Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1306: Brightening II

The battle with the "Talker" once again came to a close. When I returned to the prisoners' rank with the connector and Anna, it was already ten minutes later. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙ Article △, the defection of the third-level Mageweaver young did not surprise everyone. Some mysterious experts seem to have foreseen something earlier, but there is not enough evidence. On the way to the sanctuary, I elaborated on the situation of the "talker" side in the battle and my personal guesses about the current situation. With the actual rescue, frank conversation and the special identity of the joint person, the only mysterious experts left in the team are once again integrated.

These mysterious experts know better than the jointer how difficult it is to leave when they are in this nightmare. Their original plan was not to simply prevent the aberrations that would occur in the deepest night, because they only promoted the aberrations and combined the nightmare with the peninsula to form a special temporary data hedge space. In their view, it was a nightmare. The best way. Moreover, although the alienation itself is blended with the doomsday truth, the fifty-one district is also divorced from the appearance, and each party has its own purpose, but the fight against the Nazis is still the common goal of everyone.

What I care about is that pushing the mutation will hurt many patients. These patients have done nothing wrong. They are just being sacrificed by the conspiracy. If it is said that "having a mental illness is a sin", then, I absolutely cannot recognize it. Therefore, I expressed my hope to these people: whether other methods can be found, which can not only combat the Nazis, weaken their power, subvert their control of the repeater, but also reduce the victims as much as possible. Assuming that there is no such best solution, then. At least I hope that those who can come to the shelter can really get shelter.

Faced with my plea, the mysterious experts kept a consistent silence. I can see the naivety and doubts that tell me from their eyes. I am very clear and understandable. Now that the incident has developed like this, it is not a question of "want or not", but the result of conspiracy and entanglement by all parties. They belong to the team, even when their team is complete, they never feel that their own power can Resist the mysterious organizations of other parties, and forcefully reverse the situation to the way they want.

It is precisely because there is no such power. It is only hoped that when one can push the event towards a given direction, one can take a slice of it. Even so, it was themselves who was the first to be hit. If the team didn't touch me, it might be out. In my opinion, it is precisely because of my understanding of the real situation and my compensatory psychology for helping out. They can't say harsh words, but just keep silent.

perhaps. In their eyes, as a mysterious expert, I should have never had these naive thoughts. In a mysterious world, survival is too cruel, and there are many people who want to protect. It is also a luxury. It is precisely because the "mystery" is unpredictable that it is theoretically impossible to have an "absolute advantage". Therefore, we want to use "absolute strength" to change the outcome of the event. It is a delusion in itself. From the beginning, the situation of "absolute strength, absolute superiority, enemies like native chickens and dogs" was impossible under the concept of "mystery". On the contrary, situations such as "it seems that you have an absolute advantage, no matter what you do, the other party has no room to resist" are often just an illusion, and the illusion is also the beginning of failure.

My own past experiences have all verified this fact. Every victory has to pay a lot of sacrifices, and even if a lot of sacrifices have been made, after experiencing a lot of pain and weakness, the victory won is never critical, but at most it is only staged, and the more terrible is, This staged victory in the future will make people feel that it is the beginning of the next disaster. In the face of the doomsday process, the mysterious experts must first face the unspeakable pressure: one victory after another may make people feel relaxed and excited at the time, but in the later time, they often feel It is this victory time after time that drives the end of the day.

As long as victory is not decisive or critical, then there is nothing to be happy about. However, what is the decisive victory and the crucial victory? Even if it is a network ball, it has done its best when facing the Doomsday Truth, then, is it a decisive and crucial victory to defeat the Doomsday Truth? Can defeating the doomsday truth be the same as stopping the doomsday?

No one knows the answer, the prophet may know, but, in the prophecy's prophecy, the momentary victory in the whole doomsday process often does not mean to be "correct".

Victory, but instead let yourself deviate from the goal, and failure, it will let more people including themselves and their loved ones sacrifice-this world is so cruel.

Therefore, I understand that I can't be a hero, I can't save everyone, and even just to protect the people I love and the people I see in front of me, I have exhausted my thoughts and often feel unsustainable. All this is like hell, and I look for hope in hell, but I can't imagine whether hope itself is the torture of hell.

It is painful to have hope, goals and dreams. When studying "mystics", I have always been concerned about the myth, the prophecy on the gate of hell: those who step into this gate should give up all hope. As if, this sentence is the best warning to me. However, I cannot do it.

It is impossible to be indifferent to the person in front of you, and to be indifferent to the misery that the person you care about in the prediction may suffer. Even if his thoughts are so naive, and the reality is cruel, there is no possibility of realizing his own ideas, and he is still stubborn and tries to open up a path.

The current situation is no different from the past. Mysterious experts have recognized the cruelty of the facts, and do not think that naive ideas have any merits. I can't deny their reality, they can't deny the correctness of their ideas, and my persistence may simply be that I don't want to let my innocence and dreams. It becomes useless to become true.

As a mysterious expert, I also experienced many things and witnessed misery and helplessness. How can I not know how unrealistic my desire is?

However, just because it was "unrealistic", I watched. The people in the shelter fell into the dead, which is also something I find difficult to accept. Even if most of the people in the shelters have no close relationship with me, they themselves ca n’t talk about any good people that must be saved. Even compared to ordinary people, they are just a group of "mental patients" . They do not even know the future they will face, or when faced with that future, their mental illness will make them make very human choices.

They are so scared of "the deepest night" now, but when that change comes, will they still be so scared? I am not sure. However, regardless of their attitude, stand in my perspective. I just don't want them to die like this, I just want to struggle. If you want more people to survive, you can leave the peninsula alive, and you can win the final victory with the lowest possible sacrifice.

I need the entire repeater. I am mentally prepared for the end of the world of repeaters, and mentally prepared for the death of my loved ones in this world. The best mental preparation for the collapse of the entire Doomsday Realm is the best. I have the consciousness of encountering the worst. Even so, I do n’t think that with such consciousness, you should let things go. Go in this worst direction.

There should be more possibilities in the future, it should not be a constant sacrifice, disaster, and end, and there should be no other than destruction and death.

It was with such naive thoughts that I faced this disastrous end, a frightening future, and a vicious cycle of rebirth. Therefore, even a crazy plan or a naive idea can be accepted and implemented. And this is also my consciousness, which is the consciousness that overrides the consciousness of "accepting the worst result" and is the consciousness that is generated to "not allow the worst result to appear".

I do n’t think that mysterious experts are too realistic to make any mistakes. I also do n’t think they are naive. What is wrong with the sincerity and effort to find the best of both worlds.

Under the concept of "mystery", there is no such thing as "absolute power", so there is no possibility that "everything is strong can achieve everything." Then, in the face of the end of the process, in front of the "virus", the weak and naive me, there must be a possibility of victory. If the existence of the "virus" is regarded as the source and cause of the "mysterious" existence, then it must be very desperate. However, simply understanding the concept of "mystery" is full of possibilities.

Perhaps this is why I still face the more realistic world of "hospital reality", but still stubbornly believe that hope must be found in the illusion of doomsday.

Because there is no "mystery" in "hospital reality", and there is no "mystery" in the world. Everything seems to be doomed, and the theoretically possible possibility actually does not exist. And as a frail young man, how can he save in such a world? Gao Chuan in "Hospital Reality" can't even save himself. This is an irrefutable fact.

If the "mystery" in the doomsday illusion is based on a "virus", and can get rid of the "virus", and implement the possibility of the "mystery" concept in the cruel real world like "hospital reality", then It must be a "miracle", and relying on this "miracle" will certainly produce more miracles and thus more possibilities. With such a possibility, even if Gao Chuan is just a sick young man, he can save someone.

Probably, as Gao Chuan, I have been hiding such an idea deep in my heart before I can hope in the illusion of doom.

Since the cruel reality of the "hospital reality" cannot restrain this heart that desires miracles, why can't the endless illusion full of countless possibilities of "mystery" contain innocent and crazy ideas?

I think so, maybe, it is not approved. No, perhaps it should be said that these mysterious experts in front of me, can not understand my thoughts. What they saw me was just a naive boy, even if I rescued them, they also called me "Mr. Gao Chuan" respectfully.

"You don't want to tell me what the overall plan looks like. It doesn't matter." I said to them: "However, let more patients come in. Use them to complete the sacrificial ritual, to a certain extent. The liberating power of the night is used to achieve subsequent goals. This is the key to the plan, right? "

They remained silent. I do n’t mind, not at all. Because, I know very well. Why are they silent.

"So, why must the sacrifice be these innocent patients?" I asked in reverse: "In fact, the plan needs more than ordinary patients. These ordinary patients are just failed products of the test, right? The entire sacrifice requires more people with mystery. In the current state of the world, it is a large number of electronic demon messengers. Even specific electronic demon messengers. They are based on the mystery of this repeater, spiritually The distortion is the key to complete the sacrifice. What is happening in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, the research hosted by the seminar, is actually to transform the mental patient into a medicinal devil messenger or specificity that the sacrifice is urgently needed by means of drugs The electronic demon messenger, just in this process, can not avoid failure and runaway. You. Expect the drug "paradise", no. It should be said that the seminar named this drug "paradise."

The clues obtained now are enough to connect together to form a "truth": although from the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li, the "paradise" pharmacy made by white Claudia is used. It has a special meaning and role. However, the intervention of the mysterious organizations of the parties on the seminar has shifted the research direction of "paradise", which is in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li. This deviation is vicious and is the result of the spirit eroded by the white Claudia. The deviation of the research direction is inevitable. For all mysterious organizations, the ultimate "paradise" is the medicine that transforms the mental patient to meet the sacrifice requirements. All the weird actions and abnormal events that occurred in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital are nothing but the entire transformation process, and the inevitable failures and temporary out-of-control are nothing more.

Then, in the process of determining the medicinal properties of the drug and transforming the patient, the treatment faced by the patient as an experimental body is of course inhumane. They will die or they will fall into a nightmare. But for the mysterious organization, even if they survived the nightmare, it was nothing more than a failure and residue of lingering panic. Even so, they would not let them die so uselessly.

Make the best use of everything, this is the future facing people in the shelter.

In my opinion, the practice of the mysterious organization is cruel and does not possess the glory of human nature and common sense morality. However, this is indeed the normal state of the mysterious circle, and it is also the principle of "existence must be justified".

It is difficult for me to stand at the height of human nature and morality and condemn them, because I have not stood at that level.

However, although it cannot be condemned, it does not mean approval.

Maybe one day, I will act more viciously than them, but at this moment, I still feel that I can't ignore this and ignore it, and even take the initiative to participate in the promotion.

If a reason other than "morality" is needed, then the reason "Dr. Ruan Li is opposed" is sufficient for me.

Dr. Ruan Li opposed the seminar ’s current research direction, seeing them as “infectors of white Claudia” and standing on the opposite of all mysterious organizations. She has only one person, how can I ignore it? In addition, Marceau is also a specific electronic demon messenger. It is also the main experimental body of the seminar. One of the seven routine patients, I take it for granted. There is no possibility to sit and watch her as a sacrifice.

"Since Mr. Gao Chuan can think of these ~ ~ why can't he understand our pains?" Anna, who has revived, said: "We are facing the actual controller of this repeater, we How much are the odds of these outsiders? We are like little mice that have actively entered the cage. What we are doing now is just to improve the odds, even if it succeeds, we only grasp the possibility of success. Well, and if we do n’t do this, what we face is nothing but vain death. And once the final victory is not achieved because of the mercy of the moment, is n’t it ridiculous? Those sacrifices made before, those What is the victim who fell halfway for the final victory? "

"Mr. Gao Chuan also killed the people in the ranks. Do you think their death is of any value?" Another mysterious expert stared at me, his eyes as calm as the backwater: "If we fail, then Their death is meaningless and worthless. Although there are no acquaintances among the dead, I might die one day as they did, just because their death is worthwhile and their own death. It ’s valuable, and I do n’t want to give up my current plan. Even if Mr. Gao Chuan is a life-saving benefactor, I wo n’t flinch. ”

I looked around at everyone, all mysterious experts, with calm faces, all with the same consciousness. As long as they can make the plan more likely to succeed, even if they want to sacrifice innocent people, they will never hesitate. They are not without humanity, morality and compassion, but they are ready to bear this vicious preparation. (To be continued ...)

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