Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1320: New zoning

In this room of consciousness, there are only me, the conscious walker and another strange mystery expert. Of the total three people, I believe that the strange mystery expert may be the one who really targets me. . Only the conscious walker, even considering the particularity of the conscious walking ability, I have 50% certainty to win, and I want to stop me, just the conscious start speed of "think of it" , Still not enough. Because, my quick sweep can achieve "faster than consciousness".

If it is too late for the body to respond, it is not a serious problem for the conscious walker, but if it is too late for the conscious walker to react, then it is a big trouble for the conscious walker. Although there is no evidence, however, as the only Level 4 Mageweave messenger, I must have observed and researched me for some time, and they must be able to reach the intensity of Level 4 Mageweave that they do not understand. Imagine as much as possible. So, my speed can be faster than "turning of thinking", I am afraid they are within their tolerance.

It was too late to turn the thought, to make any movement, and it was just defeated by the enemy moving at high speed-such a scene is not uncommon in the illusion of doomsday. This happens when ordinary people face mysterious experts with high-speed mobility. And they may also consider substituting this situation, that is, the speed difference between me and ordinary mysterious experts is estimated to be the speed difference between ordinary people and mysterious experts with high-speed mobility.

They have excellent evaluation criteria, because in this doomsday illusion, there is no shortage of Level 3 Mageweavers. Taking the strength of the third-level magic pattern as the standard, conversion to other mysterious strength is feasible in most cases.

Therefore, assuming that the strange mysterious expert can do something in this ideological environment, I would not be surprised. In fact, in the face of my attack, as long as you can stop the moment. Let the conscious walker's consciousness get a chance to react, then, in this ideological world, they are basically safe. Although I also have the ability to consciously walk. But unless this kind of conscious walking ability from "Jiang" produces a special change, otherwise, I don't think that my own conscious walking ability will be stronger than the regular conscious walking person.

The speed sweep has already begun, and I am racing in the invisible high-speed passage. Only a few steps away, in the eyes of others, I am afraid there is no difference between the sudden disappearance.

I was already standing behind the conscious walker, and the long knife I pulled out scratched his throat. In an instant, I felt a sticky repulsive force.

At the moment when the speed of the blade passing slowed down, the figure of the conscious walker became blurred. In the observation of the chain judgment, an abnormality occurred in the corner and the opposite ceiling ten meters away. Before this anomaly is fully presented, I have started the speed sweep again, along the invisible high-speed channel. Sliding on the wall and the ceiling, and waving the knife again, I felt it again, the sticky repulsion attached to the blade.

I can almost be sure that the ability used by the opponent is not directly reducing my movement speed, but only acting on this knife to indirectly delay the attack ability. However, it must be said that this is a novel approach. Before this, no one had ever tried it. In the past, the people who confronted me did not increase their speed simultaneously. It is to cancel the behavior process, impose movement pressure, and even use space for time, and use the minimum speed and reaction to offset my advantage in long-distance movement.

The ability to move at high speed is very powerful, but in a mysterious world. Never invincible. It is very convenient and can quickly make people seem powerful and unsolved, but in fact, there are many ways to deal with it. In the face of mysterious experts, I have relied on victory to never be simply "fast".

The two fuzzy anomalies on the ceiling and the floor, respectively, seem to merge. The long knife that fell into a moment of delay was abandoned, my left hand sank, the ky3000 had emerged, the huge suitcase was shaken by me, and the sticky repulsive force suddenly weakened to the almost insensible bottom. It seems that this is the limit of the opponent's ability to launch in a very short time. Although I feel that the other party has measured the limit of coping with high speed, but I did not continue to force.

The heavy suitcase smashed between two vague, non-human-shaped anomalies, making a loud noise. This sound is like turning on a certain switch, and the whole house price has started to be mosaicized. These mosaics are like a thousand-layer cake. In the observation of the chain judgment, the two fuzzy anomalies that I judged as the conscious walker and the strange mysterious expert are located in the first mosaic.

The KY3000 in the trunk state was swallowed by the mosaic phenomenon, and I felt this for a moment, it can no longer appear all at once. The two fuzzy anomalies also disappeared in the mosaic phenomenon, but it made me feel intuitively that the other party has withdrawn from this ideological world, and further said that it has given up the consciousness of the third-level Mageweaver. I have never been naive to think that they will be destroyed by this seemingly unstoppable and irreversible collapse. In the final analysis, this is their gecko's policy.

When I grabbed the long knife again, the mosaic phenomenon had engulfed the entire room to only the two-meter square space where I was. Except where I am, the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the home, and the piles of TVs are all gone, leaving only the empty and distant black, and there is no end in sight, and no reference to the up, down, left, and right .

The mosaic phenomenon cannot be stopped, and of course it must destroy my foothold. However, before that, I had activated the conscious walking ability, and a "door" I needed appeared in front of me. Before the mosaic swallowed the last two meters square, I already pushed open the door and walked in.

I suddenly recovered and walked out of the "door", and my consciousness returned to my body. I confirmed that it was really around the temporary data hedge space of the sick building. The third-level Mageweaver on the opposite side was dumbfounded, his eyes slanted, and he looked like an idiot. However, I think this is not a disguise. In order to evacuate, the mosaic power that broke out in the end of the conscious walker has already destroyed the consciousness of this three-level Mageweave messenger.

That is to say, I can no longer get more information from the mouth of this third-level Mageweave messenger who has become an idiot. I try to consciously walk. However, even if he enters his consciousness again, he cannot do it.

The two other mysterious experts lying on the ground who were unable to move could see their companions ending like this, but without any frightened expression. As if knowing his end must be like this. When my eyes turned to them, one of the two people showed a happy expression: "It seems that you can't get anything. You can't get it from us. From the beginning, we have not been told too much. , The secret you want to know. It ’s all in his mind, but he has become an idiot now. I dare say, even if there is another conscious walker, do n’t want to get any information from his mind. "

"Shall we be so happy?" I squatted down and looked at him calmly. He immediately closed his eyes. It seemed that he had sensed my consciousness to walk.

"It is not the ability of the interlocutor to obtain intelligence and guide through conversation." Another mysterious expert Shen said: "Although he is the best one. But it is not necessary that he can do it. Before Are you talking consciously? When you do this, it means you have been caught in a trap. "

"How do you know?" I turned my gaze calmly and looked at him, "How can you not enter the ideological world, and how do you know, what happened to me in that ideological world? Maybe, it's just you The confidence of your companions blinds your eyes. "

"... even if you say that, I still prefer to trust my companion." The mysterious expert said with a loud voice.

I looked into his eyes, before his companion closed his eyes. Trying to walk away from my consciousness, this mysterious expert opened his eyes undisturbed and stared at me. No doubt, even if he resisted so stubbornly. Nor can it stop my consciousness from walking. However, the last available information, as the mysterious expert said before, they did not know the specific situation. In order to keep the secret, the team only let "the people who can keep the secret in all imaginable situations" know. Details. Although this will make the action rigid, if it is just a team that has just been formed, it may cause controversy, but now at this time, in order to complete the plan, under the tremendous pressure, everyone has taken this for granted. " I do n’t know anything ”method.

The person in front of him is not acting as an "individual" but as a "part of the whole". Although in John Bull's intelligence, the team has been torn apart, but since there are such people in front of it, it is enough to prove that the seemingly "divided" situation will not weaken the combat capability of the entire team at all. Or, during the time when I could n’t get in touch with John Bull, the team was once again integrated with someone with an iron fist.

In the end, a team of less than fifty people, instead of being extracted essence, will no longer have rejection reactions with each other? I couldn't help thinking that.

District 51, which is in harmony with the Doomsday Truth, is still strong, as if it is the protagonist of this period, but I have noticed that its drama is decreasing. It is not that they are no longer strong, but only because the team seems to be becoming stronger after the ebb in the previous period.

Players who have been dying since entering Las Vegas, in order to resist various adverse environments, players who have been hunted by other mysterious organizations have split their own desires, just like impurities, they are filtered by the sieve of death Off.

It will really become difficult. I thought so, and ignored the two people who could not move because of the spine damage. Including the three-level Mageweave messenger who became an idiot, even if they are thrown here, as long as I leave, they will be recovered by the team as soon as possible. The ghost knew how many people the team had in this mental hospital.

Now that the idea of ​​obtaining information from them has been shattered, I do not intend to use them to vent their anger, or to take their lives in the guise of "future enemies". Although I am not happy with them.

"Where are you going?" The mysterious expert lying on the ground, like a creeping bug, lay on the ground and called to me.

"See you again the enemy ..." I want to say something reflexively, but in the blink of an eye, I find it boring to do so. So, after only half of the words, I closed my mouth, just extended my hand, and waved my back Waved. In the violent storm and rain, once again launched a quick sweep, heading in a random direction.

The start of the speed sweep seems not to consume anything, but I, running in the invisible high-speed passage, still consumes the physical strength as normal running, maybe for others, maybe the distance of thousands of kilometers, I brushed it in the blink of an eye However, for me, it is running at a normal speed in an invisible high-speed channel for one kilometer. The physical energy it consumes is much lower than the normal person's kilometer running because of physical fitness, but there are still The sense of wear and tear and the time spent is definitely not "in a moment".

One minute of running in the invisible high-speed channel ~ ~ compared to the invisible high-speed channel, it spans a distance of several kilometers. When I stopped, I finally saw a relatively normal building. I'm not sure where this is, but several buildings of different heights seem to imply that this place is quite crowded.

No matter what it is doing, whether it is a place for consultation, or a place to live, I need a place to stay temporarily. My patient's gown was already soaked, and it felt uncomfortable to stick to it. Although the physique of the Level 4 Mageweave messenger does not make me sick after the rain, I still want to take a hot bath when there is nowhere to go.

Furthermore, if there are really people here, staff of the hospital, and if you are lucky, there will be people in seminars, then you can definitely find the information you want.

Thinking so, I wiped off the rain on my face. Under the sky of thunder and lightning, even if these buildings are more new and have a more office atmosphere, they are full of gloomy feelings like the sick building where mental patients live. Occasionally flashes flashed, and the window lighting was like something strange behind the window staring at me. When I first arrived, the normal feeling disappeared without a trace.

It is also said that even the temporary data hedging has started. The ghosts of the peninsula have been staged. What is normal in any place? (To be continued.)

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