If we use temporary data hedging theory to treat these strange phenomena, then we can understand that the temporary data hedging space radiates its own anomalous information at all times, and generates data hedging with the world constant. This hedging is continuous. As long as temporary data hedging space persists, these fragile hedging phenomena will remain. The stability of the temporary data hedge space itself is difficult to be used by the four-level magic pattern, but these hedges generated by the radiation information should be able to be used. I think so, carefully appreciate the anomalies in silence, and use the chain judgment and my own intuitive perception to materialize the temporary data hedge space without a specific image in my mind.

That is something that is difficult to describe in objective language. If there are multiple fourth-level Mageweave messengers sensing the same temporary data hedge space, the image outlined in their minds will also be completely different. For me, it is a rhythm, a wave, a string that is constantly decomposed and formed. The chords and chords intersect at a certain point, and the pulsations of the intersection continue to spread along the string itself and enter another intersection. In turn, it causes other strings that intersect here to produce a completely different pulsation than before.

The number of string births and changes cannot be discerned every millisecond, maybe ten million trillion times, or even more. All I can feel is their movement. Even if I just feel it, it makes me feel hot, as if my brain is about to burst. I am familiar with this kind of pain. When the observation of the chain judgement exceeds the limit of its own load, similar side effects will occur. Perhaps the form of temporary data hedging space that I can feel today is closely related to the observation form of chain judgment.

I am well aware that my own sense of the temporary data hedge space cannot describe its true form, but only a very small side. Just as in the same science, people found four basic forces. After discovering other forces including the four basic forces one after another, it became clear that the world described by the four basic forces is only one aspect of the complete world.

Mageweave Messenger was promoted to level 4 Mageweave. It's like scientists have obtained more advanced instruments, but. Even if it is something more advanced than in the past, for things to be observed, the gap can still not be counted.

Even so, you can observe the temporary data hedging space itself without the normal contact path, and you can use unstable data hedging, of course, it is better than not doing these things.

Level 4 Mageweave Messenger is also of course stronger than the Level 3 Mageweaver in terms of the mystery of contact.

I think. Although it is not possible to directly manipulate the relatively more stable temporary data hedging space, it should be possible to make a key by using the relatively unstable temporary data hedging space data hedging information.

A key to open this temporary data hedge space.

Under normal circumstances, the premise of contacting the data hedging space is that the data hedging space is embodied in an observable and accessible manner, and the normal way to enter this space is to follow the entry method inherent in the space when it was born. However, the key I want to make is to ignore this normal way. It's like opening a door on an invisible wall, this door might not exist originally, but. When the key is inserted, it will be forced to form.

Such a key involves the existence of information about the temporary data hedging space itself, and the data hedging caused by its radiation information should contain this part of the information.

I want to use the data hedging phenomenon to create a key to this temporary data hedging space. However, I personally don't understand the specific operations, and I can't understand the work away from and the process. Even so. Just as when I was using Mageweave Superpower, I did n’t need to care too much about the principle, essence and the whole process of superpower formation. It is normal to know nothing about this, it is the embodiment of the original meaning of "mystery" itself. .

As long as consciousness turns. Activate the magic pattern, the super power will work, and the result will be achieved. It's the same way to make keys.

The convenience of mystery relative to science is here. When reaching the same effect and phenomenon, science always finds the roots and feels that the foundation has laid everything, and mystery has never been said of "foundation". The power of mystery is inexplicable. Yes, it may not be in accordance with scientific truth, but it does exist. Even if it is considered by science, it is just that science has not developed to the point of mysterious interpretation, but it cannot be deduced when the true mystery can be interpreted.

Mystery is an absolute concept, its foundation comes from the "infinite unknown", and is placed in the infinite unknown known to science. It is dynamic. It is scientifically known how much it spreads, and how far it goes into the unknown. In this absolute concept, "science can never touch the mystery" becomes the theorem, and such theorem does not have objective physicality, but is more inclined to metaphysical philosophy.

Therefore, the mystery was always at the end of science at that time, and it intersects with philosophical speculation, religious belief, and even all spiritual cognition, so that people can not theoretically explore the mystery while creating the word "mystery".

Even if there is no "virus", no "jiang", and no incredible experience in the past, I think I must be fascinated by occultism while I find psychology very interesting. No, if he is a teenager, he will surely be fascinated by all kinds of "incredible, subversive scientific reality", and fantasize about the meaning and journey that it gives itself. Then, become a hero.

I was convinced a long time ago that although I hated this layer of stripped, despair behind the mystery, but I ca n’t deny that at some point, I really felt that I was in this mysterious and desperate story, Although there are too many mysteries covering up the truth, and people are thinking that they are exhausted and their brains are dry, they ca n’t find the most real and the only answer, but the whole process is still exciting, and at some times, it is also interesting. Yes, it's bloody.

If there is no one who must be saved, the world that must be saved, and the dream of becoming a hero, you may fall in love until you drown. But conversely, if there is no one to be saved. The world that must be saved has no dream of becoming a hero, then. What is the need to become a mysterious expert. Instead of living a normal life as an ordinary person?

If my experience is regarded as a story, then there are no people to be saved, no world to be saved, no dream to become a hero, no consciousness to face suffering, but just an ordinary high school student. Living an ordinary life, such a story must be plain, everyone is going through it, and no one wants to watch it.

The stories that people look forward to, the adventures that everyone looks forward to, and the protagonist that everyone looks forward to, lies in places that they cannot reach. Just because the story tells what you don't have and what you can't do, it makes people feel envious at the same time. I want to replace and transcend in fantasy. Because everyone knows. What a cold, objective and realistic world without mystery.

Therefore, when I look at myself as a "protagonist of a story", I feel that my life is full of misfortune, despair and horror that others cannot understand, and unbearable spiritual oppression. But it is still wonderful.

Yes, Gao Chuan's life. Whether it is "reality" or not, it is wonderful.

There is no doubt about this.

and so. Wonderful like me, I can certainly do things that others cannot do. I said this to myself, pulled out a long knife, and followed my instinct to stab somewhere in the air ahead. I don't need to make a key to the temporary data hedge space, but this key has already begun to take shape.

It is simply the midair of air, and the airflow is generated with the blade as the center. These airflows expanded into terrible hurricanes in just three seconds. The corpses that blew four times rolled over, the objects rattled and fell from time to time. I was under this wind pressure, and I felt that if I didn't hold on to the long knife, I would be blown away. The long knife seemed to be fixed in the air by a force, but instead became a support for me to stand firm.

The rapid airflow makes everything in front of me distorted, and it is like a surging tide that fills my field of vision. Apart from these visible twisted winds, I can never see anything else.

At the next moment, the twist of the wind reached its maximum, as if it was twisted into a vortex, rotating around the blade body-this vortex is full of immediate vision, I remembered it, in the past doomsday illusion, pass Is the portal to a different space exactly this look? Similarly, the portals used by doomsday shamans also have a high degree of similarity.

I can finally pull out the long knife. I'm not sure. It should be the time to pull out the long knife, but my instinct told me to do just that.

After pulling out the long knife, I walked into this huge vortex. Suddenly I felt that I was stretched and stirred by the force of the vortex, but there was no pain.

When the vision became normal again, the surroundings were still the first floor hall of the building. However, the corpses on the ground had disappeared, and the ensuing explosions and collisions from other floors and rooms, Shouts, laughter, crying, and various inaudible sounds, but felt a huge malicious voice. Some people are fighting here, and there are only a few people left. It is clearer and larger than before, and it can be clearly felt that the maliciousness that enveloped the whole building makes people unable to breathe and want to get sick.

It used to be inorganic cement walls and floor tiles, all of which gave people a living feeling, as if they were formed by countless tiny creeping things. Although they have shapes, textures and textures similar to cement and tiles, but It can be understood that it is not an inorganic dead object. Stepping on it, although it has the same texture of feedback, on the psychological level, I still feel sick.

It's not just inorganic matter that is creeping, but the shadow also seems to have gained life. I looked out of the door, and the stormy weather did not disappear. However, I tried to push the door to understand that it was impossible to go out. Probably not just the doorway, all the windows are also fixed as the space, closed tightly. This is a formed temporary data hedging space, with the main structure in the original building as the main body, but it is a relatively independent and different space.

This temporary data hedges the battle in the space very fiercely, but it seems to have passed *, and the party that is fighting, only from the movements made by it, deliberately judges its lack of stamina. The shadow drips like ink, I guess what it will become, monster? However, before it became a more specific image, I had launched a quick sweep and sprinted towards the place where the fighting was most intense.

Across the floors and rooms, the strong impact makes people fly in the air like broken puppets. In the invisible high-speed passage, we see such a scene. There are three people in total, two adult men and one adult woman. But only an adult woman and an adult man have saved. The remaining one has been divided into two in mid-air. This person was slightly behind the first two, so the big face formed by the gray fog opened his mouth and bit the two sections of the corpse. It was this thing that tore the person in half.

This cruel scene is still slowly proceeding.

The face made of gray fog can also find a similar situation in memory-the smoky face.

Is it an accident caused by District 51? No, it is also possible, as John Bull said, to be a man who preyed on an accident to hunt a team.

I jumped up, pulled out the long sword, and easily cut the monster with the gray fog body in half, but since it appeared in this form, it basically meant that this kind of slash was invalid for it. . The body that was bitten by the monster is one of the five people I need assistance from www.readwn.com ~ with the female body that appeared in the more normal building hall before. Only one woman and Marceau.

The face of the monster that was cut by the long knife gradually showed a look of anger, but before its appearance was fully formed, I had seized the surviving men and women and dragged them towards the sky.

There are many shadow-like dark things in the place I pass by, these things are born in the shadow like water droplets. I just wiped out all the monsters on my route and violently killed a **** road to the rooftop.

Of course, there are also many shadow-mounted monsters on the rooftop, and there is also a plume of gray mist, shaped like a tornado, which roared downstairs in the observation of the chain judgment. Using only the moment of other people's perception, I slashed all the shadow monsters, and then lifted the quick swept, and was planning to talk to the two who were rescued. I saw them staring blankly at the sky.

I couldn't help but look up.

It was an extremely huge girl's face, occupying the entire sky, overlooking us standing on the top of the building. This made me feel like I was shrunk and locked in a model room the size of a matchbox.

That is, Marceau. (To be continued)

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