Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1324: escape

Temporary data corresponding to the entire building hedged the space above, revealing the girl ’s face. The huge face overlooked us, making me feel like a villain in a matchbox model. This is not the first time I have encountered such a scene. I will never forget the owner of this face.

"Masuo!" I raised my head and shouted loudly. Except for me, no one can come back to God in this scene full of great oppression. The man and the woman rescued by me are staring at the sky with lightning and thunder.

The appearance of Marceau in this image made me realize for the first time that this temporary data hedging space was not based on this architectural space simply as I originally thought. It may be larger or smaller, but it is more likely that this is not a conventional temporary data hedging space, but the inherent enchantment of the specific electronic demon messenger "Masuo". I have not forgotten that when looking for Marceau in this psychiatric hospital, I encountered the same situation in a manor where she was housed.

At that time, Marceau had left before I figured out the situation. This time it might be different. John Bull reminded in previous negotiations that Marceau had joined and acted as a mysterious expert here as an identity. Today, only two of the people who are going to be rescued are alive, so what's the matter with Marceau? I have no doubt about the power of this inherent enchantment. With this power, should Marceau and others fall to such a situation, or is there an enemy equivalent to Marceau's power here?

In addition, the rescued man and woman expressed consternation in the face of Marceau's inherent enchantment, which was also confusing. Before that, did they really not know Marceau's ability?

I can only guess for the time being that John Bull has either hidden part of her intelligence or her intelligence, and this bias effect has become more and more unreliable.

"Marceau." My mood calmed down. If not calm enough. Any clues that could have been discovered will be missed. There are many questions to be resolved, but the most important thing at present is to complete the commission of John Bull. It is not too late to ask about what happened to Marceau.

"That's Marceau?" The male mystery expert said as if to himself. The female mental patient beside him suddenly screamed with his head in his arms. The huge Marceau gave a giggling laughter, which even obscured the thunder, and her expression gave a strange feeling.


The female mental patient screamed loudly, as if suffering some terrible torture. But on the surface, she was just alone, suddenly suddenly mad.

For me, Marceau's huge, weird face, and the weird expression of the malicious expression, are still within the scope of bearing. However, the mood of the mysterious expert beside him also seems to be becoming somewhat unstable. His changing expression and malicious eyes began to appear as if he were in a illusion. In the illusion, he encountered some situations that caused him great shock, and his psychology began to deteriorate. If you walk with consciousness, you might be able to understand what is happening in this male and female spiritual world. If left unattended, the two will become crazy and attack their own. It is also possible.

However, before doing that, I have to deal with it first. However, it is this temporary data hedge space, or the inherent enchantment of Marceau, and further changes. The shadow monster that was cut off before but could not be killed. It was as if the thick ink had been dyed on the rice paper, and it blackened the floor clearly and quickly. I had to stun two people, one at a time, bring them to a higher place, and find a place that was not so strange. Where we are, we are already at the highest point of this building. The flashing electric light in the sky makes people worry about whether it will fall on us in the next moment.

However, this is not a normal illusion, but a different space formed by temporary data hedges. Although there is a sky, I do n’t think that this temporary data hedge space has covered the sky. Marsona ’s face that appeared in the air became a strange reference, making it difficult to judge how big this temporary data hedge space is. There is another possibility: Although we do n’t feel it ourselves, perhaps this temporary data hedge space is very small, and when we enter this temporary data hedge space, we are correspondingly reduced in size.

In the observation of the chain judgment, in the office area below the rooftop, those who originally had human-like weirdness are becoming an indescribable look, but they can not find more people like the mysterious experts. Is the danger encountered by mysterious experts referring to this temporary data hedge space itself? Or, does it mean the threat revealed by Marceau's power?

There is no evidence to prove that the death of these people was not Marsol himself who was supposed to be their companion. Now, the face of Marceau above the sky, the malice emanating from it almost became a more substantial taste.

Do you still have to wait? I was thinking, but what can I do without waiting? Flying into the sky to attack Marceau? Or destroy the entire temporary data hedge space? These are things that are difficult to do in a short time. So, how about leaving this temporary data hedging space? I can feel the turbulence of the entire temporary data hedge space. After the emergence of Marceau, the drastic change made the entire heterospace less stable than before, and radiated a lot of information, and hedging with the world constant has reached the fourth level. The level of Mageweave can be utilized.

Such an idea was determined in an instant. Without any hesitation, I raised the sword. The hurricane entangled the long knife again. Although it was not as violent as when the "key" was made before, the severity of the anomaly depends not only on the control of the Level 4 Mageweaver when hedging with temporary data, but also on temporary data The intensity of the hedge itself.

With previous experience, this time, I feel that I can be more confident.

The howling hurricane spreads around the blade body, and the twisting phenomenon covers the entire blade body in less than three seconds, just like this sharply rotating wind cone, which is the blade body itself. The force of rotation drives the airflow farther away. It is not as violent as blowing the person when the key is first made, but it is also enough to make people subconsciously grasp what.

In fact, I don't know why it lasts so long, it feels like I'm saving power. I personally like to launch a fast mystery. However, there is a deep intuition that allows me to maintain this abnormal cyclone until another feeling is stated in my heart: enough.

"Enough." I couldn't help saying that.

then. Firmly insert the long blade of the hurricane on the ground where you are standing.

Three seconds is a relatively long time for a mysterious expert who is accustomed to high-speed combat, but in fact, when I inserted the long knife. The temporary data hedging space that has changed due to the appearance of Marceau has not yet completed its own changes. Although all the exposed dangers give people a feeling of rapid expansion, they have been imprisoned for a period of time without causing any damage.

Obviously, I can make keys faster than the alienation of this temporary data hedge space. Even if it took three seconds.

The cement surface inserted by the long knife seemed to be instantaneous, becoming soft like dough, and driven by the violent whirlwind covering the blade. It also began to distort itself. The swirling "gate" was constructed in less than one breath, and at the same time as the composition, I heard the sound of the clock. Because I am too familiar, I don't think the judgment is wrong. It was a croak that was timed out, and there was also the sound of a mechanical gear turning. In the nightmare Las Vegas, Marceau's watch shop will present this unusual scene when she shows her strength.

In the observation of chain judgment, all the timing tools were activated in the office space below. but. Those are all electronic products, and there is absolutely no sound of mechanical watches. Therefore, such a sound is a further proof of abnormality.

Marceau's power is expanding. And with it, there was also maliciousness from her. When she was in the nightmare Las Vegas, she was not normal anymore. The viciousness now is as if it has been completely developed.

In this way, it will become very bad. Although I don't know the reason, but. This is how intuitive danger perception reminds me.

leave here! At the same time that such an idea occurred, two survivors and I suddenly fell into this swirling "gate".

The feeling of falling is just a moment, a breath, maybe not very accurate, but it should not be long. When I felt down to earth again, the surrounding scene had returned to normal. We are still standing at the highest place on the rooftop of this building. The sky is still covered with clouds, lightning and thunder, fuchsia lightning is walking between visible and invisible, and the storm and rain are slapping our skin and pulling us Clothes. However, this natural power of Peiran does not bring too much maliciousness. The anomalies that can still be felt are limited to the building itself, which is quite small compared to the maliciousness released by Marceau.

"It feels a little wrong, but if you focus on a specific thing, you will subconsciously ignore this feeling of awkwardness"-this is the best way to describe it.

Even so, I still did not leave in the first place. There are only two people left to rescue, which is probably a regrettable situation for John Bull, but I am more concerned about the situation of Marceau than the safety of this place. What did these people do, what did I meet before I arrived, these are also of interest to me.

I don't need me to wake up. The cold rain quickly wakes up the relatively better male mystery expert. The first time he drove the confusion, he turned aside alertly and looked at me directly. Even if the female mental patient is still at my feet, she doesn't look at her as if she would be attacked by me once she turned away.

In fact, before I figured out what happened, I did not attack him at all.

"Are you?" Although asked, the mystery expert didn't seem to be completely unclear about my identity. I used to be a member of the team. Although I haven't done much communication with other team members, what I did, and the status of my fourth-level Mageweave messenger, are enough to attract the attention of other mysterious experts.

"Gao Chuan." I answered calmly. Sure enough, the expression of this male mysterious expert did not change much.

"So, it's the rivets and John Bull who made you come?" When the mysterious expert said here, he felt a bit of a bite, making me feel that he and the two people he mentioned did not have a good impression.

In fact, although there have been judgments on the internal situation of the team, such as division and reintegration, it is difficult to judge how strong the internal combination is. In many cases, the mysterious experts of the team have shown the consistency of cooperation, but in the intelligence given by John Bull, the phenomenon of power struggle and profit is still very serious, as if when someone will be framed, and then thrown into more dangerous In an environment of its own. However, such a contradictory feeling is acceptable. The ability to act in concert with organizational decision-making is really not to be confused with the wrestling in decision-making.

I still feel that people like John Bulls and Rivets, of course, cannot make this decision-level difference ~ ~ laissez-faire to the division of action.

In the same way, in many cases, I will not reveal who is working with me in the team, even if the person in front of me is an insider, but this kind of thing should not be said from my mouth. In any case, I have caused huge casualties in the team, and is still the object of rejection.

I remain silent.

The male mystery expert hesitated before saying to me: "Father Edward appears, he pretends to be a doctor, he starts with all the patients taking medicine, it seems to be studying what, the initial suspicion is to complete the disguise. We took him away Keep the best patients. "So, he glanced at the female mental patient who was still crying, and said to me in a low voice:" We can only rescue two, and we are driven back. But, anyway Hiding, I ca n’t get rid of that guy ’s tracking. "

"Complete the disguise in ninety-nine?" I couldn't help saying.

"Yes, we have confirmed that he did improve his past six six six six disguise to nine nine nine disguise, but until now, for various reasons, it seems that it can't fill up the extra disguise." The male mystery expert was worried. Say: "However, the newly completed disguised demon has more distinctive features and abilities." (To be continued.)

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