Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1318: Puppeteer

The voice of the Mageweave messenger changed, making me realize that the person I was talking with might not be the person in front of me, but the conscious walker who didn't know where it was. This conscious walker lodged his own consciousness in the consciousness of this third-level Mageweave messenger, and received external information through his body simultaneously. I do n’t know whether this Level 3 Mageweave ambassador voluntarily carried the conscious walker ’s consciousness, but whether it is voluntary or not, people who have become Level 3 Mageweave ambassadors will be boarded by the consciousness of others. It can even be said that in order to achieve a certain purpose, the actors have already done nothing.

I don't care that these people have noticed the particularity of Dr. Ruan Li in their observation and conversation with me, because since their goal is this repeater, any clues and suspicions that can achieve the goal will not be ignored. The mysterious power and rich experience will sooner or later let them unlock the secrets hidden by this repeater. A lot of the information I know is that they already knew and used it. Therefore, of course, I can't hold a good fantasy and think that Dr. Ruan Li's situation will not be discovered. After all, when I have a relationship with Dr. Ruan Li, my own particularity will definitely attract the attention of these people, and everyone around me will also become the target of these people's scrutiny.

Doubting Dr. Ruan Li and getting Dr. Ruan Li are two different things. Although the other party's strength and power are huge, in this repeater, it can't be unscrupulous, and there are still more terrible enemies. They have to deal with more than me alone.

What I care about is still some of the possibilities indicated by the combination of the three-level Mageweave messenger and the conscious walker. The ability of conscious walkers has always been taboo, and the protection of mysterious experts on their own consciousness is a very strong instinct. Even if it is a member of the same team. Opening up your own consciousness to conscious walkers who are also teammates is also rarely the case. Even in the online ball, conscious cleanup is not mandatory. It is only assumed that people who have contacted the conscious walker, but do not accept the consciousness inspection and cleaning of the netball. Then its own security level will drop, and it will be transferred to the core and can only participate in peripheral actions.

Nearly all normal mysterious organizations, if there is a treatment of consciousness, at least on the surface, will not show a bright side. In this team of Raiders in Las Vegas, there are conscious walkers and mysterious experts willing to open their consciousness. Such a situation is beyond doubt.

This three-level Mageweave messenger is voluntary, or forced to volunteer, or he is not at all aware of his situation, suggesting exactly what the split within the team is. There is no doubt that if it is the former, then the cohesion of this team will be stronger than expected, and if it is the second case, then the hearts of the team will be as scattered as expected, and if it is The third, it may mean. The team is faced with the division of multiple cohesive forces, or there has been a person trying to integrate the team with power, which may bring confusion. It is also possible to eventually achieve cohesion as in the first case.

Although the team is said to have fewer than fifty people left, none of the remaining people are elites among the elites. When they give up the differences in stereotypes and positions, and it is almost impossible to imagine a plan to implement a plan, This plan may fail. Perhaps, there will be deviations in the process of plan execution, but the purpose of the plan is difficult to fail.

I am very clear. How strong is a truly unified, in the illusion of the end of the past. Netball has proved this countless times. Even in the final battle that uncovered the conspiracy of the Mal Jones family, the power of the cyber ball on the surface. It's just less than ten mysterious experts. Now in this repeater, there are nearly fifty people left.

The conscious walkers of the team are hidden. Among the conscious walkers that have been exposed now, the "talker" has rebelled. What is the level of the conscious walkers at this time? I feel that a trial must be conducted.

I released the power of conscious walking, staring at the eyes of this third-level Mageweave messenger and pushing open the door of his soul. I walked in a heart-like landscape like an abstract painting. What I saw had distorted the appearance, but when I saw it at first glance, I understood what it was. Distorted pictures, messy lines like graffiti, sometimes appearing and disappearing ink, etc., are like sketching the past of this third-level Mageweave messenger. However, I am not sure what I saw in front of me Level Mageweave messenger's normal inner state. Since there is a conscious walker, the power of conscious walking interferes, which in turn produces distortions, or through this distortion to hide the most true inner state of the third-level Mageweaver, it is also a completely predictable situation.

Therefore, I'm not curious or surprised. It's just that this distorted, seemingly readable, but not very clear picture of the mind also deeply hides the most real situation.

I decided to continue to go deeper, and at the same time that such a thought emerged, a door appeared again in front of my eyes. Although it is inexplicable, I have never doubted in this state of conscious walking, how these doors are generated, why they are generated, and whether there is danger behind them. When I walk away from consciousness, I may think of these, and feel a little afraid, but after stabbing to death at this time, I feel calm in my heart, without any hesitation.

So, as in the past, I opened the door.

A long passage appeared at the bottom of your feet. When you turned around, you could see the wall. The door that had just passed through had disappeared. The walls on both sides were covered with graffiti-like paintings of children. . There seems to be a voice conveying my heart, full of rich feelings, and to appreciate these feelings, and then look at these graffiti, these graffiti with a strong color. Along with the ups and downs of sound, feelings are changing, and with the change of feelings, the style of graffiti is also changing. When I continued to move forward, initially it seemed that the graffiti telling a normal story turned into a beautiful story. After that, the beautiful story began to twist and collapse. Exuded a rich unknown. This change made me feel strongly repulsive and aggressive, as if there was any force warning. In trying to stop me from moving on.

I can't help but think that the weirdness in the spiritual world is coming. The idea just rose. I heard the footsteps behind me. Before that, I confirmed enough. There was no one behind me. I did n’t look back. This was a subconscious decision, and I did n’t plan to go against it, even if the footsteps gradually approached, it was already close to the back. You can feel a breath that wraps up from behind.

Either a person or a monster, but no matter what the image of the existence behind, its origin is by no means benign. When walking in consciousness, this kindness and maliciousness are clearer and stronger than usual, and people can't help but look at these well-meaning or malicious entities. however. As a mysterious expert who has performed many conscious walks, of course he understands some of the guidelines that must be followed when conscious walks. These guidelines are not correct every time, but in most cases. None of it is at least a bad decision.

When these good intentions or bad faith, or some other strong sense of presence, appear in your own way in a strange way, don't look back and don't look directly. Observe them and feel that they do not necessarily bring danger. The danger lies in the meaning of the action of "turning back" and the meaning of the action of "actively facing up". In occultism. There have been similar claims, "turning back" is also good. "Looking directly" is a symbol of recognition and acceptance. It will make something between "existence" and "non-existence" into "existence", which will bring danger.

Especially in the ideology of others, the conscious walker itself is an "invader", no matter whether the other party voluntarily or involuntarily opens their own consciousness, there will be no change in this point. Even if the other party does not mean to attack, but his instinct will still shape his ideological world into a state that is malicious to any intruder.

In other people's ideological world, it is normal to feel "the maliciousness of the world". Once the behavior of the conscious walker is conscious, the malicious manifestations that occur around him are made to include the actions of "acknowledge" and "accept". Then maliciousness will act on the conscious walker in a more practical way.

Conversely, as long as they are ignored, they will be in theoretical security.

And most people cannot really ignore these weirdnesses, which is why most people encounter terrible situations and even death in the ideological world. Even if you do n’t deliberately, the ups and downs of your own emotions may become the nourishment of the other party.

As now, when you can feel something close to your back, you can feel its temperature and breath, you can treat it calmly, and treat it completely as a "non-existent thing", not just an "unreal thing" How many people are there?

I am one of them.

I took another step and continued to walk forward. After ten seconds passed, the feeling of being trailed by weirdness disappeared a little bit.

A further door appeared in front of me, this time the door was different from the previous one. It is red without any patterns, and it is not red with evil meaning, but bright, soft and warm. When I touched the door handle, I intuitively told me that there was someone behind the door.

When I opened the door, I saw five people. There are familiar rivets and John Bull, and there are also unknown two, the last one lying on the bed, vaguely visible is the master of this ideology, the third-level Mageweave messenger.

"Long time no see, Mr. Gao Chuan." Rivet said to me. Although I did not close the door, the tone of the other party was still so unhurried, "Because of the storm, it is difficult to contact the island, but fortunately, we are not without any preparation."

I looked at them and asked, "Who spoke to me before?"

"It's down." One of the two people I didn't know took off the bowler hat and saluted me. "I didn't expect Mr. Gao Chuan to be a conscious walker."

"No, I am not a conscious walker, I just gained the power of conscious walking." I said to them, "Are you going to wait for me specially?"

"No, it should be said that it was just an accident. I did not think about it. It is clearly a messenger, but it can still use consciousness to walk. If possible, can you tell me how to do it?"

He meant that no one but me has done this kind of thing? Unlike what I thought, I originally thought that although the number may be small, there must be conscious walkers who have mastered other mysterious forces

Although the conscious walker in front of him is very polite, my answer is still: no.

Because, the power I have at this time is not all derived from my own characteristics. The ability to walk consciously is given by Jiang, and I can use it, but it is not my own arm.

The conscious walker who was explicitly rejected was not angry or surprised, but just smiled lightly and put politely on his head. When my eyes turned away from him, when I looked at other people again, I suddenly felt that there was a subtle change between the person under my eyes and the previous one. As for what kind of change ~ ~ sure.

"These are wax people." As if knowing what I was thinking, the conscious walker said: "In fact, they have just left."

"Why are you here? Is there anything special about this three-level Mageweave messenger?" I asked, but I didn't expect the other party to answer. In any case, although we have cooperation, we are not a complete collaborator. There are also serious differences in the plan, but only in some minor details and on the position of having the same enemy, there is a basis for cooperation.

"In order to ensure that the information can be communicated in real time. My ability is limited to this, not a very powerful person." The conscious walker smiled faintly, even if he said so, it was difficult to make people feel that he was really self-confident , Not a great character. Instead, any conscious walker is powerful, which is the common sense in the mysterious circle.

While he was speaking, we did not know when on both sides, a large number of TV sets appeared. The style is retro, and there are some childlike decorations. The overall shape gives people not a cold metal feeling, but a very round and cute. What is shown on the screen and what is played in the speaker is the scene of the temporary data hedging and the three-party fighting. Sure enough, as I thought, this three-level Mageweave messenger completed the transmission of information from the beginning, without the need to bring the information back after leaving the battlefield. (To be continued)

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