Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1315: Draw a knife

I do n’t know which mysterious organization these five people belong to, but their eyes reveal a message: they know some of my information. In a mysterious world, intelligence leaks are almost commonplace. Their eyes are searching and vigilant. I know that they do not completely believe the information they get. This is also a common problem for most people, or it is a good habit. To recognize any thing, you must have a reference object, but if you have not really touched the thing you want to recognize, but just listen to the judgment made by others using the reference objects recognized by both parties, it is recognized by itself Know, it is still difficult to form an actual impression.

I don't mind any temptations they have made to me, and the various attitudes they have shown before this. After all, when they know who they are before, they can only make a vague judgment based on their personality and cognition. They don't know me, so they despise me, or they don't choose words, but is this not the norm?

When I stepped out of the shadows and faced them, the attitude of these five people suddenly turned 180 degrees. The reason for their temptation and vigilance, in my opinion, is that they can't scorn my performance.

In my eyes, even if they took up their weapons and made an attacking attitude, this kind of attitude that only held the posture but did not move forward, more or less, allowed me to guess how much they knew about me.

"So, you are Gao Chuan?" The man who found me changed his arrogance before and became calm and cautious.

"I am Gao Chuan." I said, "Who are you?"

"Why are you here?" The man's tone was as if I shouldn't be here. His attitude reminded me of the effects of deviation. Perhaps I shouldn't be here in their own plans that he knew.

"This question is really stupid." I answered calmly.

"So, it's the bias effect again? It's really unlucky." A person with a bitter smile before lamented the bias effect again. "Mr. Gao Chuan, it's embarrassing for you to do this. You know, we don't want to be with a The Level 4 Mageweaver becomes an enemy. "

"Enemy?" I chewed the word. In fact, before he admitted that he was an enemy. In my eyes, they are only half as likely as enemies. Although it is an unknown and mysterious expert, but if you can. I still hope to have a good talk with them and get what I need in a temporary cooperation. The vortex on this peninsula has begun to make people involuntary, and the appearance of deviation effects will always let all parties lose absolute control over their own plans. Be very sensitive to some people with special status. Even so, I would be very happy if I could just use my mouth but not my hands.

However, since the person in front of me said what I was doing at this time, and made them feel embarrassed, they had fully expressed his own position, or the position of the five people here. The so-called "who doesn't want to be an enemy with anyone" actually means "will definitely become an enemy", just because "you don't want to be an enemy", so this bitter expression appeared. of course. I do n’t think that the other party ’s bitterness means that they have a desperate original intention, or they think they have insufficient combat power and feel helpless about their situation.

In the final analysis, it is theoretically impossible to confirm the superiority between the mysterious experts without using real life as a bargaining chip. Appearance, expression, dress, etc., these factors constitute the impression on people. In many cases, it is just a trap. However, for those who have just stepped into the mystery circle, they have to face the veteran mystery experts. Because of these factors, it is often impossible to maintain a normal level in combat.

It is difficult and difficult to believe a strange mysterious expert precisely because the information obtained during face-to-face conversations and observations may be just a disguise. Although it cannot be said. It's all like this, but as long as you believe in the other party and win the bill, it is a terrible situation.

What's more, the person in front of him, even with the expression of "I don't want to see me here", has a very opposite attitude, but it is not deliberately concealed at all.

They can come here in time, it seems that they know the situation here in detail, and produce different emotions for the deviations caused by this situation, all of which make me have a deeper guess about them.

"Anna, they are in a nightmare, are they the hands and feet you did?" I asked directly, and then stared at their eyes, the power of conscious walking had been activated. Even if I stare at five people at the same time, I can still complete the conscious walk of the five people simultaneously. If they have no special ability to protect their consciousness, this battle will become easier.

But as an old saying goes: the facts are not as simple as they think.

Taking the eyes as the entrance and approaching the other person's soul-the effect of such a conscious walk has triggered an invisible rebound. When I pushed open the door of their soul, I immediately fell into a violently swirling vortex. When I was sober, I was still standing where I was, except for a strong sense of dizziness, the five people in front of me disappeared.

Not really leaving, but the attack has arrived. At the forefront is the bullet. At the moment when the brain is about to be penetrated, the speed sweep has already begun. Including wind and rain, all movements have become sluggish, and two people seem to be suspended in mid-air, cutting off the axe at a ridiculous speed. The three who are still on the ground are more flexible. But even so, my advantage in speed is still decisive.

Before the mysterious self-destructive phenomenon they possessed, I waved the scabbard, shot the bullet, and quickly walked through the dense raindrops that slowly fell, passing them by the invisible high-speed channel, one by one, like shooting Just like bullets, hit their stomachs with a scabbard. The mysterious expert who fought back against me while walking in consciousness could n’t even produce a defensive response when facing the rapid rush, and the other four people, despite opening their eyes and full of surprise, also tried to guard There is only one person who can do his own actions, but can really complete the defense.

Moreover, it is a very familiar defense capability.

In the seemingly empty air, huge resistance came, and the strength of waving the scabbard alone at this time could not break through hard. However, when I returned to the original place and lifted the quick sweep, there was room for resistance. A translucent cover suddenly appeared. It only appeared in less than a second, and then disappeared into the air. At the same time, the four people who were hit in the stomach flew upside down like shells. Smashed heavily on the ground, trees and huge stones for decoration. They can't resist the rapid rush, they can already be regarded as withdrawing from the battlefield. Even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't do it at all. So, for me, I can really talk to the opponent. This leaves only the last person who successfully defended the blow.

When the thunder and lightning thundered through the dark clouds, with the light flashing on the ground, I carefully observed the person's appearance-wearing a waterproof coat, a thick and wide belt outside the coat, the overall deep color, just It seems to be integrated with the darkness in the rain curtain at this time. However, his posture is too tall and strong, and he has a special temperament that people can't really ignore. He also wore a hat. The edges of the hat are rolled up on both sides, which has a retro beauty, while the face under the hat seems to be deliberately blocked by the dim shadow, making it difficult to see its true face.

However, as if he did not plan to hide his identity anymore, he took off the hat on his own initiative.

Sure enough, as I guessed, he still couldn't see his real face, because he was wearing a mask and a hood. The mask pattern on the front is not regular, nor does the image represent something, just like it is drawn casually, it is difficult to describe what graffiti is. But the overall look and feel has a ridiculous taste.

Although it is not a familiar pattern, it is a familiar mask.

"Wizard mask." I said to myself. The people in front of them are elite wizards from the doomsday truth. Only elite wizards will wear such a rich wizard mask without wearing a wizard robe. In many cases. The elite wizards that you can see are dressed, spoken, and rested in the same way as the ordinary people around them, except that they always wear a mask, and the mask itself often makes people think that it is their body.

It is the shield-type fog spells that doomsday shamans hold up against rapid attack. The special feature of this spell is that it can be constructed in advance, but it will not be exposed before it is actually attacked, and it can avoid the shortcomings of defending in the face of enemies fighting at high speed. The normal gray fog spell, although ever-changing, responds to different combat and survival environments and has almost the strongest adaptability in the current mysterious circle. However, the casting of these spells takes more time than other mysteries, even if it is only a second slow, it is enough to constitute a fatal flaw. Efforts to circumvent this defect are also often reflected in the fighting styles of the doomsday shamans.

Pre-preparing protective shields and portals is the insurance that these doomsday shamans are best at and the most versatile insurance. Therefore, seriously, the person in front of him is not responding to the quick swipe in time and reacting synchronously, but only his preset shield spell is passively activated.

However, since the shield has been activated, it is indeed difficult to attack the wizard itself without breaking the shield.

In the observation of the chain judgment, the mysterious experts lying around all around are trying to stand up by covering their stomachs. It seems that he has just realized the true identity of this companion who can still stand intact. It is difficult for a mysterious expert to restrain the consternation in his heart, and it is completely displayed on his face. Unfortunately, the five people's previous route has been divided into a group of three and a group of two, and this startled mysterious expert and doomsday shaman are exactly the group of the two.

Obviously being a mysterious expert, but failing to recognize the hidden identity of his companion, should he be said to be the carelessness of the mysterious expert, or is the doomsday shamanist disguise too good? Or, this is originally a tacit agreement between the two parties.

"Does anyone want to work with this wizard?" I stared at the wizard, but asked the other four. If they are human beings, then even if there is a tacit understanding of cooperating with the Doomsday Truth in private, this tacit agreement cannot be put on the table. Although it is not a netball, its own behavior and purpose, and it is not completely referenced to the netball, but the influence of the netball pair is unquestionable. Netball ’s hostility to Doomsday Truth, and Doomsday Truth ’s position in Doomsday Illusion are absolutely not allowed, and there are mysterious organizations that openly cooperate with each other.

I do n’t think it ’s strange that the apocalyptic wizards are mixed with the mysterious experts in the current complex situation. On the contrary, if the team of mystery experts is really pure, how can they maintain their own tacit understanding when there is a clear connection between the two parties? Moreover, in addition to being theoretically firmly opposed to the doomsday truth, the mysterious organization here also has a rather politicized force like the 51st district.

Faced with my question, no one confessed or denied it. This silent attitude, in my opinion, represents this ambiguous connection.

"It seems that there really isn't a guy with a cyber ball." I said quietly: "There is probably no one with torchlight." For the moment, because of the joint person and Anna, I generally only work with them. Respectively, the network ball and the torchlight have a cooperative relationship ~ ~ Other mysterious organizations, even if they are also members, are also strangers. In this way, you don't need to worry too much. Because of John Bull ’s friendship, I knew very well that at this time the internal appearance was distracting, and it seemed to be divided but had to be glued together.

If the nightmare of the jointer and Anna enters into the deep night, it is not their own thinking, but the malicious push of some people. Well, the source of this maliciousness is the people in the 51st area, the people of the Doomsday Truth, or other mysterious organizations in China. It is nothing unimaginable and difficult to understand.

I grabbed the scabbard and the handle separately, and slowly pulled out the long knife. As the lightning crossed the sky, the blade became bright and qualitative.

"It turned out to be a real weapon!" One of them seemed to think of something and shouted: "How is it possible! The patient is prohibited from carrying dangerous goods! And, he did not have a weapon before!"

"Is it true, hasn't you already suffered a blow before?" I said quietly, "Feel the surroundings, and it has also been included in the scope of temporary data hedging."

Therefore, this knife is nothing more than a common weapon temporarily created by the chaos of data hedging. (To be continued.) 88 Reading

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