Under the sky of thunder and lightning, heavy rain knocked on the doors and windows of the complex. There are a total of five buildings with different heights, which are full of office atmosphere and are completely different from the sick buildings for mental patients. However, in this gloomy night weather, there is no trace of light. Under the observation of the chain judgment, there is no movement of any living person. The dense rain sounds more like a ghost-like silence, making people feel uneasy. I wiped off the rain that was flowing on my face, held down the long knife, and was always ready to welcome any weird haunts. There must be an anomaly here. The danger may come from a casual moment. When the flash shines on the window glass, I seem to see some unnatural shadows staring at myself across the window. I do n’t think it ’s totally an illusion. How many normal things are there in today ’s mental hospital?

The people in the seminar, the staff in the psychiatric hospital, etc. will probably be warned and protected in a safer area. The precious researchers and subjects will not be easily exposed to danger, but the rest People with all kinds of intentions who enter the mental hospital are just like the evil spirits released from the prison, exploring the hidden secrets of the hospital, or carrying out the established plan, no matter what kind, the pure victim is only what Ordinary mental patients who do not know, and anyone except ordinary patients can be a hunter or a prey.

The deviation effect of the torch light, while letting the parties plan to produce a certain degree of distortion, will also produce something uncontrolled. Strictly speaking, if everything is carried out according to the plans of all parties, the possibility of losing control is rather small, and today's mental hospitals will probably not be so chaotic, even if it is fighting, it must be orderly. However, the deviation effect has destroyed this order in a sense. I am not sure what uncontrollable weirdness will arise from the plans of the parties. And what kind of mysterious events these strange things will create.

If the enemy is a mysterious expert with knowledge, plans and goals, as long as he grasps their context and ideas, it will be easier to deal with. Mysterious events caused by chaotic and uncontrolled weirdness. Instead, because there is no intelligence, it becomes more dangerous.

The buildings here exude this turbid and runaway danger.

It stands to reason that this psychiatric hospital is the base camp of the seminar at this time, in order to ensure the normal conduct of the research. Of course, it is impossible for them to let these out of control things go unnoticed, and the mysterious organizations that control the seminars behind them will of course send people to deal with them. However, looking only at the "research" eyes to see the various changes that occurred at this time, it will temporarily ignore them in order to obtain more information, and the possibility of treating the entire mental hospital as a testing ground also exists.

What are the different plans of the parties, their different ideas, and the expected deviation effects that exist here? I take this idea. Push open the door of one of the three-story buildings.

There was cold air at the entry, and the air conditioner was still operating even though it was so wet and cold. The sound insulation of the building is well done. After the door is automatically closed, the sound of rain becomes slightly inaudible, but the sound of the air conditioner is clear. The entire first floor is a spacious hall with a service desk on the left. Of course, there is no one at this time. The chain judged that it was searching every corner and did not feel any abnormality. However, I don't know if it is an illusion. I think the air conditioner here is too strong.

Did not arrive in a minute, while I was still observing. I can already see that my breath has turned into white mist. A wet body feels very uncomfortable at a sudden drop in temperature. If you are an ordinary person, you will probably tremble with cold, and you ca n’t wait to take off your clothes, though. For the enhanced physique of Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, it can still maintain its normal state.

This kind of iciness, although it has not reached zero degrees Celsius, can also be called abnormal. The problem is not how the environment becomes, but what exactly makes the environment look like this. Is it a sniping against me? Or is it just the weirdness of being here, defending your territory? Are there other mysterious experts lurking here besides me?

If the other party keeps hiding, finding out is not an easy task.

Thinking about it this way, I decided to keep on going up. The first layer in the chain judgment did not notice any clues. I can intuitively feel the anomaly, but it is for an entire area, and I cannot determine the specific location of the anomaly's core. In this detailed search, if the chain decision cannot be determined, then other methods are just useless.

As I approached the elevator, the light that the elevator was already extinguished immediately lit up, and this coincidence seemed to suggest something. I once again felt that the temperature around me began to drop again, probably soon below zero. The soaked patient suit started to harden, as if it were about to freeze.

With the sound of "Ding Dong", the elevator door was about to open. Suddenly, I felt something was behind me, but the chain judged that no abnormality was observed. I turned my head in the first place, and there were some outside the main entrance on the first floor. The shadow was lying on the glass. The posture seemed to be full of longing, but was blocked by the gate and could not enter. Its palm is clearly printed on the glass of the gate, but the proportion of the entire humanoid limb is significantly different from that of a normal human body.

Its hands and feet are too slender, and it looks very weird, and its head is also raised high. Because it is only the shape of the shadow, it is difficult to judge what it actually looks like.

Although the strange and dangerous taste of the scene became stronger because of its appearance, but because it was close to the door and seemed to want to push it away, it could not be done, but it made people feel that they were still safe-- Although I don't know why, the monster can't come in. I left the elevator and approached the gate. The chain judgment penetrated the door and tried again to capture the presence of this monster. However, the chain judgment is still the same as before. I ca n’t lock it. I rely on the chain judgment to observe. Instead, there is no such thing outside the door. Monster's.

Although the observation results of the naked eye and the chain judgment are diametrically opposed, intuition is warning me that the things outside the door are definitely not hallucinations.

It began to pat **** the door without making any sound, but just kept making this silent movement, and, judging by the intensity of the movement, it seemed to be able to realize my presence and became more excited. Even so, the gate can't be destroyed, so that it behaves like a clown.

The elevator made a "ding" again. Then there is the sound of the elevator doors constantly colliding, it seems that something is stuck, it can't be closed completely, and it can't rise again. When I look at the past. Suddenly I saw a corpse lying in the middle of the elevator door line. Let me talk about why there was a corpse suddenly. The costume of this corpse is not a simple character at first glance. Although it is not a standard, it is obviously a costume used for combat, which is different from dressing like cross-dressing. The other weapons in the combat uniform are lethal, and they also have a slight **** smell. It seems that it is not too long when the battle ends.

I intuitively believe that this person is not a team member. So, are they people in the 51st district, or people in other mysterious organizations? I pressed the handle of the knife and walked towards the body. I tried to flip the corpse without triggering any danger. However, the dangerous smell diffused in this hall. But because of the strange appearance of corpses and outside the door, it is more intense than before.

I conducted a preliminary autopsy with my own experience. The heart of the deceased ruptured, and the internal organs were clumped together, but there were no wounds on the outside. It was like a force directly penetrated into the inside and hit the internal organs once. This penetrating attack is not surprising in the mysterious circle, even if it has not yet reached the level of mystery, as long as it is a long-term exercise, ordinary people with extraordinary skills can do this kind of thing. in my memory. The mercenary association in this doomsday illusion has a lot of graystone fortifiers, who can master this skill.

It is difficult to intuitively determine to what extent the deceased is a mysterious expert. But its identity has been determined. I found a special document that could prove his identity in his clothes. Assuming that this document is his, then he was part of the 51st district during his lifetime, and he saw that the costume was a member who was good at fighting. He also carried three unknown bottles of medicine. The medicine and the medicine I saw with Dr. Ruan Li are completely different in color and texture.

Other than that, what other weapons and tools are special. Although it can be seen that the design is ingenious and practical, they are all ordinary things and do not have mystery.

I put away the medicine and was about to get up. The elevator suddenly made a loud noise, because it was so sudden that I couldn't help getting goose bumps. The repeated noises made the elevator shake. You can see that the metal on the top of the elevator began to bend. At a glance, you know that something is falling on the elevator roof. I suddenly thought of more corpses-these people fell from the height of the elevator slide, obviously only three stories high, but the impact was obviously beyond expectations.

Due to the deformation of the elevator shape, the elevator doors could not be closed as before, so I stood by the body and waited until the hall was quiet again.

At this time, the temperature in the hall has dropped to a very low level. You can see a layer of hoarfrost in places where there is glass. At this temperature, even my physique begins to be affected. Although it is not trembling, the joints seem to be It's stiff.

If I can't find the reason, I must assume that the temperature in the hall will continue to fall until it can't bear it. However, before that, the lobby that had been quieted down a few times, there was a series of sounds of falling to the ground. This time, it was still the corpse, but the place of the fall was no longer the elevator, but the center of the hall-the incredible place is that the ceiling of this hall has no holes.

I didn't see the corpse falling. When I heard the movement turned around, the corpse was lying on the ground.

The costumes of these corpses are the same style as the ones I have examined, so it can only be guessed that everyone is from the 51st district. So, there are so many people here in District 51, but they all turned into corpses here. So, what secrets are there in this place that are worth the effort in District 51?

Elevators are no longer accessible. However, in the eyes of most mysterious experts, the elevators that exist in mysterious events are often one of the most unsafe things. If there are stairs, they will generally give up taking the elevator. When I first came into contact with mysterious events, I also had this idea. Until now, although I have n’t paid much attention to the danger of falling elevators, the "lifting" of elevators also has a different meaning in occultism. Don't care at all.

I decided to go to the upper floor from the safe corridor.

However, just after a few steps, the phone in the pocket rang. In the dead hall, the bell sounds exceptionally loud, and people can't help turning it off, for fear that this bell will wake up any monsters.

Without any hesitation, I directly connected: "I am Gao Chuan."

"Huh ... huh ... here ... can you hear it ... this is John Bull." The voice from the microphone, the panting sound was particularly intense, as if it was almost impossible to breathe. However, it was indeed John Bull's voice.

"Hear, what's the matter?" I asked straight away. After all, John Bull has n’t been free to make a phone call with me yet, and her gasp with obvious pain, seems to be in a bad situation, "You are injured."

"Huh ... Huh ... No way ... something unexpected." John Bull's voice became clearer. She seemed to have done something to herself, and the heavy and severe gasp gradually calmed down, "I need you Help ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gao Chuan. "

"Before, your conscious walker only found me. When I was in contact with him, you and the rivet were also present." I said calmly.

"Yes ... Huh ... I wanted to talk to you for a while, but something happened ... Huh ... I didn't deal with it, so it became like this ... Huh ... Huh ..." I can Hearing this, John Bull is trying to adjust his breathing, but since it can be done, it shouldn't be a big deal.

"This communication is clearer than in the past." I couldn't help saying.

"We have improved the signal transmission here," John Bull explained. "But it is only temporary. The signal interference is not only the cause of the bad weather, so hurry up and say that the business is good. I need you to help me go to a certain place Location, people who help us. "

"Huh?" I hope she made it clear.

"The specific situation is not clear on the phone, but it is roughly the deviation of the torch light, which has caused some danger to our people ... Huh ... I do n’t know who the enemy is, but, I hope you can rule out anyone except us Others. "John Bull's voice calmed down, showing coldness. (To be continued.)

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