Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1301: Track and trace

The mysterious experts imprisoned have enough power to protect themselves as long as they have a certain rest time. They do not lack the power to change the situation. During the imprisonment, although they also suffered some physical torture, the more serious thing is The power of conscious walking destroys on the conscious level. [ads: This site has a new website, shorthand method :,] Those who were killed in the basement, because they are in the environment of nightmares, it is difficult to say that they have died outside the nightmares. What is even more worrying is that even if they are still alive, the spiritual aspect will be terrified, and it is difficult to take other actions. Human actions are dominated by their own consciousness. If they are not, they are just walking dead. The lack of the will to act is the fatal point for ordinary people and mysterious experts.

The epiphyses of my soul will erode the vicious removal of their hearts and reawaken their will to act again. Under the influence of this will, in such an ideological nightmare, the so-called physical harm is not enough to worry about. Although in the world of ideology, physical harm cannot be completely ignored, after all, the intensity of consciousness has a greater possibility. In all the ideological worlds I have experienced, even if I do not take myself as an example, there are many mysterious experts who are not conscious walkers, relying only on their own beliefs and will to break through the shackles time and time again, defeating the seemingly absolute Invincible enemy.

I think that since these mysterious experts who once became prisoners shared my will and used it as a rope to climb out of the desperate **** again, even if they just got out of the cage, the body still has marks of torture. , They should be able to deal with these endless weirdness.

With the deepening of the deep night, it looks like the moon, but it is bigger. The heavy and mysterious sphere is becoming more twisted. The malicious wounds on the sphere are getting bigger and bigger, and the blood spewing out like blood. liquid. It seems to have volatilized before it fell to the ground, and it makes people feel that these malicious volatilized gases will be like air. Flooded throughout the nightmare. I think these things are the source of the increase in fog, and the increased fog and the fog that originally existed in this nightmare. Although it looks the same, there is a quality gap in the malignancy it carries.

Vicious, malicious, and turbid, every time you breathe, you feel like something terrible is moving around in your heart, as if your thinking has become different in peace, but it is difficult to tell the difference. And the things that are tempting at the bottom of the heart are not only things that exist in themselves, but also foreign objects born through distortion. The reason why people feel the most fear and resistance. It is because you can clearly feel that you are being assimilated into something like that. This is not a fusion, nor is it swallowed. In terms of feeling, it is more like a distorted "growth", but because it is still "growth", people can't find a reason to stop it, and they can't find it. To the method of blocking.

The ashes falling from the sky seemed to be the condensation of fog. The sparks of the stars mixed in these ashes are becoming stronger and stronger. The original fire is like the last light of the embers, but at this moment, it is like adding flame retardants again. From time to time, a sudden burst of flames can be seen, and it is these flames that light up the deep sky of the nightmare.

The sky seems to be rekindling.

The light and shadow on the ground are also accompanied by this burst of flames, and they are more and more staggered, shoved, swallowed each other, and fiercely compete for the ground on the earth. This is an extremely magnificent and stunning scene. Even in my intricate experience, it is really rare. It seems that the situation that produced this scene is no longer limited to small islands, but extends to the whole world. It makes people feel that the concept of the scope of this nightmare is from "Peninsula" expanded to a larger area.

However, I still feel that this expansion is just an illusion that the sensibility is affected by the situation. Even if the whole nightmare area has not been explored, this nightmare area still exists in the form of a "peninsula" or "isolated island", and unless a certain decisive force intervenes, it is impossible to truly form a "world". concept. This kind of cognition is based on the nightmare Las Vegas. The conditions for the establishment of this nightmare, and the plots that the mysterious organization wants to use it to complete, have not been met, nor can it support the concept of "world".

Its range, which corresponds to the range of the nightmare Las Vegas, is already the upper limit of the current strength gathered here.

To extend the scope of the nightmare to the "world", the power required is extremely incredible, and let it break through the ideology of the "nightmare" and present it as a "temporary data hedge space" that is closer to the physical state. This transformation also requires incredible power. Even if there is a repeater in the back, such a big action must mobilize the power of the entire repeater.

Obviously, it was absolutely impossible for the Nazis to do this, and the mysterious organizations that invaded the repeaters were also unable to do this.

Even if you know this clearly in your mind, watching the battlefield of the deepest night still makes people feel extraordinary pressure. Its changes are really amazing, and people feel that one person's power can never allow such a scene. If it is said that the deepest night at this time is just a "phenomenon of natural existence and inevitable existence" in the nightmare, it is equally doubtful.

"What the **** did you do?" After the ashes of the third-level Mageweaver's young incarnation, lit a weirdness, they reunited into a human form and asked the companions beside them. I followed him and wanted to hear the betrayal of these "talkers", but before that, what the mysterious expert who was the executor of the plan really said.

"The main executor is District 51. We have reached an agreement with District 51. We are only assisting District 51 to complete some of their plans. The real intention of District 51, I am afraid I need to ask them to know. "The mysterious expert shrugged and said:" All I know is that because the 51st district has reached an agreement with it, it is possible to integrate the power of the nightmare Las Vegas and use it as a basis to expand in the Peninsula Mental Hospital. Plan. This nightmare is part of the overall plan and part of the core plan. "

"That is to say, you played for District 51 without knowing anything? Are you really stupid?" The Level 3 Mageweaver Boy couldn't help but spit mocking venom.

"For the whole, we are just soldiers." Mysterious experts said: "Although not reconciled, but the fact is. What if we refuse to act? Let us have to do so. Not rivets, but five. District 11. "

"Have the rivets not been put in place yet?" I asked. "I heard that the interior became very unstable after I left."

The mysterious expert glanced at me and took a deep breath. Say: "Don't think that we entered the repeater, the team was completely isolated from the headquarters. The reason why they chose to rivet them to be the person in charge of the plan, although it is the result of mutual compromise, it is because of the compromise, no matter whether it entered the relay How to play after the game. It will only be within the scope of the agreement. Even if the team structure is unstable day by day, it still remains at the bottom line of completing the original plan. No one tries to break through this bottom line, and everyone is not a fool. This bottom line, even if you defeat your own people, you will completely lose the opportunity to complete the plan. If you cannot complete the plan, we will all be dead. "

I jumped, swept through a large circle at a speed, and killed a strange piece like mowing the grass. Rescued by the surprise surprise attack, almost the victim was returned to the conversation circle in less than a second.

"Speaking of it, what is the overall plan for this repeater and the plan for the 51st district to complete on this peninsula?" I asked.

"I'll just say it!" The mysterious expert pounded the ground without pretentiousness. "Such a complicated matter, don't ask me such a hello!" When his voice sounded, a large number of stones splashed from the ground. The huge stone vertebrae interspersed in the battlefield in this area, cleared many strange things at once, and made the intensity of the battle obviously weakened. The mysterious expert glanced at his achievements and grinned. The expression seemed to relax a lot at once, as if the accumulated negative emotions were released with this blow.

"It's strong." The third-level Mageweaver youth looked around the scene, and this wave of battle was coming to an end. I think he was a little surprised. "You are not weak. But are the betrayers of the talker stronger than you?" ? "

"That's not true." A woman who completely solved all the weirdness in front of her stood on a giant iron ball with a diameter of ten meters and began to approach us. The suspended iron ball floated in the air as if it violated the formula of gravity. It is also a way for people with common sense to see it, and can't help but doubt the state of their eyes.

"The powerful one is the interlocutor. His power is so weird that people can't find a way to contend. Those who are abducted by him are not stronger than us in terms of pure fighting ability. If no interlocutor intervenes, Even if you ca n’t defeat the rebellion, you can at least protect yourself. ”The woman laughed at herself and said,“ But those people set traps to give the talker ’s conscious walk an absolute advantage. In fact, I am not unaware of the danger, just Miscalculated the enemy's methods. "

"It's really embarrassing." The Mageweaver Young said so, one arm turned into ashes, wrapped around a dozen strange bodies that jumped out in front, lit it all, burned it, and then raised his arms to let Mageweave into a lot of , Disintegrated into gray mist after weird death. "

"I think it's better not to accumulate too much fog here." I reminded: "It is vicious."

"It's okay." The third-level demon messenger boy shook his hand and said casually: "The viciousness of this kind of weirdness is not enough to hurt me. If Anna is here, she can definitely point us a clear road."

"Do n’t forget that her deviation is based on viciousness. Did n’t you encounter such a thing because you followed her prediction and take action? As far as personnel losses are concerned, the development today is indeed full of malicious "" I reminded you that while looking around the battlefield to assist those who have not ended the battle,

The speed of the weirdness has been significantly reduced. It seems that our killing has made these weirdness unable to keep up with the progress. However, if you stay here for too long, there will definitely be more weirdness.

I let the mentally ill people hold hands and drive them to keep up with the fast moving force. The speed of the team is based on the mysterious experts. No one here wants to stay in the wild of the deep night. The original station was originally safe, but because of the destruction of the interlocutor and others, the ability to shelter everyone has been reduced to a minimum. Will eventually find there and break there. The chalet area is no longer a safe place, but a similar safe area that you want to recreate. For the remaining mysterious experts, there are huge deficiencies in terms of resources and mysterious power.

For the sake of today, go to what I mentioned. The shelters they have also investigated have been the best way to think of. They don't know nothing about it, and in which way the "talker" and other people are moving, it is inevitable that people will worry that the other party will destroy the shelter. There was no more safe zone in the nightmare.

No one knows how long the battles, conspiracies, and plans in the deep night will last. We still have to be active in a nightmare. In this way, a place of existence is inevitable.

We walked through the forest, climbed the top of the hills, and looked at the steep cliffs in the distance. Too many landforms have changed, making us truly aware. A force that changes the world is flooding this nightmare. If we say that this nightmare is a common nightmare for many people and is based on the consciousness of many people, then this large-scale change does not just reflect how much change is taking place in the consciousness of the people who constitute this nightmare?

There is no doubt that the environment has become sinister and the enemies have become stronger, all of which imply. Ideology is developing in a vicious direction.

"Did you find it?" I looked at the mysterious expert who was using mysterious power to trace the "talker".

People with this mysterious power, or the mystery possessed by them, can be used in the "tracking" of the mysterious experts in this temporary team of 13 people. There are two. Their self-confidence is one of the reasons why we decided to trace the "talker" and take a short cut to the shelter. Of all the known routes, only this one is possible to catch up with the "Talker" before destroying the shelter.

"The distance is no more than one kilometer." The mysterious expert smiled grimly. "It's just that there are too many obstacles. So I can't see it directly."

"Do they know we are approaching?" Another female mystery expert asked.

"I'm already trying to hide our whereabouts." Another female mystery expert said, her expression slightly cold, "I'm confident in my ability."

"They are still moving?" The third-level Mageweaver youth asked, because, in order to find their trail, we had to stay for a while while traveling.

"No, they stopped, so we can catch up." The mysterious expert responsible for tracking said: "They may have any plans, so they stumbled. It seems that they have to stay for a while, we are directly catching up Or do you avoid them and arrive at the shelter first? "He greeted him, and everyone else's eyes fell on me and seemed to agree to let me make a decision.

"Bypass them." I said without hesitation: "There is no room for maneuver before reaching the shelter first."

My decision is obviously not in line with everyone's ideas, but no one raises objections at this time. I think it is the influence of the epiphytes that comes into play. I certainly know that there is absolutely a reason for the stay of "talkers" and others. If it is not to set a trap, it is to make some plans that will have a huge impact on the situation. And we do not have enough clues to determine which one is more likely. Raiding them naturally has the benefit of raiding them, but, in my personal opinion, the group of "talkers" does not have the ability to change the whole night, facing the other mysterious organizations that are operating, their actions are not It may change the whole process, and at best it can only try to act as a sparrow.

Such people do not actually possess absolute power, and we need to strike them first. On the contrary, my enemies are not just them. When they are plotting, other mysterious organizations are also speeding up their actions. If they are entangled in the shelter, they may encounter other accidents.

I think that in this complex situation, it is very necessary to give priority to ensuring the safety of shelters.

"It's not a bad idea." A mysterious expert nodded. "Since each has its own benefits, then I agree with Mr. Gao Chuan's decision."

"I don't need you to talk nonsense." The mysterious expert on the side said this kindly, but the people here, except for me and the third-level Magebringer messenger boy, have worked together for a while and understand each other's Temperament, no one thinks this tone is an offense.

Under the guidance of the mysterious expert responsible for tracking, we bypassed the "talker" and others ahead and rushed to the shelter from another way. Although we followed the route developed by "Talker" and others, and then moved all the way to this place, it does not mean that bypassing "Talker" will definitely leave this route at this time ~ ~ The mysterious experts in this team have such abilities, which undoubtedly represents luck for the whole team.

When our relative distance from "Talker" and others was shortened to 800 meters, the third-level Mageweaver Messenger suddenly changed his mind: "Mr. Gao Chuan, do you think that if we do n’t save the two ladies now, we still have a chance ?"

"Jianren and Anna?" I asked back, but I had the same considerations. The concerns of the third-level Mageweaver youth are not unreasonable.

"Eight hundred meters, at your speed, and my ability, we can launch an attack by only the two of us, and then catch up with the team." The third level Magebringer young boy said.

I swooped quickly, turned around and grabbed his arm, approaching the "rapper" and others who were separated by many obstacles 800 meters away at a faster speed.

"The ability of the talker is too weird, and I am not sure whether he is still in our consciousness. To do this, we must respond faster than them. And, I also need to be responsible for five patients, other people can not Will help, it will be very dangerous if the time is too long. "I called out in a deep voice:" Quark! "

In the air, black feathers began to fall. (To be continued.)

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