Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1303: FireWire Excitation II

The location provided by my own mysterious expert makes the shadow jump of the magic quark successful at one time. Regardless of whether the "Talker" and others have predicted such a sudden attack of jumping ability, the quick swoop that unfolds at the moment of jumping out of the shadow will inevitably make them caught by surprise without targeted restrictions. The battle situation was unfolded in a relatively good way as I predicted. When the invisible high-speed passage was unfolded, no obstacle was felt at all. It is several times faster than everyone, allowing me to complete the initial detection of the enemy in less than a second.

The "talker" is in it, and even though the "image" is still unable to leave a clear impression, even the gender has changed, as if it has abandoned the log cabin area. However, the previous close contact with him in terms of consciousness still allowed me to feel his or her breath intuitively. In an instant, I have locked the existence of "Talker".

The total number of enemies is four men and four women. Four of them once fought in the log cabin area and were "slashed" by me. I was surprised to see them again. In this nightmare, we are faced with unpredictable mysterious forces. Means such as "resurrection" and "fake death" are entirely possible. No matter what happened to them who were beheaded by me in the log cabin area, since they stand here, there must be a "mystery" effect on them.

In addition to the four people I have seen, there are four others who have never seen them. A total of eight people, they stood at the moment of the raid was quite interesting. They are not intimate, but they are clearly distinguished in a four-to-four way. Although they are not hostile, they are obviously not friends. Let me assume first. The two groups of four people are actually not from the same group, but are cooperating under certain tasks. They don't really have a good relationship with each other.

Of the four people who survived in the squatter area, only three people including the "talker" were the same group of people. Therefore, it can be judged that before the incident in the log cabin area, the two groups of horses and horses have carried out the minimum run-in, or the log cabin area incident is the cooperative action of the two groups of horses in the preliminary run-in.

In this way, the group of people who started with the team can already confirm that it is not just internal judgment or invasion of foreign enemies, but inside and outside. With the conscious walker "talker" as the core, the destruction of the team was completed-it is not the case that the destruction is complete. The mysterious experts imprisoned were not completely killed, despite the mental state of those mysterious experts imprisoned at the time In general, it is almost the same as the annihilation of the whole army. I think if these people knew that this group of mysterious experts who were supposed to have collapsed and were desperately rescued might be surprised.

However, here. The two of them are untouchable.

The team accidentally retained the seeds, and they took away the connector and Anna, from this moment. I have been certain that initially we evacuated the sick building but were forced into a nightmare. It was not accidental or accidental. In this way, the monsters that attacked us in the sick building, and even the hunt order of the seminar itself, may have been pushed by others and secretly calculated to achieve the situation today. And these people who secretly promote the development of the situation. Of course, they have a cooperative relationship with these "talkers", or they simply intend to form a gang.

But. What's so special about the linker and Anna themselves, let these people arrange this layer of traps for them? The particularity of joint people and Anna. It also means their importance. It is also difficult to judge because of its special degree and important degree. If the raid can really take away the connector and Anna, whether it is still in the enemy's calculation.

But if you think so much, don't even bother to forget it. I think about these things, not to reduce my fighting spirit and doubt the importance of rescue. If the book is upside down, would n’t it make “thinking” itself seem very stupid?

Any thinking is purposeful. Thinking in order to accomplish the purpose, in my opinion, is the most basic meaning of thinking itself. As for those philosophical thinking, it is an extension on this basis.

I didn't slow down and stop my offensive because of thinking. In many cases, my thinking is just thinking. My doubts are often unanswered. Everything behind the scenes is always hidden in the thick darkness, so that all the clues are vague, intermittent, and eventually lose the possibility of finding the truth. However, I have also made it very clear. At that time, the passing of time, the past events subsided, and the staged results were reached. The truth and significance of these events will one day be buried in more future events.

Maybe one day, a certain event in the future will cause a sudden connection with a certain event in the past. . And this kind of psychological comfort and unraveling has no meaning to me.

If the doomsday process cannot be lifted and the virus cannot be defeated, the future will always be fixed, and the past will be meaningless. Because everything will disappear, and everything will eventually reincarnate. Whether it was the confusion, pain, despair, hope, and consciousness of the time, it was just one more time. If you ca n’t change the end result if you know or do n’t know the truth, what is the difference between knowing the truth and not knowing the truth?

Because of this, I do n’t want to know what truth is hidden behind every incident I come into contact with. My thinking is not to pursue the truth, but to move forward without knowing the truth or not.

Thinking can make me recognize myself, can make me feel the existence of myself, can make me grasp the hope called "possibility" in logic when I am desperate, and can keep me in a state of insanity Calmness can make me burn my soul and blood when facing a terrible enemy, and it can keep me motivated to move forward.

Even though thinking itself has been questioned, I still need to think. And even if it's stupid thinking, even thinking that will draw terrible conclusions, as long as it can keep me going, it's enough.

Thoughts like electro-optical flint. Turned in my mind. Within the scope of the chain judgment, every tiny movement of each person is displayed in the mind at a glance.

Excludes four mysterious experts who once played in the log cabin area. There are also four strange mysterious experts, three of whom are extremely similar in appearance. But it is difficult to judge them as "triplets" just because of this similarity. At least, my intuition did not give me a strong feeling.

It is not difficult for the mysterious forces to create three people resembling triplets.

But there is no need to doubt that these three strange men must have beyond normal ability when cooperating with the enemy.

Among the four people where "Talker" is, there is a stranger, and another group of four people. The three triplet-like male mysterious experts are unfamiliar.

The four-person group where the "Talker" is almost can be judged, that is, the traitor of the team. And does this number mean that after leaving the team, the only people who can really survive are only four of them? The four people who can survive, even after excluding the "talker", must be one of the few powerful people in the team. After all, even if the team was co-opted by insiders and outsiders, it was successfully attacked by "talkers" and others. It is absolutely impossible to lose the ability to resist instantly, even if the "talker" is such a powerful conscious walker, it is difficult for me to believe. He has an overwhelming strength when facing everyone in the team.

0.4 seconds, spanning a distance of more than 20 meters, at the same time complete observation and judgment, the enemy's attitude has been reflected, but failed to complete the defensive action.

The third-level Mageweaver messenger boy was thrown away by me, and the direction was a mysterious expert who looked like a triplet. Of course, I chose women-the connector and Anna were imprisoned by the same female enemy. This was the initial target of this raid. Not to kill everyone here, nor to defeat the "talker". Instead, he completed the rescue of the connector and Anna, and provided a cover for the team in the other direction to safely leave this area.

And. Although gender does not represent combat power in the mysterious circle, women are certainly more pleasing.

0.6 seconds.

Before the ashes of Level 3 Mageweaver Messenger are completed. Layers of images appeared in the air. The images absorbed gray fog and condensed into an entity at a very fast speed. It was a gun floating in the air. Compared to my rapid sweeping speed, the cohesion and firing of these firearms are also done in one go, which is more rapid than its owner's own activities.

Pointed at our muzzle and fired, and the bullets came out of the barrel, spinning around in the shining flame. If you are hit, you will probably punch a hole with a big fist. The power of these firearms, even in this slow-speed scene, can also bring a strong sense of strength through bullets and the relatively intense movement Sense of danger. If at this time, the speed sweep is targeted and the speed is stopped, I am not sure, and I can avoid this barrage without any damage.

However, for a third-level Mageweaver young man who can be transformed into ashes, such a counterattack should not cause effective damage. In my opinion, these bullets have pure kinetic energy, but not "mystery", even if it is fired by a firearm made by "mystery".

Any attack that can be observed by chain judgment can't really cause fatal damage to me.

I have staggered all the counterattack routes formed by these people, such as a smart tongue, invading these people's gaps in their positions.

In this position, the chain decision has been overwhelming. I am confident that unless these people can create too intense "sports" or create forces that do not have the concept of "sports", all attacks will be clear in my perception, and my speed Grabbing is enough to catch every flaw in it.

In front of any sport with process, I have no dead ends!

The blade was out of the sheath, and the slash was as fast as they saw in the wooden house area. Even if the opponent is a female, even if they have the feminine pleasure and choose them as their targets, they will not be merciless.

The magic pattern on the inner side of the right wrist exploded into the body explosively, and under the hindrance of the forehead hunter seal, the power could not run smoothly. Because there is no clear reference, it is impossible to judge whether he is fast or not. The enemy's reaction has become extremely slow, but no matter how slow, it is only infinitely close to stillness, and it is impossible to be really still. Feeling told me that I was faster than the previous raid. This rapidity is not based on any moving objects.

Relative consciousness is faster.

Including "talkers", before the completion of their series of consciousness, thinking, and judgment; before consciousness draws conclusions, and passes to the body, driving the body and mystery in a conscious manner; Before removing instincts and controlling each movement of yourself with subjective consciousness, before completing defense and counterattack.

My beheading ~ ~ has cut off their necks, waists, limbs, hands and feet, pierced their internal organs, and will unload everyone who is the target of attack.

Today's situation is just the result of repeating the fighting in the log cabin area. Even if there are four more strange mysterious experts, no one can really respond to my raid, even if they still hide other cards. , Maybe it can really limit my speed, even deter my ability, and pose a substantial threat to me, but it ca n’t be used in the first attack, it does n’t make much sense. They will not have a second chance, the meaning of the raid is here. Today's speed sweeping is no longer described by the normal "high speed", and no one has a real chance of winning before really finding a way to deal with speed sweeping.

Promoted to Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, even if he didn't clearly feel the specific changes of the formation ability and superpower when he was promoted in the past, but becoming more powerful is still beyond doubt. My real opponent has never been a mysterious expert, but an anomaly produced by the power of "virus"-for example, people who have been in contact with "virus", or monsters catalyzed and distorted by the power of "virus" .

While the third-level Mageweaver Junior was fully in the ashes, and was rushing towards the enemy, I had retracted the knife into the sheath, grabbed the jointer and Anna, and swept away in the direction of coming. (To be continued)

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