Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1327: proved

As Gao Chuan resurrected, I have not only the memory before death, but also the impressions that I have experienced after the death of Gao Chuan, the thoughts I have produced, and the situation I have learned. My understanding of the mental integration device and personality preservation device is not simply from Jiang or other Gaochuan, but after obtaining these impression information, I think about the conclusions I have drawn.

In this doomsday illusion, the spiritual integration device as the essential core of the repeater is naturally self-evident, but even if it is not reflected in such a way of existence, it is still observed from the perspective of the hospital's reality. Unique.

Why in the past doomsday illusions, I have never heard of any spiritual integration device and personality preservation device? Why would the people behind Gao Chuan, Super Colors, etc., and "Jiang" unanimously focus on the spiritual integration device? There is no doubt that such attention has shown many things.

Compared with the mental integration device, the presence of the personality preservation device seems to be weakened. Even in the illusion of apocalypse, the mystery expert ’s knowledge and demand for the personality preservation device is reduced to the point where he can be used to trade with others at will, or give as a gift. However, for Gao Chuan, the personality preservation device is certainly not such an optional thing.

In other words, if it is for me in the past, the significance of the personality preservation device must be above the spiritual integration device.

The titles of these two things must have their inherent meaning. If the role of the personality preservation device is to preserve the personality, and the role of the spiritual integration device is to unify the spirit, then, if the former is obtained before the destruction of the last doomsday illusion, then in the true sense, you can save the night in that doomsday illusion , Bajing and Marceau.

Taking a step back 10,000 to make an assumption, since the personality preservation device appears in this doomsday illusion, does it mean that its interior is not actually "blank", but has already carried the personality of some people?

Think about it carefully. In the last doomsday illusion, I did see something like a prototype of a personality preservation device or a spiritual integration device in the last battle. It was a bizarre chip taken away by the cyber intelligence agents, judging from the impression left by Gaochuan before. Its appearance is indeed very similar to today's personality preservation device.

Whenever I recall this impression and think about it like this, I will imagine more than once, in fact, the personality preservation device and the spiritual integration device have already begun to form, but only in this doomsday illusion, a more specific " "Treasure" is reflected. The bizarre chip that has appeared in the past doomsday illusion is indeed the prototype of the personality preservation device and the spiritual integration device, and the chip that is still in the prototype has already begun to play its corresponding role, thus saving the past that has been destroyed. In the illusion of doomsday, those personality and spiritual information.

Every time I imagine this, I can't help but relate to the situation of today's doomsday illusion, for example, why there are always some people I know. Appear in today's doomsday illusion? Although certain changes have taken place in the course of life and the character developed, some of the same essence can still be determined. Those people are those I know in the past.

Although observed from the reality of the hospital, the important part of the formation of the doomsday illusion is the plural personality of a group of collapsed mental patients, but each time the disintegration and abandonment of the doomsday illusion and the emergence of a new doomsday illusion are related. Is it only based on the mental patients themselves in the "hospital reality"? Is there something that acts as a medium for information transfer?

Just like the same computer reinstalling the system, in order to save some important data of the previous system, these data are transferred from the hard disk that must be formatted to the mobile hard disk. After reinstalling the system, copy it back again, but in order to not completely copy the settings of the previous system, and leave room in the information to be saved?

I think whether the spiritual integration device and personality preservation device are the media responsible for this kind of information preservation and transfer? The past two. It is the same chip. Only with the activation of the "virus", the deterioration of the patient's state, and the generation of various arrangements for the "virus", etc. Bizarre chips, differentiated into today's multiple spiritual integration devices and personality preservation devices?

For me, I hope that these imaginations of my own will hit the truth, so even in the eyes of others, I still can't help thinking how many flaws there are in such thoughts.

This is true for me, but for other Gaochuan, it must have the same expectation. Because there is no evidence to prove that it is wrong, so there is no intention to prove that it is correct. It is precisely because such an idea cannot be confirmed, and it has remained in an ambiguous state, will it not bring despair.

Today, the result of the combined use of the mental integration device and the personality preservation device is being presented to me in a bright and upright manner, and it is one of my most important relatives.


It was different from the one she had been apart a few days ago.

Today's Marceau is more than just Marceau in this repeater world. Transformed into the spirit integration device of the London repeater and the personality preservation device stored inside the network ball, the "Masuo" of this repeater world and the "Masuo" of the core of the London repeater control run through the repeater Between the barriers, the integration is completed.

It is not that one party devours one party, nor is it simply a fusion. According to Marceau's own statement, it is a combination of different personalities and the integration of mental states. It ’s not that milk and salt water are stirred and merged into a new taste, but like a puzzle, in an orderly way, do n’t give up the contents of any piece of the puzzle, and do n’t break the puzzle into new pieces. Specific images.

I really want to ask her, in the process of integration, is the personality preservation device preserved, not just the information of the other Marceaus of the two of them? However, it may be unwilling to hear bad answers, so in the end it remains silent. I thought about it more than once. If it really proves from her mouth that Marceau in the illusion of the last doom has indeed left no information and has completely disappeared, then, what will your mood be like?

Of course it will be very painful.

Therefore, I would rather let this ambiguity that cannot prove the result continue to exist. The Maso in front of you is not only regarded as the union of two Maso, but the integration of more Maso. Looking forward to Misaki and Bajing, they will get the same result. Put your own fragmented personality in different doomsday illusions and different worlds, reflected in the personality of different personalities, perfectly put together.

After all. Observing from the perspective of the hospital's reality, it has always existed in the Doomsday Illusion, and every Sakuya, Bajing, and Marceau that have not completely disappeared with the reorganization of the Doomsday Illusion are the fragments of their own personality that collapsed due to the deterioration of Doomsday Syndrome , The part that re-grows in the illusion of doomsday.

Yes, with the passage of time, the change of the illusion of doomsday, and the growth of everyone in the illusion of doomsday, that is not just a "fragment", but more a personality re-grown by the "fragment". but. Even if it can be regarded as a new personality independently, its basic core is still the "fragment" of the original personality, so it must have the possibility to combine again.

For me, the best situation is that the mental state of Marceau, who is now integrated, is not "split personality" but "superimposed personality." However, I was also unable to verify myself. You can only guess and confirm this through your own observation.

After completing the integration of "Masuo", you must know more information, the use of spiritual integration devices and personality preservation devices. It will definitely bring her extremely powerful power. So, how is she in the corresponding "hospital reality" now? Have you got rid of the sequelae of personality collapse and are trying to do what you want to do?

Anyway, such a good guess. Makes me happy. Even if Marceau, who has completed her recovery, is also standing on the opposite side of me, even if she, like Xise and Dorothy, does not recognize me who is recovering under the power of "Jiang".

Yes, it doesn't matter if it is warned or hostile. But in the same way, I will not give up my efforts and cancel the plan that I have been carrying out because Marceau has recovered and converged with Secolor and Dorothy. Indeed, as long as they unite, there must be few adversaries in this doomsday illusion. Even if I have the power of "Jiang", it is a frustrating and difficult thing to confront them.

But this does not mean that they are absolutely correct, they really have no opponents. The horror of the "virus" and the "reality of the hospital" both make me think that their plan is too uninsured.

Even if you fail, you have to leave a retreat. For me, the endless disaster is perhaps the only retreat for them.

Since people cannot understand monsters, and thus cannot actually cause damage to them, use monster power to defeat monsters. That's what I thought, and I did the same.

"If you want to stop me, then defeat me and kill me. But if I have a little use in your plan, then, to continue this kind of dialogue, it is meaningless to want to rely solely on your tongue "I lifted the long knife and showed it, even if it didn't show the sheath, it also represented my will.

Even if they think I am a mistake, I still love them. Even if everyone stands on the opposite side, as long as Jiang is still around, it doesn't matter. Even if they become enemies, as long as they can leave a retreat for them, save a hope and prevent them from losing their lives in a possible failure, then this recovery will have value. If there is further hope, it must be what I expected, everyone can survive, happy ending with a smile.

I have the best expectations, and the worst plans, and the best and worst trade-offs have given birth to today's plan, which will never be shaken by anyone's language, because of the opposition of anyone Abandoned. Unless, even "Jiang" is on the negative side, but, I believe, this is impossible. In this regard, I have absolute confidence.

"It turned out that I was rude. Sure enough, Achuan is Achuan, just talking with his mouth, it's totally impossible." The scarlet umbrella in Marceau's hands began to rotate, just like turning on the switch of fighting will, which violated Her expression, but the extremely familiar malicious and maddening atmosphere, flowed out like mud, as if even the rain was dyed black-of course, it was just a feeling, the rain falling in the sky was still transparent rain.

Do you have the qualities of Maso in this world and the qualities of Maso in London repeaters? Have these qualities been integrated into one, or have they merged into new features, or can only one of them be used, but they can be converted? My thoughts turned fast, and my body was ready to deal with the dangerous situation.

Today's Marceau is imaginably powerful. It can be seen that the London repeater invaded the interior of the Las Vegas repeater in some clever way. She herself exists in both the London repeater and the Las Vegas repeater, spanning multiple relative realities and non-realities. On the other hand, it can also be guessed that her presentation in the Las Vegas repeater is bound to be restricted by the Las Vegas repeater, and will not generally do too intense things in advance to avoid being noticed. And repulsion, but it still uses the power of repeaters, which will not change.

At the level of mystery ~ ~ the power of the repeater is close to the culmination of the Doomsday Realm. Only theoretically weaker than the "virus" itself.

Now that Marceau is standing here in this attitude, and confirmed by it, the members of the team in the network ball have been working on completing this hand. Then, the specific situation of Marceau and the power it can play in this moment, the role played in this Las Vegas Raiders plan, is a secret that only the top of the network ball knows.

The people of the other members of the team should have some guesses, but it is not clear about the specific situation.

This is a genius idea that can only be completed by using "Marsol" as the control part of the repeater.

I used to think that although it was declared that entering the Las Vegas repeater is a lone battle, there is no backup, and the contact with the outside world will be completely interrupted, everything can only rely on itself, but in fact, it is not exactly like this .

However, such a hole card exposed to me also made me feel more pressure.

Can the power of the repeater being deliberately reduced be handled by Level 4 Mageweave? (To be continued.)

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