Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1305: Clarify

The connector looks like a nightmare after releasing the pyramid-shaped electronic demon. I carefully observed her expression and determined that her mental state recovered afterwards. With the disappearance of the power of the electronic demon, the "Talker" group also met with the "three-level" Mageweaver young boy disappeared. I'm not sure whether the "talker" 's hands and feet in the consciousness of the joint have really been eliminated, but at least she doesn't look like she will attack me like before. I guess that the "talker" 's control of the connector and Anna is likely to be limited in distance. Then, the "three-level" Magebringer youngsters have been separated from them for such a long time and distance, but still lead me. Suspected of falling into a trap, then, at first, was he not under the control of the conscious level, but was originally with the "talker"?

I held out my hand to the connector who was paralyzed on the ground. She was hesitant and surprised at first, which made me unclear. What was thinking inside her, but she still grabbed my hand, I think, this is the most Good answer.

There are many situations that must be understood from the connector and Anna. But how much do they know, but I do n’t have much hope, a skilled conscious walker will not deliberately leave a defect on the level of consciousness, unless such a defect is unable to make up for their own abilities, or In order to create traps. As the "talker" himself said, what he is best at is "giving the other party information through conversation, and allowing the other party to produce inevitable behavior based on the harvested information." People who are good at psychology also have deep research on this approach. The best example is Dr. Ruan Li. However, the ability of "talker" as a conscious walker can magnify the effect to a level that ordinary people cannot.

The act of letting the jointer and Anna conduct a sneak attack on me is, in my understanding, only a relatively crude method of "talker" applying their abilities. As for why he or she only used this crude method, the answer is not clear, but it must not be expressing goodwill. Now that "talker" has talked with "it", and thus gained "truth" and "power". And pay for the action, then, no matter how malicious it is to speculate, for me. All take for granted.

"What about Anna?" The jointer patted the patient's suit, but there wasn't much dirt there, even if the ground was covered with ashes.

I grabbed her and hurried to the unconscious Anna. The jointer squatted down and sniffed her nose. However, such behavior is of course useless. This is the world of ideology. If Anna dies, the corpse's performance is not what it is now.

"I was uninjured, I was stunned." I said: "However, your consciousness needs to be cleaned up. Should there be regulations in this respect in the online ball?"

"Mr. Gao Chuan, are you still a conscious walker?" The jointer glanced at me and asked carefully: "Can I trust you?"

"I just have the power to walk consciously, but not the conscious walker." I replied calmly: "As for whether you believe me. This is your thing, isn't it? If you refuse, then I won't let you two People enter the shelter. Of course, if possible, I will try to let you leave this nightmare. "

"No, it's impossible." The connector frowned, saying, "Although I don't know how you did it, Mr. Gao Chuan, as far as I know. Other people who have entered this nightmare never wake up again. Come."

I was a little surprised, and I still knew this information for the first time. However, as far as I can see. I did not see the patients in the nightmare in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital. At first, we thought that we were assigned to different residential areas, but since the jointer said so, assuming that she is correct, then the patients who have fallen into nightmares may have already He was detained by the seminar as observation material. Can't wake up in a nightmare. It means that the body in the mental hospital becomes a vegetative, and for these patients, it is likely that everything in the nightmare has become their only life-such an example can be seen from the performance of those patients in the shelter Clues, they open their mouths and shut their mouths, it is completely the situation in this nightmare, especially in the deepest night. If there are not enough intelligence sources and insights, they may really be regarded as the indigenous people in this nightmare.

I have a good understanding of consciousness walking and have a keen intuition on this aspect. After encountering all kinds of incidents, I have some doubts because the patients who have entered this nightmare because of taking the seminar drugs It may not be with a clear memory of hospital life, it is more likely that their consciousness has been distorted to some extent. This nightmare information is likely to have a coverage impact on their past cognition, so that when they integrate into the nightmare life, they will show this natural attitude.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a person's outlook on life and world to make such a big change. Entering such a nightmare of "has a deep history and is incompatible with real life", the difference between the two worlds is absolutely obvious to make people feel intuitively inappropriate, and there will be subconscious exclusion in the mind.

The people I saw knew and got used to this "nightmare". If this is a change that took a long time, then of course it is understandable. However, these changes do not actually have such a long timeline. All the changes make people feel extremely strong contrasts. If it is not distorted by a certain force on the conscious level, it is difficult for me to think of any other answers.

The jointer proved my guess laterally. Only by entering a deep ideology of "unable to wake up from a nightmare" can a corresponding degree of conscious interference and distortion be caused. I can wake up from a nightmare, of course, because I was special from the beginning. My particularity cannot spread to every other ordinary person or even mysterious expert. However, since they are also conscious walkers and have been exposed to "it", then "talker" is probably also a person who can wake up from a nightmare.

Today, the relationship between the nightmare of the deepest night and the Peninsula Mental Hospital is gradually becoming like the relationship between "doom illusion" and "hospital reality". It made me suddenly understand why I had a dim sense of immediate sight of this nightmare and this hospital.

On the other hand, I also realized that in such an ideological world, this sense of sight would also have a certain degree of impact on the overall environment of this nightmare, and then make it more and more in some external characteristics Yue is similar to those islands and hospitals that I am familiar with. I am afraid that every patient who enters this nightmare has the most impressive environment in his heart. You will find a similar shadow here.

For a nightmare with a vicious, the so-called most impressive environment naturally refers to the environment that makes people feel the most fearful. They will be here, in this deep night. See what they least want to see. They will encounter fear objects that belong only to themselves, as if to repeat the scene they least want to remember here.

"If all the people who enter the nightmare can't go out, it means, whether it is the doomsday truth religion, those who are here to act. Are they all willing to risk this danger to enter this nightmare?" I asked the connector. To.

"I am not very clear about the doomsday truth. However, I believe that with the people in the 51st area, they entered this nightmare with the mentality of fighting against the water." The connector said: "We have a plan, they are the implementation of the plan If the plan succeeds, everyone will have the opportunity to leave this nightmare, but once the plan fails— ”She paused here and smiled again, saying:“ In fact. If the plan fails, we must all be killed by the Nazis It ’s dead, so it ’s not important to leave the nightmare, is it? We were reminded before we were selected into the team and before we entered the repeater. This is a nine-death operation. So, we can also think that we have taken the risk These risks are all to seize the first line of life. No matter whether we are operating outside of the nightmare or they are acting in the nightmare, there is no difference in this point, and the danger we are facing is also the same. . I think Mr. Gao Chuan also has a deep understanding of this? "

I nodded and said, "Only after completing the Repeater Raiders and leaving alive is a real victory, but in order to achieve this victory, I am willing to take the staged danger. To seize the opportunity of nine deaths, right Do you think so? "

"So, even if you die here, there is nothing to complain about." The connector said: "It's like this. We are not voluntarily entering this nightmare, and we still have our own work outside, but since we have come in , You must accept the fact that you cannot leave and decide on future actions on this basis. "

"That's the same idea for Anna?" I asked as I watched the connector pick up the unconscious Anna.

"Yes, only this, I can be sure. She is a companion." The jointer replied without hesitation, it seems that there was a period of time between the two of them, and it may be that they were captured by the "talker" Something happened during this time.

"What's going on with that" three-level "Mageweaver youth?" I asked.

"As Mr. Gao Chuan guessed, he had betrayed long ago." The connector said with a sullen face: "Although there is no concrete evidence, I suspect that he is the key to our nightmare this time. We did not take medicine, and we also No other power was felt. We entered this nightmare suddenly and without warning, did n’t it seem very abnormal? In fact, at the beginning, I suspected that there were traitors among us. We gathered together Although there is not much unnaturalness in the process, some coincidences have occurred, and for me, any coincidence is doubtful, not to mention the occurrence of multiple coincidences in this particular case. "

However, up to now, only the two of the original five-member team are left, so she has a clearer understanding of what the actual situation is in her mind. However, the existence of the "talker" makes her information also have the nature of "trap". I have been observing her look and speculating on her consciousness changes. I think she is now sober and can control her consciousness. The power of the "talker" is on her, and she does not show any perceptible residue. .

Therefore, I think that the jointer understands his situation and speaks these words with a sense of self-control. I can believe that she understands what impact she may have. Assuming that this is her words, then it reflects only her will, not the will of the "talker".

"Only one last question." I asked her like this: "Using the power of the deepest night to awaken the monsters in the nightmare Las Vegas, combine this nightmare with the peninsula to form a special temporary data hedge space, Use it as a battlefield to fight against the Nazis-is such an action, even if it is a talker, is it necessarily a result? "

The connector looked at me without talking, but the invisible fluctuations in her eyes made me realize that my guess was real, or that most of them were close to the truth. Every mysterious organization and mysterious expert operating here may have their own ideas and desired achievements, but in the end, the ultimate goal is to arrange the battlefield and pull the enemy. Including this seemingly shady incident with the interlocutor, relative to this ultimate goal, it is just a fragment of a story. ~ ~ Everyone ’s choice, everyone ’s behavior with selfish desires Any individual events that seem to have no intersection, the spread of mystery, and all seemingly accidental storms will contribute to the same result. Such a result was promoted by the "agreement" between the three parties of the apocalyptic truth and the 51st district. And this kind of promotion is actually the real plan of the team's decision-making layer.

"Yes, that is an inevitable result, because if the Nazis cannot be defeated, we have no hope of surviving. The place we are in is actually inside the Las Vegas repeater controlled by the Nazis, not The jointer said quietly: "No matter what happens, no matter how many enemies there are, the most critical enemy must have been confirmed before entering here. Mr. Gao Chuan."

I stared at her and held out my hand to her again: "Although I have left, perhaps for each of us, there are more inhuman goals, and there have been many serious contradictions, but, at least The Nazi issues remain the same. Then, we are allies when it comes to Nazi issues. I think John Bull ’s thinking is the same as mine. "

"Happy cooperation. Mr. Gao Chuan." The jointer held it with me without hesitation. "The joint task can now be confirmed and completed." (Unfinished to be continued.) 88 Reading

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