Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1326: Marceau

readx; The pieces are flying in the rain. In the perception of Level 4 Mageweave, the temporary data hedging phenomenon that was still distributing sharp fluctuations is rapidly weakening. In a place where no one was there, a familiar and strange girl suddenly appeared. She was wearing a colored dress and holding a scarlet umbrella as if she had been standing there all the time, only to be noticed at this time.

The girl's appearance, appearance, and dressing gave me a strong sense of sight, but it was not possible to specifically link which image in memory. Even so, it does not puzzle me. That strong intuition is talking to me, letting me know her name: Ma.

The current Ma, like the most familiar stranger, is somewhat similar to the Ma I have seen in the past, but there is a very clear sense of difference, so that she is not the same as she had in the nightmare Las Vegas. Less difference. The changes in her body are just like the friends of her childhood. After years of going abroad, when she meets by chance, the dim memory has a huge contrast with reality.

"Ma?" I asked myself this way, but I was willing to believe the intuitive answer, "It is indeed Ma."

Despite the difference between Mar in front of her and everyone in her memory, I do n’t know how many strange things I have encountered. The differences that happened to the people I know in this doomsday illusion are even more It is difficult to describe in words. Although some people are largely unchanged, there are also many people who have a huge difference from their past perceptions, regardless of their personality or experience. I always think that my observations are one-sided, and I cannot truly and completely recognize a person. Therefore, even if the Ma in front of me feels different from the past, I do n’t think she should be regarded as strange people.

Even if it is me, even Gaochuan, there will be differences between different Gaochuan, but the overall can still be called Gaochuan. Isn't it?

Has Mar become bigger or smaller? In terms of figure, she is younger than before and closer to the age of Ma in the hospital. But it feels very mature. However, no matter how it changes, Ma is Ma, no matter what its appearance, body, temperament and personality are different. But in essence, there must also be the essence of being "ma". Just like I am different from other Gaochuan, but still Gaochuan.

"Ma!" My mind calmed down and looked at the girl in front of me. At this time, I hope very much that all my good will can be expressed in the eyes, so that she who looks at me can directly inquire my heart, and then understand me now. But on the other hand, Ma's change is really big now, her experience. It ’s not what I understand, and what she is thinking about, I ca n’t understand it. Only one thing, I have always believed that she is still my loved one.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, Achuan." Ma's performance was too calm, different from her previous encounters and getting along in the nightmare Las Vegas, "I don't know how to express this upset in my heart. Emotions."

"... Don't you think you are in second place in your dress and speaking style?" I was silent for a moment. Can't help talking.

In the judged observations, Ma's face changed slightly, and her eyes looked different, too.

"Take Dr. Ruan Li out of here. Achuan." Ma said: "I can't give this repeater to you." She paused and added: "Let me give you now."

I don't think her words are meaningful.

"Now me?" I repeated once, guessing the secret behind her sentence, because Ma didn't seem to reveal it to me at all. One thing is certain, she said that she did not intend to give me the repeater, which is very serious. This at least shows. She knows my purpose, and for some reason, she has a very different view of the world in which she lives and other aborigines, and also has the desire to seize the repeater.

Ma at the moment gives a strong sense of awkwardness, as if she no longer belongs to this world. What she said did not stand on the standpoint of being an aborigine in this world, and her vision was not limited to this repeater. I think maybe John Bull said something to her. To accept the saying that "your world is just an illusion" is not something normal people can do.

Yes, Ma's words gave me the feeling that she was also from outside the world of this repeater.

"How much do you know?" I couldn't help asking.

"Ma knows everything, I know it." Ma replied that way. And this answer gave me an awkward feeling again.

"You know the outside world?" I verified.

"Because Mar also exists in the outside world." Mar's voice calmed down again, and her calmness brought me an inorganic texture full of immediate vision again. Should it be said that it was machine-like indifference, or was clearly emotional, But it excludes all emotions and understands things at a rational pace? In short, this feeling of calmness and rigidity is not a normal person, or even possessed by the mad mental illness she has shown in the past.

"Ma of the outside world ..." I seem to think of something, "Ma of the netball? Are you and her ... will this really happen?" The possibilities I think of are by far the most interesting to me Surprised situation. However, if it really happened in front of me, I did n’t feel anything awkward, because, although I am puzzled, in theory, it is very likely to happen.

"You in this world, are you unified with Ma of the Netball?"

"It's not unification, because from the beginning, there was only one Ma." Ma replied.

"It turns out so." I was a little surprised: "Is this one of the network ball's plans? Using you to connect the London repeater and the Las Vegas repeater?"

"Specifically speaking, it is a very complicated operation. My connection with this repeater requires a lot of layout before the connection. Even if there is the most thorough layout, there is only a 20% chance. However, as long as it is completed It becomes a matter of nature to be connected to Ma, "Ma replied calmly.

"Because Mar was originally a person." I finally understood what she meant. The Ma of Doomsday Fantasy Sphere and the Ma in the world of the repeater seem to live in different worlds, with different personalities and thoughts of different people, but just like me and other Gaochuan are Gaochuan, Ma will not be because of these differences , And there is an essential difference. Even from the perspective of the reality of the hospital, there are different horses in the illusion of doomsday. It's just a part of Ma's broken personality. This is the same for both He and Jing.

Mental integration device and personality preservation device will play a central role in such a situation, is it not expected? And anticipating such an effect is also Gaochuan including me. It is one of the reasons for doing everything possible to collect and collect these two mysterious wonders in this doomsday illusion.

The core essence of the repeater transformed from Valpus Night is the spiritual integration device, which has been noticed for a long time. And Gao Chuan before me has also completed the collection of two personality preservation devices, which can be further guessed. Netball has already researched the personality preservation device and holds the real thing. Well, it is not a strange thing that the "Ma", which is transformed into the control core of the London repeater, can simultaneously contact the spiritual integration device and the personality preservation device, and use the characteristics of the two to complete the integration of its own existence.

Conversely, when I understand what the “Ma” in front of me is, except for the initial surprise, there is only a lot of joy. because. The Ma in front of him has proved with examples that Gao Chuan's past guesses and the direction he has been working on are correct. Ma's success is also a sign of the success of Misaki and Bajing. From the perspective of the hospital's reality, the girl whose personality is broken due to the deterioration of her condition and is unable to extricate herself into a doomsday illusion may be restored to the original state under the effect of the mental integration device and personality preservation device. No, not just the original. Everything experienced in the illusion of doomsday will become their intuitive experience and even memory, and let them grow in a short period of time, which is impossible for ordinary people.

Just from the corner of Marshal Ye and Bajingren. I do n’t think that the change of Ma in front of me is a bad thing. Instead, her presence lets me see the light of hope. Because for this person, it is not enough to just eliminate the "virus" and restore normal health. The damage to their personality and spirit is more serious than that of me and me. Therefore, if they want to truly "recover", they must achieve mental and personality remedies. This kind of remedy is something that Gaochuan has been thinking about in the past.

"Really?" I couldn't help but sigh of relief, the joy in my heart made my whole body relaxed. Although Ma in front of her may have said these words to me from a hostile standpoint, and what she cares about at this time is probably, as she said, it is me Gaochuan standing here. But what does that matter? Even if she is regarded as an enemy, even if she knows a lot of things, and she agrees more with the plan on the other side, I never feel that this is a betrayal.

Yes, from the beginning, I would not blame them for this kind of thing, and ask them why they are not on my side. I know very well how awkward and strange my own existence is, and it is a matter of course that I will not be recognized for the close relationship with Jiang. I am like a ghost crawling out of a grave, and Gaochuan, who is in the doomsday phantom of London, is the only Gaochuan that would have existed.

After the death of a Gaochuan personality, a new personality will be born, and there will not be two personalities at the same time, nor will there be two Gaochuans in the doomsday illusion because of the existence of two personalities at the same time-if not "jiang" Strength, this should have been the case. In the past, all plans were based on this situation, and it is impossible to make fundamental changes just because of my existence. What's more, my existence still has great doubts for them.

I do n’t hold any denial of my existence. I do n’t think that the self that has been resurrected and already exists here is “should n’t exist”. However, I will not deny them because I think so. My "should not exist" is a mistake, it should not be, it is a betrayal.

After all, the reason why I don't deny my existence is that they-I, as Gao Chuan, also want to save them. If I can save them if I don't exist, I don't think I will hesitate. If the plan based on Gao Chuan's normal personality replacement can achieve ultimate success, and they can be saved, I will accept it frankly. However, it is precisely because I used to participate in that plan as Gao Chuan, and kept thinking about how successful such a plan is and what background it is based on, so I have to accept such a plan, so I ’m pretty sure , That is not a truly perfect plan, but, despite the efforts of several generations of Gaochuan Super Dorothy and Super Tie, the theory on which it is based is not absolutely correct, and the limit it can reach is also inherently limited Sex. In the face of something like a "virus", the probability of success is really low.

Therefore, I have to execute, think and specify the plan with my own understanding. Perhaps my plan is also imperfect, and even more ridiculous in their eyes. However, if there is no such plan ~ ~ The plan executed by Super Dorothy and Super Tie, once they fail, it is completely and completely failed, and there is no chance. That must be extremely desperate.

I always think about it this way, so even if I stand on the opposite side, they are not recognized by them, or even regarded as enemies by them, it does not matter.

"Me, I won't give up like this." Facing Ma's request, I just laughed calmly, "Ma, you must understand that even if you don't admit, I am Gaochuan. I think, this one, another I know nothing more. I ’m not who it is, nor is it the ghost that crawled out of memory because of the power of twisting. I am Gao Chuan, the fastest and top student growing up in an illusion of doomsday that you do n’t know Gao Chuan. If you want to stop me-"I show the long sword," then beat me and kill me. But if I have a little use in your plan, then, continue this dialogue, just rely on The advantage of speaking is meaningless. "

"It turned out that I was rude. Sure enough, Achuan is Achuan, just talking with his mouth, it's completely impossible." The scarlet umbrella in Ma's hands began to rotate, just like turning on the switch of fighting will, contrary to her The expression, but the malicious and madness that is very familiar, flows like mud, as if the rain has been dyed black (to be continued.)


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