Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1312: Bias effect two

The members of Torchlight joining the Raiders of Las Vegas Repeater course are not only Turner and Anna, but the "deviation" that these members of Torchlight can create is not limited to a certain one. Mysterious events or a certain area in a certain period of time, the deviation effect that occurred on this peninsula is definitely not caused by Turner and Anna. Although John Bull ’s letter only mentioned that two members of Torchlight came to this penguin disguised as mental patients, the contact with the connector and the subsequent encounters seemed to suggest that Na and Anna are the two members of the torchlight prompted by John Bull.

However, in this large and complex peninsula event involving many mysterious organizations, the "deviations" created at the request of the cyber ball have already proved the manpower of the torch light on this peninsula.

As always, people in the mysterious circle have a mysterious understanding of the "deviation" shared by the mysterious organization of the torch light. When the deviation effect occurs, no one's plan can be developed according to the original idea, even if the arrangement is made in advance. It seems to be perfect, but there will be mistakes in the execution process. Such mistakes may be accidental enemies or accidental mistakes by oneself. Theoretically, whether a plan is going well or not, the ratios each account for 50%. Although the world is unpredictable, it cannot be completely sure that there are no obstacles, but there is also the possibility of truly smooth execution. However, the "deviation" of the torch light can present all kinds of obstacles and things that hinder smooth execution, and various accidental errors, with a "100%" probability, and then be connected in series, so that the execution is The plan is a little bit out of the control of the executor until it finally collapses.

Until now. After the torchlight started its operation, the deviation from control caused by this deviation was almost 100%. If there were plans at the time to break through these errors later, re-correct and succeed. In hindsight, it's just because. Torchlight itself is also out of control in this deviation from control.

Yes, the "deviation" of the torch light is very strong. So far, there has never been real restraint. However, because of this incomprehensible strength, it cannot avoid being affected by itself. The deviation effect created by the torch light is the mystery that even oneself must be involved, and then even oneself must bear the consequences of both defeats and injuries.

Even so. Torchlight is still a mysterious organization that takes action with "deviation" as its core purpose. Normal people cannot understand their thoughts and codes of conduct. The social nature of the person determines the order of the person. Although the deviation is a link of order, it is instinctively resisted by the orderly people, and the "deviation" The light of the torch for the organization's purpose and core spirit has always been regarded as a chaotic monster by most people-even those in the mysterious circle.

However, even for such a monster organization, there will still be a small number of people who can understand and accept it, and this group of people will become the source of the members of the torchlight.

Human thoughts. It is very wonderful. Human sociality determines its own order, but because of its independence, it subconsciously rejects complete order. "Deviation" may be one of the essences of human consciousness. Such an idea. The more members who come into contact with the torch light, the more they will experience from their interaction and cognition.

Torchlight people are "monsters", but they are not "evil people" in the sense of common sense. They accept deviations, yearn deviations, and create deviations. Such consciousness and behavior seem to naturally possess a kind of mystery and their own Resonant characteristics. Even if it is not consciously exerting power. Just exist there, it can already produce a low amplitude deviation effect. of course. If you do not investigate carefully, this low-amplitude deviation effect is probably difficult to realize subjectively-ordinary people face this degree of deviation. I just think that I am unlucky, and attribute it to myself. But in fact, the deviation of their plan is because the members of the torchlight are moving around these people for some reason. They were not deliberately targeted at these people, but uncontrollable doom radiated on them.

"Deviation" does not directly put people to death, nor is it the death that strikes life cases everywhere. However, at the same time that the deviation effect is generated, some deadly phenomena will indeed occur during the operation of the event. In this regard, the "deviation" of the torch light is often judged to be a vicious force.

Turner and Anna, two mysterious experts under the torchlight, have personally made me realize what a "biased bias is." Turner ’s death, Anna ’s suffering, can also be regarded as the same as the one who made the deviation, and they ca n’t spare the deviation they made.

When I entered the nightmare team together, only me, the connector, and Anna are now left. Such a result is like confirming the warning that Anna had made.

The result is not good, but relative to the overall situation, it seems to be acceptable to the team. Even in the present view, the loss of one side is even greater. However, this point also seems to be taken into account by the online ball. In fact, anyone who has really dealt with the torch light must understand the chaos and losses today-for others, these losses may be unnecessary, but for those who specifically let the torch light act It is said that these losses are at most "exceeding expectations, but still acceptable" losses.

The setbacks caused by the effects of deviations in the plans of all parties should not be the only ones seen now. Where I did n’t know, did n’t realize, and did n’t observe, there are probably many plans already abandoned.

"Yes." The connector has not concealed this information: "Recently, the research of Paradise has not been carried out exactly according to our ideas. The changes of the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital and the deep night of this nightmare are like walking a tightrope Similarly, you will be out of control at any time. Looking farther away, the process and results of the battle that occurred at the halfway break before arriving at the seminar have also deviated. "

Of course I know exactly what the connector wants to express. What happened at that break point, I can't sort out a clear clue, even if I met the doom agent "Carmen" and the past electronic demon "Night Quark". After being told something, it is still difficult to determine what happened at the time. What impact did it have, as if he were excluded from the edge. In any case, it is impossible to walk into the center of the incident.

"At that time, no party had won a real victory, and no one had reap the results they wanted. The plan for the monster deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas was originally intended to try to be completed outside the peninsula, but this is the case. The attempt has failed, so the plan was abandoned. Then the manpower and resources were completely transferred to this peninsula. "

"You mean, the impact at that time was meaningless?" I couldn't help asking.

"Yes." The connector nodded and calmly replied: "So much effort, so many enemies, so many sacrifices. But because of the bias effect, I can't achieve the results I want. So, in fact, we are not winners. No. It should be said that no one was a winner in the true sense at that time. "

"I lifted a stone and hit my foot?" I could not help but tease.

"Even if you hit yourself in the foot, it is acceptable." The connector said: "Otherwise. There is no need for the torchlight person to join. If the deviation effect is too large, the torchlight can't eat it."

"No." Anna said indifferently: "Making a deviation is like twisting a drama. The script was originally written like this, but for various accidental reasons, it was interpreted into another way. Isn't it a very interesting thing? Because it ’s interesting, it does n’t matter if you get involved. It ’s okay to eat it yourself. It ’s necessary to bear the consequences of using “deviation”, I. Anna herself has already been conscious.

"But Turner with you. Also killed in the deviation you made yourself, is this result okay?" I asked, staring at her closely.

"It doesn't matter. If Turner doesn't end his life here, he will also lose his life in what may happen later." When Anna said this, there was no emotion in her face. As she said, she seemed to think that Turner ’s death, which made too many deviations, was a matter of course, an inevitable situation.

Although rationally speaking, this is indeed an unavoidable result, and he may also be mentally prepared to carry it. But I still don't think that such an attitude is correct and normal. It is precisely because it feels abnormal that the viciousness of "deviation" is more felt. This viciousness is not only reflected in the development of events, but also in the hearts of people who use this power.

The people of the torchlight can indeed be described as "crazy", because normal people will not take every fatal doom they encounter for granted.

"I understand, as long as you are here, the deviation must exist." I said to Anna: "I'm already convinced of this." Then I looked at the connector and asked: "So, what do you want to do? Since it exists Deviation effect, then, no matter what you plan to do, in fact, it is very likely to be unsatisfactory. "

"So, we don't do anything." The connector said calmly: "The more you do, the more mistakes. Although 'doing nothing' itself will also have an impact and will cause deviations, but it's better than doing something. What's more appropriate. "

"Mystery expert's intuition?" I don't think there is any concrete evidence for her statement. Although the network ball must have done a certain degree of statistics on the torch light's deviation effect and drawn a series of conclusions, it is not enough to resolve this deviation. How to distinguish between "do something" and "do nothing", which one can minimize the negative effects of the deviation that has been generated on yourself? The answer is: in theory, it cannot be distinguished by logical analysis. However, the instinct of the mysterious expert is to find the most beneficial direction to myself through a mysterious way. Such an effect may really offset the viciousness of deviation to a certain extent.

"Yes." Anna said: "Deviation is biased toward viciousness, and each time the deviation occurs, when solving the current problem, it will also bring about a bigger problem that the original situation does not have. In bad luck, if the intuition is not sharp enough, it will be unbearable and die. But as long as the intuition is sharp enough, even the biggest problem can avoid the worst result in a coincident way. And this is the powerful torch light The reason is that we are not more powerful than anyone, but in the same unpredictable doom, who is more able to persevere to the last resilience and luck. "

"It has nothing to do with qualities and abilities. It is more determined by the keenness of luck and intuition." The connector nodded and sighed. "Although I also value luck and intuition, and admit their importance, it is entirely determined by It is difficult to accept these two decisions to determine your own destiny. "

My view is the same as that of the jointer. Although the plan I am implementing now also has a greater proportion of luck, in the final analysis, this is not what I want to see, but I have to do it. The people of the torchlight deliberately did so. Comparing the two ~ ~ I seem to be more gentle and more active in dealing with my life and fate.

Because not everyone can achieve the torch light level. On the contrary, many people cannot. Therefore, once such a person is born, it will definitely resonate with the torch light and join it. Therefore, the light of the torch never worries about withering away without new blood, nor is it afraid of being weak due to fighting. The internal hearing is very harmonious. Everyone can understand each other, like-minded comrades, and the extraordinary cohesion of the owner. This kind of torch light is exactly this large-scale mysterious organization comparable to the online ball in this illusion of doomsday. It is one of the strongest pillars in the battle against Doomsday Truth.

"I see." I said to the two: "You can do nothing. For me, you do nothing, it's the best. However, if you can, I hope you don't leave as much as possible. This chapel. As long as Anna exists here, it will have a vicious deviation effect on the situation here, so sheltering you will bring bad luck to this shelter. However, letting you act outside alone will also make People are worried. This chapel may be able to further weaken this deviation effect. To ensure that you can really do it— "

I said that, staring into the eyes of the two.

Consciously walking. (To be continued)

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