Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1328: umbrella

Las Vegas repeaters are different from other repeaters. If the repeaters of the Doomsday religion, the London repeater, the 51st district repeater and the Nazi moon repeater are regarded as " Standard ", then, the manufacture of Las Vegas repeaters is against the standard. So far, the best way to build Valpus Night as a repeater is the "Sky Gate Project". Of course, the Las Vegas Repeater's "Sky Gate Project" has been intentionally modified significantly, and then Weakening normal functions and strengthening certain functions. This special behavior makes Las Vegas repeaters less stable than other repeaters and more likely to be invaded.

This is why the “Masuo” at the core of the London repeater control can invade the Las Vegas repeater so simply.

This is my personal thought.

But in any case, "Masuo", which is the core of the London repeater control, cannot fully exert its own power in the Las Vegas repeater, whether it is the limitations of the repeater itself or the environment The cause of the factor, or the planned reservation, will inevitably allow her to exert her power only to the point that "the relay has not been invaded by her".

Of course, this is also my personal idea.

Can the power of the repeater being deliberately reduced be handled by Level 4 Mageweave? I ’m not sure, but I ca n’t be sure of anything more without trying it myself. Although I never resented anyone, I did not feel that Marceau was on the side of Selas and Dorothy, what a betrayal behavior, and would not be jealous of the other one who received their attention, and they were regarded by them For "the person who should not exist", no, it should be said, "monster".

Their positions and ideas are all understandable and acceptable. However, this does not mean that I feel that I should do everything. Just as they have their own ideas and plans. I also have reasons for having to do things. Just as they believe in their choices, I do n’t think they are wrong.

Conflict will inevitably arise, and I have no complaints about it. Even if this is a fool of fate. I will also carry it in my own way. For me, there is no such thing as breaking fate.

Whether you are willing or unwilling, need or not, from the moment of occurrence. It must be faced with, even if it has the power of a prophet, it cannot be changed. This kind of stubborn and unreasonable thing is fate.

So bear it, bear it, bear it. A true warrior, even if he can't reverse his cruel fate, dare to face up to the dripping blood and bleak life. For me. Only those who can bear the pain in themselves and even the pain of others can be called instrumental.

"I'm about to get on, don't be easily knocked down, Marceau." I said loudly, I could feel the calm emotions, boil again, and then it was burning, it was the fluid that was in the blood vessel, it was Electric currents running in the nerves. Observation of chain judgment. Make a clear perspective in your mind. In a three-dimensional, completely black and white world, the lines are interlaced to outline the outline of the object and the trajectory of movement.

All this is presented. It's just at the moment that even "seconds" are not reached.

Clear power is poured from the four levels of magic patterns. This is the first time after becoming a Mageweave messenger, I feel the power of Mageweave so clearly, as if the power of the past has been accumulated, and at this moment, because of my strong desire, it is like a torrent of floodgates. Instill into every muscle of the body.

Thinking, thinking violently, like electric flint, exploding Mars in the brain.

If this is not the case, it might not work in the face of the power of repeaters. In the past, I have strengthened my abilities in a short time in a way that exceeds my own load to deal with unexpectedly powerful enemies, but this time, after recovering and being promoted to Level 4 Mageweave, I must do so For the first time.

The higher you raise your power, the more you can feel that Marceau's current strength is similar to the feeling of facing the final weapon of the doomsday truth in the past doomsday illusion. At the beginning, when I met the final weapon, there was always a feeling of being strong, but I could cope with it. Then, I was killed. In terms of high-speed warfare, it takes no more than five minutes from the start of the war to death.

In the same way, it is also like in the reality of the hospital, with the body of a disabled teenager facing the shady hospital, even if I feel that I have found a clue, saw the signs of truth, and found a way to victory, everything seems to be Orderly progress, however, still died. Reasonably, unexpectedly, because of the deterioration of the body, he died in a hurry.

The arrival of death is always so natural and plain, but it makes people unforgettable in reason, it is like being made the worst joke.

Marceau, in front of me, finally gave me the feeling that this is it-she has also become a woman who can give me a bad joke.

Must survive. This is my only thought. The victory or something was not in my plan from the beginning. Because, to defeat the current Marceau, even if it can be done, it should not be done. Instead, assuming Marceau is strong enough, let me do my best to attack and then retreat.

"Well, A Chuan. Seeing you like a dragon and a tiger. I don't know why, I just feel very happy." Marceau gently lowered his head and closed the scarlet umbrella, still being beaten by the storm. , Unconsciously, released the madness that I can clearly feel.

It can only be described as "crazy". Wanton, dark and full of malice, as if to destroy the intellect, leaving only instinctive agitation and the most extreme emotions, pinching all the soft parts of human nature together, making it hard. The invisible momentum did not tear the rain curtain, but it seemed to be drenched in every drop of rain.

I saw that her face was raised again, with a smile full of malicious emotions, which was the opposite of "calm".

"Even if it should not be Gaochuan, it is still Gaochuan." Marceau said, "Let me see how strong Gaochuan was in the past."

Before her words fell, I had begun to skim. Because, even at the same time, she could not find the relatively weak place in her posture. Yes, Marceau is very strong at this moment. I am sure again. Moreover, it is extremely average, without being disturbed by any emotional fluctuations, and is powerful in all directions. Just as I encountered the final weapon in the past. Relative to me, there are no shortcomings that I can take advantage of.

The invisible high-speed channel is expanding, but, from the beginning, I didn't feel my speed. Can achieve the same rolling effect as usual against the enemy.

I guess that even if Marceau does not use the mystery of "no process", its own moving speed will certainly suppress the "relatively fast" speed difference to a minimum-relatively fast is a good feature, but, How much faster it is, it is not doomed from the beginning. For ordinary enemies, the relatively fast speed, it is very easy to achieve that the other party is too late to blink, but. Facing Marceau in front of me, I have done a good job. At a relatively fast speed, I can only reach the line where I cannot fully grasp it.

In addition to its own speed and time, timing in a normal environment is meaningless. In high-speed battles, even one second can divide thousands and hundreds of cents, and it seems like a long time has passed for several hours, days or even years. I don't know how fast I can overrun myself. However, the so-called "speed of light" and "faster than consciousness", if it is not the speed that can defeat the enemy, then it is meaningless.

and so. I no longer think about whether my speed has reached the "speed of light", or whether it is "faster than consciousness". I just want to be faster than Marceau.

The long knife came out of the sheath and crossed the arc of the moon. In the most straightforward way I can achieve, hit the key of Marceau. However, as I expected, Marceau ’s speed was almost the same as mine, and the previous high-speed sense completely disappeared this time. She backed away, the scarlet umbrella and the blade struck, and the suspended raindrops fired around with great force.

Except for the almost static scene, and one grain clearly visible, as if hovering in mid-air drops, telling me that I am at a high speed, otherwise, if I only use Marshall as a reference, I only feel that I am At normal speed.

While the blade was being swayed, I approached again and chopped forward. No need to think, even a little hesitation will be caught by Marceau in front of him. Now she is not the Maso I have seen in the past. Instinctive alarms have been ringing in every brain cell. If you stop, you will die.

Silent madness haunted me. I ca n’t see it, but I can feel it is attacking my brain, my spirit, my soul, noisy, full of maliciousness, to tear my reason and intensify my sensibilities, as if to crush me Every drop of power made me vent all my own in an unstoppable expansion, and finally only one empty shell and one layer of bones remained.

Yes, such a violent, unrestricted release will make you appear strong in a short time, but after the past, nothing will be left. In a short period of time, if you burn yourself to nothing, you will only have a gray. And this is what makes people scare and has no future despair.

I turned around and slashed, then turned around and slashed again. Soft turn, soft chop, hard turn, hard chop. It is not without more skills, but once more than two of these actions are used, it will become a flaw that can be caught by Marceau. When the "slash strike" was used at the beginning, it could no longer be transformed into a "stab strike", because the change in the attack method would also become a flaw that was caught.

My intuition tells me so. What forced me to do this was the "mystery" released by Marceau at this time.

It is not a suppression of higher skills and speed, but an invisible, unclear, but it has already made a difference. Once it violates the "restrictions" that I intuitively feel, it will definitely be punished.

The types of attacks I can carry out, the actions of attacks, and the chain of details extending from the attack to the defense are all limited by this invisible "mystery".

Me and you came and went with each other, the blade and the umbrella body sometimes staggered, and sometimes collided, releasing a huge impact in the almost still rainwater. Every time you stop and re-exercise, and every rhythm adjustment in speed, everything around you is running, sometimes slowing down, sometimes accelerating, as if it has become chaotic. However, this is just my field of vision. If there are other people watching, then in their eyes, probably the movement of things around is normal. The only thing that is abnormal is me and Marceau.

The unstoppable idea, even under such a fierce offensive and defensive, still flashed. Even if you try hard not to think too much, it is difficult to stop it. Fortunately, I was already used to fighting in this state.

Marceau's scarlet umbrella stretched out abruptly, and while being cut by the blade, it flew at high speed. The rainwater on the umbrella surface is thrown out, giving it a powerful lethality at high speed, and it also has a certain "mystery" effect on it. This time, not only the intuition can feel it, even the chain judgment, but also the abnormality of these splashes of rain.

Although it has been observed, it cannot be described correctly. It is like being too richly colored, which obscures what the painting itself wants to express ~ ~ The so-called upside down, that's it. But at this time, it has become an unmanageable situation.

In a world made up of chain judgments, composed entirely of outlines and trajectories, these rains began to turn, as if with tracking ability, unnatural trajectories connected to me. Although it is a predictable attack, if it is not adjusted in a timely manner, it will definitely be used as a sieve.

After all, there are too many raindrops.

The invisible high-speed channel twists once again, deviates from the original plan, and extends to another direction.

I was galloping in the invisible high-speed passage. Just before the raindrops hit me, I came to a position farther than Marceau, more than 20 meters away.

Marceau has made a chasing posture, but I think that this time the tentative confrontation has already got enough information. Marceau's limit of his own power can be confirmed when he must hide himself. Although it is a very strange "mystery", in my opinion, it is also a very troublesome thing, but it is probably the degree of "trouble".

Therefore, before she jumped out, I had retreated farther away. (To be continued.)

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