Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1304: Pyramid field

The tornado-like ashes stirred more ashes falling in the sky, slowly growing in the field of vision like slow-motion, the flickering of Mars again and again, gathering into small sparks. [ads: This site has a new website, shorthand method:]] When the sparks were blooming in the air, there were neat cracks on the people on the ground, and the limbs were slowly broken along these gaps. I grabbed the connector and Anna, and swept through the gap between the people. In their eyes, I am afraid that it was just a momentary thing. The three of us have left the center of the battlefield.

At the moment of stopping the quick sweep, the scattered limbs, the splattered blood, and the roar of counterattacks surged like a cut fountain, and were swallowed by the huge ashes of the air in the next second. The flaming ash tornado is like a big snake. Every time it shakes its body, it makes the rocks crack, the trees are destroyed, the wind screams, and the heavy air waves carry more ash and roll in all directions, making it difficult to look directly at the battlefield. The situation in the center.

I couldn't help raising my arm to block the violent airflow that was rushing to my eyes. This shock even made it difficult to stand firm.

Suddenly someone held my long knife, while another hugged my waist and dexterously rolled up my body, gripped my neck and neck, trying to grab my joints. At the moment they started, some of my previous guesses have been proven. I do n’t even need to look at it, and I know who attacked me.

Connector Man and Anna.

Maybe there is no betrayal, and it is impossible to judge whether they are their own thoughts, or they are controlled by conscious walkers, but this kind of attack by people they rescued in the experience of mysterious experts, and in various types It is not uncommon to see various works. Since there are strong conscious walkers such as "talkers", it is already well prepared to prevent this situation.

The timing of the two people's choices is very coincidental. Counting the roles they play at this time, if they are new people in the mystery circle, few people will miss the trick. but. It's just a trap of this degree, is it too naive to deal with a four-level Mageweave messenger who has gone through a lot of battles? The joints are locked, not because of carelessness. It's because this joint technique is ineffective for me, but simply at the speed of sneak attacks, they suddenly burst. Compared with my speed, it is still too slow. Arranging such a trap means that these "talkers" still don't understand my high-speed nature. It is indeed a good idea to deal with people who generally have high-speed mobility, but for a mysterious expert who naturally reaches the "relatively fast" characteristics like eating and drinking, the unexpected behavior is still "too slow." ".

What's more, my dear Fu Jiang, but a master of wrestling technology. Techniques such as articulation, even if I have never studied as deeply as those who specialize in this area, have already been personally nurtured in the past doomsday illusion. The skills of the linker and Anna, in my opinion, are only within the normal "good" range. Compared to the extraordinary Fujiang, they are really too weak.

They did not use mystery during the attack-no, it should be, not in such a sudden attack. Use it as soon as possible. The connector is an electronic demon messenger, and Anna uses a mysterious deviation force. The former's launch time and launch method cannot meet the unexpected requirements. And the power of deviation is also not effective in a very short time. So, in any case, it is understandable to use physical fighting techniques directly. If it were mine, I would try to use this method to directly subdue the enemy under the same circumstances. Or it may delay the time to meet the needs of the mysterious launch.

However, no matter how good the plan is, and what the success rate is under "common sense", once faced with unconventional forces, the probability of success is almost zero.

As a Level 4 Mageweave messenger, I do not even need to break free and retreat to the extent of strengthening. When Anna grabbed the long knife in my waist, she kicked me in the abdomen and flew away like a shell, hitting the tree trunk. Under the influence of skill, she was not hit hard and took away my weapons, but the distance from me was not enough to make her a threat. And the person who tried to use my legs to twist my neck and lock the joints of my arms was directly lifted by me with brute force, and my arm fell on the rock beside her. Similarly, using her skills, she was just I was dizzy for a while and could not get up immediately.

At the same time, the roaring tornado tore the curtain formed by the gray air waves and rushed towards the three of us with a heavier posture than it had seen in the past.

I do n’t think he ’s here for rescue. The third-level Mageweaver messenger boy has n’t passed through the spiritual appendages, even though he is smart and normal in the basement of the wooden house area. Believe.

In less than a second, I quickly swept to Anna and returned the long sword to the original owner. In the remaining less than one second, I revolved around the edge of the tornado that became slower in the field of vision. The high speed and fierce slashes torn the tornado. In the process, the rope was also wrapped around the jointer and Anna, preventing them from evacuating in the first time.

The electronic demon call of the connector was not interrupted, and part of her shadow had been drilled out, revealing the appearance, just like a prismatic translucent triangle. Anna did n’t seem to do anything, but when I pulled the knife, I already felt that the long knife had a problem-it was a deviation. The deviation acted on the tool, which gave a rusty jerky feeling when pulling However, Anna's deviation has not reached the concept of "time", nor should it have effect on such a grand concept so quickly. Well, it should be the running-in between the knife and the scabbard, there is a deviation.

I thought so, even with the sword and sheath hitting the electronic demon who had not yet fully drilled out of the shadow of the connector. The feeling of hitting is very strong, but the degree of firmness also makes me feel that my attack has no effect at all. Then the same power was transferred back, rebounding the scabbard, and the blink of an eye, the electronic demon was completely out of the shadow. It looks like a small and exquisite pyramid ornament, suspended in mid-air gently, bouncing gently, rotating, full of rhythmic movements, as if people can magically hear the accompanying music.

This is a pretty elegant electronic demon. Elegant, but also accompanied by strong power. This is how I felt when I first saw it.

The mystery expert's electronic demon is absorbing the traits of the mystery expert himself, and "melting" the mystery once possessed in the past into a whole. The ability and power of this monster depends entirely on the "mysterious" characteristics of this mysterious expert. And their consciousness traits that have been tempered time and time again in the past battles.

Undoubtedly, the strength of the joint person determines that her electronic demon is equally powerful.

I gave up the capture of the connector. Seize Anna, who has special qualities but is flawed in explosiveness, and quickly swept through the flying ashes.

The electronic demon "pyramid" is only one step slower than me, centering on itself, releasing a cover-like translucent force field. The speed of expansion of this force field is almost equal to the speed of conscious activity. If it is not "speed sweeping", but other high-speed capabilities, I am afraid that it cannot escape the capture of the force field. It is precisely because the speed sweep can achieve "a faster speed than the expansion of the force field", so it can avoid being involved in it.

The ability of the connector has been exerted in the ward. According to the situation at that time, the entire ward should be "isolated" from the normal space within a certain period of time. It can also be argued that although this isolation did not stop those weird intrusions, the "deviations" that Turner and Anna of Torchlight worked together. It is precisely because of this isolation that sufficient time is allowed for those weirdness to change.

At that time, the power exerted by the jointer was definitely not the greatest effort. Today, the form of the position has changed a little, but it can be confirmed in this change. At this time, the output of the jointer is definitely much higher than that in the sick building.

Of course I don't want to be caught in such a weird force field. It's as if the enemy couldn't understand the essence of my rapid sweep, so I couldn't make a targeted arrangement, and even if a targeted trap was made with the phenomenon of "high speed", most of them were invalidated. If the essence of the anomalous phenomenon caused by the mystery of the mysterious expert is not clarified, it is only judged by the phenomenon itself. It is extremely dangerous behavior-however, although everyone knows this truth, when it is really faced, the concept of "mystery" itself. However, it is difficult to obtain complete information, and it is impossible to make a fully targeted arrangement based on the information.

How helpless is the arrangement of "Talker" and others, I am actually very clear, unless "exactly" there is such a "mystery" in the team, which can be used for "swimming" under the circumstances that everyone cannot predict Cause restrictions. Otherwise, simply relying on the collected intelligence and several encounters with me, it is almost impossible to correctly estimate my details. If it can be done so easily, the difficulty of the mysterious expert becomes a joke. In many mysterious organizations, there may be only one or two mystery experts as the real pillars, and even such a small organization can theoretically completely resist a large mysterious organization such as a cyber ball, precisely because, thinking It is very difficult to figure out the details of a mysterious expert, and no one can ensure that when the mysterious expert is fully operational in a hostile posture, to what extent will his mystery develop and what kind of destructive power it will produce.

Just like now, the enemy is always broken by me because of my miscalculation, and I do n’t want to experience the power of this unknown force field. The force field surrounds the joint person. I immediately redefined the area covered by the force field as the "inherent junction" of the joint person. Using the concept of "inherent enchantment" to temporarily describe the power of this scope effect can't be more useful.

Standing outside the force field, visually seeing the situation inside the force field, you can't feel much change, and the chain judgment is completely invalid. In just a few breathing hours, the scope of the force field has exceeded the original center of the battlefield. The battlefield that was originally covered by layers of ash flying violently, when observed outside the force field, suddenly became extremely calm, and the enemies and corpses that should have existed there had disappeared.

I am not surprised, even, even if there is no coverage of the force field, given the situation in the wooden house area, since the "talkers" can escape once by a method similar to that of the golden cicada, they can escape the same way Twice. Killing their bodies does not mean that they are actually killed. This was already clearly recognized when the raid was launched.

The third-level Mageweaver messenger boy is gone, is he captured, or is he also part of this trap? I am more inclined to the latter. There is a strong conscious walker who may not be able to greatly increase the attack power, but there must be qualitative changes in the control of the ranks and captives.

From the beginning, I didn't take it lightly that the harvest would reach the best expectations. But in turn, it was not bad enough to get nothing. Even if I turn around and leave now, I have gained some intelligence and eliminated the hidden danger of the other team. Plus--

I glanced at Anna, who was stunned and carried on her shoulders.

Although he lost the third-level Mageweaver Junior, he also recovered a member of the Torchlight. The super power of the third level Mageweaver Junior is indeed very good in direct combat, but from the perspective of cooperation, the "deviation" of the torch light can undoubtedly increase more possibilities ~ ~ The "translucent cover" showed a force field phenomenon that lasted for ten seconds, and then quickly retracted. In a blink of an eye, there were only the joint people standing in the battlefield, and the pyramid floating beside her. As for the other people, whether they are a group of "talkers" or the third-level Mageweaver messengers, they have all disappeared. The jointer's eyes turned white, seeming to lose consciousness, but just as I approached, her eyes suddenly returned to normal, her body collapsed half kneeling on the ground like a nightmare, gasping violently.

She seems to have been let go. However, this also seems to mean that neither she nor Anna was as important and central to the "talker" as originally judged.

So, what did you mean by not dealing with them like other mysterious experts and giving up the two so easily?

I thought so, and reached out to the connector: "How do you feel?"

"It's terrible!" The jointer replied, but looked at me with a trace of surprise. It was like before that, I didn't realize that I was here, nor did I think I would come over. However, she took my hand and stood up. (To be continued.)

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