Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1315: Decapitate

ps: Sorry, the previous chapter number is wrong, the content is not wrong. But now this chapter is 1315, yesterday was 1314, and so on.

Because of my own experience, I am very sensitive to the special phenomenon of "temporary data hedging" in the illusion of doomsday. The so-called "temporary data hedging" is nothing more than the name of the last doomsday illusion. At the time, the people who studied the magic lines and the gray fog discussed all mysterious phenomena in a quantitative way. The principle of the super power generated by the magic lines and the special space named "Apocalyptic Illusion" are of course no exception. "Mystery is an unpredictable and incomprehensible existence. However, if we quantify everything in the world and give it the concept of data and treat it as a computer-like existence, then the process of generating superpowers is foreign data. , And hedging with the inherent data that constitute the world, resulting in abnormal reactions. "Such a view was popular at the time.

It is normal for people who live in the scientific world and accept scientific concepts and modernized lives to look at things they cannot understand with a "quantified world" and "data-based world" perspective. Roughly speaking, data hedging is a process that must begin with "foreign data", and the result is "inherent conventional data that constitutes the world. After the impact of this external data, new data is generated."

And this "new data" is also "abnormal data", which is naturally excluded and corrected by the "inherent constant of the world", so it is often regarded as "temporary data".

Temporary data hedging is the general term for such a beginning, process and result. Temporary data hedging that has achieved results will often present two forms of expression: one is to form a unique effect, and the other is to form a relatively stable heterogeneous space.

The former can also be regarded as a phenomenon of superpower, it is not the superpower itself, but only the result of superpower. For example, high-speed movement superpower, "high-speed movement" is the effect, but constitutes the superpower of the "high-speed movement" effect. What is the nature, and in what way? Reaching the result of "high-speed movement" is difficult to observe and analyze, so it is regarded as "mysterious".

The relatively stable heterogeneous space formed by the latter is called "temporary data hedging space" only because it constitutes "new abnormal temporary data" formed after data hedging, so it is so called. Theoretically, temporary data cannot always exist when it appears. It has been repelled and corrected by a more stable world constant. However, the time and range of such repellency and correction will also be combined with the actual situation, not necessarily minutes, hours or days. People regard the different space named “Doom Fantasy” at that time as an instance of “temporary data hedging space”, and the existence time of this different space can no longer be verified.

The concept of "temporary data hedging space", even if it is the reconstruction of the doomsday illusion. It has not completely disappeared, and I often hear it after I recover in this doomsday illusion. but. In this doomsday illusion, there are other definitions of the concept of "data hedging" and the effects of data hedging. The mysterious organizations and mysterious experts I have seen are not the only ones who do not use the term "temporary data hedging space". They prefer to call it a simple name like "different space". However, the term "temporary data hedging space" is still universal. No one will not understand what the name means by saying "data hedging".

to me. The term "data hedging" is still common in the mystery circle, just like going abroad. But do n’t worry that the mother tongue you are good at cannot be used. It is convenient and full of nostalgia.

I personally use "data hedging" to describe "mystery", and the four mysterious experts in front of me and an elite shamanist doomsday also reacted quickly.

"Is the scope of the different space expanding?" A mysterious expert frowned, somewhat absent-minded. He doesn't seem to be able to sense the data hedging process, no, it should be said, because the data hedging from before to now has not reached the threshold he can sense.

"Really keen. And, can it really be done? Use data hedging to make weapons?" Another mysterious expert stared at the long knife in my hand with an incredible expression. It was this man, who suddenly surprised me before The long knife in question raised questions. Indeed, at the beginning of meeting with them, I did not have any weapons in my hands. This is not a nightmare either. It is difficult to construct weapons out of thin air even with the power of consciousness alone. However, if it is in the process of "data hedging", using the chaos of data to create something out of thin air, theoretically it can be done. However, in reality, no one seems to have done it?

At least, the stunnedness of the person in front of him proves that he has never seen it or thought about it, and there will be people who can use the state of data hedging in this way.

In fact, making this long knife is just my subconscious move. Before actually doing it, I never thought that I could really do it. Although I am very sensitive to "data hedging", this does not mean that I believe I can use it. In the past days, especially before becoming a Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, I haven't even had such an idea. For me, the long knife that was suddenly completed now is a more intuitive perception of myself stepping into Level 4 Mageweave Messenger.

Yes, whether it is to achieve "faster than consciousness", or increase the scope and details of the chain judgment, the control of the magic quark, or the ability to absorb and use gray fog in conscious walking and nightmares. It's hard to make me think that the fourth-level magic pattern is more powerful than the third-level magic pattern. The first-level magic pattern only enhances physical fitness. The second level of Mageweave develops an extreme talent, turning people into real geniuses in a certain field. Compared with the second-level magic pattern, the third-level magic pattern has a transcendent manifestation of "forced development superpower". Then, compared with the third-level magic pattern, the fourth-level magic pattern should of course also have a jumping enhancement.

"Strengthening existing capabilities" is not a leap in my opinion. However, "can he more clearly perceive and use the existing data hedging phenomenon" can be treated in this way, even if it is just to create an ordinary Long knife. For a Mageweave messenger. The enhancement of abilities has never reached the apex from the beginning, and it is not even possible to fully recognize one's abilities at the beginning. So, after making this long knife. I have never thought that this is the limit of using data hedging.

A mysterious expert seems to see through my ideas. My eyes fell on my right hand: "So it turns out, is this the power of Level 4 Mageweave? Mr. Gao Chuan, the world's first Level 4 Mageweave messenger, you are now the leader of all Mageweave messengers." That being said, he took off the black gloves in his right hand and showed me the three diamond-shaped magic patterns on his wrist. This person is also a three-level Mageweave messenger.

Just when the other party was surprised, the temporary data hedging space centered on the sick building was once again expanded. Great power. After excluding the two closest to the sick building, they were almost irresistibly thrown up, and they were caught by two other mysterious experts. When they landed, they could not even stabilize their bodies and firmly stick their feet on the ground. , Keep sliding back, cutting out shallow furrows.

Although only catching up with their companions, their faces are not much better, the impact of the temporary data hedge space when the expansion is completed. Stronger than before.

I faced face-to-face with the elite wizard, and once again divided into two groups, each group of two mysterious experts. He stood on the left and right of me and the elite wizard respectively, and kept a deep vigilance on both of us. However, the mysterious experts who were originally a group of elite wizards obviously couldn't calmly cooperate with the mysterious experts beside them, which proves that the mysterious organizations they belong to are not the same, or even, between each other. There is also no cooperative relationship.

Even so, I can still understand what is now a "cross" position. This is enough to express our mutual position. My confrontation with elite wizards. Still unable to reassure the four mysterious experts. There is a third-level Mageweave messenger among them, and of course we will imagine the power of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger.

If you compare the Level 3 Mageweave messenger with the elite wizard. The two are comparable, so is it acceptable to think that Level 4 Mageweave Messenger is stronger than elite wizards? Although, under the concept of "mystery", power and victory and defeat are not simply the result of such a comparison.

"It's starting again." I intuitively felt that the data hedging is still going on. Although it has become slower than before, this hedging has not disappeared.

"Are you still expanding?" This time, even the elite wizard seemed a little touched.

Intuition is telling me what to do. This kind of use of "data hedging" is limited. First, it cannot be used in the completed temporary data hedging space, because, generally speaking, the completed temporary data hedging space is relatively more stable, and its data hedging phenomenon is weakened to the point that it can be ignored. "Data hedging" is a dynamic process. Only in this process, when a certain dynamic value is reached, can I use it now.

This dynamic value is ambiguous and can only be approximated by intuition and the reaction of the magic lines.

The long knife I pulled out changed texture again. Its bright metal blade is becoming dim, but it is still smooth, like oxidized silver, but this material is of course not "silver", but a material that I think is as close as possible to the "structure" Variety. Although it can't really become a "structural body", the mystery that gives this long knife "solid" and "sharp" can already be done.

Although standing on the opposite side, none of the five people on the scene prevented me from completing this work. I can guess their thoughts, and their scruples about the Level 4 Mageweave Messenger are written on their faces. I think they probably do n’t think that this time they can win me by cooperating, so if they can get it More, the information about Level 4 Mageweave is not a disadvantage.

They want me to show the power of more Level 4 Mageweave Messengers, and the information they bring back will further enable various mysterious organizations to have a clear concept for Level 4 Mageweave Messengers and complete the targeted arrangement. At this time, I feel that it is possible that they have passed back the current situation in real time through some mystery.

"It's really possible to use data hedging, it's a monster-like guy." The mysterious expert, who was revealed to be an elite wizard, showed a reconciled expression and spit on the ground, suddenly stepping on the water stain. When the water splashed, the invisible high-speed passage had reached his side. When I swept away, these water splashes were still blooming in the air, and the mysterious expert's sight still stayed where I was. position.

I passed by him, the blade cut his throat and cut off his cervical spine. When I stopped further away, his head had just dropped, and the blood splattered from the neck and neck showed a strange landscape, like a vine plant spreading out, the roots were blood , Blooming flowers are also blood. The blood and the splashing water merged and immediately spattered again, impregnating a ten-meter-square rain curtain.

The blood-red rain curtain made me feel a different kind of beauty. However, this kind of beauty is corrosive ~ ~ The blood-stained soil was suddenly noisy. If I still stay with this mysterious expert, it probably has become a dead bone. No, this ability to corrode, even if the bone can stay, is a problem.

"Dead?" I asked myself, "I'm not sure." As a mysterious expert, there can be no way to deal with high-speed attacks at all. The enemies with extraordinary speed to face in their lifetime battles can be said to be accustomed to. The difference is just how fast the other party is. Before me, there were many mysteries of high-speed movement, and the same was true after me.

Even if the rapid sweeping method of high-speed movement is not the same as other common high-speed movements, the effect is still similar.

The head was cut off, and the spattered blood vision proved that this mysterious expert is not ordinary.

However, the chain judgment did not observe his movements anymore. His blood bleed to the ground, and the corpse that separated his head also lay motionless on the ground. If he can live, the reason is definitely related to the conscious walker. But this is no longer a matter of concern in this battle. I looked at the remaining three mysterious experts and an elite wizard.

"So, who of you will lead me?" I said to them, "I'm going to see Dr. Ruan Li." (To be continued)

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