Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1310: Imprison

There was no change in the chapel, the bizarre altar lit the candlelight, and the girl under the seat covered her face under the hood and just sat there quietly. She didn't make any movements or feel like praying, as if it were a humanoid figure sitting on that seat. Even if the door of the chapel was opened by someone, nothing happened. But she is not dead, either visually or tactilely, nor by any means. Although I call her a humanoid system, the so-called "humanoid" does not refer to the essence of her existence, but to describe her quietness like a dead thing and a rigid way of communication.

Of course, there is no doubt that she is alive.

The jointer and Anna saw the humanoid system for the first time. After looking around in the chapel, their eyes were clearly fixed on her until I pushed them and signaled them to go in. Jointer and Anna's body is a bit stiff, it seems that it is because of tension, but I am not sure about the origin of their emotions. The two paused, finally letting the door open and heading straight for the rows of benches. As I greeted the mentally ill into the chapel, I brought in the unconscious mysterious experts. It is not an easy task to stun these mysterious experts for such a long time, but since it is done, it naturally means that they will need more time to wake up. At that time, I hope that it will be when the deepest night falls.

But in reality, I can't guarantee when they will wake up. Once they wake up, they may not be disgusted with my approach, but they must still carry out their own plans, so they have to be regarded as enemies. If possible, it is probably the best way to put them back in prison.

A cage, a cage that is difficult to break through from the inside, and difficult to contribute from the outside-I think. Perhaps you can turn to the humanoid system.

I never mind using the power of my peers to seek help from others. I know that there is a limit to my power and there are too many things. It ’s because I ’m not good at it. And in order to achieve their goals. Often need these things that they do not have and are not good at. In the past, I have always received the help of many people, or requested the help of many people, in order to do many things that I could not do on my own.

I am not 100% sure that I can get help from the humanoid system to find such a prison. However, this shelter is special. The chapel and the humanoid system are also special. In the absence of any clues, focusing on these special people and things is also the experience I have gained in my adventure.

I have always understood that fighting power used solely for fighting is not always the key to victory. At any moment, people who look like the enemy often do not always stand in a hostile position, obstructing everything the enemy wants to do as much as possible. Even an enemy with a firm stand, it is possible for certain plans. But the promise to others that they are very unfavorable to themselves is only because of it. The two sides have different perspectives, visions, and methods of looking at things.

My relationship with the humanoid system is the same. Not to mention the essence and secrets of the humanoid system, even if the humanoid system is closely related to the color, all the original intentions are carried with malicious intent to me. The plan is to support the placement of these mysterious experts.

In this nightmare, not many people I can call for help. The humanoid system is already the most likely one.

Jointer and Anna appear to be very cautious, although the two sit on the same row of benches as the humanoid. But she was sitting at the other end relative to her, at a distance of five or six meters. They looked at the side of the humanoid system. However, I think that if you don't lift the hood of the humanoid system and actually talk to her, this kind of observation probably doesn't show the reason.

I ignored the thoughts of the two of them. The quiet chapel became lively because of the influx of many people. The mental patient who has always been quiet and docile became energetic immediately after entering the chapel. They looked at this place curiously, either whispering to themselves or making a mess with their companions. The relationship between mental patients, in my understanding, is not the same as the "patient" relationship under normal circumstances. They may communicate and quarrel, and it looks like they have become acquainted in the hospital. Friends with good feelings, but such a relationship is often an illusion-in my observation, normal friends will feel hurt and hurt for the other party, and similar situations occur in two seemingly friends Between mental patients, they often do not produce similar emotions. The reason why mental patients are mental patients is that compared with ordinary people, when they treat the same situation, the fluctuations on the spiritual level are different.

Therefore, in my eyes, although these mental patients are interacting, noisy, and seemingly communicating with other mental patients, they are still isolated from their own world, and are not infected by other people's emotions, attitudes, and cognitions. . There are indeed many kinds of mental illnesses, and mental patients are not all lonely, but at least in my eyes, confined to this chapel, these surviving mental patients have such common ground.

Although the chapel has become lively, the quiet, deep and sacred atmosphere in the past is like being stirred up and brought up with sand, but it becomes vivid but muddy, but the people around the humanoid system are still mysterious and strange Temperament. The connector and Anna sitting on the other end of the bench also have their own space and atmosphere. Thus, the chapel seems to be divided into three relatively independent spaces.

Although the mental atmosphere of the mental patient made the overall atmosphere in the chapel rigid and repulsed, the vague confrontation was extremely obvious to me.

Even so, I still ignored them until I moved all the unconscious mysterious experts into the chapel and then closed the door. The magnificent and vicious scene was isolated by the gate, which gradually gave the chapel a warm sense of security. It seemed that at the moment of hearing the door slamming shut, even the joint man and Anna, who had been vigilant, could not help but loosen their shoulders.

From the beginning of the nightmare, the danger never really left, and the dire situation has always been like a thorn in the back, and the jointer and Anna can even be said to escape from death. Now that I have come to the so-called "refuge", there is probably not a lot of environment where they can really breathe. Seeing them finally relax some small movements. I couldn't help feeling that I took them here. It is indeed a correct choice.

"Department." I walked to the humanoid department and sat down, said to her: "I need your help."

The humanoid slowly took off the hood, revealing the delicate and familiar face with no expression at all-if it hadn't been there before, it really felt that she was wearing a lifelike mask.

"Ah, welcome back. Dear hunter—" Her tone was, as always, soothing as singing. And rhythmic, mysterious and elegant, "You seem to have grown a lot again. In the deep night that is bound to come, may you have peace. May I ask, can I help you? If I can do it, I will do my best. "

"I need a place to house these people." I calmly waited for her to finish, and then picked up part of the attack and explained to her.

"It turns out that. Do you want them to be comatose until they spend the deepest night?" The humanoid system said: "But this is useless. Everyone will be affected by the deepest night. It's just a difference in size. Even if you hide them, there is no guarantee that they will not be attacked by the deep night. In a comatose state, their resistance to the deep night will be greatly reduced. The unconscious person will never be able to resist The magic of the deepest night. "

"I just need them not to make trouble." Of course I am aware of the terrible night, whether it is the actual encounter or the information obtained from the humanoid system, has foretold the terrible night. Even in this so-called "refuge", with the deepening of the night, how many people can survive is difficult to determine. Those mental patients who consider themselves to be native aborigines are hiding in their houses negatively, although they can also be explained from the field of ideology and psychology. It is regarded as a self-preservation of self-preservation, theoretically. This inner line of defense is also often extremely strong, therefore. It was impossible for me to enter their house before obtaining their permission. However, whether this closed self-protection method can really isolate the influence of the late night is very doubtful.

The Deepest Night is not aimed at a person, a variation of a certain situation, but a change that the entire nightmare world must experience. It is also theoretically equipped with a commanding height that overwhelms any resistance.

In such a deep night, the humanoid system is most credible: no one can escape the influence of the deep night, even in this refuge. Even if it is hidden in a secret corner, in a self-closed house, it is difficult to stay normal for a long time without listening, watching, or thinking, with such negative thoughts. Of course, if these people are mentally ill, then there is no need to think about "normal and abnormal". If they were lunatics from the beginning, the arrival of the late night would only aggravate their illness

Even with such concerns, you should still try it. I have my own plan, and according to the known information, I think about the plans of the mysterious organizations of various parties. I feel that I can roughly see the context of the entire plan. On the contrary, if the deep night comes completely, the changes it has caused may be irresistible to all mysterious experts who are cut off in this nightmare.

Therefore, as long as they are still in action, the plan is still unfolding, "completely come in the deepest night and complete the sacrifice before alienating everything" is the most likely situation.

I just need to imprison these mysterious experts until then.

"I need a cell, let them stay in it honestly, even if I can't protect them." I looked at the human form calmly: "As long as they stay in the cell, they are not enemies."

"I see." The humanoid system no longer persuaded, nodded slightly, as if the chain was off, and paused for a few seconds before lifting his jaw slightly, saying to me, "Please follow me, respectful and powerful hunter."

The action of the humanoid system gives me the feeling that it is a prison like that, which she just made temporarily, not the original thing in this chapel. However, when you imagine that there is such a place in the chapel that imprisons others, the sacredness and sense of security that the chapel gives to people are distorted and turned into other vicious places.

The humanoid system stood up and led the way. The connector on the other side and Anna had been listening to our conversation. Seeing this, they also stood up and planned to go and see with the two of us. The plan to detain these mysterious experts here was mentioned to them on the way back to the shelter. The two didn't care about me doing this, because these mysterious experts happened to have nothing to do with the two mysterious organizations, the Internet Ball and the Torchlight.

The entrance is on the side wall of the altar, but it is not the entrance to the back room. Specifically ~ ~ Before the humanoid system opened the door, the place where it was located, whether it looked or felt, was just a complete wall. The humanoid system is inserted into the wall with no gaps with a simple style key, and the jack appears suddenly in front of it, as if it has always been there.

The wall receded back and slid sideways, leaving a deep staircase, at first glance, like returning to the basement of the log cabin area. Jointer and Anna watched the stairs leading to the underground, frowning as if feeling something. However, apart from having a paradoxical sense of sight, I did not feel hostility and danger at all.

"How about just below?" The humanoid system said: "It used to be a cellar for storing food and debris, but because of the arrival of the late night, in order to protect some people who have changed but cannot kill Before it was modified. "

Her explanation is bland, but it makes it hard for me to truly believe that the basement will appear here, which is a normal, already existing thing. On the contrary, it is more like a place where the humanoid system opened up temporarily by knowing my decision and relying on some kind of mystery. As far as I am concerned, I hope the latter. Jointer and Anna are slightly uneasy. This deep staircase seems to awaken their disgust that has not completely resolved. The two have suffered a lot in the hands of the "talker". However, I did not hesitate to pick up a mysterious expert, grab another mysterious expert, and stride down the stairs. (To be continued)

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