Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1316: Victory or defeat

The blood was washed by the storm, and the mysterious expert who separated the body was soaked in water stains. When he was decapitated, the strange blood sprayed the image, making it impossible to determine whether he really died, or that the phenomenon was just a mortal counterattack, if it was an attack, and whether it had produced some effects, just the scene No one can directly observe. However, I dare not be interested in these things. No matter whether the mysterious expert is real or fake, whether there is any conspiracy, he really can't do anything at this time. Because the temporary data hedge reached the peak again, the four others and I evacuated to the distance 20 meters again the first time they sensed the impact. Before these mysterious experts did not realize the existence of temporary data hedging, but now they can no longer ignore it. Although they are not as me, they can feel the data hedging keenly, but it is not absolute.

With a lesson in mind, neither the mysterious expert nor the elite wizard has hurriedly attacked me during the evacuation, and they did not take the opportunity to leave. Perhaps, even if a mysterious expert dies, they can't really think that the gap between me and me is too big to make up. Speaking of which, mystery experts are all such unwilling guys, because they accepted the concept of "mystery", and thus accepted the idea that "in theory, no matter what kind of mystery, there is a chance of victory and survival." And the rich experience of mysterious experts in dealing with mysterious events also proves the correctness of such ideas all the time.

I myself also accepted this idea and acted as a mysterious expert. The so-called "possibility" is perhaps the most acceptable thing among the disasters that accompany the "mystery".

I know what they are thinking, three mysterious experts, plus an elite wizard, even if the two sides are opposed, but under the premise of facing a fourth-level Mageweave messenger, and I had a tacit cooperation before, then. It is not unacceptable to join forces with the enemy again. The mysterious expert who died was just "in all aspects, bad luck".

therefore. I'm not surprised at all. Even when a mysterious expert was easily decapitated, they still had certain attempts, and they did not want to leave. Because of this, I don't have to worry. There is no way to find a lead. In this psychiatric hospital that is secretly manipulated by mysterious organizations of various parties, it is easier to obtain intelligence by finding Dr. Ruan Li, who is hidden for research. Of course, mysterious experts affiliated with these mysterious organizations.

If they evacuate immediately because of scruples, I must still catch up with someone, but now they are planning to take a risk driven by the "possibility", which I absolutely welcome. Even in the face of these four people, and it is still unclear how specific they are, but the clue of the power of the fourth-level magic pattern makes me have extraordinary confidence in my fighting power in this mental hospital that has begun data hedging .

Use data hedging. Even with all kinds of restrictions, it is of course a terrible force, and the greatest imprisonment to limit oneself lies in "imagination".

In theory, the data chaos formed by data hedging can become the basis of any imaginable phenomenon. I made long swords and gave them mystery. In my opinion, it is just the first-level application. I was also thinking about the rapid retreat to avoid the impact of temporary data hedging. Under the current restrictions, to what level can you exert such magic pattern power. The next battle was just a warm-up for the more tragic battles that followed. When all the mysterious organizations complete the layout they want. Turning the entire peninsula into a battlefield, then the opponents on this battlefield are more than just two or three mysterious experts and elite wizards.

I don't know how many people are left in the team entering the repeater, and besides, how many people are left in other mysterious organizations entering the repeater. But it is certainly enough to center on these remaining manpower. In this continuously mysterious world of relays, relying on the advantages of innate intelligence, the increasing number of electronic demon messengers are brought together to form a mysterious organization in this world. Therefore, there is no need to count at all, and it can be understood that the mysterious organization that is rapidly developing at the core of outsiders will only grow larger and larger in human hands.

It is true that the mysterious system used by the electronic demon messenger has hidden dangers and may eventually be used by the Nazis, but before that time, the mysterious organizations of all parties definitely have no shortage of manpower and powerful executors. The mysterious organizations of all parties performing missions on this peninsula, even if they are only a small part of all the forces they have developed, can certainly fill this battlefield.

If you do n’t have the ability to be a thousand riders, you ca n’t afford to be invincible. In the face of increasing fighting, you will definitely become helpless.

Therefore, among the remaining four people, elite wizards must be executed, and among the three mysterious experts, one must be released and brought back to the information of the fourth-level Mageweaver to continue as a deterrent, while the remaining two, As insurance, to ensure that someone can let me find Dr. Ruan Li and Marceau as soon as possible. Before the end of the deep night, I was not able to spend much time in this mental hospital. Before the temporary data hedging space was completed, once I entered a nightmare, it was difficult for me to confirm the safety of my body.

In the past, it could also be used as a routine patient to stay in the sickhouse safely, just like a sleep. But I am now active, I must no longer be able to keep those mysterious organizations silent. They will find ways to make arrangements for me, then, as a patient, what I must have will also be used by them.

These thoughts passed through my mind like electric flint. At this time, we have also reached the periphery of the temporary data hedging space that is expanding again. The intuition about data hedging made me suddenly realize that this unexpected temporary data hedging is over. The temporary data hedging space centered on the sick building will not continue to expand. The deviation effect creates a relatively independent space in this psychiatric hospital, and such a space is a precursor to more alien space, and a precursor to the entire peninsula being transformed into a temporary data hedge space.

I shook off the rain on my long knife, and before everyone stood firm, I swept again. I did n’t even think about it, I could beat them by surprise, because even if I avoided the impact of a temporary hedge, their attention never left me, and their seemingly scattered movements were just a habitual surface. Sexual trap.

However, as long as the secret of quick swept is not cracked. Even if I am prepared for the "high-speed movement" phenomenon, I cannot completely escape my slash.

At the moment when all the movement around became slow, the chain judgment clearly observed the bullet roots emerging from the space, the abnormal root system rising on the ground. And a lock sensor that can't get rid of it even when entering high speed. It's hard to tell which mysterious expert created the phenomenon, but this kind of lock-in induction that can't get rid of the absolute speed difference makes me feel. I feel like I have become a permanent target, whether it is a bullet that suddenly appears in mid-air, or the abnormal root system on the ground, it will follow this target, even if it can be avoided for a while, as long as the speed is released Slow, it will still be hit.

Sure enough, these three people form a team, not without reason. Their ability to cooperate is obviously not the first time. Therefore, it gives me the feeling that there is no jerky place. However, as long as I am in a quick sweep, I can still be faster than the attacks triggered by these abilities.

Flying faster than bullets.

When the anomalous root emerged under the feet, it had left a few meters away.

More bullets emerged from the space in all directions, and faint ripples made people feel that the range covered by this ability. Wrap the entire battlefield, with a diameter of at least 100 meters. The anomalous root system has once again accelerated its growth, also covering a 100-meter square, combined with bullets emerging in the air to form a dungeon skynet. And they only have one target.

I thought it would be me, but before that, the kind of attention that locked me suddenly disappeared, all the bullets and roots. It is also slowly changing direction, it seems that it is to surround the elite wizard of doomsday truth.

In the rapid sweep state, all these changes are clearly visible. In the invisible high-speed passage, my running speed is still normal. Simply for me, close to the elite wizard needs to span a distance of more than thirty meters, which is a few seconds. However, in the eyes of people outside the invisible high-speed passage, my speed of movement is probably terrible.

Is it the elite wizard who intends to break the doomsday truth in order to re-establish the basis of the conversation? I think so.

However, the elite sorcerers are not dead, nor can they be killed. His shield spells are always being executed, and he must have accepted the death of the first mysterious expert, and he was prepared in advance.

Both offensive and defensive must be completed in a very short period of time. Without such preparation, you will be killed without accident. This is the most common case of high-speed combat.

The anomalous root system has penetrated the elite wizard's ankle, and the flying bullets that are constantly appearing only have the last meter distance to hit the elite wizard. But before these lethal situations occurred, my long knife had been cut on the shield of the elite wizard. He reduced the protection range, and the protective shield that appeared against the slash was only half a meter away from him.

A greater reaction force than before came, and the witchcraft triggered at the same time constituted a same long knife, drilled from the surface of the shield, at the same slash speed as me, with the opposite slash orbit, presented in In chain judgment. Once again, I was relatively faster. Before I was hit, I had to retreat, swept away all the abnormal roots and bullets that were blocking the road, and flew behind the elite wizard, and launched another slash.

Although the actions of elite wizards have become extremely slow, and my eyes ca n’t keep up with my speed, but the shield under attack shows the ability to counterattack like a mirror reflection. The speed of this counterattack is when I attack. The speed is flat. Even if I increased my strength again this time, I still failed to break the shield, which also means that the attack is bound to come back.

On the third acceleration, I evacuated back to the three mysterious experts.

At the moment when the quick sweep was lifted, the countless bullets suddenly became faster and swept across the elite wizard's protective cover, and the root system at the elite wizard's foot also caught the elite wizard's ankle for the first time -There are no barriers under his feet. However, of course, it is impossible for me to dig it into his protective cover.

In less than a second, countless bullets were in contact with the protective cover, and the bright flashes and smoke screen made it impossible to see exactly what was going on inside. However, just because he failed to break the protective shield in the first time, it is certain that the continuous attack may really destroy the protective shield of this elite wizard, but in the hands of this elite wizard, the protective shield is not pure. Turtle shell.

The mirror-like counterattack came immediately. The bullets emerged from the flashes and smoke screens and fired at the same speed towards the location of the three mysterious experts.

The speed of attack and defense and transfer is too fast, it seems that these three mysterious experts are not very used to it. When I entered a quick-sweep state and pierced the spine of the two with a long knife, the last person had already made a flashing movement, but the look and posture looked extremely embarrassed. The two who were stabbed in the spine, of course, could not move, they seemed unable to think, and their pupils had been enlarged.

Faced with a bullet that fought back like a migratory locust, the person who could avoid has already avoided, and the two who could not avoid, the muscles on his face were frightened.

I certainly can't let these two people get killed ~ ~ to win them, only the first step. The long knife turned to the rain of bullets. In the eyes of others, the bullets that fired at a very fast speed were not as fast for me as I entered the rapid sweep state. Slashing bullets with a long knife is also a breeze. Even if there are more bullets, as long as they are deviated from the trajectory, they will not be able to hit the target.

When leaving the quick-swept state again, all the bullets that were supposed to hit the two, like the chopped waves, shot into the deep shadows of both sides.

Instead, the mysterious expert who was fleeing was hit by stray bullets on his shoulders and calves, and tumbling softly on the ground. The two mysterious experts who were stabbed in the spine and couldn't move were looking worried. It is not that they cannot escape by themselves, but that I attacked faster than them, so that they cannot escape.

The dust and flashes that covered the elite wizard's body are of course not the normal bullet's attack effect, but the storm quickly swept all the things that blocked the vision. The protective cover was looming like an overwhelming load, and the feet of the elite wizard were still **** by alien roots, which seemed a little weak and obviously not innocent.

"It seems that I won." As the only person in the confrontation who did not suffer any damage, I announced so to the four. (To be continued.) 88 Reading

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