Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1317: Puppetry

The mysterious battle situation is unpredictable, who is the enemy, who will attack himself, who will temporarily cooperate with whom, or suddenly betray a party, no one can predict in advance. I think that the three mysterious experts will reach a tacit agreement with the elite wizards of the apocalyptic religion in order to break my fourth-level Mageweave messenger. However, the elite wizard was the first to be hit hard. In fact, no matter who is the enemy, who will suddenly shoot at the original allies, I can all understand, and can judge the reason why they did this afterwards. Judging is very difficult for me. From the past, half of my advance estimates would be wrong after things happen, and more understanding is often only obtained after rethinking the situation after the incident. In short, at least half of them are hindsight.

However, no matter whether it is the prophet's vision or the post-mortem, it is impossible to think or make a decision because of fear of misjudgment, or to temporarily distinguish between an enemy and a friend. In a life-and-death battle, as long as you can survive, no matter how many mistakes you made at that time, you will become correct. Survival is right, letting yourself survive is a small victory, and letting yourself and the people you care about survive, it must be a greater victory, if you can make all people with different opinions and different desires Can survive, then, such a person must be the most correct, the biggest winner, and the strongest hero.

I think so.

Therefore, in this battle, although each fights with different purposes, according to their own cognition, belief and understanding, they will also get their own correctness, but only those who can survive can be considered winners. Victory may be inextricably linked to correctness, but it also needs to survive to prove it. Conversely, correctness cannot survive, but it is absolutely impossible to claim victory.

Set foot on the battlefield with the faith of the truth of the end, with his own death and the death of others. Regarding the end of the world as "victory", such a doomsday truth doctrine, of course, is an evil way.

I think I am the winner in this battle, and I am very determined. Now, the four people are carrying different degrees of injuries. Even if they still have combat power, but their energy is not good, the original tacit understanding has already cracked. It's already impossible to hold me together and put pressure on me. Of course, this is just my idea, maybe they have other ideas, and other killer skills, but I will not hesitate because of this possibility that has not yet been shown.

"It seems I won" the next moment when I declared myself a winner. In a heavy atmosphere, I cast a quick glance again, and came to the elite sorcerer in the blink of an eye when they were hard to react. Elite wizards have their own unique gray fog spells. Presumably this elite wizard relies on the kind of magic that can mirror the attack against the attack. However, if my guess is correct, then the premise of this fog spell is to build protection Hood, conversely. If there is enough power to break the shield, the gray fog spell will be destroyed.

The attacks that the shield can reflect are "attacks that cannot break the shield"-I judge so, and then launch the attack.

No matter the gray fog spell, super power. In the past doomsday illusions, they are all seen as phenomena created by temporary data hedging. It's just that when the phenomenon occurs and the effect is realized, it is like forming a "temporary data hedging space", reaching a relatively stable state. However, in contrast to the "temporary data hedging space", a data hedging phenomenon exhibited by the effect of "different space". The effects achieved by the gray fog spells and superpowers are more unstable and more likely to be repelled and corrected by the world constant. According to this theory, the sturdy and long-lasting fog spell of the shield needs to pay more than the ordinary fog spell. For example, more fog, more energy, etc., no matter what is consumed, it will make the spell user itself weaker faster than usual.

The more the shield is maintained and the greater the attack, the weaker the elite wizard himself is. I have come to this judgment. I don't care how much this judgment is correct, because, to test its correctness, you can't get results without actually trying it.

In their blink of an eye, I completed fifty-three slashes on the shield. Each slash, there will be a corresponding mirror slash bounce back, but, in front of the relatively fast swift, avoid this The rebound attack is a breeze. My slash, and the mirror-slashed slash, in this blink of an eye, a total of 106 times, in the eyes of others who can not achieve this high speed, it is already a quite amazing sight. However, in front of me, the pattern of "slashing, then avoiding the slashing, and then slashing" repeatedly repeated.

If there is a critical weapon, it will of course not be so troublesome. The powerful force is enough to destroy the shield of this degree in one breath, and then attack the body of the elite wizard. If you can still bounce back with the same force in the face of such a force, it is really impressive. And such a wizard must not just be a class of elite wizards.

The tolerance of the elite wizard in front of him is limited, and it is the limit that he must exist only as an elite wizard. In the previous engagement, he has obviously become tired, which means that his state has reached the limit. My high-speed slashing, although every time, is only the strength of my own body, but under the blessing of speed, it also has a very high destructive power. In the blink of an eye for him, resisting fifty-three slashes and rebounding fifty-three slashes, this high-frequency loss seems to me enough to allow him to reach his own limit.

I retreated back ten meters away, and the next moment of the quick sweep, the elite wizard's body was soft, and he was half kneeling on the ground, and the abnormal roots stretched suddenly, drilled his knees, and rolled his arms. , Tying up half of his body.

The protective cover is no longer half-revealed, and there is no longer that kind of agility. It is like pouring glue, which quickly sets and loses its flexibility and becomes fragile. First, a crack began to appear in an inconspicuous place, and then, the cracked crack spread to one third of the volume of the entire shield. Afterwards, it seemed that people could hear the cracking sound, it slammed into one Group of fog. Most of it was blown away by the storm, and only a small part was left. It was sucked into the mouth by the elite wizard again.

Sure enough, the battle was like this. This elite wizard can't make ends meet. After struggling a few times, he finally failed to break free from the alien roots. In the next blink of an eye, I had quickly swept behind him, and the long knife I cut was slowly inserted into the scabbard, in the observation of the chain judgment. The elite wizard, who was unable to move, was unloaded together with the alien roots that bound him.

However, the split body did not shed a little blood, but turned into a slime-like color. No, that's really just mud. I stepped forward and picked up the limb-shaped mud blocks. Under the heavy rain, it had become very loose, and it broke soon after being picked up. It seems that before being completely beheaded, this elite wizard is ready to fail, so he can be attacked absolutely fast. Complete this stand-in escape.

This is another new gray fog spell. In the past memories, after the wizards who used the gray fog spell stepped into the official wizard, the most common way to evacuate was to make a portal, and the elite wizards who had dealt with in the past did not cast. After this special escape ability. I thought so, looking at the last mysterious expert who still had the ability to move. When he and I were confronted with elite wizards, he had already picked up two companions who could not move and ran tens of meters away.

but. Compared to speed sweeping, his speed is too slow. At this time, still holding two people, in the end is not going to abandon their companions. Or do you want to use your incapable companions to survive? I thought so, but in fact, I did not intend to kill him at first. From the beginning, it was decided to return one person to report the battle. If he just escaped alone. Or perhaps with the good idea of ​​moving forward and backward, trying to save the two companions, I should have let him go.

I am not sure.

What he does has its own good and bad possibilities.

I threw away the mud, which had gradually softened and was not like shape, and swept quickly in front of him. The mysterious expert suddenly stood firm, and I also discovered that once again a large number of bullets appeared in the air, and a large piece of abnormal roots grew, and the place where I was was just the center of the encirclement. Although the spine is damaged and unable to move, is it necessary to use superpower to move? I think so, then, the only mysterious expert still active is the one who used perception to lock down the enemy? Using his perception lock, the bullets and abnormal roots of the other two mysterious experts can launch attacks with more precision.

I confirmed the way the enemy cooperated. Then look at the right wrist of the only mysterious expert who can still move. He is another Mageweave messenger besides me in this battlefield, and he does indeed seem to retain this identity, and has not been transformed into an electronic demon messenger. . For the other two, although we did n’t actually see the strange electronic demon, but adding these "bullets" and "abnormal root hairs" is their electronic demon appearance, it is not surprising.

The attack did not start immediately, and although the bullets and abnormalities were about to move, but that was all. Even where I stood, these strange roots were densely covered, they would be entangled with them at any time, they still did not attack. They seem to want to talk to me and use the conversation to avoid fighting again. I can understand that, of course, if one speaks badly, it will also become a way for them to delay time, or it may create a trap with a more successful rate.

However, it is still the old saying that it is impossible to decipher the secrets of quick-sweep. Unless you have the corresponding mystery, you will not be able to take me even if you are close to me. Even if it does not have the ability of "process", it is at most the same speed as me because it can not take advantage of the "relatively fast" feature. If the speed is the same, it is something else. After so many battles, I also have enough confidence in other aspects.

"Can't you talk about it?" The three-level Mageweave messenger in front of me said to me with a distressed expression. Even so, there was no fear on his face. I think he can understand it this way: He still thinks that he will not be caught.

"Leave an insider." I said to them: "I said that, Dr. Ruan Li is my goal."

"But when it comes to problems, she is also our goal." The three-level Mageweave messenger's expression became serious: "The plan can have a good beginning. It really depends on Dr. Ruan Li's ability. We still admire her very much, but , She has become a threat to the plan ’s future development. Although the threat is not too big, it has great potential. Mr. Gao Chuan, you should understand. What we have paid for the plan, and for what to complete this Planning, even if the means are somewhat unsatisfactory. However, no one wants the plan to fail. Anyone who has the potential to destroy the plan must be monitored, detained and even executed before confirming it. This is not something you have to face alone. The problem is something more people ...

I interrupted him and said, "Then. You will say that even if you will be resented, even if the means are not clean, but for this only possible success plan, will you do it at all costs, do you really think, Is this correct?"

"Of course." The three-level Mageweave messenger replied decisively: "For most people, this is correct, even if you think that Mr. Gao Chuan is not correct, it is only your own judgment. And we cannot just for you. One person is right. The possibility of abandoning yourself and even more other companions. Now there are less than fifty people left in the team, but from the beginning of participating in this operation, we are ready to accept this The preparation for the result, isn't it? Even if you die nine lives, you have to win, and if you fail, you die ten lives. This is the same for Mr. Gao Chuan. In turn, I ask you. In order to exist only in this repeater Of these phantoms, which destroys the plan and then loses the key to changing the situation in the world war. Is this the right thing for you? "

"Really talkable." I stared at him and said, "Is it a rivet?"

He didn't make a sound, but this silence can also be regarded as an answer.

"So, let me tell you. Although you have guessed before, the answer is now official." I put my sword across my chest. He will firmly say to him: "My goal is this Las Vegas repeater. Not to win this victory, I need it is my victory. You said that Dr. Ruan Li only exists in this Phantoms in the world of repeaters? Maybe, but I do n’t want to tell. I want to seize this repeater, whether they are phantoms or not, at least until the world of the repeater collapses, they must ensure their safety. "

"It turns out that." The voice of the three-level Mageweave messenger suddenly changed anomalously. His eyes were blind, and although his mouth was open, it felt like a marionette. "But, to Ruan Dr. Li ’s attitude is nothing more than a pretext. You really want to protect Dr. Ruan Li ’s reasons, maybe there are really reasons for feelings, but they are definitely not just feelings. After all, you are like us, not this repeater world It was only a short time since the birth of the indigenous people who came here. Even if Dr. Ruan Li meets a certain phantom in your heart, there will never be such a strong emotion. Then, let you leave the plan and maintain Dr. Ruan Li The reason, as you said, is to grab the repeater, not to, just for myself-I do n’t want to criticize how selfish this is, because, I do n’t have a position to say so. However, Coming here, does not mean that Dr. Ruan Li is actually important to your plan to seize the repeater? "

Speaking of which, I can already predict what this voice will say next. Although, I never expected to hide these experienced mysterious experts.

"Dr. Ruan Li is a key figure in this world of repeaters? No, it ’s just human beings, it ’s not enough to correspond to the mystery of repeaters. So, although she appears in human form, she is not a person in the true sense, but a certain person. Something. Some kind of core that will have a huge impact on the entire repeater. "The voice of the three-level Mageweave messenger is obviously not his own. The appearance of him in front of him can be considered that there is another character to him. Operate ~ ~ to complete the conversation with me. And this person should also see the previous battle from the beginning to the end. As I thought, while these mysterious experts are fighting, they have completed the transmission of information.

"My feelings for Dr. Ruan Li are sincere, there is no doubt about it." I don't think it's a big deal to be observed secretly and the secret has been seen. Strictly speaking, although I do guess that Dr. Ruan Li is the real core of this repeater, the reason why it is not mysterious is only because the mystery is concentrated in the nightmare Las Vegas, but this is only me. Based on the knowledge of Dr. Ruan Li, the speculation was made without specific evidence.

It's just that even if there is not enough evidence, once they are informed by these people, it will be treated as if there is indeed something to do. I do n’t have any hopes, and I can really hide them. If I expose them now, even though they deviate from the plan, they are still within an acceptable range.

"It's incredible. Now think about it. Dr. Ruan Li's attitude is indeed subtle-but why, only you noticed and made such a bold guess?" The voice exclaimed, "Although there is no definitive evidence, But it ca n’t be ignored. Well, Mr. Gao Chuan, goodbye. "

While his voice fell, I stared at the eyes of the third-level Mageweave messenger, and finally pried open the door of his soul with conscious walking. (To be continued.)

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