Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1311: Bias effect

The basement of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is full of sight-seeking cages, and the walls are still stone, but complex circuit patterns are carved from the floor to the ceiling. ⊙ Four ⊙ Five ⊙ Chinese ⊙ The popular text is small, the light circulates in the loop, so that the simple stone is dyed with high-tech style, people can not help but think of science fiction movies, people in the Middle Ages accepted the technology of alien civilization, And using simple methods that can be understood by his own civilization, he can restore and reproduce these technologies beyond the civilization. It is like using only wood and stone, assuming that the bridge across the sea is full of extraordinary incredible. What really prevents the mysterious expert from using his own power to break through the cage is not the wall itself, but the light flowing in these circuits. What kind of energy is unimaginable at this time. It is a mysterious product. In this ideological world, its essence can only be assumed as the reconstruction of a certain ideological force.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is just like the gray fog that can switch between the physical state and the ideological state, and by this characteristic produces incredible effects. I guess these circuits on the information I know, this kind of cage structure presented in the nightmare. However, I also know that my guess is just a guess. Before it triggers, it may be a guess. The similarity may be completely different, and it will be determined only at the moment of triggering. In the mysteries I have encountered, there have been many such characteristics similar to Schrodinger's theory of dead cats, and what is more terrifying is that even if it is determined, it can become a state of uncertainty again in a flash.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp From a scientific point of view, "uncertainty" is the closest to "mystery".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The moment I observed this cage, I had intuitively determined that it is very unlikely that these unconscious mysterious experts can use their own power to break through the cage. And the reason is not 100%, because the mystery experts' "mystery" gives them the possibility. The question is whether they can make this extremely small possibility a reality-someone can do it, so the chance is no longer. It doesn't make any sense to it. The miracle in others' eyes is always with them; someone can't do it. Therefore, no matter how big the chance is, it can't be realized, so there is no miracle in his reality.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp no matter what the source of the "mystery". From what angle to observe it, explain it, recognize it, in the illusion of doomsday, it is a terrible, turbulent, vicious but not completely deprived of hope, full of miracles. In this world, "mystery" also means the existence and arrival of the end of the process, but even if there is no ordinary person who has contacted with "mystery". Don't you need to face the end of "mystery"? When "mystery" exists, and at the same time, from the moment of the end, "mystery" is no longer the thing that distinguishes the fate of mystery experts and ordinary people from each other.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp It just exists here, it is a kind of "reasonable" existence corresponding to the concepts of gravity, thought, will and life.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough I keep imagining and guessing, what is the essence of "mystery" and what is its source, and from these inferences, imaginations and guesses. Build your own understanding of the world, however. I also understand that stupidity like me, like all ordinary people, can't really understand such a thing. Full text reading of the latest chapter

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Many times, all you need to know is the simple and stupid view of "mystery is mystery", but when you look at mysterious events. There will be clearer organization.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And my thinking, at this time, is often more like the fool's folly, as if it is accompanied by the innate curiosity and exploration of human beings to produce inferiority.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Yes, I am proud that I can think. But I never felt that knowing thinking is smart evidence. On the contrary, thinking is because there is something that you do n’t know. Since there is something you do n’t know, even if you want to break your head, you ca n’t understand it. Is n’t it proof that you are stupid?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Smart people do n’t have things they do n’t know, things that they ca n’t see, analyze, or understand. On the contrary, they are fools.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I can always experience how stupid I am in various "mysterious" displays, and feel the ridicule from God in mysterious events. Even if I am a mental patient.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp believe me, this is definitely not a comfortable feeling, even if this experience is so mysterious to ordinary people, and I admit that it is indeed mysterious and exciting, and I ca n’t deny it It is definitely not good.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Under the gaze of the jointer, Anna and the humanoid system, I put all mysterious experts into the cage, and then frankly wrote a letter to the front and back and my thoughts in the most conspicuous place to wake them up You can read it later. I do n’t expect this letter to dispel their doubts and dislikes against me. If they are really in a bad mood and have a different idea about my perception, I do n’t find it strange. Even so, I ’m still Hope, among these people, there are people who can understand my thoughts. It doesn't matter whether they understand and accept, or they understand and don't accept.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When I placed these mysterious experts, I also thought that the humanoid system might use them to do anything. I am not sure. The color is always viewed from a different perspective than me, so it is difficult to guess her thoughts. If the humanoid system is related to the color, it must also play a role that is quite mysterious to me. In the past doomsday illusion, she has been playing such a role. But what does it matter? Xie Se has her own plan. She is also my loved one. I have always resented her because she is not on my side.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp For me, there is no better way to deal with these mysterious experts than this practice.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp completely left the basement, the entrance disappeared completely, touched by hand, the wall was solid, and I could not feel it at all, and I might not find this basement. What constitutes the basement is a kind of "mystery", not a simple institution.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What are other patients going to do?" the connector asked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Let them move in the shelter. They will find their own residence." I answered. I saw incomprehension and doubt from the eyes of the jointer and Anna, but it was only because they had too little understanding of this nightmare and this shelter, and they had stayed on pure intelligence in the past. If they were like me, they had been in this shelter long ago. I must be able to understand why I made this decision.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough the people living in this sanctuary look like "Native People" in nightmares, they are not. Since other patients can find their place of shelter in this shelter, so can other patients at the moment. Just like the group of hunters who moved to this shelter not long ago.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Before leaving the sanctuary last time, this group that had returned from the tower had been claustrophobic in the deep mansion compound, not communicating with the outside world at all. Although the behavior became strange and worrying, they found it. This place of one's own residence can also be determined.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As long as the mental patient brought in this time stays in the shelter for a while, it will naturally be no exception.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The jointer and Anna seem to have thought about it. Confine these mental patients with this group of mysterious experts in the basement. But in my opinion, if these mental patients are treated in this way, they will increase the possibility of the mysterious expert getting out of the cage. Although these mental patients always show the attitude of ordinary patients, for a mysterious expert, these mental patients are also an excellent material, especially in an ideological world.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The jointer and Anna seem to trust and are relatively biased towards these mysterious experts, but I must plan for the worst.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Fortunately. Both women are quite reasonable, even if I didn't explain. There is not much entanglement in this topic.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What should we do now? We shouldn't have been here." Anna glanced back at her position and sat quietly in the humanoid system while speaking in a low voice.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Maybe you can try to wake up." I shrugged and answered. The connector has said before that people who enter a nightmare are unlikely to come in and out freely, and I am the only exception they have seen so far. but. However, I feel that I am not a special case. Other people who can do the same thing certainly exist, but they are not touched by them. What's more, either the jointer or Anna. They are extremely powerful mystery experts with "mystery". Their "mystery" means that no matter what they want to do, the chances cannot be completely zero.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Whether they can awaken from the nightmare autonomously depends on themselves, not on me. This time, I have already confessed to them. However, they seem to be so determined that although they resist the nightmare situation, they refuse to stay here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They have been saying that they and others have been involved in this nightmare nightmare, which is definitely not voluntary. But their march and thinking are ready for staying here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I want to know to what extent to the deep night, the sacrifice will start." I turned the conversation back to the topic. The existence of the sacrificial ritual has been affirmed, its purpose has been confirmed, and there are speculations about where it is held. The problem is time. The beginning to the end of the deep night is not a short process. In this process, it is difficult to determine exactly what will happen before there is no personal experience. Just from this nightmare, it has "history" that happened many times to the deep night. In theory, you can refer to these "histories", but these "histories" are not written, and the hunter who is the historical commentator is actually There is no specific knowledge. It seems that after experiencing the deepest night, the original records have only few fragments left, and people ca n’t splice the truth-broken history, terrible deepest The night reincarnation, the remnants of the ruins and the refuge, the danger and the endless weirdness, the hunters who chase the truth and the inexplicable towers and human figures in the chapel. All this is the material that constitutes this nightmare.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These materials constitute many difficult to explain puzzles, but there is no so-called "mystery" at all. It is of course very difficult and dangerous to take advantage of such a deep nightmare. Because, in theory, the lack of information has reached a point where it is difficult to determine the timing. Therefore, I have to think that the timing of the sacrifice ceremony promoted by the mysterious organizations of all parties is determined by some mysterious force, so there is no clue to reasoning.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is the only way to know the specific situation directly from the relevant people, otherwise it can only passively wait for the sacrifice ceremony to start. The mysterious experts held in cages can no longer count on them. Instead, they connect the person and Anna, even if they are humanoid, and they seem to speak better.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If the connector and Anna said that they are innocent and know nothing about the actions of these companions, because they are not responsible for this one-I will never believe it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Actually, no one can determine the timing in advance before the timing does come." Anna scratched her head and seemed to find it a little troublesome to explain. "You can think that the deviation is working, so, the originally fixed track, It has become unpredictable. It is our task to create this unpredictable situation. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "As Anna said. From the beginning, it did not take advantage of intelligence. If you can confirm the timing and seize every opportunity, other mysterious organizations with more information, such as doomsday doctrine or something, must also Can be better. In this way, our odds are actually very low. However, once there is a deviation, no one can get accurate information, nor can they determine the precise timing, then, we weaker parties, There is a chance to achieve results. "The connector said calmly:" So, even uncontrollable deviations do not matter. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Benefits others and hurts others?" I describe it so badly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But ~ ~ The jointer and Anna did not cover up, nor did they have any bad emotions, and the head said of course: "It is harming others. The key is, who loses more."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Now it seems that other organizations have allowances even if they are lost, but they are gone." I said. In this nightmare, something like "Talker" happened. It might be a manifestation of "deviation". Although it did not lead to the annihilation of the entire team, the people who survived are now imprisoned and can really act. , Only the connector and Anna who claimed that "entering a nightmare was an accident".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "There will be. Although you have stopped it, you cannot stop the Apocalypse and the 51st District. With their promotion, the plan will still be completed. As long as the plan is completed, our reinforcements will arrive." The smile in his grasp, "Although manufacturing deviations are detrimental to others, it does not mean that we will not make up for this shortcoming. Mr. Gao Chuan, don't underestimate our network balls." (To be continued ...)

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