Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1319: Negotiation failed

The unknown conscious walker opened his own room in the consciousness of the third-level Mageweave messenger. I saw the rivet and John Bull here. These two are not conscious walkers, so they can appear here. Even if it is just a "phantom", it is probably the ability of this conscious walker. I had thought long ago that there is such a conscious walker that can connect the consciousness of multiple people at the same time and connect the consciousness of the connected person to form an ideological network, which can be seen in the team. A conscious walker is not an unexpected thing.

Having a large and timely intelligence network is one of the reasons why I am willing to talk to them, rather than always seeing the other as an enemy because of conflicting positions. Talking to someone, talking to someone better, looking at someone differently, even in a hostile position, can be treated with a gentle attitude, all of which depend on quite complicated factors. I do not intend to analyze my heart here, but it is also an indisputable fact that the attack was not launched the first time I saw the person in front of me.

I do n’t think that those who are on the opposite side are friends, but obviously, I am not willing to be an enemy with them either. It is not a matter of strength, but only friendship in the past doomsday illusion. Of course, if I really have to do it, I do n’t think I have any psychological problems. I can also convince myself that I can find more reasons to kill them.

Well, since there is no war in the first place, let's talk about it.

"I will not give up Dr. Ruan Li." My voice is not loud, but I feel that my meaning is firm enough, and if the other party does not hear it. That must be pretending, "The action is very involved, I think. Why not look for new possibilities anymore?"

"Are you talking about anti-Tianmen Project?" The conscious walker obviously knows more than others, in today's ranks. He should also be regarded as a talkable person. Rivet and John Bull left him to talk to me, perhaps because of his qualification. What he said about the "anti-tianmen plan" made me a little interested. After all, the "Anti-Tianmen Project" sounds related to the "Tianmen Project", and I have dealt with the "Tianmen Project" many times.

"Anti-Tianmen Project?" I repeated, "What is the relationship with the Tianmen Project?" I know what the Tianmen Project is, in the past doomsday illusion. It is the plan of the Mar Jones family to create a "sacred place" for their own forces, and then usurp the dominance of the doomsday truth religion, and in this doomsday illusion, it is to transform the special temporary data hedge space "Night of Valpus Plan for repeaters. The whole plan is also a process that has been verified and is necessarily feasible. From the Doomsday Truth to the 51st area, and then to the Internet ball, the revision of this plan is used. The difference is only in details.

The so-called "anti-tianmen plan" has one more word than the "tianmen plan". As the name implies, I can probably guess the origin and purpose of this plan, which is now promoted by the mysterious organizations of all parties in tacit understanding. Probably such a plan?

"The Nazis already had a complete lunar repeater. Therefore, they transformed the Las Vegas repeater. This transformation process was carried out by modifying the Tianmen plan before it led to the Las Vegas repeater. The difference from other repeaters. They use this repeater as a consumable. Therefore, the composition of the Las Vegas repeater is quite unstable compared to other repeaters, and it is not pure. It is full of their intentions. Impurities stuffed in. I think, by understanding the world of the repeater in front of you. You should also feel it clearly. "The conscious walker sat down, and a chair appeared naturally under his ass. Another person behind him reached out his hand and a glass of juice appeared in his hand. He handed the juice to the conscious walker's mouth so that he could hold the straw.

The conscious walker took a big sip of the juice, and the juice in the glass dropped to about one-third, and rose again to fill. He sighed comfortably before continuing to say to me: "The above is the result, and of course the reason is that the Tianmen project implemented by the Nazis on the Las Vegas repeater was incomplete because of its purpose And too many patches have been applied. The Tianmen Project itself is perfect, but these patches are not perfect. Well, I think you should understand what I mean, Mr. Gao Chuan. "

Of course I understand what he means. The so-called "anti-tianmen plan" is probably to use these "imperfect patches" to reverse this Tianmen plan with a strong purpose and become incomplete, as long as the Tianmen plan is reversed. The repeater will naturally collapse, and in theory, it will enter its original state, the so-called night of Valpus. The Nazis ’authority over this repeater will not exist, as long as the Tianmen is re-executed after defeating the Nazis Plan, you can get a new and complete repeater. Moreover, regardless of whether this theoretical situation can be achieved, but since this plan is proposed and executed by the mysterious organizations of all parties in tacit agreement, then, the first stage, which is to invade the "patch", reverse the Tianmen plan, weaken or even In order to eliminate the Nazi's authority on this repeater, it should be possible to do it with great confidence.

The reason why the Nazis are invincible in this repeater, no matter how strong the mysterious organizations of various parties have developed, as long as they are in this repeater, they still have to be with their tails in their hands, because the Nazis have control over this repeater . In theory, if the Nazis had the most complete rights to this repeater, then it would be a breeze to eliminate us who were already inside the repeater. But now the mysterious organizations of all parties are still not completely exterminated by the Nazis, not only outstanding in strategy, but also in turn prove that the Nazi control is incomplete or that they have been dragged down by certain things.

In all speculations, the Nazis simply used this repeater as a consumable and was in a state of consumption at this time, and could not draw more energy to deal with the mysterious organizations of all parties. It is a better guess. The actions of the mysterious organizations of all parties were also formulated according to this guess. Because it was guessing, I was not completely sure.

However, at least for now, the implementation of the "anti-tianmen plan" is still under control. From my observation, the Nazis cannot say that they did not notice it. However, the alienation of Zuojiang, one of the strongest fighting powers, is still a flash in the pan. It's hard to say what they think. Or, really, like that good guess, their plan has taken up too much energy.

"The Tianmen Project requires sacrifices." I said, "Of course, the Anti-Tianmen Project also needs it. I can understand, but what about the core? The core part of the Tianmen Project is not something that everyone can afford. The reason why you want Dr. Ruan Li, I can understand. But how do you determine that Dr. Ruan Li is the core? In the core link, once there is an error, there is no remedy, even if you really conceal After the Nazis, the Nazis will react immediately after your failure. Do n’t you think this is a very risky thing? "

"Yes, this is a nine-death gambling. Before participating in this plan, it has been made very clear. This is extremely dangerous and may be annihilated by the whole army." The conscious walker spread his hands and smiled. : "Look. Because they didn't hide, so we all came with consciousness. Mr. Gao Chuan, you must understand it."

I nodded and said, "Understandable, but if possible, it is better to be more cautious. Still the old saying, I will not give up Dr. Ruan Li."

"Do you know? We don't believe in Dr. Ruan Li. We believe in you, Mr. Gao Chuan." The conscious walker's smile converged. I stared at me seriously and said, "It is because of your perseverance, so. Let us believe that Dr. Ruan Li is the core. Although it seems that Mr. Gao Chuan is not doing his business, he will only have a house wine with a group of phantoms, but , Think about it in turn, Mr. Gao Chuan, your appearance is so mysterious, and its own quality is extraordinary, it is not like a person who is not doing business at all. Therefore, we are more willing to believe that everything you do is purposeful Sexually, and in order to disguise this purpose, you have done a lot of disguise. "

After a pause, the conscious walker stared at me, sucking all the juice in the glass in one breath, and then said one by one: "You are so free and smart, it seems that you are forced to be involved in the incident, but in fact, you have already Completely jumped out of all the current situation, you are playing a game with an early ending, just enjoying the game itself. It is precisely because you have grasped the most critical thing. And this thing is Dr. Ruan Li . "

Most of what he said is correct, but I do n’t like the expressions of “free and chic” and “playing games” because I know exactly what kind of enemy I am facing, and in front of that kind of enemy Neither are free and chic, nor are there any games to play. I am just a sick person who is on the verge of death, and all I do is just to save myself and the people I love. I was forced to face despair and death, faced with a little bit of approaching end, forced to watch the pain of my loved one, I was not happy at all, the only day that could rest was so short, and was guessed by a lot of people I do n’t understand it. I do n’t understand. It seems that things like logic circles are bothering you. When you think about it, you feel a headache, but you ca n’t stop yourself from thinking. Can these be regarded as the fun of the game?

I know very well that even if this is a game, the protagonist is not himself.

"I'm not playing games." I watched the conscious walker with the same words in the same tone, coldly: "Unfortunately, you guessed the wrong nature, and I am only the object of game entertainment."

"Very good, this is a new piece of information." The conscious walker grinned as if his previous words and attitude were farts, but, I don't think he really only has such an idea in his heart. He seems to be changeable, as if hiding his true attitude from the superficial arrogance, but who knows, is this the mask he puts on his face? I know more about the conscious walker than others, so I don't think that the conscious walker in front of him is his true posture.

"Can you tell me? Mr. Gao Chuan, who is the one who entertains you with games?" The conscious walker smiled away and calmly said to me: "Your words tell me that you actually know the main messenger behind the scenes. You It was because of the strength of that person that it was split from the original Mr. Gao Chuan, right? "

In a sense, most of them are correct. but--

"That's not human." I replied equally calmly: "That's a monster, so you can't see it. It can be anywhere, or it can't be anywhere, but, I am sure, everyone's action Every move is in its observation. "

"Hello, Mr. Gao Chuan, shouldn't you say that God is standing behind you, and then God dominates all this?" The conscious walker heard the most absurd statement, "Don't be like this, Mr. Gao Chuan . Why is it so stubborn? Or are you really stupid enough that there is such a **** or demon? "

"No, so, I already said that." I was not irritated by his attitude, but instead, the exaggerated performance completely calmed my previous emotional ups and downs. I ’ve determined that all his performances are just inducements in talking to me, “That ’s not a god, nor a demon, just a monster. But because it ’s a monster, it ’s impossible to speculate. There is no intelligence to disclose. If you want to know who I am doing for, or why I should act independently, it must be meaningless. "

"... I wanted to say it before, Mr. Gao Chuan." The conscious walker's voice became indifferent: "In order to be polite, I called you. But your attitude is so arrogant. What is meaningless behavior ? This is just your measure. "

"Yes, it's my measure." I admit this, "I think, act, and talk according to my criteria, isn't it a matter of course?"

"So, this is your arrogance, Gao Chuan." The conscious walker's attitude changed sharply, and said: "I hate people like you most. Living in the world, you can't just use your preparation to think and act. The person who talks will do so, either ignorant children or patients with secondary disease. You really will not be considerate of others, compare your heart, and deal with the problem according to other people ’s rules? "

"I hate you too, conscious walker." Although his speech was fierce, he still couldn't make my emotions fluctuate. I calmly answered him: "Of course I will compare my heart to my heart ~ ~ But, The problem I am facing is useless even if I compare my heart to my heart. Instead, I can only pray that others will understand me. I also have my own position and the reason why I must do this. I told the truth, but you do n’t believe it. Isn't it? "

"The monster that dominates everything? An invincible, omnipotent monster?" The conscious walker sneered: "I don't think such a ridiculous thing is a big truth. Well, I have understood that you can't change, and we also It ’s impossible to talk about all together. In the end, all cooperation will only become the enemy. Then, when we meet again, we are the enemy. "

"Really ..." My heart felt sorrowful. "Actually, I don't want to be anyone's enemy at all. I want a lot of friends. I want to be a hero to save the world. But in the end, it's all Realistic reality. "I looked at the conscious walker seriously and said to him:" Although reality is so cruel, but people must accept this cruelty and have a good dream of possibility Well. So, maybe it ’s the enemy in the next moment, but I still believe that one day in the future, we will be just strangers, or maybe we will become friends. But before that— "

I took a step forward, swept quickly, and immediately came behind the conscious walker.

"I want to seize the victory." (To be continued)

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