Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1309: shelter

I walked down the stairs until we couldn't watch each other, stopped, and used chain judgment to sense their movement. Although the information obtained from the Black Block allows me to observe the more essential content of this nightmare from the perspective of the reality of the hospital, and realize that the situation is just something desperate, but after all, I have experienced so much. The mystery, weirdness and horror of the people ’s will are not enough to shake my mind. Moreover, from the perspective of the hospital's reality, the suspected situation does not mean complete truth in the theory of "real side". If from the perspective of this repeater world, or even the perspective of the illusion of doomsday, go Looking at this nightmare, there are still many unsolved mysteries. Even if you connect the scattered clues together, the answers you get will also be inconsistent with the so-called "truth" seen from the reality of the hospital.

Among them, I think the biggest contradiction lies in how Dr. Ruan Li in the world of repeaters views the relationship between this nightmare, towers and black blocks and the reality of the hospital. Her position and observation angle are almost opposite to that of Dr. Ruan Li in the hospital.

Another contradiction lies in the Nazis themselves. The Nazis controlled the Las Vegas repeater and had the ability to carry out in-depth transformation. It has been undoubtedly that the environment of this repeater world can also be considered to be intentionally caused by the Nazis, and all exist in this world. The various organizations of the world, and even the mysterious organizations of this world, cannot theoretically escape Nazi monitoring and macro-control. If the Nazis ’ability to control the world cannot reach the theoretical value. That can't be expected because they don't have enough abilities, but in my opinion. It was because the Nazis had sufficient understanding and absolute self-confidence to judge the development of the situation, and then made trade-offs.

In this way, it must be considered that the Nazis are very likely to know the existence of this nightmare, and it is entirely possible to estimate that the mysterious organization will use this nightmare to do something. I don't think the Nazis will completely ignore it. However, it did not find too many traces of the Nazis' involvement in this place, which is very strange.

What did the Nazis think of such a nightmare that existed in the world of repeaters under their control, and the information about the reality of the hospital transmitted by the black seat in the nightmare tower? I was in a huge sphere that looked like the sun and the moon. Feel the existence of the nightmare Las Vegas, so how does this nightmare have to do with the nightmare Las Vegas?

Is it possible to observe this nightmare and tower from a Nazi perspective and draw completely different conclusions? Is it possible for the Nazis and Dr. Ruan Li of this world to have everything in the hospital? Is it a dream or an illusion?

Yes, when I set myself up as a resident of this world of repeaters, or even just a resident of this nightmare. Everything except this nightmare is indeed sometimes a dream. An illusion, a special phenomenon due to the arrival of the end of the world, a terrible mutation that occurred due to the arrival of the deepest night.

Some people stand at a certain position and angle and feel that something that cannot be explained is replaced by another position and angle. As now, from the perspective of the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, the number and existence of the hunters and aborigines who came to the tower are actually difficult to explain with "patients taking new drugs". Imagine the behavior of a mental patient in ideology, of course, should also reflect many abnormalities, and should not only be described as "victims of the deepest night". The so-called hunters are also extremely systemic, inherited and active, and cannot be explained by the reason that "hunters are also peninsula mental patients".

So, if these weird, hunter and aboriginal people are not just the patients who took the seminar's new drugs in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, where did their source come from? The real information of the hospital in Black Block gives the answer: nightmares, towers, hunters, aborigines and the deepest night are all derived from Dr. Hawke ’s research and test patients. But this answer is extremely unreasonable from the perspective of the Nazis and from the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li in this world.

The more I experience, the more I see, the more I think, the more I feel the complexity of the environment I am in. When I think I can straighten out the so-called "mapping relationship", I will notice , My own perception is just the tip of the iceberg. The "true side" theory is current, and it can still tolerate and explain what I observe, understand, and feel, but maybe one day, it will also face the end of collapse.

Because it is impossible to straighten out the relationship between these worlds, events, human beings and non-human beings, even if you want to solve the problem from the source, you cannot do it.

Until now, in fact, I have been unable to confirm which side of the world's events and characters are the root of everything. All I can do is try my best to sort out and solve all the problems that I can observe and happen to meet according to my own plan.

The hunters and aborigines standing outside the door eventually gave up after entering the door. I think those hunters seem to know some things behind the door, so they are so hesitant. Maybe when the deep night makes them desperate, they will desperately try to find a way to deal with the deep night from the "truth" behind the door? But now, in the face of the deepest night that has just begun, these people are still lucky, unwilling to open the door. In fact, as the old hunter said, even if they opened the door and saw the so-called "truth", they would only gain deeper despair.

The impact of information from the reality of the hospital is enough to forcibly distort their three views and their perception of themselves, forcing them to have to look at the problem from the perspective of the hospital reality, but from the perspective of the hospital reality, it is the most It is impossible to solve the problem. Everything in the hospital's reality is very real except for the "virus", but because of this, it is even more desperate when facing the "virus". I used to live there, but now I live in the illusion of doomsday. In turn, observe the reality of the hospital and realize more deeply. It was a "world without miracles".

In such a "world without miracles", no matter how human beings struggle, they cannot resist the spread of "virus" and the end of the world.

Therefore, "Gao Chuan" must struggle in this "doom illusion", trying to take the miracle out of a illusion that exists mysteriously and is therefore theoretically more uncertain. Isn't it?

I'm sure these people gave up the "truth" behind the door and turned back to them. In this team fleeing in the deepest night, these hunters tried to protect the residents who faced the weirdness without any resistance. This choice was in line with my values ​​and aesthetics, but if they ignored my advice, they pushed Open that door. Contact with the so-called "truth", then there is no room for recovery. I will kill people who are desperate and crazy, and protect the rest.

The old hunter once guarded this door and prevented people from contacting the so-called "truth", which was not untargeted. but. I can't stay here and take over the old hunter to do this kind of thing. My old hunter's choice and path are completely different after all. However, I will not completely abandon the tragic events that will happen in front of me.

Fortunately, these hunters seem to know something. It wasn't because I walked out of the door intact that I had left my advice behind. I am very clear. When I opened the door and contacted them, they were extremely nervous. Now thinking about it, this tension is not only because I am a stranger, but also because they are scrupulous, I am another crazy hunter.

They made the right choice that I think, so I can provide them with more hopeful help.

When I walked into their sight again, the hunter on the opposite side raised the weapon again alertly. I stood ten meters away from them to show that I was not malicious. I observe this team again. The residents who are not hunters are very tired, many people are in a trance, and some people are very slow to respond to the outside world, but their nerves are broken and their mental state is in doubt. And, let me feel that it will continue to deteriorate. Not only the deterioration of the spirit, but also the deterioration of the physical form. Some people's faces, mouths, fingers and nails and other subtle places are beginning to become less like humans.

These deteriorations or alienations are undoubtedly potential threats in the deepest nights without knowing exactly how they will become.

"Hunter, what do you want to do?" A hunter asked me. He wore a leather helmet and could not see clearly, but listening to the sound, he should be a middle-aged male.

"You know this tower?" I asked back.

The middle-aged hunter was silent for a moment, and said: "Knowing some circumstances ... We are looking for the goalkeeper, maybe he can help us." Even if he was heavily covered by the helmet, he could feel his gaze. I don't care, since he knows the situation here, he must know the old hunter's persistence.

"I had a fight with him, but he didn't kill him." I replied in this way.

"Well, I can only believe you. You can defeat the goalkeeper and enter the door, but you don't become a madman. Of course, you are a powerful hunter." The middle-aged hunter said: "So, young and powerful hunter What do you want to do? We do n’t have what you need here. ”Of course, it is quite hostile to say such things. He does n’t believe me yet, which is a matter of course.

"Do you know Old Hawke?" I asked, not caring about their hostility.

"Old Hawke ... Yes, I know, I heard that he entered this door with the goalkeeper." The middle-aged hunter said: "He was one of the strongest hunters of the year, but he was crazy."

"That's about it." I said quietly: "Since I know about Old Hawk, I should also know that he has returned to his hometown."

The middle-aged hunter seemed to think of something, and the hostility had calmed down a little: "You mean old Hawk's refuge?"

Like the old hunters, they called that residential area "a refuge", which is a profound meaning.

"I came out of that place." I followed his words and continued: "I think that place is safer than this tower."

"Of course, the shelter exists only to spend the night." The middle-aged hunter understood what I meant. "Do you want us to go there?"

"Old Hawk is dead, and the shelter has been taken over by me." I said: "While the night is just open, we can still accommodate some people there." I glanced at those who started to get sick . Speaking: "Maybe they will be better when they arrive at the shelter."

The middle-aged hunter exchanged glances with other hunters. Without thinking for a long time, he nodded to me and said, "You are right. If you have a shelter, you may be able to work together to go through this deep night. We don't have much choice."

The hunters are very motivated. I led the way ahead while communicating with the middle-aged hunter about the "refuge". It turned out that the sanctuary did not have this nightmare, but it was the deepest night this time. Suggestions made by Old Hawke. When the hunter appeared, with the hunter's exploration and understanding of the deepest night, he gradually mastered some skills and abilities, enough to protect others while sheltering others, so he gathered people. Open up an area that will not be attacked by weirdness.

In the hunter ’s own sight and the data collected, most of the people who ca n’t spend the deep night are directly killed by the weirdness, and as the deep night deepens, the weirdness will only increase Come stronger. Then. As long as you avoid the weirdness, you can ensure the survival of people to the greatest extent. Such simple ideas have prompted hunters to find a way to avoid the weirdness to the greatest extent.

Every building in the shelter. Every texture, every special decoration. All have special meanings. These things form a whole, and they will release invisible power to let the weird subconscious avoid the scope of the shelter. Of course, it is not once and for all, nor is it possible to achieve the desired results under any circumstances. Therefore, in places where there are shelters, hunters are often required to cope with some abnormal conditions, and the eviction may ignore the weird power of the shelter.

Although Old Hawk was crazy, he was still a guardian of a refuge before his death.

Shelters and hunters constitute an overall defense system for a shelter. However, this defensive system is not absolutely safe in front of the weirdness, and even the weirdness of the deepest night, but it can be said to be quite fragile. These hunters and residents who came to the tower at this time, at the very beginning of the deepest night, were eccentrically breached the shelter, and finally fled to the tower to try to find a safe place to rest, but they It is understood that it is almost impossible to spend the night without the shelter.

You can go to the new shelter, which is like sending charcoal in the snow to them. They asked about the situation of the shelter where I was, and of course they were worried because when the old Hawk died and I went to this tower, there was no hunter in the shelter. Now that the deepest night has begun, there will be more and more weirdness. They worry that when we return to the shelter, it will become a weird paradise.

Although in theory, shelters that lack hunters are very fragile, they can only drive out the weirdness with the pre-arranged forces, and cannot kill them, so that they will accumulate more and eventually rush into the shelter. However, the existence of the old Hawk and the humanoid "family" makes me think that this danger will not appear in the early days of the deepest night. On the contrary, what kind of danger will be encountered along the way to the shelter is even more worrying.

The deep night has already begun, and the weirdness has become manic, and it will certainly attack our team. If there is no overwhelming advantage, it is difficult to ensure the safety of these residents who have already started to get sick. The worst case is, of course, before arriving at the shelter, the residents without any resistance have already died.

Even so, a new sanctuary is still more attractive than staying in this tower, and the dangers that may be encountered during the migration, compared with the future of staying in the tower, do not make the hunters feel afraid, but not Residents of power are also affected by the deep night, and some lesions have occurred, and they can no longer make their own decisions. Hunters, who are worried about these sick residents, have vigilance in their hearts, and listen to the middle-aged hunter ’s saying that during their secret journey to the deep night, under certain special circumstances, the defenseless weak residents, under In a moment, it becomes a monster with great power and terrible special abilities, which poses a huge threat to hunters.

Today's situation happens to be many well-known "special situations", and it is still special among the special ones, rumored "the deepest night". The disease of the residents is basically expected by the hunters, which is why they want to go to the shelter. Shelters can suppress lesions, even if the effect is low, it is far better than no.

These hunters are very familiar with the tower, and under their leadership, we leave from some dark roads and shortcuts. Because they do not follow the right path, from the top of the tower to the bottom, there is often no clear sense of stratification. In some underpasses and shortcuts, I also found the bodies of many mysterious experts. These hunters also knew several of them. It seems that in the past, the two sides have cooperated to some extent.

Although the tower has been cleared many times, with the arrival of the late night, there are still many weirdness that suddenly exist on our route. Some weirdness does not have entity at all, normal weapons are helpless at all, and there are some weirdness. Once ordinary people see it, they will suddenly be crazy, and if they do not die, they will also alienate into these weird kins.

No one knows how many kinds of weirdness will appear in the deepest night, and how mysterious they are. Even an experienced middle-aged hunter has suffered several big losses with caution. When we walked out of the tower, we had laid off several ordinary residents.

Before these hunters entered the tower, they killed a lot of weirdness outside the tower with a strong attack, but under the sky of the deepest night, the weirdness was born again. Although the number was reduced, at first glance, they were more powerful. Big guy. They hovered around the tower as if they were patrolling their territory. Such a scene is enough to make people realize the difficulty of returning home. From the tower to the old Hawk's shelter, the distance is enough for the weird to kill all ordinary residents.

Even so, the hunters still did not change their original intentions, and the idea of ​​going to the shelter was very firm. The middle-aged hunter made a gesture, and the other hunters with almost the same appearance, locked and rushed to their opponents in their own way.

I took a deep breath, but when I pulled the sword into the battlefield, everything in front of me was quickly blurred.

When the consciousness was sober again, I had opened my eyes in my bed.

Wake up! I couldn't help thinking so, sitting up from the bed. There is a sense of exhaustion, like sleepless. The content of the entire nightmare is gradually passing, but the analyzed situation is still firmly rooted in the mind, and the deepest scene in the memory is of course the burning sky and the bleeding sphere when the night arrives. I suddenly remembered that when I first took the drug, I saw that illusion. At first I thought it was a illusion similar to "paradise". Now when I look back, it is against the deepest night, as if it has already been started. Give hints.

Of course, if Dr. Ruan Li knows, he must think that the deepest night is the deepening of the "paradise" illusion ~ ~ is also the collective subconscious influence caused by white Claudia.

Although there is a kind of fatigue that can't sleep well, I still don't have any sleepiness. This nightmare connects all the worlds I have observed. For those who have not yet arrived at the hospital reality, the "truth" constituted by the information of the hospital reality is the most terrible thing. But for me, it is because the hospital reality can be felt in the black tower of the tower, but the hospital reality is no longer as high as before, as if it is the source of everything.

The reality of the hospital is very strong, and it is easy for people to live in that perspective and look at what is happening in the end of the illusion. However, even so high, the extremely realistic perspective is also due to the complexity of the end of the illusion and let it exist The sense of reality has become less convincing. Even so, the tower's black seat is still extremely impressive to most mysterious experts in Doomsday Realm.

When I think about it, the phone on the bed starts to vibrate.

Dozens of short messages are sent to the e-mail box in just five seconds. There are Dr. Ruan Li, some are well-known, and some are garbled. Of course, these text messages have substantial content. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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