Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1313: Temporary hedging begins

The conscious walking ability from "Jiang" is extremely mysterious and full of unknown power, but I am not a real conscious walker. Using this ability is nothing more than a half-hanger, unless for various reasons, the trigger is similar to the spiritual attachment. Special effects such as life, otherwise it is impossible to judge whether his actions on the level of consciousness can really completely clear the trap buried by a real and powerful conscious walker. The jointer and Anna once fell into the hands of the "talker", and it is natural that the consciousness of walking on them differs from the consciousness of walking on the prisoners in the basement of the log cabin area. I do n’t think that by repeatedly consciously walking the two of them, you can ensure that in the future, the two will not trigger the hidden dangers left by the “talker” in their consciousness again.

However, in this uncertain result, it is not to "weaken" and "eliminate" their consciousness, but to "increase the limit", imprinting some of their consciousness to promote their subconscious compliance The guidelines can still be achieved. I can't tell how long this effect lasts, but considering the current developments, it really doesn't need to last too long. Once the mysterious events on the peninsula come to an end, and they can live to return to the network ball and torch light, these two mysterious organizations naturally have a better way to "heal" them.

Instead, they are now convinced that they cannot leave this nightmare on their own, and subjectively admit that they do not intend to do anything, but only pay attention to the development of the situation as a bystander, and they will not act until they believe that they must act. In this attitude, I also do not want to exclude them from this shelter. It is indeed possible for the "talker" to deliberately let go of the two, taking advantage of the hidden hands in the consciousness of the two. In the "Trojan horse" way, some bad things were done to this asylum, but this possibility is placed in the moment. It is not enough to justify my deportation.

This is not a rational conclusion, but a more emotional result. Perhaps there are many factors that germinate this sensibility. But it cannot be denied that they are also a factor as women. I can ignore gender in battle, but this does not mean that I have no gender inclination. On the contrary, this gender tendency makes me feel that I am still full of humanity.

Jointer and Anna exerted the power of conscious walking. He soon fell asleep. I placed them on the bench and tore off the curtain fabric to cover them.

It would be great if they could stay asleep until the end of the incident. I think so, but I also know that this is absolutely impossible.

I walked up to the humanoid system, she looked up, took off her hood, and nodded her gracefully.

"Brave hunter, your heart is full of fear and confusion." She said sharply.

This is the negative emotion I rarely express in front of others because. If I am not strong, do I still have to rely on the girls I want to save? Even the color and Dorothy faced their tragic fate without fear. But I never thought that this burden could be put in their hands. Moreover, after all, from the birth of my own personality to the present, even after experiencing many incredible adventures, but on the timeline, I am still just a high school student.

What I can do is only the best of high school students. I have never denied my childishness, just. Even if I am naive like me, there is a destiny and responsibility that must be carried.

The humanoid system points out my inner fragility. This is not strange to me, and I do not want to deny it. In her own heart, indeed, as she said, full of panic and confusion. These panic and confusion come from the incredible adventure, from the desperate end of the background, from the unknowable existence, but also from the idea of ​​forcibly recognizing and parsing all this, also from the inability to determine the truth Pseudo possibility.

I have been using my thinking to create a "theory" for various situations that I can imagine, and take action based on this "theory". However, I am very clear that this theory has no empirical basis. I am just because I have not found something that I can trust more, so I have to believe in my own ideas.

This stupid and stubborn persistence and self-confidence not only stems from the yearning for a better future, but also from fear, confusion and despair. Faced with the ever-changing world, but always at the end, the world is reflected in the "end of the world" process. In many cases, I feel that I will almost completely collapse.

Although the "Gaochuan" will is as strong as steel, even steel will be melted by higher temperature and harsher environment. I have lived to death and have not completely collapsed. I have always told myself that I must persevere, but this will, in theory, does not guarantee whether it will usher in a day of collapse.

I want to talk about it, I want to talk about it, not to let people share, but just to let people know their vulnerability. It's like, when you describe yourself, the ingredients that make you vulnerable will flow out through such behavior. Make yourself more pure and strong again.

Perhaps, I wrote a diary, and there are some subconscious stupidity.

I wrote my childishness, fragility, and anxiety in my diary, and I also told the human figure Jiang. When I was alone, I also imagined that Jiang in my body was listening. People who read my diary, people who see through my heart, and people who listen to my words always make me feel that I am not alone.

Now, there is a chapel in this sanctuary-it may have other meanings, but of course, to replace the ear of God and listen to the voice of man, it is of course its own meaning.

When the humanoid system exists in this chapel, even if she is just a puppet, and assumes more meaning and responsibility, but like a nun, she can listen to the narration of a mental patient.

I was sitting next to the humanoid system, holding my fingers together like a prayer, but I was not praying to any god. If the beautiful **** in the dream really exists, why make this world so cruel? If the **** is not as good as he imagined, then even if it really exists, what is the point of praying to it? I prayed, seeking self-relief with selfishness. To myself and to the indescribable things that may or may not exist to confess my own wish and powerlessness.

I can't be a hero, my heart is full of all kinds of inferiority and thinking limitations that must exist in person. I faced fear and despair, although I never gave up. But this fear and despair have never been ruled out from the heart. In this way, I must also have the reality that I must face and what I must do.

"Will I succeed?" I asked, the humanoid system didn't open, but even with my eyes closed, I could feel that she was watching my eyes. then. Answer yourself: "Of course, it will succeed, it must succeed."

I stood up, and if there was no retention of the humanoid system, I walked out of the door of the chapel and isolated the clear gaze behind the door.

The sphere in the sky like a huge moon is becoming clearer, like the shadow of the crater, if you look carefully. The outline of the building city can be identified vaguely. This huge, cracked blood mouth, constantly creating abnormal spheres. Not the real moon, but Las Vegas.

Two nightmares, pulled by an invisible force, quickly approached. I do n’t think that this is the normal development of the deepest night, nor the power released by the deepest night. So, it is more likely because the mysterious organizations of the parties are active. Pulling the nightmare in Las Vegas. Nothing else, they must be somewhere I ca n’t see. The means exhibited.

The closeness of nightmares and nightmares makes anomalies that exist in nightmares. Became extremely manic and depressed. The ashes and Mars scattered all over the sky are like the illusion seen in the last doomsday illusion, after taking the "paradise", under the powerful effect of the sudden explosion.

I reached out and caught the ashes. Then, just woke up.

When I realized I was awake, I immediately opened my eyes. I recalled the situation before entering the nightmare. It was very abrupt. Before the incident, I didn't even notice the change of signs. The four of us jumped through the window of the ward, and then discussed the next action, and then ...

I turned around and looked around. If they were only forcibly pulled into the nightmare of the deepest night and could not wake up voluntarily, then their bodies should always be found. However, there is nothing but me here. The sick building is just a few tens of meters away, and when you raise your head, you can see the broken window, which proves that we really jumped from there. However, even chain judgment cannot be found, there should be traces of people on the ground except me.

The trace of their presence here disappeared so quietly.

Something else must have happened to them, but if someone really cleaned up these traces and took them away, why would I be left alone? Just because, am I a patient of Dr. Ruan Li? I fumbled for the pocket of the patient's suit, and the phone was not lost, but the sky kept flashing with thunderstorms, and the heavy rain made the signal almost zero. I tried several times and couldn't contact others. However, at least the time can be confirmed, and only less than half an hour has elapsed since the jointer came to them for help and then encountered a strange attack and escaped.

I wiped my face vigorously, but just wiped off the rain, and more rain trickled down my forehead. The rain curtain over the sky makes part of the silhouette on the side of the sick building very fuzzy. After thinking about it, I decided to go back to the ward, and even if I had to leave this building, I could not find another place to go. Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau, who I care about, are hiding in unknown places. The specific location of the psychiatric hospital where I am located cannot be determined.

Under such bad weather and diverse hospital facilities, it is undoubtedly very difficult to find a secret research institute.

I made a decision, just about to start a quick swipe, and I saw the sick building in front of me suddenly twisted. When the scene returned to normal, he was further away from the sick building. I suddenly understood why I woke up a few tens of meters away from the hospital, not directly under the broken window. This sick building has produced incredible changes, like being isolated, actively excluding anyone who wants to enter.

I have a strong sense of sight, an answer looming in my mind.

I re-examined the place where I woke up. If this position is not where we stayed before entering the nightmare of the deep night, then no trace of other people can be found, which is a good explanation. However, more importantly, what kind of changes are being made by the sick building, and how this change will affect the body of me and the other five people.

"This is ... temporary data hedging space?" The answer came to my mind. Although there was not enough evidence, the intuition told me that.

The sick building and its surroundings are becoming temporary data hedging space. Although it can be seen, it cannot be entered in the normal way-it has not been completely transformed, but it has most of the properties of temporary data hedging space.

Has it started? I couldn't help thinking. The changes in front of me seem to prove that what I have guessed is that the nightmare of the deepest night will be combined with this mental hospital ~ ~ and even the entire peninsula to form a temporary data hedging space and become the possibility of a battlefield. become true.

In this way, we have to think that the weird people who attacked us at that time had more than a task to kill them. I am afraid that as long as those ghost-like weirdness enter the sick building, the transformation has already begun. It is also possible that even if they pass the deviation line of Turner and Anna of Torchlight and produce abnormal changes, it is still possible to transform the temporary data hedging space. To make matters worse, those “ghosts” did not have this ability, but only the bias effect, which allowed us to obtain a method of killing them, and also allowed such temporary data hedging space conversion.

Although the reason is uncertain, and there is still incomplete temporary data hedge space, but with this case, I am afraid that the next case will appear soon. The battlefield of this peninsula mental hospital is escalating.

You must contact Dr. Ruan Li as soon as possible, as long as you contact her, Marshall's situation can be determined. I thought so, I didn't try to enter this temporary data hedging space again, turned around and chose a body that could be concealed, and I could observe the nearby location as much as possible, silently waiting for the time to come. If it is not someone who has dealt with the body of the jointer, but the temporary data hedge space excludes me, then such a change will soon attract the attention of the mysterious organization. (To be continued)

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