Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1314: investigator

The temporary data hedging space opened in front of me covers the sick building and the surrounding tens of meters, and this range is still expanding. Each temporary data hedging space has its own entry and exit methods. The entry and exit methods may also be different. If the correct entry and exit methods cannot be found, even if the temporary data hedging space can be visually observed, it will be difficult to have an effect on it. . When I woke up from a nightmare, I was already excluded from this temporary data hedging space, and the formation of such a temporary data hedging space, even though many possibilities can be imagined, but the real reason, it came to me It is still a mystery. Under the current situation, one can think that the formation of this temporary data hedging space is inevitable, and it can even be regarded as a harbinger of situation escalation.

The progress of the situation on the whole peninsula is advancing at an inherent speed, but the change has already occurred. This change is produced under the effect of deviation, so in theory, as long as there is any person or organization, trying to carry out a conspiracy on this peninsula and execute the plan Then, what is happening now is an unplanned situation. However, considering the mysterious organization's understanding of the torch light, this "out of plan" situation is acceptable and predictable.

Although it is not possible to incorporate unplanned circumstances caused by deviation effects into their own plans in the first place, it is presumed that these prepared mysterious organizations must have considered many possibilities, and start a backup plan as much as possible. If there is a deviation in plan a, plan b is started to buffer the bias effect. When plan b starts, the bias effect still exists, and plan b is constantly biased, so plan c buffers again, and so on. Theoretically. As long as the backup plan is endless, then the effect of deviation can be fully included. I think. This is when the torchlight makes deviations while using deviations. The reason for being able to stand in the big mysterious organizations while accepting the backlash of deviation.

A plan is set up with a plan, using its own wisdom to make an endless plan in advance-in my understanding, this theoretical situation does not actually exist. However, if there is a premise, it is relatively achievable. This premise is "time", the deviation effect created by the torch light is often targeted. Especially the limitation in scope and time. This mystery of "deviation" nature may really expand without limits and spread to the whole world in a chain reaction, but this is a theoretically unconventional situation. According to the analysis of the network ball, the torchlight has started this global "deviation" very few times. They are not free to make such a large-scale deviation at any cost. However, if only limited to a certain time, a certain event in a certain place. The "deviation" mystery of the torch light can be used like a conventional weapon.

Therefore, the limitation of the time and place of this event process has become a prerequisite for dealing with "deviations". There is no need to prepare an endless backup plan. Only need to be prepared to deal with this time and place, the number of backup plans until the end of the event is sufficient. Different mysterious organizations have different backup plans according to their planning capabilities, manpower, intelligence and resources. There are dozens of kinds of mysterious organizations with weak capabilities in this area. However, for large mysterious organizations like cyber balls, it is possible to prepare dozens or hundreds of backup plans.

It is because there are enough backup plans, no matter how the deviation effect expands. How it seems that in a certain period of time, things have become very chaotic. And it seems beyond everyone's control, but actually. Before others respond, a mysterious organization such as a cyber ball has already started a backup plan to buffer the impact of deviation effects on itself. The "chaos" observed by individuals in the vortex is not a complete "chaos", but a buffer stage for the start of a backup plan.

As mentioned before, when the torchlight deviation mysteriously starts, every plan, once started, will inevitably produce a deviation, and this deviation reaches a certain level, it will destroy the plan ’s expectations, and must be started. There is another backup plan, which is a continuous and iterative process, but as long as it is within the limited time from the beginning to the end of the event, the mysterious organization has enough plans to cope with this period of time. in.

Therefore, in my opinion, the current temporary data hedge, although it should exceed the plans of the mysterious organizations of all parties, should still be within their estimates, and they will respond quickly. When I woke up and realized the existence of this temporary data hedging space, their backup plan might have started. And their manpower will also arrive quickly.

I do n’t know the exact coordinates of my location in this peninsula psychiatric hospital, or where Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau are. The bad weather and the closed hospital make communication difficult. But, of course, someone can solve these problems. I braved the heavy rain and hid near the sick building, just to wait for the arrival of these people.

The formation of this temporary data hedge space coincides with my judgment on the development of the mysterious events on the peninsula. The more the temporary data hedging space expands on the peninsula, in my opinion, the more it means that the danger to the lives of Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau increases. Dr. Ruan Li knew what kind of environment she was in and what kind of danger she was facing. The reason why she acted alone in this kind of danger was because she thought the danger had not exceeded her ability. However, I also have my own judgment.

Maybe before the emergence of the temporary data hedge space, even if there is a terrible weirdness, Dr. Ruan Li can still protect himself, but once the temporary data hedge space begins to appear, the rate of deterioration of the environment is likely to exceed her ability to withstand herself. Judgment. The deviation effect is applied to the entire peninsula, and the probability of accidents is rising. I think it's time to meet her. If Dr. Ruan Li still has to stay here, and Marceau has reasons to stay, then, even if I can't help them directly, at least I can enhance their ability to withstand stress.

This is like a game with increasing difficulty. When the difficulty suddenly increases, the player will be caught flat-footed, but as long as the player opens the golden finger, he may still be caught flat-footed, but he can still stick to it.

I think. I am Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau ’s gold finger and amulet on this peninsula. If they do n’t realize it, I certainly need to make them aware.

Uproarious rain. On the ground, they formed a shallow stream, and the sky was black. It's like the night is coming. In this fierce world, I hid in the shadow of the rock and used my whole heart to feel the information around this temporary data hedge space. The dripping and splashing of water droplets, the generation of ripples, the leaves wafting in the wind, and the water stains over the soil and weeds ... These details became extremely clear in the observation of the chain judgment. Under normal circumstances, the chain judgment fixed at 50 meters square has spread to a larger range under my active pressure.

I think my head is like a computer chip running overclocked. The heat is rising, which makes people breathe a little, and the ears and nose seem to be bleeding. This negative feeling will only make me feel the authenticity of the power of chain judgment. This is not the first time I have overclocked this ability. Although it is only a "talent" from the division of the ability of the Mageweaver, it is used more overclocked. The more you can feel that it is infinitely close to "mystery".

A minute later, I felt the outsider stepping into the puddle. This movement is like ripples, depicting the appearance and position of the outsider. In my mind, a corresponding humanoid model quickly formed. Two people in the west and three people in the southeast, although the number seems very small, but they should be elites.

It is not only our foreign mysterious organizations and experts who are active in this peninsula mental hospital. The seminar itself was an apocalyptic doctrine that belonged entirely to the spontaneous birth of this repeater world before the intervention of us. Although the doomsday doctrine that controls the seminar is far inferior to the invading doomsday doctrine in terms of doomsday beliefs, beliefs, ideas and scale. strictly speaking. The native doomsday doctrine in this world is more like the predecessor of the outside world doomsday doctrine. Under the management of such an organization with the right place and the right people. The mysterious organizations of all parties are also very limited in their interference in this peninsula mental hospital, so that they cannot do so. Completely destroy the seminar and reconstruct it. Therefore, the entry of small-scale elites is an inevitable choice.

Under this premise, I can understand why there are still many people, plus other mysterious organizations, there should be more mysterious experts, but in actual contact, they are often the few. Even if the situation has developed to the present level, even temporary data hedge space has emerged, but there are still only three or two big cats and mysterious experts.

A total of five mysterious experts in the southeast and the west cannot simply observe this temporary data hedge space without doing more. However, this number is relatively poor compared to the total number of manpower deployed by the mysterious organization in this world of repeaters. Not to mention, this group of people cannot control the entire mental hospital vigorously, but can only lurking in the hospital for underground activities in disguise.

Including the connector, the five mysterious experts I have seen are all like underground activities, which of course is not without reason.

I think that for the five people who came to this matter, this complicated reason must also be observed. They must act secretly, and this will become the reason for their capture.

They quickly stepped into the most sensitive range of chain judgment, and their image began to clear in my mind. I leaned against the rock and sat in the shadows, observing their actions.

"It turned out to be a bias effect. This temporary data hedging space is not planned." They seemed to know each other, and the person who spoke was talking to himself, and it was like talking to the other four people. However, this does not mean that these five people are friends of the same mysterious organization. Although I didn't meet directly and had no basis, I still believed in my intuition. The two in the west are one group, and the three in the southeast are another group, and the two groups are not companions under the same task and belonging to the same organization. Don't look at how they get along at this time, but I think that between the two groups will always be turned over because of a trivial matter.

But before the situation that was enough to generate and expand disputes expanded, another person interfaced: "It is impossible to determine the cause of the formation of temporary data hedging space."

"Can you judge its internal nature and estimate the interference it can cause?" Another asked.

"Unless you can go in." One of them said so, his hands pressed to the ground. The water on the ground seems to be guided by a force, flowing in a complicated and regular route. He seems to be trying to see if he can crack this temporary data hedging space. However, when the running water touches the edge of the temporary data hedge space, it immediately becomes pure rainwater and no longer has any unconventional power.

He began to increase his strength. The kelp-shaped electronic demon is emerging from the shadow under his feet. Even so, there is no alternative but to use this temporary data hedge space. As the scope of temporary data hedging space expands, they have to retreat.

"It's a vicious deviation." A person watching from the side laughed bitterly: "While solving the current problem ~ ~ planting a worse foreshadowing for the future-this temporary data hedging space is probably based on a plan The deviation effect is the premise, and the resulting vicious result? We can't solve it. We can do it, just recognize its existence. "

"However, a detailed assessment of this temporary data hedging space is still necessary." The first man who opened his mouth wiped his face and shook off the rain in his hands, saying, "I know where this is and the residents inside have already Confirmed that it is a routine patient called Gao Chuan, but also has the identity of a mysterious expert. "

"You think he was locked inside?" The man next to him asked, and then pulled out the knife that was not attached to his waist, and looked to me, "Come out, little mouse."

I don't know what kind of ability he used, but it should have really found me. After he called three times, I confirmed this and then turned out of the shadow of the rock. Except for the person who found me, others seemed a little surprised, and then became alert again. Their subtle facial expressions and movements could not avoid the observation of chain judgment in such an environment.

"So, you are Gao Chuan?" The person who found me changed calmly and cautiously before changing the proud tone.

Obviously, he knew a lot of information about me. (To be continued)

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