Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1322: Perceptual diffusion

There are strange situations in the building. I do n’t think this is a surprising thing, and there is no emotion such as fear or excitement. For a mysterious expert who has been through a battle, the situation that is difficult to understand is Part of life. To my surprise, John Bull actually intervened in communication at this time. For a long time in the past, the communication between us seemed to be seriously disturbed. In several communications, we could only receive the information of the fragments, but this time the communication was clearer and more stable than before. It can only be guessed that the team broke through the information blockade in this mental hospital.

The seminar cut off the connection between the hospital and the outside world. It is foreseeable that when the "mobile phone that can only be used on this peninsula" is obtained, there are such signs. Although the team also has the right to speak in the seminar, the mysterious organization that guides the entire seminar is not one. It is impossible to completely block the information of the entire area to an organization. Being able to break through the blockade of multiple mysterious organizations and regain the advantage of contact is also a manifestation of the strength of the team.

I don't intend to assume at all that the previous bad communication was just disguise on John Bull's side. In any case, unless there is decisive evidence, I do not intend to use malicious guesses to determine the other party.

John Bull wants my help, not only as a part of cooperation, but also as a friend. Of course, I am happy to see. Because she said so, the people she wants to rescue must be of great significance to her personally. Whether she is just out of some selfishness, or really as a member of the team, from the standpoint of the plan, you need to ensure the safety of those people. As long as she asks for help like this, I do n’t mind helping her.

As a friend and collaborator.

"Yes." I did not hesitate. "In exchange, I hope to get Dr. Ruan Li's position."

"Sorry. We have lost Dr. Ruan Li's position, but Marceau is here with us." John Bull's answer surprised me, but it was not too unexpected. In the hands of Marceau, from the memory of the past, it is like a reappearance of fate. "We can give Marceau to you." John Bull promised, "I have let her pass."

"In the past?" I couldn't help repeating it once.

"The place that needs assistance." John Bull said: "We helped her a little, and she promised to deal with the trouble for us this time. However. I think it's better to add you more insurance."

Although she said so, it sounded like she used Marceau and forced Marceau to force others, but even if this was the original intention of the team, it was no surprise. I do n’t have emotions like anger for this kind of thing anymore. In the days when I was alive, the others I saw were like asteroids moving along similar orbits. Their positions, encounters, and situations were similar. of.

Marceau will join because of chance. Or joining the black nest in the middle, it is nothing that makes me moved. Conversely, Masuo fell into the hands of Black Nest, but it was better than just a routine patient. No matter how many mysterious organizations guide, the seminar is still a subordinate institution of Apocalyptic religion. It is such an identity and essence in this world, and the metamorphosis of the whole seminar is also based on this essence. This has been confirmed from the information of Dr. Ruan Li. Under the effect of deviation effect. Everything is going towards a vicious development, and it is unrealistic to hope that the seminar can be restored to the pure and great research organization of the past.

The deterioration of the seminar was in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li. It is the result of the erosion of white Cretia, but in my eyes, it is an inevitable trend towards the doomsday truth religion I know. The changes in the seminars and the crazy research they are doing on this peninsula are nothing but a microcosm of the development of the doomsday truth religion that has just taken shape in this world. In a place I do n’t know, the doomsday truth in this world must be close to the doomsday truth in the illusion of doomsday.

Even if the mysterious organizations of all parties work together. It may not necessarily be able to reverse such changes, not to mention that it is impossible for all mysterious organizations to work together.

Even when it is now mysteriously spreading, it has become a specific electronic demon messenger. Masuo, who has undergone major changes, is definitely not an opponent of the seminar. It is extremely dangerous to be spied on by the increasingly deteriorating seminar. Although it was handed over to Dr. Ruan Li for asylum in a short period of time, as the situation deteriorated, Dr. Ruan Li himself was under tremendous pressure. I also considered her difficulty in maintaining Marceau. Today, Marceau is concerned by the team for various reasons, but it is a thing that is beneficial to both parties. At least, even if the team has a different idea about Marceau, it is far from the point where Marceau must be sacrificed.

From the past to the present, Marceau has played the role of "surviving in other forms after being sacrificed", and the sacrifices she has experienced will certainly have a huge impact on the situation and was an important core of the major events at that time. Therefore, I have to assume that Marceau will still be an important core of the "Anti-Tianmen Project", but before that moment, there will be a certain time for me to give priority to Dr. Ruan Li's problems.

Although I imagined it this way, John Bull also had his own ideas, and it did n’t seem to value Marceau so much, as if all the help to her before, the purpose was to make me empathize to maximize my four. Level Mageweave help.

The internal of the team is too complicated, even if there are various signs that the rivets have achieved great results in the integration of the entire team, but there are still too many ideas and plans, hidden under the overall plan, it is difficult to make Determine what it will do next. I think to manage this team is also a huge headache for them.

However, it didn't matter much to me. Since they put Marceau back to me, I certainly wouldn't let her go back to the team easily and become theirs. One member, execute their plan.

"Where is Marceau? Where are the people who need my help?" I asked neatly.

"Just where you are now." John Bull's breath calmed down.

"It seems that you have solved the matter on your side." I suddenly asked her: "I'm breathing so hard, having sex?"

John Bull was stunned over there for a while, and his voice grew louder: "Be your love! Those **** from the 51st district are hunting for our people under the pretext of seminar orders."

"So, did you just kill them?" I smiled, feeling the quiet and uneasy, increasingly strange atmosphere in the hall. Say: "Isn't it better to let Marceau stay with you to help?"

"I don't think so." John Bull apparently didn't want to talk more about this topic, saying: "I will pass the information of several people to you. Please be sure to bring back as many people as possible."

"How did you determine my location? In addition, I need a map." As soon as I finished speaking, there was a new body, which seemed to penetrate the ceiling and suddenly fell to the ground. Actually, I didn't see much more than the scene of falling from under the ceiling. How these corpses penetrated the ceiling was still a mystery. Moreover, the ceiling was not broken, and there was no phenomenon of corpses falling on the second floor above the head. I guess some mystery of spatial nature is at work, but there is no evidence to prove this.

"The situation there doesn't seem to be good," John Bull said. "However, if you and Marceau found those people. Be careful. There are traitors among them."

"Yes, some group of good corpses dropped inexplicably, and there was a monster who had teeth outside the door helpless." I described the situation here before I said to John Bull: "I am personal, willing to do this for you, However, since there are traitors in that group of people, it does n’t matter if I think it is necessary to kill some people? "

"If you can. Of course it's better not to do so." John Bull said, if you really do it, the pressure on my side will be even greater.

"Fight for power again?" I asked casually, turning the body on the ground. This is the fourth body I checked when talking to John Bull. Like the previous corpses, there were no physical fatal wounds, but the internal organs were messed up. The same way of death was like suggesting that the murderer was the same person.

Random questions to me. John Bull was silent, and after ten seconds, a message was sent to my cell phone. I opened it and it was the information of the people she wanted me to rescue. There are a total of two men and three women, but they are not all mysterious experts. Specifically, they are four mysterious experts and a mental patient. Moreover, this mental patient is neither a routine patient nor a disguise. The data is an ordinary and unfamiliar. Male patient. John Bull briefly stated that the reason why these five people were in trouble is actually very similar to what I encountered before. The hunt order issued by the seminar was initially understood by the five people as “recovering disqualified patients who could not enter the nightmare after taking medicine”, but there were signs afterwards that someone had used the hunt order to launch a raid against the team. And this organized and premeditated raid prematurely locked the lurking people in the psychiatric hospital, such as connecting them, as well as the five people in the information given by John Bull.

Dr. Ruan Li said that it is wrong to enter the nightmare of night after taking medicine, and the effect of "paradise" is distorted. Then, patients who will not enter the nightmare of the night after taking the drug may be the correct result. The seminar tried to recycle these people, which is enough to prove that the seminar today is opposed to Dr. Ruan Li's position. Those who attacked the team under the pretext of the seminar's hunt order, although they were suspected of selfish desires, were undoubtedly on the same side as the seminar. They were the masters who led the study of "paradise" at this time.

So far, the situation on all sides is becoming increasingly clear.

I compared the information on the phone with the corpses on the ground one by one and confirmed that there were no such people mentioned by John Bull. However, it is disappointing that I did find a woman who was not very good-looking. The patient's suit was worn and worn out, and there were no fatal wounds on her body, but many wounds showed that she was suffered before she died A considerable degree of abuse, but not violated. The cause of her death was no different from other bodies. I must assume that there is such a monster in an unknown corner of this dead building, attacking all those who come here indiscriminately.

However, many of the dead here are mysterious experts, so of course, the battle should be very intense, and I did not feel any reason for the movement. First, the battle is over, and second, the battle is elsewhere. Specifically, It should be that in this building, there is a temporary data hedge space, where all the fighting takes place and ends there, only the corpses are rejected.

Based on this assumption, and further inference, I concluded that ~ ~ does not require me to specifically find a way to enter this temporary data hedging space, although it is not clear what is going on, but, come People who arrive here will basically be pulled into this temporary data hedge space.

However, unlike in the past where you could only passively enter the temporary data hedging space, I want to try it now to feel the existence of this unseen temporary data hedging space. Because, as I realized in the last battle, the induction and use of the temporary data hedging process, I should have been promoted to the level 4 Mageweave messenger.

The stability of the temporary data hedging space is completely different from the temporary hedging state, but since it is still called "temporary", it means that it still exists a conflict with the world constant, and thus radiates its own existence information. I relax my body and calm down my heart. The chain judgment no longer maintains accuracy, but allows the perception to spread in the maximum range.

This is a very wonderful feeling. Although we can perceive the movement, there is not much improvement in the quantity, degree and clarity. However, this layer of seemingly messy movement does not seem to form a resonance Strings continue to break down to form new vibrating strings. The rhythm between these strings and strings has a specific law, but it is disrupted into another law at an indescribable place.

I think that is where I am looking for. (To be continued.)

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