is anything else deep in his heart. After all, although his appearance is not old, he can act independently, which proves that the organization trusts his ability. In addition, there are so many "mysteries" that there is no guarantee that there will be no mysterious power to disguise the true age.

Just as he doubted me, although I prefer to use appearance to recognize him, I would not judge him just because of my age.

I have never forgotten that the reason why I acted with them stems from my friendship with John Bull and the cooperation with the network ball, rather than the deep friendship between this third-level Mageweaver youth and me. Among the first five people, the people who are really close are only those who connect with the network ball.

The Mageweaver Messenger and I, together with the rescued six men and five women, added up to a team of thirteen, after leaving the dark and terrifying basement. I further searched other wooden houses to ensure that there were no other victims and burned all the wooden houses. During this period, I also clarified the identity of several of the prisoners who were clearly patients in the Peninsula Mental Hospital. They are indeed the patients in the wooden huts of the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, and indeed, in fact, the group of interlocutors have taken away most of the patients. All the patients in the log cabin area took the medicines of the seminar, and it is doubtful that the channels of these drugs are not the official channels of the hospital, but are mobilized by some kind of black hand hidden in the shadows.

The patients in the wooden house area were already lunatics before they came in contact with the interlocutor, which also means that the patient fell to the interlocutor. In fact, it was not coerced. The patients detained in the cages have long become dangerous lunatics, and the reason for their detention seems to have been lost in the games of the lunatics, so they were imprisoned as punishment. They are a total of two men and three women, when talking. I do n’t feel particularly crazy, and there is not much difference between words and deeds and ordinary people, but other people who are also held in prisons and have been in contact with them for a long time are warning me and the third-level Magebringer messenger, regardless of Whether it is a man or a woman, are extremely dangerous mental patients, and the current tameness just does not happen to stimulate them.

No one knows. What kind of situation will irritate them, so even if they seem to be very calm at this time, they can always attack their own personnel at any time, so they must be vigilant.

Perhaps it was because of getting along with Zhenjiang for a long time. When I contacted them, I did not carry any idea of ​​discrimination. However, relative to men. Of course, I tend to talk to women. The female patient reminds me of Zhenjiang. Even if they have nothing in common, they are just "female mental patients".

None of the five mental patients, male or female, showed any mastery of mysterious power. Compared with other mysterious experts, they are sometimes very silent. But some became very emotional again, and it was difficult to persuade their behavior with their mouths. Many of their actions are enough to make people feel that they do not have the moral values ​​of universal values ​​and common sense. They have their own world in their minds. And a criterion that is incompatible with normal society. Their quasi-abiding code of conduct was conjectured by themselves, unrealistic, or even contradictory, so they could not be integrated into normal social communication at all. If they are allowed to reflect on their behavior in a logical way, and the norms they follow, they will absolutely ignore it. Therefore, it can be considered that their behavior does not exist in the logic of normal people.

Perhaps because of this, among all those who have been tortured, the first to recover are these five mental patients. Even, it seems that the experiences that once made them desperate leave no shadow in their hearts. I don't want to be fooled. What are these guys thinking about?

They do not possess "mystery", and they are the most deadly group of people in the weird night. They don't have any self-protection ability, and the momentary mental mania may bring danger to the entire team. Even so, I still hope that they can all be brought back to the shelter.

Although other mysterious experts were not very happy, they were not dissuaded by my previous helping hand and the influence of the epiphytes. However, I know very well that if there is a danger, no one except me will try to protect these five mental patients. In fact, I am more worried than the weird attack. In such wilderness, the power of the late night will directly erode the patients. If the shelter accepts them, will it leave hidden dangers.

But in any case, as I said before, I will not use the "what will happen in the future" to not save these near-sighted victims.

We cleaned our bodies by the lake, and then used the boat in the pier as the core, and used the materials in the wooden house to expand into a raft that can carry everyone. It seems that there is a power in the log cabin area, which greatly reduces the strange breeding and infringement. We have not found a specific reason. However, from the remaining data in the log cabin area, the whereabouts of the interlocutor and others have been further determined.

The refuge I mentioned is no longer a secret. According to mysterious experts among the prisoners, they did not go there because they sensed that I was in the area. Their argument, I can't judge whether it is true or false, but it still reminds me whether other mysterious organizations, such as the Doomsday Religion, the 51st District and the Nazis, are also deliberately avoiding where I am. But on the other hand, I do n’t think they have a reason to avoid me.

I do not deny that I am strong, but I think that if they encounter them, they will probably destroy their actions. However, to say that these mysterious organizations feared my strength and avoided it made me feel untrustworthy. On the other hand, even if they are deliberately avoiding me, they are just carrying out a conspiracy.

Now it is certain that the interlocutor and others are going to the shelter, I can almost conclude that at this moment, there are more mysterious organizations on the way to the shelter. If the sacrificial ceremony is to be held on the altar in the hill near the sanctuary, then they must be prepared. Now, the situation in the refuge and its surroundings is becoming more complicated, but it is because of this that it is the reason we have to rush away.

We followed the route where the interlocutor and others left, bracing a row of rafts across the lake, looking for their trail on the opposite bank. This is a short way to the sanctuary, leaving only a few words in the log cabin area. The surviving mysterious experts who originally performed the task together did not understand this, and the talker and his people covered up a lot of news. However, if you do not go along this road, but return along the transfer route that initially avoided the shelter and came to the log cabin area, it will take about two days.

We do n’t have so much time to waste ~ ~ Now, every hour, it will make people feel the deepening of the deepest night, let people intuitively feel that after 24 hours, there will be huge changes . If you cannot reach the shelter before that change comes, it means you are out.

Whether it is a mysterious organization of all parties or the deep night itself, the next twenty-four hours are a critical dividing point. The situation to be faced before and after must be completely different in terms of pressure.

Therefore, the interlocutor and others have opened a near path, and we must find this near path and proceed along the same route.

The dangers on the road are not only due to the haunting of ghosts, but also the weirdness of activities in the form of a group, but also because of this strange climate of continuous ashes. For the three-level Mageweave messenger boy who can be transformed into ashes, this is a weather that is relatively suitable for his own play. The opponents they need to face have become more bizarre and powerful in their behavior patterns and strength display.

The pressure to protect the five mental patients was all raised by me, and I have no objections. At an absolute speed, with absolute range of perception, I cleaned up most of the weirdness before everyone moved. As a result, other people saw my eyes and made new changes. (To be continued ...)

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