Even with the influence of spiritual epiphytes, the mysterious experts still have no deviation in the execution of their own plans. I deeply understand that they made this decision at first, which was not a hasty mentality, but then again, this plan is related As for their own tasks and lives, as they say, it is related to the value of themselves and their companions. When the plan is launched, there is no possibility of turning back. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙ article [, this is a kind of stubbornness based on human nature, I also have the same stubbornness?

After all, as a mystery expert, I am no different from other mystery experts. We are essentially similar, so that we have the same identity.

Under the guidance of the mysterious organizations of all parties, the seminar gathered the selected mental patients on this special peninsula, and the nominal belonging of the mental hospital established on this peninsula is also a specific electronic demon named "Dallas" messenger. This comes from the harsh will and mystery of the group, which develops and uses the nightmare of "The Deepest Night". All the sacrifices will be adaptively adjusted in this mental hospital, using mental patients as materials and "paradise" as medicine. In the course of this experiment, even the failed products in the middle will be dealt with in the spirit of making the best use of them without wasting anything.

In the ruling bureaus that existed in the past, "people" were used as raw materials to create fog to satisfy the mystery of the ruling bureau. Even if the ruling bureau has collapsed now, the relevant technology left behind will continue to influence people in the future. In the current Doomsday Illusion, almost all mysterious technologies can be found in the ruins of the ruling bureau. From the "history" of Doomsday Illusion, the development of the mystery has an initial root, which is not "Virus", and it is precisely the "rule." Only focus on the world outside the illusion of doomsday. There will be other explanations, but for everyone who can only observe the illusion of the end. The mystery they have today cannot avoid the route that uses "people" as the raw material, because this is the core thing they can touch.

Whether it is "human" as a raw material, or "human" as a sacrifice. There is no difference in essence.

Even in this world of repeaters, the mysterious formation and expansion still follow this route. I do n’t think that the “mental patient” is used as a sacrifice after being modulated, and the mysterious power is pried out in the form of sacrifice, and in the technology of the ruling bureau, the “man” is used as the raw material to create fog, and then based on the fog , To achieve the mystery of almost omnipotence. What's the difference?

As the messenger of me, I inevitably devoured the lives of others in the process of upgrading the magic.

Perhaps, in people's eyes, "mystery" is terrible and dangerous, full of viciousness but difficult to resist, precisely because of it. It is based on "people". Eat the same kind and grow yourself. In the process, because of the fear of being eaten, I have identified and positioned myself as a weird person above "human". I feel that I have gained insight and simply observe the end-time illusion without connecting it to other worlds. . The changes that must happen to people who come into contact with the "mystery" and the doom they encounter.

Taking "people" as the raw material is the source of the change from psychology to physiology.

Even so, people who have come into contact with the "mystery" have been unable to let go of such power. Because they have no choice. They cannot find a better and faster way than "taking people as raw materials" to gain the power to change the world and fight for their own survival. Yes, in terms of human thinking, is there a more convenient way to gain power than "taking people as raw materials"? Various mysteries are depicted in occultism, and the source and route of these occultisms are not limited to "taking people as raw materials", but in the end, the mystery described in occultism does not exist. It is precisely because no one has ever found a way to obtain mystery beyond the path of "taking people as raw materials", so the descriptions in occultism only stay in the meaning of "description" and "philosophy".

Of all the imaginable forces, only "taking people as raw materials" is achievable, and the effect is fast and good. If others do this, but do not do it themselves, then they will fail and become the raw material of others. If you don't do this, even with the idea of ​​saving the world, there is no power to do it. If you don't do this, you can't fight the threat of the end.

So, has anyone thought that "taking people as raw materials" may be the beginning of the end? Does the collapse of the ruling bureau have a deeper hint? I have thought about it, and I also think that not only me, but almost everyone who tries to understand "mystery" in depth, will definitely think about such a problem.

However, as I have seen. Even when aware of such a possibility, no one can escape from this viciousness, because, when exposed to such "mystery", from the moment of gaining power, they have to bear the corresponding evil results, and want not to contact such " "Mystery", reopening another path, but it is completely impossible. Perhaps, in the illusion of doomsday, there has never been a so-called other road. If you want to obtain "mystery", you must "use people as raw materials." Without mystery, of course, there is no way to stop those mysterious and vicious.

This is a cycle of despair.

Even so, there are still people eager to find a way to save themselves and save the world in this desperate cycle. They are not just conjectures, they have already practiced them personally, and the results of practice are often unsatisfactory, or they may bring even more terrible disasters. However, practice is the only standard for testing truth. How can we open up new paths if we do not practice? No one can be sure that he is correct, but everyone has the right to test whether he is correct. I think that such an idea is the reason why the mysterious circle is so chaotic.

I am also practicing my crazy plan.

The same is true of the people in front of you.

Their goal at this stage may not be to open a new path and break away from the vicious circle, but at least on the point of "trying to save themselves and then the world", their will does not need to be doubted. Treat innocent mental patients as sacrifices. It is their choice. To complete this brutal plan, there have been too many sacrifices. If they give up and fail, then. Mispronounced that their choices were wrong, and are those sacrifices worthless?

What's more, this is not just as simple as "error" and "no value", and the consequence must be "all of you will die". In this way, wouldn't it conflict with the goal of "save yourself, save the world"?

I know very well that if I want to persuade them, I must propose better. More feasible plan. It ’s not just the mentally ill, but all the mysterious experts who are executing this plan, and it ’s necessary to make the dead worthwhile, and then defeat the Nazis and save the world—however, I ca n’t propose such a plan . I can't be a real hero. It is precisely because I cannot save everyone, such a plan. It has exceeded my own ability.

If I just use my mouth and my belief in a rib, tell them: "I must have a way." Then I tried my best to stop their plans. Well, it is the biggest deception and hypocrisy. Because, I do n’t have any evidence to prove that "I must have a way. I can succeed." In my mind, from the beginning, there was no such plan that could save everyone, but instead. There is a crazy plan that "Even if all people die, they must succeed".

Therefore, in the face of the eyes of these mysterious experts, I can no longer persuade. I know clearly that my words are pale and weak, that there is no basis for people to believe, and that there is no power to incite people's hearts.

"Even so, I will not agree with you." I said so. Yes, even if there are many reasons, I should be consistent with them, to fight against that terrible Nazi. However, these reasons can be solved with only two names: Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau.

Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau will be victims in their plans. This alone is enough for me to stand on their opposites. Although I cannot say great reasons, I can always tell personal reasons. I can't be a hero for everyone, but at least, I hope to be a hero for some people.

This is the consciousness that has been made from the past illusion of doomsday.

"It's a pity. Mr. Gao Chuan, we thought that we could let go of everything and support you with a gracious attitude." A mysterious expert said, full of regret.

"What does cyberball mean?" I looked at the connector. The connection between her and me to release the joint signal is more based on the will of the netball than the will. Although the plan executed by everyone today is a plan, to a certain extent, it can not be equated with the plan of the network ball.

"On this battlefield, cyberball is not the protagonist. No, it should be said that cyberball has never thought of becoming the protagonist." The connector said: "Mr. Gao Chuan, the reason we got on the line is not because of the plan."

Her suggestion is already very obvious. Although the online ball is also participating in the plan, facing the same goal and standing on the same position, but in the attitude, it is disconnected. They are not actively promoting this plan, nor are they the main planners of this plan, nor are they the key executors, they are only based on their identity in the network, and they are in a relatively neutral position. It is also because of the special nature of cyberballs that it can stand in this relatively neutral position.

"So, is it okay to hold you in charge of others?" I said.

"If you can't say it, you will also be coerced?" The connector person smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Gao Chuan's power is very scary."

"Yes, since I was opposed by asking everyone's opinion, I would have to use hard means. Just as everyone wants to persuade me to let the plan continue, but for some selfish reasons, I must object." I looked at everyone calmly and said to them word by word: "Relax, I will not kill everyone, but even this way of doing things will put you in danger, but there is no way to do it. "

Almost at the same time, all but mysterious experts who could act, except Junctioner and Anna, had already begun to act: either approach me, or evacuate to the Quartet, under the hot sky, in the ashes of snow Because of the mysterious power, various strange phenomena have emerged.

And in these phenomena that may be attacks, defenses, or blindfolds, an invisible high-speed passage stretches like a python and wraps around these mysterious experts.

"Finally, pray for your luck." I said to them in a quick glance.

Before this sentence reaches their ears, the outcome is already decided. Because at this moment, I am faster than the voice.

All the people who are flying, all the phenomena that are happening, the ashes scattered in the sky, the flying sparks, and the expression of people's eyes changing dramatically, the time required for all the movement processes seems to be lengthened. In the perception of chain judgment, I feel vaguely aware of what kind of results these changes will eventually achieve, but before this result comes out ~ www.readwn.com ~ changes that I do not want will be aborted.

I was racing in the invisible high-speed passage, and the long knife and sheath hit every mysterious expert who tried to resist. When the moment of escaping from the rapid sweep, people were shooting like a blooming flower in all directions. The heavy blow was completed before they reacted. The power of the Level 4 Mageweave messenger directly acts on them, making them feel pain, twist, and then coma. Most of the "mystery" they released was extinguished before the effect was produced, and the rest erupted near or far from me. It's difficult to describe these chowder-like phenomena. The effects of these mysterious forces affect each other and appear very chaotic, but before reaching me, I have swept again and returned to where I was.

Anna held out her hand, and these chaotic effects immediately shifted, but in turn caused a greater impact. The mysterious experts who had fallen to the ground once again tasted the bitterness. Those who had not been completely comatose were also completely comatose. Sure enough, Anna's "deviations" are vicious.

"It's really a mess." The jointer looked at the unconscious person on the ground and could not help shaking his head. "Mr. Gao Chuan, John Bull said, you are the most difficult person to cooperate with."

"Isn't this great?" Anna smiled slightly sickly. "The deviation is starting to increase." (To be continued ...)

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