Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1329: Limitation of position


The time limit for the fight is no more than thirty seconds. Marceau and I have been attacking and defending hundreds of times. Her mystery is as tricky as I thought. The attack posture that is forcibly limited makes me unable to use it according to local conditions. Skills. Moreover, although the chain judgement can see through all her action routes and the movement trajectory of the attack under the use of overload, yet another mystery possessed by her has the ability to track, even if it is seen through, it is useless, even if it is Being intercepted, there are more "ammunition". I have to say that at present, the rainy day is the best place to play this mystery. I don't want to be hit by the raindrops she blessed with mystery. My ability is to move at high speed and lock the trajectory of movement, not to strengthen my defense.

Although has become a four-level Mageweave messenger, compared with any mysterious expert who is good at defensive ability, even if the opponent is only a graystone strengthener, the pure physical strength is still not comparable. In addition to my own physical strength, I do not have any defensive equipment. Once it is hit, or if it encounters pressure directly on the body, it becomes very troublesome.

Although speed sweeping can be faster than any movement in most cases, at an extremely high speed, it can kill the enemy when it is difficult for the enemy to react, but that's all. Whether in the past doomsday illusion or in the current doomsday illusion, I have encountered the experience of only high speed, which is difficult to overcome, and even fell into a disadvantage in the confrontation of a specific environment.

Not to mention, as I expected, Marceau ’s mystery allowed her to keep up with my speed. Although it still differs by one line, it is only by one line. The gap in this line can be fully supplemented by other mysterious effects. In the battle of less than thirty seconds before, my straight feeling felt the most direct proof.

It is very difficult to defeat such a Marceau, even if it is to go all out. It is impossible to really capture Marceau, but to waste time in this stalemate. It may also be the reason why Marceau intercepted me. The information provided by John Bull has pitfalls, as she said. Marceau is already a person, no, specifically, he is already a netball person. John Bull didn't speak, but he used words and intelligence gaps. I don't know if this is John Bull's original intention, but, whether it is or not. It doesn't matter. John Bull is a cyberball player. All his actions, including cooperation with me, are based on considerations from this standpoint. Well, of course, she has no reason to give up her position just because of personal friendship.

I have known this position for John Bull for a long time, and have always been vigilant to this position. Any intelligence provided to her has been screened, proven, and considered. However, it turns out that the means of manipulating intelligence. The other party is the expert, and it is worthy of the style of the online ball since it does not need to deceive and cover up. Just releasing the intelligence can make the target because of its own thinking and limitations, even if it is vigilant, it will also produce a wrong judgment , Let the goal achieve the desired result of the network ball under its own thinking.

I do n’t know whether John Bull knew Marceau ’s state and purpose at this time, but. One thing I know very well is that John Bull has never fully represented the team. The only one of the members of the Netball will, on the contrary. She is also just a gear of the network ball.

Because of the current situation, it is totally unreasonable to complain to the other party and treat her as a traitor who betrayed her. It is precisely because of this kind of thinking and prevention in my heart, so even if it really becomes like that, there will not be any emotional fluctuations. Not to mention breaking up with the other party just because of this "very normal" trivial matter, and I am afraid that the other party also knows very well.

Unstoppable thinking is also produced in the amount that is not normally available in the overloaded brain. Not only information about combat, but information about combat is also like a torrent. It rushes through the nerves of the brain and turns into a stimulating current. It is not only a part of the power to keep the body running, but also a part of the load.

Because I have been used to it for a long time, my attention has not been completely distracted by those distracting thoughts. Observations of my physical instincts, intuitions, and chain judgments are always reporting to me on the current situation. Compared with most mysterious experts, I operate in such a way that there is really no dead end in my observation ability.

The invisible high-speed passage has spread to the end of the naked eye, and I am racing at a speed that most mysterious experts who are good at high-speed movement can not match. Even so, Marceau was still chasing behind her, and the distance between me and her was indeed lengthening. However, the change in this distance was proceeding with a very slight amplitude. If it's just running like this, it's more than an hour to completely get rid of Marceau's tracking within sight.

For me, this is not the only experience, but it is not a common experience.

If, based on the situation at this time, an assessment is made of Marceau, who is now exerting such strength, then she is still not as powerful as the final weapon. This also means that Marceau in this state cannot overcome the alienation of Youjiang, and even the doomsday agent "Carmen" who is integrated with the electronic demon "Night Crow Quark" because of the unknown. And Father Edward, who has penetrated into this mental hospital, has no absolute winning percentage.

Whether it is Carmen fused with the electronic devil "Night Crow Quark" or Father Edward who has evolved into a disguised form, its adaptability to the fighting environment and the comprehensiveness of its own combat survivability are in fact Above me. In the former electronic demon, the material of its body is a mysterious substance called "structural body", and in the disguised form of the devil possessed by the latter, there must be amazing types of defense. As far as I know them, this is far from enough to keep them undefeated.

Today, Carmen has been proved to be a subordinate of Alienated Youjiang. The latter has already created a huge Saya.

As the core of the repeater control, Marceau can really imagine how strong it may be, but in theory, it is actually still subject to huge environmental constraints. I have been fighting from before. It is already possible to estimate the intensity with which this restriction would have to keep her.

At the end, before the most necessary key arrives. Marceau will probably not exceed my estimated strength.

Also because of the estimated intensity, does not exceed Carmen and Father Edward at this time. Therefore, it makes me deeply feel that the mystery of Marceau has a clear relevance to my mystery. So, to judge, from the beginning, her goal was to put it on me.

Ten minutes later, I have come to the coastline of the peninsula. The strong winds and waves hit the cliffs and rocks, and this place is definitely beyond the scope of the mental hospital. Until this time, the sense of pursuit behind him suddenly disappeared. I stood on the edge of the cliff and turned around. I couldn't see the figure of Marceau either in the plane area that can be seen with the naked eye and in the three-dimensional range that the chain judgment could observe. Intuitively, she did not hide, but she did not pursue anymore. In terms of time. It was not until I came to this marginal zone that I completely lost her trail, but before. The feeling for her continued to fade, and until then, it completely disappeared.

Is merely planning to expel me from the psychiatric hospital? I couldn't help thinking so. Or, in fact, Marceau ’s state at this time cannot actually exceed the scope of the mental hospital? Just like the earth-bound spirit in occultism? It is not impossible to think so. After all, no matter how big the defect of this Las Vegas repeater is, it is still a repeater. The price and limitation required for Marceau, the core of London repeater control, to appear here. They must all exist, and they must be huge.

If the team. Or it is only a secret action of the members of the network ball, which can only be achieved within the scope of the mental hospital, and it is completely understandable to maintain the existence of the current Marceau. No, it should be said that this is more reasonable. Although in terms of the situation in the entire world of repeaters, such a powerful card as Marceau can operate all over the world, it is indeed more exciting. However, as far as the current plan is concerned, they do not actually need to maintain With such a huge scope of activities, and only for the current plan on the peninsula, it is enough that Marceau can only exist in a mental hospital in such a strong posture.

With the opening of the deepest night, the seminar's distortion and deepening of the paradise, as well as the plan for joint implementation, reached an important key. The arrival of high-end combatants from mysterious organizations of all parties and the advent of independent and super-strong mysterious experts have indeed contributed to the force that has been silently contributing, but they are not under the pressure of the protagonist's network ball and others.

I can fully understand why Marceau appeared here in such an image at this time, and why Marceau appeared here in the past. It is not a conspiracy that runs through all this, but something fate-like hidden under the intersection of multiple parties. It allows Marceau, in this drama, to play such a role as she did in the past doomsday illusion.

It seems that I have to speed up. I thought of it this way, starting a quick swoop again, running along the coastline, to determine my own position, and to conduct a more specific positioning of the mental hospital.

Dr. Ruan Li is missing, but she must be still in the mental hospital. Although she can ignore the mystery and respond to the danger with her own alertness and intelligence to a certain extent, she does not know what kind of group her opponent is. Even if they ignore the mystery they possess, and only in terms of the talents of ordinary people, those people are top-notch.

I have not forgotten that when I became a second-level Mageweave messenger, I could already be regarded as a genius in a certain aspect, because at that time, a kind of extreme talent was already forcibly developed. For example, my chain judgment is the ultimate ability to observe "movement". Other people, even if they are not Mageweave messengers, as long as their abilities reach the strength of the equivalent second-level Mageweave messengers, they will also become geniuses from mortals. Among these geniuses, those who strengthen the limits of abilities such as "layout capabilities" must also exist.

Compared to those "geniuses", Dr. Ruan Li is just a researcher with unique charm and strong potential in psychology and drug research.

In order to protect herself and to continue her own research, it is inevitable that the strategy she considered after deliberately was seen through. Considering the worse, assuming that she is still safe, it may be that some people still hope that her actions can bring some surprises. After all, the deviation effect of the torch light has already begun, and the development of things will in theory definitely not be what Dr. Ruan Li expected, and what Dr. Ruan Li did not want to happen, it is likely to be a conspirator. As expected.

During my return to the psychiatric hospital, I tried to contact Dr. Ruan Li many times. However, there was always a blind tone of no signal from the mobile phone.

Although my intuition told me that Dr. Ruan Li ’s situation did not go to the worst result, the pressure of the current situation still makes me unable to completely relax.

Where is Dr. Ruan Li? What are you doing? Will I be locked by Marceau again when I enter the psychiatric hospital again? These problems have been bothering me.

Before re-entering the area of ​​the psychiatric hospital, I found the pier that first landed on this peninsula. Along the pier, Mercedes-Benz is on the familiar route, and the last place to arrive is the villa area that the opener built to develop the peninsula tourism. The refined and spacious bungalows stood in the storm. Some unexpectedly, light appeared in several rooms. Someone is still here, is it other tourists? Or, was it a wild psychologist who was left to participate in the seminar? Of course ~ ~ also has the possibility of "acquaintance" or "enemy".

Long trek and violent fighting made my shoes damaged and had to walk barefoot on the muddy road. The muddy water on the roadside forms a yellowish puddle on the pavement. The cold and rough feeling makes it hard to be liked. I took off the patient's uniform, wringed out the water, wiped my head and face, and put it on again. Although it will soon become wet again, but this kind of action can calm down the surging thoughts.

After meticulously completing these things, I raised my knife barefoot and knocked on the door of the villa I lived in-one of the rooms where the light was on was in this villa.

Who would be here?

I do have expectations. (To be continued)

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